Long time no see my faithful viewers/readers! I can't believe it's been two years since I last updated! A lot has happened during that time and I'm sorry for not updating. However, with this pandemic going on, I'm going to try to update more since it gives me something to do as well as yourselves something to do. Bear with me though, it's been two years and I'm trying to figure out where I'm at in the story! Thus, I present chapter 23!

*Warning, this chapter may be graphic to some viewers thus, viewer discretion is advised*

Savannah's Point of View

"Don't trust him!", Kai's words rang through her ears.

Who exactly couldn't she trust? Then again, Kai was the one who couldn't be trusted. She didn't even know why he was there, remembering how he acted at her birthday party. Her attention was brought back to Ella who was still crying.

"Everything's ok sweetie!" she cooed as she wiped the child's tears.

"That man is scary Onyx, why did he say that!" Ella said with a sniffle.

"I don't know if I'm to be honest with you. All I know is that we need to check on your parents and Jareth." Ella nodded at this statement and off they went.

You would think that she would remember how to navigate the castle but that was not the case. Savannah had gone around the 10th corner before realizing she was lost. However, to keep Ella from panicking, she pretended to know where she was going.

"Is anyone out there?" She heard a familiar voice shout.

"That sounds like William Onyx!" Ella beamed.

She was absolutely right, but where was his voice coming from?

"William!" She called back, but there was no answer.

At this time, Ella was starting to get heavy on her hip, so she placed her on the ground and asked her to walk with her. Ella smiled and grabbed her hand before guiding her. "Wait who's following who?" Savannah thought.

It was as if Ella was in a trance. The little girl rounded corners and opened doors as if she had known where she was going (even though that was impossible because this was her first time in the Goblin Castle).

"Ella, we need to go to my room and check on Jareth. Where are you taking me?"

"To William" said the child.

While Savannah was worried about William, she was far more worried for Jareth at the moment. Savannah let go of Ella's hand before she heard William's voice again. She looked all around but still couldn't see where it was coming from.

"William, keep calling out to me!" Savannah shouted.

He did as he was told which led Savannah to a vent in the floor. Why the hell was his voice coming from down there? Then a light-bulb came on in her head, he was in the dungeon. Jareth's jealously was really getting on her nerves. Now, she had to go down there and release him because the dungeon was one of the scariest and dangerous areas of the castle. Even she was there as her 15-16-year-old self, Jareth never let her go down there.

The question now was, how was she going to get down there? Using her powers was still very much out of the question. She knew she couldn't get Jareth involved as he was currently unconscious and even if he was conscious, he would forbid it. That just left her and Ella, but Ella was far to young to go down there. Before she knew it, Ella let go of her hand and dashed through a door across the room.

"Ella, stop! Where are you going?" She screamed! Ella had never acted like this before; this left an uneasy feeling in her stomach. Her mind rushed to her memories of Dane and instantly she felt this was a trap. However, she had to protect Ella at all cost. With that in mind, she sprinted after her.


Every time she would catch up to Ella, the little girl would disappear again. "Damn, she's fast for a little elf!" Savannah thought. With every corner she turned and every door she went through, the amount of light grew dimmer and dimmer.

Finally, she reached what looked like the entrance to the dungeon. Ella must have gone in there considering they were in a room that was pitch black apart from one torch next to the door. Other than that, there were no doors, so even if Ella didn't go in there, Savannah would've seen her or passed her.

Something was definitely wrong; Ella had been terrified of the dark since she was a baby. Not to mention she was always taught not to wonder into areas she wasn't allowed to be in. Thankfully, Ella had some powers of her own as Savannah could see a ball of light running on the other side of the door. She grabbed the torch beside the door (along with all the courage she could muster) and entered the dungeon.

The sound of a heavy door closing echoed behind her and she knew there was no turning back. There was only one way to get in the dungeon and two ways to get out. Obviously, she had found the entrance, but the exit, she knew was rather tricky to get to. When Jareth talked about the dungeon, he told her the only way to leave was through magic and through a secret entrance through the sewers underneath the goblin city. While option two did not seem ideal (especially since she was still in her wedding gown), option one was out of the question, so she would have to suck it up.

"Ella, where are you?" Savannah whispered since she had lost the little girls light. Sounds of Jareth's suffering prisoners filled her ears which made her stomach turn. Rats and mice scurried across her feet as she walked and the only thought that went through her mind was that she needed to get Ella and William and get the hell out of there.

"Who are you!" Roared a voice.

Savannah whirled around to find a giant wolf starring at her hungrily.

Jareth's Point of View

The world was black around him and the only thing he could remember was falling out in front of his bride to be. Why was nothing working out for him? More importantly, why couldn't he bring himself out of this abyss? He was one of the most powerful beings in the Underground, so naturally he should've been able to bring himself out of it. Come to think of it, how did he get like this? Other than coming back from the dungeon and talking to Savannah nothing should have…wait!

He instantly thought about William and how he walked into the dungeon with no fear. He was obviously not who he said he was which meant Savannah and the people in the Castle were in danger. In his dream state, Jareth began walking since, while this spell was powerful, there was always a way to break it.

Before long, he came upon a light at the end of what appeared to be a tunnel. Once he got to the end, he realized he had just left a cave and came to the entrance of a different castle. Based on his knowledge of the kingdom's he could tell he was in the Kingdom of Gremlins. Suddenly, his ears rang with the screams of his beloved Savannah coming from within the castle.

Without a second thought, he burst through the castle doors and followed her screams. Finally, he reached a door. Savannah's screams grew intensely on the other side of said door and within a second the door was kicked down. He had no clue of the horror he would see next.

There before him was Savannah and Kai. Savannah was lying naked on the bed as Kai assaulted her. He could see her tears and the scratch marks on Kai's neck from where she had tried to escape. In a pit or rage Jareth screamed.

"What the hell are you doing!"

Kai stopped for a moment and looked at him with a smile. By that point Savannah had lost consciousness.

"Ah, Jareth! So nice to see you, I'm a little busy right now, but feel free to watch or leave." Kai said before laughing and continuing.

"I will gladly leave after I rescue Savannah!" Jareth replied before running towards them.

Before he knew it, the floor fell from beneath him allowing him to come back to the reality that none of this was real and was all apart of the sick spell he was under. He had realized that this spell prayed on all his fears and that unless he broke it, he would be forced to keep reliving every fear he ever felt.

He had to act fast, the only way he would be able to break this spell would be to play along with whatever's happening as if he didn't care in the slightest. However, if the next illusion was anything like the last, that would be extremely difficult. If he could just remind himself that none of this was real, be felt confident he could break it.


Jareth continued walking and before long, he came across another light in his tunnel of illusions. This time however, he exited the tunnel through a closet door. "What hell am I in now?" He wondered around the room he was in before glancing out the window. In the distance, he could see a small village, but he was obviously not in the Labyrinth. After close consideration, he felt he was in the Elf kingdom.

Jareth left the room and wandered the halls before running into Giselle, Queen of the Elves and the wife of his best friend.

"Jareth? What are you doing here?" She asked confused.

He felt that he might have been in a memory, more than likely it was one of Williams memories since he was the twat that put a spell on him. With that in mind however, he decided to play along.

"Oh, I just came to check up on Onyx, could you tell me where she is?" He asked innocently.

Giselle's expression turned from confusion to sadness.

"It hasn't been that long Jareth, don't you remember?" She questioned.

Still playing along he responded, "I unfortunately hit my head a couple days ago and have found that I can't remember very much, could you kindly fill me in on everything?" While this was probably the lamest lie, he's ever created, he hoped it would work on her.

She looked at him questionably before signing. "Savannah found out that you had Enrique put a potion in her food over the years to make sure she would always love you. After she found out, she became so angry that she almost used her powers. Thankfully, William kept her from doing so. In the end she called off the wedding, moved here, and married William. I'm honestly still upset with both you and Enrique. Because of you, our marriage has been suffering as well…"

Jareth swallowed hard, this wasn't a memory, but a prediction of the future! He ran off to search for his beloved. He could hear Giselle in the distance.

"I wouldn't go searching for her if I were you! You probably wouldn't like what you saw!"

He didn't care however because he needed to confront whatever it was to break the curse. Suddenly, he could hear noises coming from behind a door. He deeply regretted the last time he opened a door, but he would regret it even more if any harm would come to Savannah while he was in this state.

Thus, he gently opened the door to find Savannah and William making love. However, it wasn't like the last time. Savannah was enjoying the act, her moans hit him like a slap. Not long after opening the door though he was noticed, and the activities stopped.

"It's just an illusion!" he tried to remind himself before Savannah spoke.

"You're pathetic Jareth! Why are you here!" She said angrily. Beside her William glared at him with a half-cocked smile.

He had to pretend he didn't care, "What are you talk- "but he was interrupted.

"Let me stop you right there, I never loved you! Not even before the potion you foolishly poisoned me with! How could I love someone whose confidence is so low that they have to resort to tricking people with potions." Savannah yelled.

"I'm sorry…" Jareth said as his eyes began to swell with tears. Why was this effecting him so much! He needed to focus yet he couldn't because her words were one of his strongest fears.

"Stop your fake crying! I have no remorse for a pathetic king such as yourself. You will never be a match to William!"

That final statement was like the last blow. He looked at her, a tear rolling down his cheek, before she and William began to kiss In front of him. He couldn't take it anymore, illusion or not he refused to watch this. Jareth raised his hand preparing to strike down William once and for all before the floor once again fell beneath him, putting him back where he had started.


"Dammit!" He screamed in his head. He was once again fooled by the spell. At this rate it would take days for him to get out of it. No, he refused to succumb to this and vowed to himself that no matter what he sees next, he wouldn't pay mind to it! Before long, he came across another light.

This time, he was outside and could hear the ringing of bells. He looked down to find that his clothes had turned all black. Suddenly someone ran into him with tears in their eyes. Jareth had tried to stop them to see what was going on, but the person kept going. Thus, he decided to follow them.

After following them for some time, he found himself back at the Elf Kingdom only this time, the atmosphere was severely depressing. Everyone was dressed in black and heading towards a pavilion in the back of the castle. He followed them only to be brought to a funeral. Why the hell would he be here though? No! Jareth rushed to the casket only to find his dear Savannah lifeless. Her once warm peach toned skin turned icy and colder than winter. He was paralyzed, if this was like the previous illusion, would this be the future?

Someone tapped his shoulder, "Jareth what are you doing here? We didn't send you an invitation?"

He turned around to find a concerned Enrique. Jareth said nothing and looked back at the casket. He couldn't let this happen! Regardless of whether this was the future, he knew he needed to get back and try to change it! He had lost too many loved ones to let Savannah be the next one.

With that, he started thinking of a way to break the spell. After some time, he figured out he needed to act like he didn't care that she was dead in order to break it. Thus, he waited until they conducted remembrance speeches. Jareth walked on the stage as his deceased lover lay before him and began his speech.

"Honestly, I knew this was coming. ", he began, "Honestly who wouldn't have seen this coming, a weak girl from the above ground would never make it down here regardless of the powers she yielded." He glared at William who sat at the very front.

"I'm just saddened that I wasn't able to indulge myself in her first!" Jareth hated talking about her like this, but he continued. "Unfortunately, I never once loved her. I wanted her powers for myself so I could become the most powerful king of the underground, but since she's dead I guess I should go find some other girl to bury my cock in!" The crowd grew angry and began to yell for him to leave. Jareth stopped his speech and wondered why nothing was happening. The spell should've been broken! Suddenly he was punched in the face before falling on the ground. Before he knew it, he felt a pain like the pain he felt when he succumbed to the spell.

It had worked! The world around him started to melt away and he began falling again into unconsciousness.


"Jareth!" Called a voice.

His eyes flew open only to meet those of Enrique.

"How long was I out!" Jareth asked worriedly.

"About three hours." Replied Enrique.

Only three hours? It had felt like forever! His head was still throbbing as it was trying to come back to reality. Jareth's eyes widened and he tried to get up only to be pushed back down by Enrique.

"With all due respect Jareth, you need to rest! All the guest know the wedding has been pushed to tomorrow!" said Enrique.

"I don't care about that at the moment, Where's Onyx!"

Savannah's Point of View

The wolf began to approach her slowly.

"I asked you a question woman! Who are you!" It said angrily.

Savannah inched back only to fall on her bum. In a shaky voice, she replied.

"My name is Onyx, bride of Jareth! I'm just looking for my friend!"

The wolf growled. "If you're friend is down here, they must have deserved it, Jareth makes no mistakes!".

Savannah chuckled foolishly before remembering who she was in the presence of.

"Please, I'll do anything to help my friend. There was a misunderstanding I promise!"

The wolf huffed and appeared deep in thought before speaking. "If you wish to free your friend, you must take their place as to not upset my master."

She thought hard because while the wolf was intimidating, it wasn't very bright. Savannah knew if she took Williams place, Jareth would free her in an instant and the wolf would be punished. So, she agreed to the wolf's terms and followed him down the stairs of the dungeon.

Alas! She spotted a figure on its knees in the distance.

"William!" She screamed.

Williams head lifted and his face produced a smile as he saw his fair maiden. When she reached his cell, the wolf breathed on the lock which melted it into a pile of liquefied iron. William opened the door and embraced her with his strong arms.

"Even a dungeon couldn't deplete you of your beauty!" He said with a smile.

Savannah blushed before realizing the questions she had. "William why are you down here! I know Jareth gets jealous easily, but this is new even for him!"

A smirk formed on his face before he hid it with a smile, "Savannah my dear," He began.

"There's something you need to know about your betrothed…"

And there you have it folks! Chapter 23 is done! I really hope you enjoy it and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for sticking with this story! I honestly forgot how much I loved writing it until today! Thus, I hope to write chapter 24 tomorrow! Much love xoxo!