Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

The house was silent. Silent, except for the sounds of rummaging coming from the kitchen. There was a frantic witch in there, running from cabinet to cabinet, flinging open the doors. A low muttering could be heard among the crashes and bangs. It was quite clear the witch was frustrated. Slamming the last cabinet door shut, she let out a short scream.

"Something wrong, love?"

The voice, belonging to the man standing in the doorway, was laced with amusement.

"It's not funny, Sirius."

"Are you on another one of your weird food craving kicks?"

"I have not been eating any weird foods lately!"

"Oh, so just the other night you didn't have mushy peas and curry for dinner?" he asked, eyebrow arched to let her know he clearly did not believe her. She blushed. It had only been that one time...

She sat down n the nearest chair with a huff, crossing her arms. She looked every inch the petulant child. Sirius came up behind her and began to rub her shoulders.

"What are you looking for, love? Maybe I can help."

"I can't find my chocolate! I had it hidden in here, and now I can't find it anywhere! I swear, Sirius Black, if you have taken it..."

"Ha! I know better than the steal chocolate from anyone in this house. You've been eating a lot of chocolate lately. Like Father, like Son?" he asked, as his hands slipped down to caress her slightly swollen stomach. She batted his hands away.

"You know very well that this baby could be yours."

"Oh, I know, love," he said in return and she could hear the smirk in his voice. "I do have an idea of where your chocolate might be."

She jumped out of the chair and turned to face him.

"Lead the way."

A wide grin on his face, he swooped down to give her a quick kiss before leading her out of the kitchen. He ended up taking her to the library where as soon as he opened the door for her, she could hear the sounds of wrappers being opened. Her narrowed eyes scanned the room before landing on the other person in their relationship.

"Remus Lupin!"

At the sound of her voice, he flinched and then looked at her guiltily.

"Hermione! Um... how are you feeling?"

Her eyes narrowed even further at his poor attempt at deflection.

"Remus, I love you, you know that. But I have just one word for you. Run."

He took her advice and bolted, Sirius' laughter ringing throughout the room.

Take a Prompt, Leave a Prompt: (food) mushy peas and curry

Written for my friend, Liza, in hopes that it puts a smile on her face amidst hard times.
