Hey guys, FD here, and this is not a new chapter, but a quick Author's Note. First off, I want to thank everyone who has read, liked, and commented for this one-shot, you know who you are, and you are all amazing, just like this fandom.

However, I regret to inform you all that after finishing all the episodes available on my Netflix and this piece, I have started to lose interest, but it happens, and there is nothing you can really do about it. Losing interest for WK is not something I can really control (maybe I wasn't even that into it in the first place *shrugs*). But back to the point, I have sadly moved on, and am now working on other stories for other fandoms.

This also means that I will not be doing the Jurassic Park and Wild Kratts crossover that I said I was going to do, due to A: Me moving on, and B: Not many people seeming to like the idea very much. However, the idea is available for anyone to use if they want to, and you don't have to PM me or anything if you plan to use the idea and write the story, if anything, I might end up reading it myself. But I will still be doing another Jurassic Park story over on their fandom, and more information will come as it comes out.

And that is it folks. Again, I am terribly sorry for having to leave you all, but there is nothing more for me to do here. You guys are all amazing, and I wish you all a good-luck. Happy writing!