Dipper looked up at the hell lord and crossed his arms. "This is the final year of our bargain Mephisto, are you prepared to grant your end, or will the end clause of our agreement take effect?"

The red skinned creature looked upon the three, face breaking into a dark grin. "Oh always straight to business are we Mr. Pines?" his eyes rested upon Pacifica, focusing on her with dark intent. "And tell me, who is this lovely creature you bring with you?"

Without a word Dipper raised his arm up and swung it down in a fast motion, and as he did Mephisto was slammed down to his knees and began to gasp as if he were being choked. "No games Mephisto, our bargain comes to an end today, and if you don't hold your end of the deal I will ensure that your bindings will keep you away from this reality until entropy claims it, now talk!"

Pacifica stepped back at the sound of Dipper's tone, unsure of what to think. Trying to reconcile the normally shy and bookish boy with the man who was currently yelling at a demon was like trying to imagine a saint in a pub.

Mabel put a hand on the other girls shoulder and smiled gently, knowing that despite living in Gravity Falls the girls experience with the paranormal wasn't quite at their level. Dipper and Mabel had spent years learning from and fighting things that would cause people to shake in their boots or at the very least run for the hills. But she also knew that if Pacifica wanted to be part of their world then she would have to accept the duality of their lives. Mundane and magical went hand in hand for the two.

The smile slipped away into a look that almost seemed alien to the demons face, something akin to...nervousness. "I wish to remake our bargain."

Dipper was stunned into silence for a moment, it wasn't that he hadn't expected for Mephisto to try and get out of their bargain, but making to offer to change it left Dipper in a position of power. He could suggest just about anything and the demon lord would either have to follow his lead or stick with the original deal.

"And why should I let you out of the deal we already have?"

"Because if you don't you will regret the fact that you didn't," normally such a sentence would be spoken with some underlining threat, but the demon spoke it as pure fact. "If I adhere to our original deal what happens afterwards would be out of my hands and lead to a very negative road for you and the people you care about."

Those words gave him something to consider, as it wasn't often that demons went out of their way unless something was going to specially cause harm to their status or overall existence. "And if you were presented with this deal, what new offer would you ask of yourself?"

The demon sized Dipper up for a moment before answering. "Three questions so long as they do not force me to name the being whom currently inhabits your body. Furthermore I would order myself to remain in my own realm for the next two years with no possibility of any attack against or on any existence based in this dimension."

Mabel coughed out in surprise and Dipper felt his eyes go wide at what was just offered to them. Of course the binding they had put on the multidimensional being during their first team up with Earth's Sorcerer Supreme had allowed them to put a whammy on him when the being was weak, but being offered two years where he couldn't raise a finger against anyone within the entire realm of reality was a deal onto itself.

Pacifica stepped forward and looked at the demon. "I would change the wording on that a bit?"

The demon turned to focus on the girl, eyes gleaming like burning coals. "Would you now child?"

Despite a demon glaring her down the young woman simply offered a disrespectful smirk and flipped her hair. "Yeah, three questions that you must answer to the fullest extent possible, if you leave something out not relating to the direct identify of the being then you break the bonds of the contract and are forced away from here forever, here implying everything that isn't wherever you come from. Furthermore any attempt to break your two year imprisonment will active the punishment stated in the first part of the deal, to ensure that you are honest about the deal."

Dipper's mouth dropped open and Mabel gave a fist pump and a thumbs up to the girl. Despite having thought he had seen everything watching Pacifica dress down an almost literal demon was not a sight he would be soon the forget. "Well there goes me every deciding what movies we are watching," he muttered under his breath.

Mephisto simply looked at them for a moment before giving a single nod of his head. "Despite your disrespectful tone I can agree to these terms, any three questions with the qualification that I must answer to the fullest extent of my abilities unless doing so would cause me to speak the name of the being."

Pacifica shot Dipper a thumbs up before stepping back and allowing him to take change of the situation again. "Okay three questions," Dipper thought for a moment, trying to pin down the exact wording for what he needed. "Will the current seal we are using indefinitely stop the creatures resurrection?"

Mephitso glanced over him for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "As I have to answer in the most complete form possible the answer is that I can't be quite sure. What you contain of the being is a fraction of a fraction of its power. When the ritual was activated only a portion of it was fully revealed. The odds are good that if you died naturally the portion would simply die off with you. And because it wouldn't have a complete form it wouldn't be able to raise. However

I would put it on equally good odds that if you died the portion would return to the being and it would simply have to wait until another opportunity arose to bring itself forward."

Those words were like an arrow through the chest for Dipper, because at least before they had been certain that his sacrfice would have meaning, but if the odds were fifty fifty that after his death the creature he had given his life to seal would come back felt like a blow to the stomach. But despite that he pressed on. "Without using the direct name can you give me any information on the being?"

At that question the demon actually looked a bit concerned, raising a finger so he would be allowed a moment to think. "I can give you very little, the only safe way for me to talk of it without risking untold damage to my own existence is to speak in vague terms. The being is old, older then creation itself, it is an enemy to all things that exist and takes pleasure in their torment." those were all vague and Mephisto could practically feel the contract trying to pull more out of him. "It holds multiple titles, but most of them are impossible to understand for a human, the nearest translation I can give you is 'The one who summons the revelers on Walpurgis Night', 'the True Tyrant', and 'The Elemental Evil'."

The titles alone held enough dark imagery for Dipper to get it through his mind, whatever it was he had sealed was on a level above anything he had ever faced directly. It was beyond even a lord of another dimension like Mephisto.

A sudden thought struck him, his eyes narrowing toward the demon. "Why did you offer three questions, rather then trying to bargain for something less?"

Mephisto simply offered Dipper a dark smile. "Because at this moment your friends are under attack by a very powerful force, and the longer I keep you here the greater the chance that they will all be dead by the time you reach them."

Dipper bit back and curse and ended the seance, sending Mephisto back to his realm and looking back toward his sister and Pacifica. "We need to go, now!" he broke into a sprint with the two girls right behind him.

Being a dragon came with a number of perks, Jake would never say that it didn't. He had seen beautiful things that people would give an arm and a leg to view. He had experienced true flight that had given him a perspective on the world. And in a way his duty itself was a perk, even on his worst nights after seeing just how bad things could get he knew that at least some of what he did made a difference.

But there were times like this that really showed off the negative of the jobs. With a quick leap he dodged out of the way of an unseen attack that only a finally honed sixth sense had allowed him to predict, blocking another strike by transforming his arms from skin to hardened dragon scale to avoid any direct damage.

It was impossible to guess just how many creatures were attacking him, because they shot out from the trees in unseen blurs and were gone before he could even muster up a counter attack.

Normally in a situation like this he would have gone full dragon and started kicking butt, as was his normal response to creepy supernatural things trying to get a piece of him. Unfortunately when he had told Dipper that his magic tanks were running dry he hadn't been kidding, being dead center in a war against the Black Dragon clan had pushed him to the limit, even flying here had taken most of the magic in his body. Even changing small parts of himself like his arms or summoning his tail was quickly becoming much more difficult for him.

If he had managed to grab a quick nap or had rested for meditation rather then goofing off he might not have been so bad off, but the fact was he hadn't expected to run into anything he couldn't take out here even without a full transformation. He dodged two more quick attacks and started to run through his options.

There was a chance he could escape, but the girls that had come with them were only being protected from the fight by a cage of fire he had made around them when the attack began. He wasn't fast or strong enough at the moment to take all of them at once. It wasn't an acceptable option because he couldn't guarantee they wouldn't be hurt by whatever these things attacking him were.

The second option available would be to throw everything he had into a big attack that would strike everywhere around him without giving the creatures a chance to escape. Doing so would leave him utterly drained and would probably burn quite a few trees, which would suck but magically flame allowed for regrowth to happen faster in an area. The stories of dragons coming down and burning crops and forests had been misunderstood stories of the lands protectors coming down to burn what little remained of a harvest to ensure a good growing season the next year. He could make sure it didn't hit the girls, and that made it at least acceptable in his mind.

The last option was the one that would be the best in the short term, but down the road would increase the chances of something bad happening. When utterly tapped a dragon such as himself could feed off the ambient magic of an area to fuel themselves during a battle. Normally doing something like that would be fine, because magic would simply come back as the creatures around the area did their thing. But Gravity Fall's wasn't a normal place, the air itself tasted of dark magic due to the various evil beings who flocked to the land.

Dark magic was dangerous because it was utterly unnatural, tainted, and more then anything raw. It was like trying to grab a tornado and swing it around like a club, you might hit what you are aiming at, but its more likely you just ended up causing more damage. And to a being like Jake whose soul practically ran on magic trying to absorb it could lead to it corrupting him. He knew on a fundamental level that he was a good person, that he would never go out of his way to hurt an innocent person, but temptation had never been easy for him, and once he went down the road of solving things with dark magic he might never be able to come back.

"Which means I only have one option." Jake reached deep into himself and drew out all of his remaining magic, converting the energy into flame, surrounding himself with it until his entire body looked to be caught in the middle of an inferno. It felt like a massive pressure coming from all around him, like stone armor.

But despite this he managed to throw his arms to either side and send it out in a massive wave, hitting everything around him but the cage the girls were inside.

Trees hit by the flames instantly caught fire and were reduced the ash, grass became one with the burnt ground, and by the time it was finished the small camping spot they had taken was in the center of a circular area of complete deforestation. His breath came out in heavy pants and he fell to his knee, fighting the urge to pass out on the spot.

But for a moment he could at least be relieved that it had worked, and that his friends were out of danger. The fire cage disappeared as the last bit of his power slipped away, and when it did all his hopes came crashing down.

As soon as the lines of fire disappeared he could make out shapes hidden in the dark, their bodies still in a perfect position to hide themselves completely

behind it and thus protect themselves from his attack. They had used the one blind spot he had included to protect themselves, and now he could hardly force himself to stand.

The creatures moved with incredible speed, picking up Candy and Grenda and throwing them near Jake, careful to stay out of the small amount of light the campfire was giving off. They surrounded the circle of light, slowly moving forward as if they had all the time in the world. And with each step the fire dimmed just a bit more, until they were so close that Jake was able to make out the yellow glow of their eyes more then he could the light from the campfire.

Candy and Grenda had gotten up and looked ready to fight, but they were scared despite the show of bravery. Neither of them were ignorant to the blatant weirdness of the town, and both were more then willing to defend themselves. But normally when they did this sort of thing Dipper and Mabel were there to back them up, tell them what to do. They weren't warriors, they were just people.

Jake drew in a deep breath and clenched his fist. "You two...close your eyes for me okay?" they looked at him but simply gave a quick nod and screwed their eyes shut. "I don't know who you guys are, but you are going to be really sorry by the time this is over." there was no way to run, and he was offically out of magic. Which meant it was time for option two.

He knew that after this battle there was a chance that he wouldn't be himself. There had only been two situations in his life that had made him use dark magic, the first had been a situation where if he hadn't a lot of good people would have ended up getting hurt and the bad guys would have won. The second time had just been easier, and because of his actions two people ended up dead. They were bad guys and it wasn't like even if he had beat them normally they would have just stopped being evil, but he hadn't done it because he needed to. The detox had been intense after that, and he didn't really know if he could kick it again.

But just before he could draw in any dark magic the campfire roared upwards like a volcano exploding, sending the hidden figures away to their shadows.

"Back off!" Dipper, Mabel, and Pacifica exploded from the treeline and got over to Jake and the girls in record time. "Info while their distracted, quick."

"I don't know man, haven't seen anything like them before. They are fast and don't like being seen, oh yeah and they hit like a truck." Jake finally managed to get himself to draw a breath and release the dark magic he had been about to absorb. His entire body felt like utterly weightless. "I am tapped man, I am not going to be much help here."

Mabel nodded and looked at her two friends. "Get Jake out of here, back to the Mystery Shack and get Ford," she tightened her hand into a fist and readied herself for combat.

The three of them wanted to argue, but knew it was pointless to do so. "What about Pacifica?" Grenda asked quickly.

The blonde haired girl smiled at the other two. "Unlike you two I am armed and trained to kick butt. Just get out of here and leave it to us."

Mabel felt a swell of pride for the person who she already considered a new member of their family. It had taken a bit but she had known that Pacifica was a good person, and having her say that she would stay with them despite obvious danger just confirmed what she already knew in her heart. "Dip?"

Dipper clapped his hands together and created a large ball of light, flicking it quickly over Jake and the girl. "Go, we can get them to focus on us long enough for you guys to get out of here."

Despite wanting the argue the three knew that they would be dead weight in a fight against such things, so they moved as quickly as they could out of the area and into the forest. Now it was only the three standing against the unknown number of beings hiding within the darkness of the forest. For a moment there was silence as the two sides stared each other down.

Then one of the creatures burst forth from the dark into the small circle of light, rushing toward Mabel for another quick strike. But it had underestimated its own might after having fought the weakened Jake, as Mabel react despite the beings unnatural speed, blocking the attack with crossed arms in order to slow it down enough for Dipper to get a good look at it. But it managed to quickly get back to the shadows, appearing as little more then a flash of darkness.

"Pacifica cover me for a moment," Dipper muttered a few words under his breath and summoned the three journals Ford had created so many years ago, books he had converted into conduits for his magical power. "Cross reference of creatures, keyword fast and hidden." each of the three books opened, shooting through each page as if being quickly scanned by invisible eyes. Another of the creatures attempted a charge but Pacifica fired a warning shot before it could get close. Years of sneaking around the manor while trying to avoid her parents had left her with razor sharp senses.

Finally one of the books stopped on an open page while the others closed, floating in front of Dipper. "Hide Behind, shoot of course it has to be one of the few creatures that has no information on it." even during his trips around the world when he had been interested in expanding upon the creatures Ford hadn't been able to write full reports on he had only found scattered reports. They were natural assassins who could spread fear into weaker willed beings, striking from the shadows and disappearing. The only clear weakness he had noticed from the reports were a strong revulsion with alcohol, leaving prey that had been drinking mauled by uneaten.

"You know us...that means you must die." they spoke as a single being, tens of voices mixed to sound like one. And the voice itself was odd, like wind pushing leaves, so soft it might have been the imagination. The creatures eyes glowed bright, making spotlights against the darkness of the night as inhuman chanting and the sounds of drums began to ring through the area. Almost immediately all of the light in the area utterly disappeared, until even the few fleeting stars in the sky seemed to blink out of existence.

"Bro?" Mabel clenched her fists and tried to make out her friends in the darkness, but before she could get adjusted she felt a powerful force ram into her and send her flying. She hit the ground hard and hardly had time to react before she felt claws drag across her sweater. It was only due to the enchantments Dipper had provided over her clothing that it took the brunt of the damage rather then her.

Pacifica found herself reaching into her pocket and touching the coin that had been offered to her, wondering if this was really the time to flip it. If they weren't fast odds were that no amount of resistance would prevent a bad end for them. But they couldn't win a fight against something they couldn't see, not with brute strength alone, that meant it was time to use her brain.

Despite knowing less about the Hide Behind then Dipper she had remembered Mabel and him arguing about it all those years ago, one of the few times they had gotten to spend together, apparently it had been some mysterious creature that he hadn't been able to document or prove existed. They didn't want to be seen, but part of their approach nagged at her. Their end goal was to kill them it seemed, but they were outnumbered and it seemed outpowered by the things so why didn't they just charge in and finish it?

Sadism was the easy answer but it had to be more then that, because if it wasn't then the only clue she had to go on would be pointless. "Wait, no thats right," part of her remembered after hearing the argument she had done research of her own, at the time she justified it as a mad interest while she knew now she had wanted to impress the two by finding out about a creature even Dipper hadn't been able to find. There had been so little, but in the hidden little library her parents had that contained so many journals kept by the seedier members of her family she had read about a small cult that worshiped a group of tall tree like beings until one day they had been wiped out. The only thing left behind was a cave that contained a number of writings and a perfectly carved out section of the wall. Not a bunch of ruble but the stone have been carved out, meaning they couldn't let it be damaged. It was a long shot, and she was overreaching because if they didn't have something they would be dead.

But no toys, no paintings, nothing to symbolize the creatures the cult worshiped, only a few scattered notes and a carved out section of the wall. No one went so far as to utterly remove pictures and stay out of the spotlight to the point where it was easier to block out all lights then just attack unless there was a point. It couldn't just be that knowing what they looked like hurt them, because at some point they had been worshiped.

The carved out section of wall, the destruction of the cult. It clicked in her mind. "Dipper!"

"What?" his pained voice called back, having been used as a punching bag by the creatures himself despite his best efforts. All of his magic required a line of sight, and any attempt to summon a light was quickly ended by the shroud of darkness the creatures had cast over the area. Using a spell was to risky if he ended up hitting the girls.

"I don't think these things can let people know what they look like, something about what they look like hurts them if cop-" a harsh cry rang out as the beings rushed to silence the girl.

Despite the pain Pacifica couldn't help but smile, she had been on the money, and the creatures rush to silence her proved it.

Dipper felt a spark of anger rise in him as hearing Pacifica's pain, and her words gave him enough of an idea of where to start in order to give out some vengence. He needed an image of the creature in order to hurt or weaken them. But no one had ever gotten a good enough look at a Hide Behind in order to copy its image, at least none that he was aware of.

But then a thought flashed in his mind, these beings would have to carefully monitor someone who was hunting after them, like he had so many summers ago. But he had left the camera in the forest all those years ago, even if he had gotten something it wouldn't matter unless he could find it. "Unless," he put a hand over his heart and scowled. There was a chance he might be able to summon it to him, but to do so he would need to break these shadows and properly form a summoning circle. But to get enough power to break the shadows he was going to have to tap into the thing he was keeping holed up, which would damage his soul further. "No guts no glory."

Emerald flame danced to life around his hands as he focused on the dark magic in the air around him, manipulating it like a puppeteer and gathering it around him. Then with one word the power exploded around him, burning away the magically created shadows and leaving himself exhausted.

With the shadows suddenly gone the Hide Behinds were able to be seen with the small light provided by the fire, tall and skinny creatures that could have easily been living trees at the sight of them. They were each uniform, like exact copies of each other. As one the beings hissed and tried to escape toward the shadows, but Mabel gave a wolf like grin and charged directly at the surprised creatures, slamming a powerful fist into one of the beings and sent in flying. Wood chips and broken bark came off the creature, revealing small bits of fur hidden under the creatures wooden armor.

Pacifica finished the weakened foe once Mabel was out of the way with a single shot from the ray gun, hitting the spot where Mabel had hit and watching as the creature exploded into a ball of fire. Part of her felt bad about ending the things life, the other part felt relived there was one less enemy to hit them.

Dipper meanwhile got down and began to hastily scrawl a circle with a number of strange symbols along it, pulling out a pocketknife to cut the tip of his thumb, letting three drops of the red liquid fall into the circle and imagining his camera, summoning the image to his mind from all those years ago. For a moment he worried the spell would misfire, but soon enough the camera appeared. "Ye-"

All his hopes were shattered when the one of the creatures flew forward and grabbed the camera from the ground, only to get hit by a charging Mabel, sending it high into the air. The remaining creatures made a mad dash toward the camera, long and skinny arms reaching up toward the camera. But before a single one could reach it the camera exploded just above their hands.

"Gotcha," Pacifica smiled and put the ray gun into her holster.

The creatures turned to look at her and howled like mad beasts, charging toward her before suddenly turning into dust just before they reached her, ash falling to the ground. For a moment the group stood panting and looking around toward each other with grins. "How did you know?" Dipper asked.

"A good guess, they removed images of themselves but didn't destroy them, and they are old american creatures so the whole myth of images containing a bit of them. It was a long shot but it was better then nothing." finally the exhaustion of the night caught up to her and Pacifica fell to the ground and a huff. Dipper and Mabel looked at her and laughed for a moment before falling down right after her. The three could only laugh for a moment, before a dark feeling swept over the area.

"It seems my kin have fallen, a sad day," from the darkness a new figure stepped forth. It was tall like the Hide Behinds but not as thin or covered in a layer of wood. Rather it was covered in thick black hair that blended in well with the dark, yellow eyes glowing forth. Dipper and Mabel began to pull themselves up but with a wave of a clawed hand they were forced down. "But needed, they could no longer control themselves." it walked over to Pacifica and leaned over her. "You are the one who found our weakness, you have slain an entire clan of my people."

Fear ran through the girls veins, but she simply have a defiant huff and glared up. "Its called self defense, maybe they shouldn't have picked a fight they couldn't win."

The being stayed silent for a moment before giving a harsh laugh. "Well spoken child of man," the creature slowly dragged its claws along the dirt next to her fallen body, and from the ground a blue rose grew. "Those you faced were bound by another will, eventually more will be born to replace them, but rather then death you have given them freedom from enslavement. For this service I offer you the knowledge that you have not killed a people, and should you ever need help to toss the flower onto a fire, I will know its scent and come to your aid." the creature looked toward the three and shuddered, changing into a new form, a tall and skinny black creature, so thin that it was almost impossible to make out even in the light.

"Next time we hang out in a mall," Pacifica muttered before giving into the draw of sleep.

The twins laughed at that and also gave into the call of blissful rest. They were soon found by Jake and their grunkle's who had come armed to the teeth and ready for battle, instead just finding the three asleep on the ground, beaten but no worse for wear.

A victory against all odds.

Gideon sighed and waved his hand, closing a spell he had cast to keep an eye on the battle with a disgruntled sigh. It wasn't that he had expected that it would have been so easy to defeat the Pines, but the fact they had so many allies would no doubt be quite a bit of a pain for the future plans of their organization. So many misguided fools trying to protect someone who had no idea just what trouble he could cause. "Well, guess its time to call the crew." he put his hand on the table and waited patiently as each ill defined image appeared around the massive stone table in front of him.

"I take it by the fact you don't look smug that your little mission was a failure?" one of the images asked.

It took everything in him to swallow his pride and not lash out toward the person, simply giving a nod of his head. "It appears that the Pines are not alone in their endeavors. They have made powerful friends that would put any individual ploy into check."

There were murmurs among the group, but no one seemed to directly disagree. Many of the people around the table were powerful in their own rights but had been utterly defeated by groups of heroes before.

"This group was brought together because of the simple fact that their are certain enemies the heroes of this world are unable to face, either out of morality or ignorance. Each and everyone of us has and will continue to do horrible things to people to ensure our status, but for this very reason none of us want to see the world ended," Gideon looked at each and every one of the figures before continuing. "We have managed to do so without revealing ourselves to each other, but if we are to truly beat an unknowable foe we must know each other. There must be trust between all of us so we might better move forward."

For a moment nothing but silence ran through the room, until a small chuckle rang out from one of the figures. "Very well Gideon, I can see the logic of your statement, so I will be the first to reveal myself." one of the figures came into complete view, a handsome man in a rumpled suit jacket with eyes that gleamed with evil intent. "Elias Powers, head of scientific research and development, and of course my subdivision research assistants Dr. Doofenshmirtz and Dr. Draken." next to him two figures appeared, one an older looking man with a hook like nose and the other a blue skinned man with a heavy slump.

"Very well," another figure came into full view, wearing a royal green and gold outfit and sitting lazily on what appeared to be a throne was the Norse god known as Loki, the trickster. "Head of the Illuminators magical subdivision, aided by the ruler of the thirty fourth inferno dimension known as Tom and the ancient

magical being known as the Sorcerer, both absent from this meeting."

The third figure was dressed in royal purples, armor covering his entire body. "Emperor Zerg, leader of the extraterrestrial branch of the Illuminators alongside Lord Dominator and Dr. Jacques von Hämsterviel," while linked with them the extraterrestrial branch was only interested in threats that would flow from Earth and effect the greater universe at large, such as the being within Dipper.

The fourth figure was a slender woman with a mad smirk on her face. "Heloise, no other titles needed. And I supposed I provide most of your knuckleheads with muscle. Speaking of which I am expecting extra payment, it wasn't cheap to bind so much power to a single stone tablet."

Gideon looked over the council with a grin of satisfaction, because at that moment he knew the true quality of the people whom he stood with. This was his purpose in life, to make the world a better place through means that fit his own twisted soul. "Gideon Gleeful, head of operations."

The two figures who had stood beside him lowered their hoods. "Robbie Valentino, spymaster and weaver of dark arts."

"And I guess you can call me the muscle of the group," long red hair spilled from the lowered hood, and a half serious smile looked out toward the group.

"Wendy Corduroy." she looked at the various powerful figures, each focusing their attention on her for a moment before giving a nod of her head in respect. "I believe I have a suggestion that can bring Dipper into our fold peacefully,"

"I don't know, it seems violence might be the easier method to dispose of such riffraff." an older voice from behind the three drew the attention of the rest of the group.

"Oh and how can we forget, leader of our financial division and head of funding," Gideon stepped out of the way and revealed the last member of their group.

"Preston Northwest."

If you don't know which show everyone is from I suggest googling the name, because they are all Disney villains from various shows produced by the channel in one way or the other. Of course each division has more then just the listed people as I still reserve the right to draw from the entire canon of Disney shows.

Also this chapter was a pain in the butt. I wish I had an excuse for not doing this sooner, but the simple fact of the matter was this story just wasn't really getting attention, but I don't know, some part of me wants to see this continued. It is low priority compared to my stories that draw in thousands of views and twenty reviews a chapter, but its a project I have a lot of passion for.

By the by I am looking for an editor to help me with this, because I have a horrible eye for editing mistakes. So help on that end is appreciated.

Next chapter will have some old friends becoming new enemies and a flame of the past that might seek to snuff out the light between Pacifica and Dipper. Stay tuned.

If you would like to see this story update a bit quicker the best way is to pass it to your friends and leave lots of reviews. Because I am not doing this for money the biggest reward I get is to know people like the story enough to actually comment on it. That may sound petty but I am obviously a madperson for writing a Disney crisis crossover so yeah.

Also the first person to guess what creature is inside of Dipper can recommend the next character Dipper and Mabel will meet. So long as their character has existed in a Disney show. If you guess right I will shoot you a PM.