Sorry for the choppy ending kiddos.

Disclaimer: I only own the plot (or at least I hope I do).

Word Count: 6,674

Warning: Smut and the usage of drugs and alcohol (and a little Steca)

Summary: A werewolf!Chloe has no clue how to behave around Beca. Add a full moon to the equation and she'll see how much control she really has.

*****This has not been edited*****

It was a full moon tonight. Chloe hates full moons. She always so much more...loose. Her senses were even stronger, she was just stronger in general, and her hunger was simply unbearable. But it wasn't a hunger for food, or a hunger to kill. No, it was a hunger for Beca Mitchell, and that might be more dangerous than anything. That is the one thing that wasn't stronger on full moons; her control over her desire for Beca. It was so weak that she sometimes had Aubrey chain her up so she wouldn't go and ravish the freshman.

Beca Mitchell was one of the new Bellas that her and Aubrey let in. She was absolutely divine, from the way she talked to the way she walked. Chloe found herself staring at the small brunette more than often. She'd usually start of staring at her face, then she'd go down her neck...her breasts...her ass. That day in the shower gave her an insight, but man, Chloe would kill to to see more. She needed to snap out of it. But those tattoos...and piercings...fuck. The redhead couldn't help but wonder if there were more she couldn't see. All she ever wants to do is go back in time to that shower and have her way with the girl, claim her as her own. Those thoughts had been on her head when she launched into the shower and saw those beautiful navy eyes. It had been a full moon that night too.

Chloe stared at the mirror above her bathroom sink. Her eyes were glowing yellow and her heart was beating fast with thoughts of Beca. The shorter girl was making her a lunatic. She splashed cold water onto her face and took deep breaths. She was wearing a flowy, white spaghetti-strapped top and ripped, lightly washed denim jeans. Chloe looked hot and she knew it. Tonight wasn't about Beca, it was about enjoying herself. If only she knew how wrong she was...

"MITCHELL! Get your pale ass up!" Beca groaned and rolled onto her back. She grabbed her phone, brows furrowed as she checked the time, seeing multiple texts and missed called from Stacie. I literally went down for a nap 17 minutes ago…

"MITCHELL!" The shouting and banging didn't stop. Beca groaned again before rolling off her bed and walking to the door. She opened it as Stacie was getting ready to knock again. The tall girl was holding a small duffel bag in her hand.

"Mitchell! I've been texting and calling you for the past 10 minutes! What took so damn long?" Beca groaned for the third time.

"I was fucking sleeping you damn banshee," Stacie looked the small brunette up and down, seeing her ruffled clothing and bleary eyes.

"Well now you're not. We have somewhere to go," Stacie barged in and placed her bag down. She proceeded to make a beeline to Beca's closet. Beca locked the door and flopped back onto the bed. In the 3 months she's been at this school, her and Stacie grew close. They spent a lot of their off time together and found that their personalities complement each other.

"Rebeca! Get your ass up," Stacie shouted over her shoulder from inside of Beca's small dorm closet.

"Anastasia! Calm your ass down," Beca buried her face back into her pillow. Stacie didn't respond and continued to rummage through her belongings. Without Stacie's screeching, the room was peaceful. Well, peaceful enough for Beca to feel herself fall asleep again. She was almost asleep when she heard an excited screech fall from Stacie's mouth. The scream made her eyes shoot open and her heart pound.

"WHAT! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Stacie didn't respond and instead turned around, holding a piece of black fabric that Beca's sleepy mind couldn't comprehend at the moment.

"Beca! This dress is so fucking cute why have I not seen this before?" Stacie plopped down on the bed next to her. Beca didn't hear much of what she said.

"You are making all that ruckus because of a fucking dress?" Beca glared at the taller brunette. Stacie rolled her eyes.

"Yes, because I bet this looks good on you. You're such an old lady; first you want to sleep at 8 PM and now you're saying ruckus? What's next?"

"Get off my lawn," Beca deadpanned, entertaining her best friend. Stacie stood up, pulling a kicking and whining Beca to her feet.

"Put this on right now young lady," Stacie shoved the dress into her hand. Beca looked down, recognizing the dress that she never got to wear. It was black and strapless. The sides had a few horizontal slits that would show off her skin from the top of her ribs to the bottom of it. There was another vertical slit that went from her waist to the bottom of the dress, showing off her left thigh. The dress was meant to be worn at a party, but the guy who had been throwing it (her ex-boyfriend) had gotten arrested a few days before it for drug dealing. Beca couldn't help but chuckle at the memory.

"Are you going to put it on or not?" Beca looked up to see Stacie's perfectly sculpted right eyebrow raised at her.

"Yeah yeah now turn around," Stacie pouted.

"Beca…" The tall brunette whined. Beca shook her head and her best friend relented, turning around with her arms crossed mumbling about her being boring. Beca was only wearing a tank top and girl boxers. She took them off quickly and easily slid the dress on, worried that Stacie would turn around and see her nude body out of impatience. As she finished adjusting herself, Stacie turned around and gasped in shock.

"Holy fucking shit," Stacie's jaw dropped as she stared at the DJ. The dress was skin tight and ended at her mid thigh. She could feel lust pool in her stomach at the sight of Beca.

"Fuck are you starin' at Conrad?" Stacie picked her jaw back up and straightened out before a flirty grin made its way to see face.

"You look good enough to eat," She purred. Beca felt a blush make its way onto her face at the comment.

"Shut up and stop drooling. Are you going to tell me why I need to get all dressed up for?" Beca huffed at her best friend, feeling her lecherous stare.

"There's a party tonight that you're going to be my very hot date to," Stacie stared at Beca's body again, gasping when she noticed something she didn't see before. "Beca Mitchell, are those nipple piercings or are you happy to see me?" Beca looked down and her blush reddened. She had gotten them when she was 16. This was the first time she had been bra-less around Stacie.

"Mind your business," Stacie advanced towards her.

"You have got to let me see. I was considering getting them myself but I was unsure about the pain," Beca didn't think she could be redder than she was now.

"I'm not showing you my nipples!" It was that moment Kimmy Jin had walked into the room. She looked at the two weirdly before grabbing a book and heading back out. Before she left, however, she called out to Beca.

"Nice piercings," Kimmy Jin closed the door behind her and Beca groaned loudly.

"Kill me now," Beca closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.

"With pleasure," Stacie purred again. Beca narrowed her eyes at the taller brunette.

"I don't like you," The DJ made a move to flop onto the bed again. Stacie grabbed her by her shoulders and stopped her.

"Please just let me see. I promise I won't make it weird," Stacie pleaded. Beca pursed her lips, thinking for a sec.

"Fine! You better not be weird…" Beca pulled down the front of the strapless dress, exposing her breasts to the taller girl. Stacie squealed in delight and placed her face next to them.

"Oh Becs! These are so cute, I def wouldn't care about the pain if they end up looking like this," Beca thought she had reached maximum redness earlier, but clearly not. This is a new level of uncomfortable. She pulled her top back up and Stacie huffed in protest.

"I wasn't down looking! If you're going to be this way then I want a pic…" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at the small brunette. Beca grimaced and then pushed her away.

"Dude no, I said don't be fucking weird and now you want a pic of my tits?"

"Duh! I mean, if you're gonna be this way then whatever. It's not like I don't already have a mental picture for my spank bank," Stacie made a jerking off motion and Beca scoffed in disgust.

"You're such a fucking boy sometimes, I swear if you weren't my best friend I'd have punched you by now," Stacie wrapped her long arms around the brunette, picking her up.

"Aw Becs, I knew you loved me," she placed the small brunette down. "Masturbation is totally normal and healthy. It promotes relaxation, stress-relief, better sleep…" Stacie continued to list off the benefits of masturbation that Beca would've sworn she was writing an article for Cosmo.

"Okay that's very interesting Stacie. Thank you for sharing with the class, now would you put me down," Beca felt the arms around her release suddenly and she dropped to the floor, almost landing flat on her butt if it weren't for Stacie wrapping her up in her arms again.

"Don't be embarrassed Beca. Masturbation is normal and I just did it before I came over here actually," Beca grimaced and pushed her way out of Stacie's hold.

"Keep you and your grimy hands off of me and my belongings," Stacie laughed at the DJ's discomfort.

"I washed my hands okay? Now would you relax? You're acting like I masurbated to you this time," Beca stared at her in disbelief.

"This time? What do you mean by 'this time'?" Stacie looked at her best friend with a "duh" face.

"I meant that I didn't think about you this time. I thought about Aubrey if that makes you feel any better," Beca genuinely had no idea what to say.

" masturbate to the thought of me…?" She was scared to ask.

"Of course! You're really hot and I would totally have sex with you if you'd let me," Stacie had absolutely no filter. Beca shook her head to rid herself of Stacie's words.

"...Okay I think I've heard enough. Uh...what's in that duffel bag?" She pointed awkwardly to the duffel bag that was placed next to her closet. Stacie had seemingly forgotten all about it.

"Oh shit! That's my dress and makeup. Fuck we need to get ready it's already," she paused to check her phone "8:36...okay shit we need to hurry."

The two managed to get ready in relative peace with Beca only blushing a few more times. When they were done, Stacie slugged her arm around Beca's shoulder and whistled lowly.

"Well I'll be damned. We look good as fuck right now," The taller brunette stated, staring at their bodies through the long mirror placed on the wall. Stacie had insisted that Beca not wear a bra and she gave into her wishes after a while. You could see the balls of the barbell piercing along with her nipples poking through the shirt and honestly, Beca felt hot. Stacie grabbed her phone and snapped a quick mirror pic of them, uploading it to her SnapChat. It was now 9:17 and the two were ready to head out. Before they left however, Beca was sure to grab her wax pen. Stacie noticed this and smirked at the smaller girl.

"My my my Beca Mitchell. I thought you didn't want to go out tonight? Now you're trying to get high before we even get to the party." Beca smirked back at her.

"Of course Stacie Conrad. I mean, what's the point in college anyways?" She took two hits off of the pen and inhaled deeply, releasing the humidified cannabis oil after holding it in for 10 seconds. She passed it to Stacie. "Don't take too much. You'll be on your ass because that shit is strong." They passed the pen back and forth until they both had about 6 hits. Within minutes, Stacie was giggling like an idiot. Beca could feel the high but knew how to handle herself.

They finally made it to the frat house the party was taking place at. Beca kept Stacie close to her as they approached the kitchen.

"Fuck, I should not have taken that much," Stacie yelled into her ear. Beca chuckled, focusing intently as she grabbed the orange juice and vodka, making screwdrivers. She handed one to Stacie.

"Don't drink too fast Conrad." The music was loud and actually pretty decent. Stacie dragged them to the dance floor and immediately started grinding against her. Stacie and Beca were facing each other, bodies close as they danced closely. Beca was already loose from the pen, the added alcohol making her unwind. She felt a body come up behind her and got a whiff of cologne that she recognized.

"Hello Lucas," Beca didn't even look at him.

"Becky, I thought for sure you said you wouldn't come tonight," His voice was cool and his accent was thick. She smirked.

"Things change, now how may I help you?" Beca could feel him drift closer, sandwiching her body between his and Stacie's.

"Just keep dancing," Beca took another hit of the pen and grinded herself against the two. Stacie grinned, seeing Beca so relaxed. The trio were unaware of the two pairs of eyes staring at them from across the room.

Chloe was enjoying herself. She was dancing with Aubrey, had a drink in her hand (even though she could never get truly plastered like she wished to sometimes) and Beca wasn't in sight. This has been her best full moon in a while. She went to go get a refill when suddenly she smelled something heavenly. She turned towards the entrance, seeing Beca and Stacie enter. Her throat dried as she looked at Beca's choice of outfit. The hair...the dress...the makeup…the "fuck me" heels...shit. Chloe knew she was screwed. They were heading towards her when Chloe snapped back into consciousness. The two didn't see her dash off as they went to get their own drinks.

"Aubrey," She didn't have to shout loudly. Aubrey's own good hearing picking up her voice from halfway across the room. The blonde looked up, seeing her friend with a panicked look on her face.

"What happened?" Her gaze was immediately one of worry.

"Just...breathe in right now," Aubrey didn't question her and inhaled deeply. She could smell the alcohol and the sweat, the sweet perfume and stronger cologne, the people...oh. Aubrey's head locked on two girls dancing, a man coming up behind the shorter one.

"Things change, now how may I help you?"

"Just keep dancing."

Aubrey managed to find the two because of her own desire for the taller brunette. She looked to the side to see Chloe's jaw clenching so tightly, she'd be worried about her teeth breaking if they weren't supernatural. The blonde pulled on Chloe's arm to face her, the redhead not budging for a few seconds. Worried forest green eyes met bright yellow ones.

"You need to calm down, your eyes are glowing and I can smell your anger," Chloe could not be rational at the moment. She knew that if her heart rate continued to rise, her canines and claws would come out. She allowed Aubrey to drag her to the nearest unoccupied bathroom, staying silent until the door locked behind them.

"I'm going to kill him," Her stare was blank and unemotional. Aubrey glared at her.

"You will do no such thing if you wish to remain in a pack. You know the law," Aubrey, always the voice of reason. Chloe splashes water onto her face until her eyes went back to blue. They weren't the bright icy blue she normally had, no these eyes were darker, angrier.

"I'm sorry," Chloe shook her head, forcing herself back in control.

"I know you are. They're our chosen mates, given to us by the Goddess of the Moon, it's hard to deal with. If we go out there and cause a scene, they'll never want to be with us and the Alpha, my lovely father, would hand us over to the Werewolf Council in an instant. We're meant to set examples to other wolves, not go against everything we were taught and raised to be," Chloe took a shaky breath, letting Aubrey's words of wisdom bring her back to a good headspace.

"You're right. When the time is right, they'll be ours. She will be mine," There was a hint of growl in her voice. Aubrey looked her over, determining that her friend was completely normal.

"Let's head back out. Do you want to stay or go?" Aubrey held her hand on the door knob, not twisting it.

"Stay. What if she needs me?" Aubrey twisted the knob, agreeing wholeheartedly with Chloe.

Beca felt like she was floating. Her high had kicked in fully and she was in ecstasy. Her heart thumped loudly, but she ignored it. It was just a side effect of the weed. She had switched between having her backside pressed against Luke's or Stacie's, until the Brit had taken a few hits of the pen and wandered off in his high. Honestly, she didn't think she could feel better. Oh how wrong her thoughts were...

"Beca!" Stacie yelled into her ear over the music.

"Yeah?" She yelled back.

"I need to use the bathroom, let's go," Stacie grabbed her hand and led her towards the bathroom. On their way, Beca could've sworn she saw familiar heads of red and blonde hair but brushed it off. Stacie opened the bathroom door and pulled them inside, locking it behind her.

"Can I have my way with you now, Mitchell?" Stacie pinned her against the door, hands on either side of her head. Beca didn't blush or stutter.

"Is that what you brought me in here for?" Beca looked up, their faces were incredibly close.

"No, but a girl has to try," Beca saw a challenge in Stacie's eyes. She planted a quick kiss on the taller brunette's lips before pushing her off. Stacie stumbled, clearly in shock. Beca laughed and went towards the sink, checking her face for any imperfections. Through the mirror, she could see Stacie's dropped jaw behind her, pure confusion on her face. This caused another round of giggles to fall from her lips.

"I...I am truly flabbergasted Rebeca Mitchell!" Beca couldn't hold it in and released a gut-wrenching laugh. She bent over the sink, unable to stop because of her high. She could hear Stacie join in, turning around to see her clutching the door. The two probably laughed for 3 minutes straight until they collected themselves.

"Why are we in here again?" Beca asked. Stacie's eyes widened slightly at remembrance.

"Oh yeah! I need to piss," Beca rolled her eyes as the girl made her way to the toilet. Stacie did her business and washed her hands. She stood behind Beca in front of the bathroom mirror, using her right arm to wrap around the girl's upper chest where here collar bone was. Her left hand held her phone, the Snapchat app open. Beca wrapped her hands around the arm that was slung across her.

"Give me another kiss?" Beca smirked at the question. Stacie turned the camera on and pointed it towards the mirror, the flash on. In the video, you could see Beca turn her head to the left as she locked lips with Stacie. They kissed for a few seconds, a tongue slipping out to deepen it before Beca pulled back. The video ended when she did and Stacie smiled happily, watching it and posting it.

"Ready to go?" Beca raised a brow at her. Stacie nodded and the two checked themselves out in the mirror once more before turning towards the door. They exited the bathroom, returning to the dance floor.

She couldn't help but keep her eyes on them as they disappeared through the crowd to the bathrooms. Everything the two said and everything that was said to them she heard. She and Aubrey sneakily followed the two to the bathroom, waiting outside.

"Can I have my way with you now, Mitchell?" They heard a light thud and could see two pairs of heels underneath the door.

"Is that what you brought me in here for?" There was a sultry tone in Beca's voice that made Chloe angry all over again.

"No, but a girl has to try." She was going to murder Stacie. She heard the light telltale sound of a chaste kiss and felt her blood boil.

"Think they're fucked up?" Aubrey commented, mentioning the use of the wax pen they saw. The blonde was upset, but she was far more level-headed and needed Chloe to remember that they weren't sober.

Chloe thought for a second.

"Not...completely. I think they're okay but it's better to wait and watch them in case anything happens," Aubrey nodded.

The two waited, hearing their entire conversation and laughing fit.

"Give me another kiss?" The two heard Beca and Stacie's lips meet again and saw the flash underneath the door. When their lips parted, the flash went off.

"Ready to go?" Chloe grit her teeth and grabbed Aubrey's arm, dragging her off so they wouldn't be seen. They heard the door open and observed the two brunette's return to the dance floor. Chloe whipped out her phone and opened the SnapChat app, seeing that Stacie posted 46 seconds ago. Her and Aubrey watched the video of the two lip locking. Aubrey took a deep breath when she saw Stacie's tongue enter Beca's mouth.

"They're just...close friends?" The blonde offered. Chloe pointed to the dance floor where they were grinding.

"I don't think so. It's time to make our presence known," Chloe has a look of determination in her eyes that made Aubrey apprehensive.

"Will you behave?" She knew she couldn't stop Chloe even if she wanted to.

"Of course," They made their way through the crowd, ignoring the people dancing around them until they stood a foot away from the two brunette's. Neither noticed them, lost in their own world of dancing face to face. Chloe pressed her front to Beca's backside while Aubrey placed a hand on Stacie's shoulder. The redhead always was the more bolder of the two. Beca's body tensed for a second.

"Didn't think we'd see you two here tonight," Chloe yelled over the music. Beca relaxed at the familiarity of Chloe's voice and hold. The smaller brunette glanced at Aubrey.

"Didn't think we'd see you two either," Stacie responded, smiling happily at their new additions.

Chloe smiled back when she saw the dilated pupils and redness in Stacie's eyes. They're just high, those kisses mean nothing…

"May I have this dance Miss Conrad?" Chloe broke out of her thoughts when she heard Aubrey's suggestive voice. They made eye contact for a second and she got the memo.

"Beca seems pretty preoccupied so why not…" Stacie noticed her best friend's close grinding with the red headed captain. She departed from Beca's immediate proximity and began dancing with the blonde. Chloe put her hands on Beca's hips, pulling the DJ flush against her front. Chloe breathed in deeply, inhaling the small brunette's scent. She could smell the cannabis oil and the vodka-orange juice concoction. She could smell the perfume and the slight amount of sweat. She could smell that...that stupid blonde Brit and Stacie. She sensually rubbed her hands up and down Beca's flat stomach, trying to rid her of the scent of other people. Beca tilted her her head back, resting it on Chloe's right shoulder.

"Trying to cop a feel, Beale?" There was a smugness in her voice.

"Maybe…" She growled lightly in the shorter girl's ear. Beca shivered at the sound and felt desire pool in her stomach.

Chloe enjoyed Beca's reaction, and wanted to see more. She parted Beca's legs with one of her own, sliding her thigh between them. Beca gasped at the sensation and ground down on the welcomed intrusion. She brought her hands up, tangling them into Chloe's hair. Beca's body was flushed with lust. Chloe's hands and thigh and proximity were driving her insane. She needed more…she wanted more, but she was unsure of whether to let her desires become known to Chloe.

Beca looked to the right, seeing Aubrey and Stacie talking and dancing closely to one another. Aubrey had appeared to be sober, along with Chloe, so she knew Stacie would be fine.

"It's getting pretty hot in here, let's head outside for a bit," Beca slowed her dancing, waiting for Chloe's response.

"Okay," The redhead took her hand and pulled her towards the entrance, stopping to grab a bottle of water.

The duo made their way to the side of the house. Beca leaned against the cool brick wall, thanking Chloe for the water bottle.

"Didn't realize how hot it was until we got out here," Beca closed her eyes, gulping down the water greedily. Chloe watched as a few drops of the cool liquid slid down the column of Beca's throat. The muscles there flexed as she drank the water. Chloe took in a deep breath, feeling her heart rate rise at the hot sight.

"Yeah, pretty stifling in there," The redhead agreed. Beca open her eyes, her lips moist from the water. She finished half the bottle already.

"That hit the spot, I was a little cotton-mouthed," Chloe nodded, familiar with the effect of cannabis, despite never trying it herself.

"Yeah I heard."

They stood in a comfortable silence, observing each other.

"I didn't notice those piercings when I barged into your shower," Chloe smiled smugly. Beca rolled her eyes.

"Well you notice them now…" Beca took another sip of the water, monitoring Chloe's response. The redhead sucked in a breath through her nose, walking towards her until she stood right in front of the smaller girl. She placed her palms on either side of Beca's head, leaning in closely.

"You have anymore I don't know about?" Beca could feel her breath on her face. Her heart rate sped up even more than it had been before, the symptoms of her desire making itself known.

"You'll just have to find out, won't you?" Chloe grinded her teeth at Beca's sultry tone. She could feel the brunette's thumping heart and could smell her...oh shit...she could smell her.

Chloe brought her hand's down to Beca's waist, squeezing tightly as her buried her face in Beca's neck. Beca wrapped her arms around her neck, dropping the water bottle to the ground.

Clearly their grinding had more effect on the small DJ than she had noticed. She certainly didn't smell this on her when they began to dance.

"How high are you right now?" Chloe pulled back slightly, looking into reddened, half-lidded eyes.

"I know what I'm doing…and I know what I want," Chloe stared at her with narrowed eyes.

"And what is it...that you want exactly?"

"You." The answer was all she needed. Chloe slammed her lips against Beca's in an earth-shattering kiss. The brunette gasped, and Chloe took advantage by sliding her tongue in. The redhead moaned at the taste of her, greedily ravishing her mate's mouth. Beca kept up surprisingly well, burying her fingers in the thick, red mane of hair. Chloe gripped her harder, sliding her hands down to Beca's ass and palming it roughly. Beca moaned into her mouth at the sensation. The redhead reached lower, hitching up one of Beca's thighs around her waist and grinding roughly into her. Beca sucked on her tongue lewdly and Chloe could feel whatever control she had slipping away as she brought up Beca's other leg, pressing her firmly against the wall. She separated their lips with a wet pop and rested her forehead against Beca's.

"You're mine, Beca Mitchell. You've been mine since I first saw you," Beca licked her lips, missing the feeling of Chloe's.

"I'm not yours yet, Beale," Chloe opened her eyes, staring into navy ones.

"Is that a challenge?" If she moved her hands higher, she would end up slipping them underneath the DJ's dress.

"I don't feel all that challenged, to be honest…" Chloe immediately slid her hands up Beca's dress, squeezing the soft flesh of her ass through her panties. Another wave of arousal hit Beca, and Chloe could smell it all.

"How about now?" Beca suddenly felt hot again, despite being outside in the cool air.

"Nope...not at all challenged," Her voice didn't waver, making Chloe all the more determined to make her crack. She placed her lips on Beca's pressure point, sucking and nipping, surely leaving a mark. The brunette whimpered lowly in her throat, tilting her head back against the wall to give Chloe more access. Chloe released the reddened skin.

"And now?" Beca cleared her throat.

"N-no," Chloe smirked against her skin at the stutter. She nipped and licked her way down to the top of Beca's cleavage, sucking in a hickey at the top of her left breast.

"What about now?" Beca thought about giving in. Her system was in overdrive and was begging for release.

"Yes," her acceptance came in the form of a whisper falling reluctantly from thin, pink lips.

"What was that Beca?"

"YES! God yes, I feel challenged," She huffed, begging for Chloe to keep touching her.

"Who do you belong to?" Beca could feel her patience running thin, ready to give into whatever demand Chloe wanted.

"You, Chloe. I belong to you,"

"Good girl."

It was 10:07 when the two stumbled into Chloe and Aubrey's shared on-campus apartment after getting confirmation that Aubrey would stay with Stacie in the leggy brunette's single dorm. Chloe dragged the younger girl into her room, locking the door just incase. She sat down on the bed, pulling Beca to straddle her lap and claiming the DJ's mouth with her own. Beca thought that earlier she had reached her high of the night, but that didn't stand in comparison with how she felt now. Chloe's warm body below hers was better than any drug she's taken.

Chloe knew that she wouldn't be able to stop if they went any further, so she had to ask now. Pulling back, darkened icy blue eyes met nearly black navy ones.

"Beca, are you sure? Because if you don't stop me now, I don't know if I'll be able to stop later..." Beca placed her hands on Chloe's cheeks, looking down at her with a smile on her face.

"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't sure Beale. Besides...I don't think I'll be able to stop either," Chloe could feel the tension in her heart wear off. Beca may not have said it, but Chloe understood the hint that she was interested in being more than a one night stand. She pulled Beca closer to her, the sweet kiss turning passionate in a matter of seconds. Beca keened loudly when Chloe placed her hands back underneath her dress, scratching at the soft flesh of her ass. Chloe separated their lips once again, sucking at the column of Beca's throat before making her way down. Her lips met black cloth and she pulled back.

"Fuck...can I take this off?" Beca didn't respond verbally. Instead, she grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up, throwing it across the room. Chloe was not prepared at all to see the brunette mostly naked.

"You...are an angel," A light blush made its way across pale cheeks. Chloe was honestly astounded; she knew her mate was gorgeous but this felt like a different level. Maybe it was the vulnerability of the situation, or maybe it was the months of suppressed desire. Either way, Chloe knew that she'd fallen, and fell hard. Soft lips wrapped around a pink bud and Beca mewled in pleasure as a hot tongue flicked at her nipple, playing with the piercing. Chloe sucked, pulling back and releasing her nipple with a pop before turning to the next and repeating the process. Beca arched her back and scratched at Chloe's shoulders, trying to hold on. It felt like heaven to be this close to the redhead. Chloe wanted to feel even more of the brunette, so she laid Beca down onto the bed and stripped off her blouse and jeans. She climbed on top of the DJ, spreading her legs open so she can fit in between them. Chloe lied on top of her, flushing their warm bodies together and resumed their kissing.

Chloe's senses were honestly in overdrive being this close to Beca. She could feel the smaller girl's heartbeat, hear her breaths, smell her drove her crazy. The redhead broke their kiss, kissing back down a pale body. She left hickies and bite marks along the way, dipping her tongue into Beca's navel before continuing her journey downwards. Her lips came in contact with black lace and she looked up to see Beca nodding her approval. Chloe peeled back the soaked fabric and threw it in a random direction. Icy blue eyes were met with the sight of Beca's glistening wet pussy, and it was beautiful. She ran a long, slow lick from her entrance to her clit, reveling in the sound of Beca's drawn out moan.

"You taste so fucking good…" Chloe couldn't help but admitting before she buried her tongue inside of warm walls, thrusting it quickly. Beca's thighs began closing in on her head but Chloe pried her legs open, spreading her out. Beca clenched the sheets around her, bucking against Chloe's mouth and moaning out her name.

"Oh fuck Chloe I need more," The redhead replaces her tongue with two fingers, curling them inside of Beca. She sucked and flicked at her clit, making the smaller girl's legs tremble.

" fucking good," Beca doesn't think she's ever felt this pleasures before, knowing that her high is making her more sensitive than usual.

"Shit are so fucking tight," Chloe stayed as she slowly entered another finger. The small brunette had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. Chloe twisted and curled the three fingers buried inside of Beca, loving the feel of her warm heat clenching around her.

She explored Beca's heat, searching for that rough, spongy spot that would have her screaming in pleasure. Simultaneously, she sucked enthusiastically at Beca's clit.

"SHIT! Oh my fucking God that feels fucking good," Beca exclaimed when she felt Chloe's fingers rub against her g-spot.

"Mmm, there it is. You're going to be screaming my name," Chloe rubbed intently at the spot, enjoying Beca's attempts to muffle the noise. She slid another finger in and watched the brunette's eyes roll to the back of her head.

"You're stretching me so good," Chloe felt a wave of heat go straight to her core. Beca was honestly so perfect she didn't know how she could possibly be real.

"Oh shit Chlo I'm close. Please don't stop…" if anything, she picked up the pace. Beca's legs quivered and trembled as she tried to keep her moans in. Those moans quickly turned into screams the rougher Chloe got.

"Cum for me Angel," Those four words immediately set Beca off and she came hard around Chloe's fingers. At one point, the brunette was so tight that Chloe couldn't even thrusts, opting to lick at her clit to help Beca ride out her orgasm. Eventually, the brunette's body relaxed as she panted.

"Fuck…" Her voice was raspy from screaming. The redhead smirked and slowly slid out of Beca's tight, dripping heat. The brunette twitched as Chloe exited, suddenly feeling empty. The taller girl sucked two out of her four digits into her mouth, humming appreciatively.

"Open your mouth," Beca immediately obeyed the request, opening her mouth so Chloe could put her remaining two digits inside of it. Beca sucked and licked her wetness right off of Chloe's fingers, releasing it with a pop. Chloe groaned, closing her eyes for a second.

"You can not be real," Beca chuckled lightly.

"Well I am, and I think it's your turn to feel the way I do," Beca made a move to put Chloe on her back but the redhead was faster, pinning down the smaller girl's hands.

"I don't think so. I want to have you again…" Chloe released Beca and took off her remaining garments. The brunette could only watch in awe as the rest of Chloe's skin was revealed to her.

"You're fucking wow," Chloe smirked at the small brunette's awe-struck face.

"Thank you," she winked, resuming position between Beca's parted legs. "Are you flexible?" Beca nodded her head in response. Chloe grabbed Beca's left leg and placed the pale girl's calf on her shoulder. She then leaned forward, causing Beca's leg to bend. Chloe placed her hands on either side of the brunette's head and slowly rocked into her.

"Shit…" The redhead ground down harder, enjoying the sounds of Beca's whimpers. She looked at the younger girl, really looked at her. Beca's eyes were filled with lust and her skin was flushed, a light sheet of sweat clinging to it. Chloe's thrusts were causing her breasts to bounce and the redhead could feel her heart rate rising at the glorious sight.

"God Beca, you are fucking gorgeous," Beca threw her head back in pleasure. Chloe took advantage of the exposed column of her neck, sucking hickey into pale skin. It would surely be visible tomorrow. The redhead could feel her claws dig into the mattress as her canines extended and her eyes yellowed. She had a very strong urge to bite into Beca's neck with her canines to forever mark Beca as her own. Chloe's canines grazed the spot where Beca's neck met her shoulder and the brunette responded by scratching down her back.

"Faster Chloe please," Chloe picked up her pace, grinding into Beca at a dizzying speed. The ginger could feel her own orgasm approaching. It was all just so pleasurable and neither girl knew how long they'd last.

"F-fuck I'm going to cum again," The redhead leaned down, sucking a pierced bud into her hot mouth. Beca couldn't handle all of the stimulation and came with a cry. Hearing Beca's orgasm launched Chloe into her own.

"Shit Becs…" Chloe slowed down her grinding and released Beca's leg. She panted, resting their foreheads against one another's. Beca reached up and placed a sweet kiss to the redhead's lips.

"That was fucking amazing," Chloe chuckled at the brunette's words.

"Yeah it was," She rolled off of Beca, only to pull the small girl close to her body. "I know this is a weirdo time...but I really need to tell you something."

"You can tell me anything," Beca cuddled in closer to the ginger, feeling her eyes droop in tired satisfaction.

"I'm...really into you and I want to know if you'd...I don't know maybe want to go on a date with me?" Chloe mentally face palmed at her wording. Beca placed another kiss to her lips.

"I'd love to Chlo," The brunette whispered as her eyes shut, hugging Chloe's naked body close to her.

Chloe couldn't feel more elated than she did know with Beca wrapped around her body. This girl was surely going to be the death of her, and it's only the beginning of their relationship. Maybe full moons weren't so bad after all.

*****The End*****

A/N: Ending was shitty, but I finally managed to finish this.