A/N: So hmmm I got this silly thought in mind and decided to just write it down two days ago! It's no biggie but I hope you enjoy it! Warning for language, I don't think there's much else, mentions of sexual activities (Blaine friendly, maybe the Warblers are a bit of asses, depends on how much you relate to Kurt's POV). Thank you for reading this! Canon divergence, Kurt and Blaine didn't get married.

Warblers reunions.

Two years ago Kurt had given that answer when Rachel had asked him if there was anything in the world he hated more than uncoordinated outfits on Friday nights.

It might sound like an hyperbole, but it isn't. Kurt deeply resents Warblers reunions. He does not hate the Warblers, but he has that feeling that he isn't as beloved by them as he used to be in high school. After his first break-up with Blaine, Kurt has feeling they believed that they had to pick sides, that there were factions. He never put them and never asked anyone to choose. He's positive Blaine didn't either, not on their first break-up, or their second or ever.

But there is this distance …

It is evident to Kurt that they don't see him as the junior year Warbler that had sung with them. Kurt guesses there's a reason why he had moved back to McKinley. He didn't feel home then and he sure as hell couldn't feel home now among them, no matter how hard he tried.

Truth to be told, Kurt usually avoids reunions.

He announces he is too busy, or too far away from Westerville to fly there for the occasion, basically anything that would excuse him, even if it sounds as much of a lie as it is. He just honestly doesn't care about meeting them – especially he is too proud to let himself care for people who have resentment for him over his relationship with Blaine.

That is why you might be skeptical to hear he actually is at a Warblers reunion. It was a mix of 'I'm already visiting my family in Ohio' and Rachel giving him that scolding 'Kurt' accompanied by a severe 'I can't believe you hate it that much' look on her face that caused this.

It's not as bad as usual. And much worse than usual. Depends on the point of view.

Everyone is a bit drunker than what they used to be years ago, when Kurt went the last time, but it's kind of good because most of them are over-joyed and excited, and they can't find the strength in their brains to remember why they were upset with Kurt in the first place. Kurt finds it ironic that you would need your brain to focus only to come up with such ridiculous reasons.

Being in the same place as Blaine doesn't feel that bad anymore.

They were tensed at first (they always were, after every break-up, mostly because they never broke up on peaceful circumstances), but it's starting to wave off with time and this is how Kurt knows there won't be any love doves reunions in the end. Their negative tension is waving off, but so is their attraction to each other. They can talk peacefully, no awkwardness; Kurt believes this is how you figure your ex-lover, ex-boyfriend, ex-fiancé starts turning into an occasional friend.

However nice it is to be friends, Kurt avoids being too close to Blaine tonight.

Drunken or not, he is sure everyone here would start assuming things. It's curious, Kurt thinks, how much they dislike him when Blaine and he are apart, and yet how desperate they are for them to get back together everytime. What a twisted mind phenomenon.

Most of the night goes quite smoothly.

Kurt spends it being quiet, polite and discreet. He avoids Jeff or everyone else who's too drunk not to end up asking question and above else he avoids Sebastian Smythe. Sure, Kurt isn't one to hold resentment all life long because of high school accidents, and sure, Sebastian does look ridiculously attractive all grown-up, funny mustache and improved sense of style that has driven him into wearing a white tight shirt, sleeves rolled up – which Kurt wouldn't if they weren't among … friends? - but then again, what would they possibly talk about? 'Hey, remember that time you tried to steal my boyfriend which I ended up breaking up with every two weeks or so anyway eventually?' or 'Oh God, the good old days when you were trying to assault me with a slushie you corrected with kryptonite?' It doesn't really sound pleasant.

Eventually, though, the alcohol starts wearing on, the room gets louder and everyone seems to find the floor either amusing or revolting, and in the middle of it, of course, Jeff jumps on the coffee table (Kurt closes his eyes for a moment when it looks like he's going to lose his balance) and yells something about playing 7 Minutes in Heaven.

Kurt rolls his eyes because, really? They're adults. Some of them are married.

But of course almost everyone but him thinks that is a brilliant idea.

For a moment, Kurt considers his options. He could excuse himself and go away, which would be highly suspicious. He could run and hide in the bathroom which would be extremely pathetic. Or he could just sit here and play. What's the worse that could happen? That he'd have to spend seven minutes in a closet with Blaine? It's nothing new and he knows Blaine won't push anything, neither of them will.

Therefore he stays.

They gather all around the table once Jeff gets off it. Some of them sit on the floor like actual teenagers (like they used to during Warblers slumbers), some are standing. Kurt snugs on the couch, obviously, probably looking uptight with how stiff his posture is. Whatever, if he was with his actual high school friends, he would be comfortable enough to lie all spread on the floor.

At first, he fears they're going to use some tricky method to make it so that Blaine and he get picked, but he is relieved to see that they are really just spinning a bottle, taking turns. It would seem like they finally got over their silly obsession.

For most of the game, Kurt looks at the clock, how long it is till the end of the night. He is tired and maybe he is also forcing himself to be in a bad mood because he doesn't want to admit that without the KurtAndBlainematter taking over, this might not be as unpleasant as he thought. Every now and then, Kurt would even fight to keep a smile or a laugh.

That is until it's his turn to spin the bottle of course.

When he does, he is amused and calm, feels a bit warmer towards them, which makes it easier to trust the game. All in fun!

But of course the game would betray Kurt right when he was starting to trust it.

The bottle spins as he laughs and they cheer his name but the joy dies in his throat when it stops on Sebastian Smythe of all people.

Sure, it's not like there's forty of them in here and it's not like there wasn't a chance. Kurt considered it, he truly did. Eventually though, he had shrugged it off as it being a silly thought. It wasn't actually going to stop on Sebastian.

Except that it did.

Now Kurt's sitting there, as rigid as he had been before unawarely relaxing while the hour passed, looking up at Sebastian with a concern so clear that he can feel it on his own features.

Sebastian looks cool about it, standing by the wall nearby, all tall, beer in hand and that cocky attitude only slightly softened by the years. His trademark smirk is a bit more pulled but just as … charming? Not that Kurt thought it was charming back in high school.

He guesses, if Sebastian's cool about it, why should he freak out? It's just a game and he is pretty sure no one spent seven minutes making out, so they won't. It's not like Sebastian would want to anyway. And that goes for Kurt too.

So Kurt stands up, hands nervously laid on his thighs while he moves around, rigid as a penguin, headed toward the closet, between the cheers and screams and whistles. He is not even sure Sebastian is following and he knows he made half a scene by sitting up all paralyzed and shocked, but as soon as he walks in, followed by the other man, he feels relieved. As relieved as he can feel being in such a tight, closed space with Sebastian Smythe.

Sebastian closes the door, still holds the beer in his other hand.

"Ah, to be speechless because you get to spend seven minutes all alone with such a stud," He teases immediately.

It's rude of him to point it out, but it's also not crude. Which is a progress from 2011.

Kurt crosses his arms to his chest.

"Ah, to be still so full of yourself now that you're not a kid anymore." Kurt tilts his eyebrow. "At least not on the outside."

Sebastian laughs quietly. It's a bit uncomfortable and not scorning. Kurt isn't sure which one concerns him the most.

"I'm glad you pay attention to my outsides." He takes a sip from his beer. "You do know what the game's about, right?"

"I know!" Kurt says, maybe a bit too defensively. "But … we're not doing that! I mean, you wouldn't want it, I wouldn't want it. No one checks on it, so why put ourselves through something we'd both end up deeply disliking?"

Sebastian is still grinning, but he nods.

Kurt is relieved. For a moment he thought he'd have to make out with Sebastian.

"So what do you suggest we do?" Sebastian asks. "Enlighten me."

Kurt's about to tell him that they can ignore each other for all he cares, but Sebastian isn't being hostile. Why would Kurt be?

"You know what?" He asks, glad to see Sebastian looks curious. "Let's put this time to good use." Sebastian wiggles his eyebrows, Kurt blushes a bit and pretends he doesn't notice. "I'm sorry that I was passive-aggressive in high school, and I'm sorry that I've said stuff. In my defense, you were being a complete jackass, but your actions aren't supposed to justify mine, so here you have it. I'm sorry."

As he speaks, Sebastian's grin gradually drops and his whole face shifts into a frown, so by the time Kurt's done, he looks confused.

"What?" Kurt asks. "You know, I had kind of figured courtesy isn't your forte, but that it would over-confuse you to the point you can't function astonishes me."

Sebastian looks at him as if to say 'seriously?'.

Kurt shrugs.

"I do know courtesy, you moron. I'm not seventeen anymore." He looks a bit offended, which is amusing. Kurt gives him an skeptical look. "I just can't seem to get what the fuck you're supposed to be apologizing for."

"Well," Kurt is hesitating, he knows, "I take it you're not into the whole apologizing / looking for forgiveness thing – not that I am, looking for your forgiveness, I'm just being polite – but when you insult someone, it's kind of nice to say 'I'm sorry'."

Sebastian smiles amused – still a bit puzzled, but amused.

"I know, you idiot. That's not what I meant." He says, but doesn't add anything to it and really, what is Kurt supposed to do?

"What did you mean?" He wishes he was careless enough to drop it, but he is too curious.

Sebastian looks like he's going to tell him that it doesn't matter, his face looks a bit tight and wary, but eventually he drinks from his beer and speaks.

"I'm the one who's supposed to apologize, really. Yours was barely self-defense. A pathetic attempt at it, but self-defense nevertheless."

It's so hard to have a conversation with Sebastian without being constantly reminded of his ways it would seem. However, Kurt sees past that and sees that Sebastian admitted he's at fault, although Kurt believes he has some of that fault and although Sebastian's little speech wasn't actually an apology.

"As I said, let's put this time to good use." He tries to prompt subtly.

If there's one thing Sebastian is that Kurt can't deny is smart.

There is not way he didn't catch the hint.

"Yeah, I guess." Sebastian steps closer, maybe unawarely. Kurt can see it on his face that for once he doesn't have any bad intentions. "You're right. I'm sorry for everything, I really am, I'm not just saying it. Being nice sucks and what sucks the most about it is that it grows on you, and eventually it becomes your attitude rather than a self-imposed behavior."

Kurt presses his lips together to fight a smile.

"And yeah, you were sort of a bitch too." Sebastian adds, scrunching face on. "Kind of googled many times if Craigslist had a smell, but I deserved most of your remarks. What do you say, am I forgiven?"

Kurt is tempted to say no, tempted to make Sebastian sweat a bit more.

But it's been years and honestly, all that is left is the necessity of being guarded around Sebastian. There's no resentment, not anymore.

"I forgive you." Kurt grins. "But I'm not taking it back. You smell like Craigslist, fancy shirt or not."

"Fancy?" Sebastian spreads his arms and gives him an incredulous look. "This is my worst."

"Somehow I don't believe it." Kurt teases, having no idea why it's so natural to mock Sebastian playfully rather than with the intent of wounding him.

"Shut up?" Sebastian laughs, looking guilty as charged.

They seem to get to the realization that they're laughing together at the same time, because they stop and silence grows awkward around them – if not for the loud music coming from out of the door. Kurt shoves his hands in his pockets, despite not being very fond of the gesture, and Sebastian clears his throat.

"So," He starts, weirdly quiet, "I'm guessing our seven minutes are up."

"I don't have a watch." Kurt says instinctively.

Fuck. He knows how that sounded: as if he's trying to give them more time. He looks away, uncomfortable and quite sure Sebastian is about to remark on how much Kurt probably enjoys being in such a private space with a hot piece as him or something, but he is surprised when the other boy opens the door.

At least he tries to.

A few times.

At first he pulls down the handle, laughing awkwardly when the door won't open. Then he gets more nervous about it, tries again and again, more insistently. Kurt already got to the conclusion when Sebastian turns towards him.

"They locked us in." He rolls his eyes.

Kurt is sure he is thinking they're idiots. At least they agree on something.

"Maybe it wasn't on purpose." He tries. "I mean, they put the chair to block it and forgot to take it off. Maybe they got tired of playing."

"Don't you fucking know them?" Sebastian leans against the wall, resigned, and looks at the ceiling as he drinks from his beer.

For a moment they're still like this, in silence. Kurt is standing in the middle of the closet, Sebastian looks like he wants the floor to swallow him for some reason. Kurt's a bit wounded: after their honest heart to heart, he didn't think it was going to be such a trauma for Sebastian to be trapped in the same room as him.

"So we're stuck." He says eventually, like it's not obvious, to break that unbearable silence.

Sebastian seems to realize that he snapped.

"I'm sorry." He says, then adds, "Again."

"It's okay." Kurt slowly sinks onto the floor.

He doesn't even care about his pants getting dirty, not when he is stuck in a closet during a party he didn't even want to attend in the first place. So he sits there, legs long and untangled on the floor, hands at the sides of his own waist.

Looking up at Sebastian, he notices that the boy is staring back, like he's wondering if Kurt is actually hurt that he snapped.

In the end, he sighs and comes to sit opposite to Kurt.

"Do you feel like playing a game?" He asks, smiling a bit. His mustache is ridiculous really, how is it even attractive? Kurt might hate him just for that. "C'mon," he insists when Kurt looks reluctant, "We're stuck in a closet and I'm not even trying to get into your pants."

That's because you don't even like me, Kurt thinks but doesn't say.

"Sure." It's what comes out of his mouth instead. "What game is it?"

Sebastian smirks, which promises no good.

"You have to tell a lie and a truth, and the other person has to guess which is which. If you guess correctly, you get to drink." He lifts his half empty bottle of beer.

Kurt frowns. "I thought it was supposed to be you drink if you guess wrong."

"That's for losers." Sebastian wrinkles his nose. "I say drinking is the prize."

"You're happy with little." Kurt says but before Sebastian can reply, he adds, "Okay. Let's play it this way. I might need alcohol to make your presence tolerable."

Sebastian laughs. "Please, you love it."

Kurt doesn't say anything, just lifts his chin and nods at Sebastian.

"You want me to start?" Sebastian asks, and he nods again. "Fine. Remember, one lie, one truth."

"You'd think he'd know I'm not stupid from all the times I outsmarted him." Kurt says under his breath.

Sebastian pretends he didn't catch it. "What did you say, darling?"

"Nothing." Kurt grins, falsely but sort of playfully at the same time; which is weird. "Shoot."

"Okay, so one, I've been dancing since I was six." Sebastian begins, his tone not revealing much. "Two, I've won a violin contest, first prize, when I was twelve."

Kurt tilts his head on the side and thinks. He literally knows nothing about Sebastian. He might as well be a stranger to him, but he can guess this one.

"You've been dancing since you were six, I can see that happening." He says, blushing a little when Sebastian smirks more brightly, as if Kurt had complimented him.

There's a moment of suspense and Kurt hates that Sebastian is good at it, creating this atmosphere when they're just supposed to be passing time.

Eventually he offers the bottle and Kurt squeals in excitement.

"I knew it!" He leans in, grabs the bottle from Sebastian's hand and feels silly for being so happy.

Their hands brush together for a moment.

Kurt moves his away as if it was burned and then drinks from the bottle as if nothing happened. As if he didn't feel weird touching Sebastian for the first time since their handshake at the Lima Bean during Kurt's senior year.

"Yeah, I wasn't twelve when I won that violin contest." Sebastian shrugs, but his arrogance underneath isn't well hidden. "I was, like, eight."

Kurt almost chokes on the beer.

"Really?" He looks at Sebastian as he ends it back to him.

He is so not pondering over the fact that they're drinking from the same bottle. He's not five, he's not going to think that it's like indirectly kissing or something.

"Yeeeep." Sebastian says smugly. "Your turn."

Kurt wants to insist, wants to know more about Sebastian, the young violinist. But then again, why boost his already big ego?

"Fine." He sits up straight. "I played Tony in West Side Story at McKinley, Senior Year," he can already see Sebastian wrinkle his nose in confusion, "aaaaaaaaaaand, I was on the football team and I won us a game."

"Are you serious?" Sebastian asks, half grinning, half frowning.

"Hmmm," Kurt smiles in amusement.

"This is cheating!" He complains, looking like a child. It's impossible not to enjoy it. "I know you haven't played Tony! I was there!"

"Therefore ...?" Kurt tilts an eyebrow.

Sebastian gives him a questioning look, silently asking Kurt if he just really wants him to say it.

Kurt's grin grows bigger.

"You're hilarious." Sebastian says sardonically. "Fine, stereotypes breaker, sports God Kurt Hummel was on the football team and won them a game. Serves me well for having prejudices."

"Yes!" Kurt says triumphantly as Sebastian drinks form his almost empty bottle. "Serves you beer though. It's not that bad."

"Fair enough." Sebastian presses his lips together, doesn't joke about it as Kurt expected him too.

In fact, his face crumbles a bit like he is seriously considering what to say. Not like the first time though, then he was thinking but in the game. This time, it looks like he is giving it more consideration, like it's something more than a game. It makes Kurt tighten in his shoulders a bit. He doesn't feel as comfortable as a moment ago.

After a few seconds of staring at the floor, Sebastian meets his glance again.

His eyes are … intense, Kurt would say. They're full of something he doesn't not know, but it almost feels like it's the first time Sebastian is truly looking at him. His eyes are a bit blown and shining with some sort of tempting but appealing curiosity. Kurt tries to blink but he can't look away. It is both confusing and overwhelming that Sebastian would look at him like that.

"Since you're playing tricky ..." Sebastian eventually says and this time his smirk truly is a wonder of trouble. If trouble had lips, it'd own Sebastian's. "One, I jerked off to you, many times, and I loved every second of it." He says, quick and direct. "Two, I slept with at least fifteen people."

Kurt gives him an impressed look, releasing the breath he's been holding onto number one.

"That's such an easy one." He says, reaches for the bottle from Sebastian's hands as he says, "You slept with at least fifteen people."

His fingers have almost got the bottle when Sebastian abruptly pulls it back and away from Kurt.

Kurt looks up, annoyed.

"What's that?" He says, but inside he's screaming.

He's not stupid. Of course he knows what that is.

"You know the rules." Sebastian grins, falsely and as sharp as a knife. Satisfied above else.

"Yes, I know the rules." Kurt answers, his cheeks must be dark from the way his face is burning. "So I get to drink."

He knows it's stupid and childish to do this, but on the other hand, Sebastian clearly pulled that out to embarrass him, so it's not like Kurt can be blamed. He leans in once more, reaches for the bottle, but Sebastian brings it to his lips and swallows down what remained.

"Hey no!" Kurt sighs and drops his arms. "You're cheating. I'm right, you're wrong."

"I'm not lying. What were we saying?" Sebastian asks, and Kurt swears he looks a bit flushed himself. "Serves you well for having prejudices."

Kurt sits up, opens his mouth to say something but the truth is nothing will come out. Kurt doesn't blame himself for it. It's hard to say anything when he's stuck with the idea of Sebastian jerking off to him, really. And if it's true that Kurt already admitted he basically knows nothing about Sebastian, his whole opinion is based on the few times they have met and the persona Kurt built for him in his head, there is no universe in which he can picture Sebastian touching himself, panting and messy and imagining him. Well, he can easily picture the first part; the last one not so much.

"Did you-" Kurt is asking, heart suddenly beating faster in his chest.

He's interrupted however when the door of the closet slams open and an over-drunken Jeff appears.

"Guys!" He screams, then laughs. "We kind of forgot you were in here, oh my God! You gotta come outside, dance partyyyyyyy!"

Kurt shakes his head but when he looks back at Sebastian, the man is already standing up and walking out of the closet.

"Hey! Wait!" Kurt jumps up and almost stumbles to follow, but Jeff blocks him by catching him in a hug.

"You're so warm when I'm drunk ..." He hisses against Kurt's neck, but Kurt's paying no attention to him.

He's following Sebastian with his gaze as the man walks away. He has questions, he wants to know more, no matter how embarrassing it might to turn out to be. He needs to understand so much of Sebastian's behavior if what he said is true.

Before he disappears into another room, Sebastian looks over his shoulder. When he sees Kurt staring, he shoots a wink at him and nods towards the stairs.

If this is an invitation, Kurt is going to accept it.

To talk, he reminds himself, just to talk.