Author's note: I decided to update the story since i kinda forgot about it haha, so here I go. Enjoy! and please comment and review!

Disclaimer: Naruto does not belong to me but to Masashi Kishimoto.

Chapter 5: Web of Tangled Lies

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other for a couple of seconds, not sure whether to believe that they were some sort of magical being without evidence.

" I can't prove this theory without more information, so I'm going to read some more books, you should read too and tell me if you read anything that helps us" Sasuke opened a random book and started to read, hoping to get more detailed information. Naruto did the same, they did not find anything until about an hour later where Sasuke came across the abilities and both an elf and fairy.

" Naruto stop for a second, I found something that might be useful to us. I'll read it outloud"

An Elf's powers contains strength and power, though they can not do magic they have unbelievable amounts of strength. they are able to lift something 10 times there size and weight. There strength not lye in there ages, but the amount of outer energy they can posses and use in there muscles.

A Fairy's powers revolve around magic and wisdom, though there physical bodies are weak compared to an elf's. They are able to use there magical abilities in various ways from making a flower bloom to slowing down time. They achieve this using the energy within them and letting the energy flow out.

" Wow.. that is freaking awesome dattebayo!"

" Naruto quiet! this is a library they might kick us out but yes they seem to have very extraordinary abilities. Still this is very little help, as it says nothing about humans or if a fairy can- wait... the book said that a fairy is capable of slowing time down so wouldn't it be possible if a fairy strong enough to travel to our " realm"."

" Um, maybe so if your mom is actually that fairy lady than she had to be crazy strong. But if it's true about my tou-san than how was he able to get to our "realm" if he's not an Fairy."

" You remember that the first book it said they vanished around the same time so there is a high chance that she helped him get to our " realm" together. Hm. If that's true than they would have... Naruto where were you headed to after staying in the hotel?"

" I was going to see an old friend of my kaa-san and tou-san, in Kyoto. But my kaa-san wanted me to rest a little before I got there so she sended me here. Why?"

" Naruto, My parents live in Kyoto. I landed here because my kaa-san told me the exact same thing, she wanted me to meet an old friend of her's. This is just too much of a coincidence, the thing is if it's true then why haven't they ever told us? what would be the point of hiding unless they had a reason. ugh none of it makes sense."

" Let's just take this slowly Sasuke since I'm a bit confused but why don't we prove your a fairy by doing some magic dattebayo. C'mon I hate libraries anyways." Naruto pulled Sasuke out of the library, happy that they were out of there he looked for a field with flowers.

" Where are we going Naruto?"

" Well, in the book it said you could make a flower bloom so that's exactly what your going to do dattebayo!" Naruto found a small park surrounded with flowers.

" Naruto I don't even know if i can do magic!"

" Well at least try! C'mon trying doesn't hurt teme" Sasuke rolled his eye's and sat on the grass that was surrounded by flowers. He observed one of the flowers that hadn't bloomed. Nothing happened. He tried again, nothing happened. frustration and annoyance rose but he took a deep breath a closed his eyes. Breathing in and out,feeling at ease but then Sasuke heard a gasp and his eye's snapped open.

Dozens of flowers were twirling around him, and every single one of them were bloomed.

" H-How did you do that dattebayo!?"

" I have no idea, I was simply meditating. My mother showed me how when I was younger, when I felt anger or annoyance. She said that when one was at ease they were at there best... damn she's good. So this proves that I'm a fairy or at least half. But how are we able to get out of this realm when we don't even know how we got it in the first place. And I'm not sure if it's a good idea to tell whoever rules this land since they might do something so they only thing we can do is learn how to go back. But in order to do that I need to learn how to control my magic."

" Hm Hey why don't we ask those kids we saw earlier for help. I mean there kids so it wouldn't hurt would it."

" That is actually not a bad idea but we still need to find them. Well they could still be were we saw them so let's go" They walked to the place the kids were at, getting lost a couple times but they found were able to find the boy with the scarf.

" Oh! Hey Nii-san! Did you come back for a rematch cause I'm ready now!" The boy seemed excited at seeing Naruto and Sasuke.

" Um actually we need some help, do you know where the fairies learn their magic?"

" Oh the Faires! They are in the same school as we are in but they go in different classes. But they don't learn a lot until they are assigned a sensei. But shouldn't you know that already?"

" Uhh..."

" We do not know since we were both homeschooled, but we only know the basics since our parents are not here with us right now. We hope you can help us" Sasuke had to step in since Naruto couldn't think of an excuse and it worked perfectly.

" Of course I will! But you have to tell me your names!"

" OK my name is Uzumaki Naruto!"

" Uchiha Sasuke"

" My name is Sarutobi Konohamaru" The kid seemed to wait for a reaction but none came from either of the boy's. The boy's eye's lit up and he smiled with mischief.

" So why do you guys want to learn about the fairies since your both goblins?"

" Hm oh no, Sasuke's a fairy!"

" What! but he doesn't have wings?"

" I am hiding them with my magic" Sasuke hoped the boy bought that since he couldn't think of another excuse.

" Oh cool! I don't know a lot of faries and they don't like elf's very much so.. yeah but are you guys' friends?" Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, Naruto smiled while Sasuke smirked.

" Yea we are"

" Cool! I've never seen fairy actually be nice to an elf or the other way around" Sasuke narrowed his eye's, wondering why the kid kept saying that.

" Hey konohamaru, why don't fairies and goblins like each other?"

" Well since the disappearance of prince Minato and princess Mikoto, the elf's started started to blame the fairy princess while the fairies blamed the goblin prince. My grandpa says though, that there will be a time when there dislike fro each other stops but only if a royal marriage between the goblin's and fairies are assured." That seemed unlikely as both of their parents were deeply in love with there other parent's.

" But some say, that the prince and princess are with the humans" and that was what they needed, a small key to getting out or the reason they stay.