
(A/N: I know you're probably like, where in the hell has she been. LOL I haven't abandoned my stories. I've just been super busy, school and work are a bitch LOL. But I've been working on a new chapter for Lifestyles that should be out very soon, and I do mean very soon. LOL. Thank you all for you PM's, reviews, follows and favorites, they truly mean the world to me. This little number popped into my head and I had to write it down. It's just a little something to hold you over until I get back to you with the new chapters for my other stories. IDK if I'm going to continue this story or just leave it as a one shot. I guess that'll depend on the responses. Anyway thanks again, I look forward to hearing from you...Enjoy… ;-)

Summary: They're desire for each other only grew stronger with each passing moment. It was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened…Rated M…Olitz…One-shot…

"Fitz?" a soft knock on the door followed her hoarse whisper. "Fitz," she whispered once more. The door creaked slightly as it opened partially. A sliver of Fitz's face was shown as he cracked the door open.

"Hey, sorry Liv did I wake you?" he asked apologetically. Olivia shook her head.

"No, I was hungry so I just ate something and I wanna brush my teeth before I go back to bed," she explained. "Are you decent?" she asked noticing that he was hesitant to open the door fully.

"Sort of," he said casually, as he opened the door all the way.

She quickly took in his appearance and her breath was caught in her throat. She had to remind herself to breathe. It was clear that he had just gotten out of the shower. He had only a towel wrapped around his waist and his chest and abs were still glistening from the shower water. There was steam in the bathroom that fogged up the mirror partially and made an already small warm room that much hotter.

"Thanks, I'll be quick," she mumbled before slipping in the bathroom past him. She was only wearing one of Jake's dress shirts and a pair of panties as she had planned on going straight back to bed after brushing her teeth.

He closed the door behind her and stood stiff for a moment glancing down at her, and then he grabbed his comb off of the tub. He stood behind her, towering over her the way he did; he had no problem seeing the mirror, other than the fog that had accumulated around it. She felt the energy in the room shift but ignored her quickening heartbeat and the butterflies in her stomach as she opened the medicine cabinet to grab her toothpaste and toothbrush. She closed the cabinet and squeezed some tooth past onto her toothbrush.

"Did you have fun?" she asked in an attempt to remove some of the tension. Fitz shrugged behind her nonchalantly.

"Not really much into the club scene anymore, but I had fun with you guys," he said smiling.

"Good," she said smiling into the mirror as well, so that he could see her.

Olivia, Fitz and Olivia's boyfriend Jake went out to a popular nightclub in the city to celebrate Fitz being on leave. Fitz was a pilot in the Navy. He was stationed in Italy for now and was on a twelve-day leave before he had to report back to his unit for his next assignment.

Olivia met Fitz and Jake in college, freshman year at Harvard. They were both charming and handsome. She became close friends with Fitz first though, and thought that they would be more. But Fitz never made a move and she was too scared of being rejected. So when Jake asked her out sophomore year, she accepted, thinking that Fitz never saw her as more than a friend. Jake and Olivia went onto law school at Harvard, and Fitz joined the Navy as an officer after undergrad. Now it was eight years later and they were all still really good friends. Their other friends who knew of the strong bond between the three of them, often referred to them as the three musketeers.

Jake and Olivia had a rocky relationship from the start but she cared for him deeply. So the two of them tried to work through every issue they had. But it wasn't easy, especially when they fought about any and everything. They've been together for seven years now and everyone thought that marriage would've come by now, despite the disagreements. It wasn't for Jake's lack of trying though. He'd proposed to Olivia twice a year since they graduated from Harvard undergrad, but Olivia would always come up with an excuse as to why right now wasn't a good time for them to get engaged to be married. First it was law school, then it was finding a job at a firm, and then it was staying focused on their job at the firm. Then it was trying for promotions. There was always something.

Jake still held out hope that they would be engaged one day and get married, but Olivia knew that he wasn't the one she was supposed to be with. She just couldn't find it in her to break his heart by calling it quits. They'd been together for so long. She just figured that one-day when he asked she would yes. But that day still hadn't come yet.

"Maybe next time we should go to the movies or a bar or something low key," suggested Fitz while combing his wet wavy brown locks. Olivia looked in the mirror and nodded as she brushed her teeth. "Thanks for letting me stay here while I'm on leave by the way, you guys are the best," he said smiling genuinely. Sorry about Jake though," he added.

Olivia shrugged but nodded once more, while continuing to brush. Jake always had a low alcohol tolerance. For some reason tonight, he thought he could out drink Fitz, a Navy man. He ended up passing out at the club. Fitz got Jake into the car to go home and carried him into his and Olivia's bedroom at their apartment. Jake was sure to wake up with one splitting headache in the morning. He was a heavy sleeper without alcohol, she knew he was dead to the world by now, Olivia thought rolling her eyes.

Fitz finished with his comb and placed it back on the tub; then he reached around Olivia to grab his deodorant off the sink. His arm touched her side and she felt the air lift from her body once more. Olivia turned on the sink trying to keep her thoughts on the task at hand. She grabbed a cup off the sink counter and put some water in it. She put the water in her mouth and gargled with it a bit, before placing the cup back down on the counter.

When she bent over to spit the water out, her ass nudged Fitz back a bit and she felt his length on her behind. Fitz staggered back a bit as well dropping his deodorant on the floor with a loud clank; his hands went to her waist as he tried to steady himself. She blushed heavily at the situation and spit the water out. When she stood up straight she turned around to face him, his hands were still on her waist.

"Sorry," she mumbled, biting her bottom lip while looking up at him. His normally blue eyes were grey, with what she thought to be desire. She quickly looked away from him fully aware that he hadn't let go of her waist.

"Don't do that," he said slowly in a dangerously low tone. His hands applied a bit of pressure to her waist as he said this. He quickly released the pressure he put on her waist after a few seconds and closed his eyes for a moment, as he tried to control himself. She looked back up at him curiously.

"Don't do what?" she asked innocently? When he opened his eyes again and looked down at her, she was biting her bottom lip once more. Neither of them could explain what happened next.

"Fuck," he groaned before crashing his lips to hers.

He brought her body as close to his as he could get it and probed her mouth with his tongue. She stood on her tiptoes and dropped her toothbrush on the floor as well. Her arms went flying around his neck grabbing at his hair as she granted him access to her mouth. Her mouth tasted as sweet as he'd imagined for the past eight years. His hands left her waist and moved down to firmly squeeze her ass. She moaned in his mouth and that only drove him to squeeze her ass harder. He explored every inch of her mouth with his tongue while he palmed her ass and picked her up off the bathroom-tiled floor. He placed her on the bathroom sink and continued to assault her mouth with his as he rolled his hips into hers.

She was shocked! She couldn't believe this was happening after all this time, after all these years of wondering if he had feelings for her. But she didn't dare stop him. His kisses made her want to crawl out of her skin and into his. Her body was on fire and her panties were soaked. The way he grabbed her ass and moved his hips into hers was driving her crazy. She yearned to feel more of him. She reached down between them without breaking the kiss and loosened the towel. It fell down to the floor leaving him naked as the day he was born. He brought one hand around and cupped her sex through her panties. She tore her lips away from his and moaned softly. He nibbled and whispered in her ear.

"You're so wet Livvie," he said continuing to grope her. "Is that for me?" he asked seductively. She grabbed his shoulders and moved her hips forward trying to get him to move his fingers where she really wanted them.

"God yes…" she moaned in his ear. He pushed her panties to the side and slid two fingers inside her and she thought she would explode. "Fuck…" she hissed. He smirked against her ear as he pumped his fingers inside of her. She squirmed around on the sink trying but failing to control her movements. He sucked on her neck and brought her close to climax, but then pulled his fingers out of her.

"Fitzzzz…" she groaned frustrated.

He took his other hand and placed it under her chin forcing her to look up at him, while his other hand with the fingers that were just inside of her made their way to his mouth. He sucked his fingers inside of his mouth and moaned as if he'd just tasted the best dish in the world. Her eyes clouded with lust as she watched him. He placed his other hand on her thigh and squeezed it as he half hissed half whispered.

"You taste so fucking good Livvie." His eyes never left hers as he said this. "I have to have you," he said seriously. She looked him in his eyes and said.

"Take me."

He pecked her lips once more before getting down on his knees. He pulled the lower half of her body closer to the edge of the sink and slid her panties off of her waist and down her legs until they were off. Then he placed his hands on her ass as he buried his face between her thighs. She grabbed at his hair and then at the sink as he devoured her. She bit down on her sleeve to keep from screaming out.

Fitz was savoring the taste of her. He licked her slit and then drew her nub into his mouth and sucked hard. She was moving so wildly he thought she would fall off the sink. He knew she was trying not to scream out of fear of waking Jake, but that didn't stop him from eating her up like she was his last meal on earth.

"Oh fuck..." she moaned as quietly as she could.

She felt her orgasm building in the pit of her stomach. She thought he would let up when she tried to push his head away. All he did was move her closer and suck on her clit even harder. The pressure was too much she screamed, momentarily forgetting Jake, when she felt herself explode as she came all over his mouth. He didn't waste a drop. Once he was satisfied he stood up his mouth still glistening with her juices. She had her eyes closed, while she held onto the counter panting loudly. He kissed her softly and she opened her eyes.

"You were really loud sweet baby," he said softly. She looked at him trying to get her breathing under control. Then she looked down at his erection and felt the moisture pool between her legs once more. He followed her sight and saw what she was looking at. "See something you like Livvie?" he asked grinning. She nodded and went to grab him but his quick reflexes stopped her. "Let me give it to you." She licked her lips and nodded once more. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he asked. She looked in his eyes and looked down at his length was more. He was long and thick. Certainly bigger than Jake or any other man she'd ever been with. But she never wanted anything more in her life.

"Fuck me, Fitz." Commanded Olivia in a low seductive voice, that didn't sound anything like her own. Fitz smirked at her and then parted her thighs to make room for himself.

"As you wish," he said before connecting them slowly.

She hissed on contact, her pussy still spasm slightly from her last orgasm he gave her. He laid his head on her shoulder and bit down on her neck as he joined them completely. He grabbed onto either side of the counter as he started to move in and out of her. She dug her heels into his ass trying to pull him in closer every time he would pull away. Her hands were scratching up his back and all you could hear in the bathroom were their moans and grunts. He picked up his pace after a while and the skin-to-skin slapping could now be heard as well. He kissed her hard plunging his tongue in her mouth as he took them to ecstasy. Her walls were clenching around his dick hard and it was becoming too much. He'd never felt this with another woman and she never felt this with another man. They both knew why. He pumped in and out of her until her next orgasm hit and his first came.

"Fuck!" they both hissed at each other as they came at the same time.

He slowly pulled out of her but rested his forehead on hers and closed his eyes as he struggled to get his breathing back in control. She wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes for a moment as well coming down from her high. She knew that she would never experience what she had just done with Fitz, with any other man. But that didn't stop the guilt from setting in. She'd just cheated on her boyfriend of seven years with their mutual best friend. There was no greater betrayal. Jake would never forgive her for this. Fitz could feel her thoughts taking up the room.

"Fitz…" she started, but he cut her off.

"Not yet Liv," he said as he felt her mood change.

He felt guilty too. Jake was his very best friend in the world, but he'd be lying if he said she hadn't been on his mind constantly since the day he met her. He was just too chicken shit to admit it to her or to himself for that matter. But now that he'd had her there was no way he was letting her get away again.

She looked in his eyes and quivered. She still saw the desire there, but that wasn't what made her shiver. She saw something she hadn't seen in his eyes before when he looked at her. She saw determination, and that both terrified and excited her.