Reconstruction (- Of the Heart)

Author's note:

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Lost Girl-characters; I'm just borrowing them for a little while.

AU-story, Doccubus, Human, M-rating eventually.

"Lauren Lewis embarks on an adventure, taking on a new job in an exotic paradise. She never expected to run into the one person who broke her heart all those years ago."

The POV will alternate throughout the story; I hope it won't get too confusing.

This is my first time writing a Lost Girl story, I hope you like it! Enjoy!


Chapter 1

Lauren Lewis was a driven woman. She always had been and it was something she took great pride in.

She had exceled in everything she had set her mind to. She could have been a star athlete; running long distance for her high school team gave her several scholarship offers across the country. But it was medicine that had won her heart over. She easily got accepted at Harvard and graduated at the top of her class.

She had taken on the most challenging field she could find, excelling in a way unheard of, at her young age, earning great respect among her older colleagues. From the time she had graduated and to this day, she hadn't had one single sick-day or taken more than a couple of days off. She lived and breathed her work. Her personal life had taken the backseat, to the degree that it was essentially non-existent.

Sure, she saw her mom and dad a couple of times every year, and she got the occasional phone-call from her brother, but other than that, there was nothing aside from work.

When hospital regulations hindered her from clocking too many hours with patients or in the OR, she began her research; writing dozens of papers, giving lectures that people flew in from all corners of the world to listen to.

At the young age of 29, Dr. Lauren Lewis was a renowned expert in the field of cardiology and more specifically, congenital heart diseases. She performed complicated surgeries on newborn babies who had different birth defects concerning the heart. She was constantly evolving the techniques and she tried to take on as many fellows as she could; they, of course, all worshipped the ground she walked on. Not that she noticed or cared much for that though. She got more than her share of indecent proposals, from her male and female students and colleagues alike, but she quickly brushed them off, telling them to get back to work. The work was what mattered.

Most nights she slept in her office, she didn't even bother going home. There was nothing there for her. On the times she did take her mind off of work she usually watched a movie or she went out for a long run. During those she usually mulled over something in her research or how to proceed on a difficult case. It was almost impossible for her to turn her mind off and just… be.

Over the years she'd had the occasional one-night stands but that was all they were. Some of them persisted, trying to get a second date with her, but she always declined.

Even though Dr. Lewis couldn't see it herself, she was easy to love. Her big heart – however she tried to hide and imprison it, was on display for the world to see, and once bitten she was hard to get over.

However sought after she was and however high the praises for her were, her body was starting to object to her insistent working. She had started to get these headaches, really intense ones, and tingling sensations in her hands and feet. She had woken up on the floor, disoriented and dizzy, twice now in the last couple of days. She had gathered that she'd passed out from sheer exhaustion. Thankfully she had been alone, so no one had been there to see it. In the back of her head she knew she had to do something - and probably soon.

She had spread herself thin, giving all of her time and energy to her patients, her colleagues, her fellows, and her research. She'd always thought that she could just keep at it like a machine… but something had to give. The last couple of weeks had been a struggle. To get up in the morning, to eat… she was beginning to realize that maybe she couldn't live on just work, alone. Maybe the human body needed something else. She didn't like the thought one bit, but as a doctor she knew the hard truth.

"Dr. Lewis, a phone call for you on line 3." The nurse gently nudged the blonde doctor, waking her from her reverie, and handed her the phone.

"Yes, Dr. Lewis speaking. " Lauren answered, sounding slightly distracted. She continued reading the charts in her hand.

"Dr. Lauren Lewis? It's so nice to speak to you. My name is Hale Santiago, and I work for the Ash Corporation. I would like to talk to you about a proposition we have for you. When would be a good time for us to have a sit down and discuss the details?"

This caught the blonde doctor's attention.

"A proposition? What kind, if I may ask?"

"Well, the details are somewhat sensitive, but it concerns your work and my… employer would like to make you an offer you probably won't be able to refuse." Lauren's brow furrowed. 'What is this, a Godfather movie, part 4?'

"Would tomorrow evening, at six o'clock, be all right with you?" Hale continued.

Lauren wasn't this easily swayed. "I'm very busy, send me an e-mail and I'll read through the proposition when I have the time."

She got at least one or two job offers a week so this was not something new, she was rather tired of it actually, but she always tried to be as polite as she could, she didn't like burning bridges if she didn't have good reason to.

"Well, I don't have authorization to do that Dr. Lewis. Is there anything I can say to persuade you to take this meeting in person? Mr. Ash himself has told me that he will come out to meet with you at whatever time you deem fit. Between you and me, he has never uttered those words before, ever. He is, much like you, very busy, with a multi-billion dollar corporation; he doesn't make time for anyone. Well, except for you, I guess. "

Lauren could hear the wonder in his voice, he seemed quite chocked himself.

She never budged for anyone, so this was a struggle for her. But now her interest was peaked, what in the world could Mr. Ash of the world famous Ash Corp. possible want with her?

"…ok. I'll meet with him." She could hear the man on the other side of the line exhale, relieved.

They set a time for the meeting and she got off the phone. She glanced down at the time and realized her next surgery would start in ten minutes. She felt an onslaught of tiredness and suddenly felt lightheaded. She grabbed hold of the wall next to her to steady herself, squeezing her eyes shut in the process. Feeling her senses returning to her after a couple of seconds she hurried off, the recent phone call still spinning around in her head.

Chapter 2 will be up soon!