Author's Notes - Hey, guys! Sorry for the delay. Anyway, here's the next Chapter! Enjoy, and, as always, please review!

When Taylor woke up the next morning, she found Olivia sleeping in a chair on one side of her bed, and Rafael doing the same in a chair on the other side of her bed, Olivia's legs brought up onto the seat with her, while Rafael was using his suit jacket as a blanket, and both of them were holding one of Taylor's hands.

Smiling softly, she gently pulled her delicate limbs free from theirs, and tucked them back with their owners, before as quietly as possible, pushing the covers off of herself, then climbing from the bed. Every part of her ached and she desperately needed to get up, stretch, and walk around.

Despite knowing she shouldn't, she pulled the IV needle from her hand. She was glad to see they'd unhooked her from the blood at some point during the night. She had a rare blood type, O Negative.

Slinging the tube over the IV stand, she grabbed two blankets from the room's closet, unfolded them, then draped one over Olivia, and the other over Rafael, smiling softly at their continued sleeping forms, before she slipped out the door.

It was still early in the morning, not even 7:00am, and a few Cops were still in the waiting room, including Fin, but she went the opposite way as to where they were, quietly walking down the hall in her white sock clad feet.

Her hair was up in a bun and she wore a white v-neck t-shirt and blue PJ pants. She lifted a hand to her bandaged neck and flinched slightly at the stab of pain is caused her.

Taylor moved her hand to her hair and pulled the long silky brown tresses free with one flick of her wrist, which she put the black hair tie around, before positioning her hair to cover up her neck. She hated that it was most likely going to scar. When she'd first gotten her driver's license, she'd been a typical ignorant teenager, and left off her seat belt, then was rear ended by someone, causing her forehead to slam into, and break the glass of, the windshield. It left a huge gash, that is only gone now because her Father had her go to a Plastic Surgeon. Maybe she could do that for her neck, but perhaps she needed this scar to remain, as a reminder of what happened, a reminder of what happens to women every day, not just in the city, but all over the World, and a reminder of why she wants to do what Olivia and Rafael do.

She wondered if Caroline was still here. She figured the Doctors would've wanted to keep her friend overnight for observation, but Care's Mother could be pretty persuading, so it wouldn't surprise Taylor if Liz was able to take her daughter home last night.

Taylor wished she had her phone, so she could call her friends, and see how they all were. She also wanted to know if the two boys had been caught, but all of that would mean talking and thinking about what happened, and she wasn't sure she was ready for that.

Flicking a glance over her shoulder, just to make sure no one had seen her, she was just turning to face forward again, as she went to turn a corner, when she ran into something tall, sturdy, and warm.

"And where do you think you're going?" said a familiar deep voice.

Taylor looked up into the face of the person it belonged to and nearly collapsed at the sight of who it was.

"Dad!" she exclaimed, her eyes filling with tears, before she threw her arms around his neck.

Bryan Mills effortlessly caught his baby girl, as she jumped up into his embrace, securely wrapping his arms around her, his own orbs filling with tears of joy, love, and relief, while he held her.

"It's okay, baby girl," he muttered, soon lifting a hand to cup the back of her head, as she sobbed into his shoulder. "It's okay. I've got you." Releasing a shuddered breath, he pressed a kiss to her temple, before simply holding her once more. "Thank God you're safe."

Bryan and Taylor walked back to the latter's hospital room, which Olivia, followed by Rafael, were just emerging from, both looking panicked, while Liv had her phone in hand, as if she was about to put the building on alert for her missing little sister.

"Taylor," Olivia breathed in relief upon seeing her, before quirking a dark brow. "Are you trying to give us another heart attack?"

"I'm sorry, Liv," Taylor smiled. "I just had to get out of that room."

"Fortunately, I caught her before she escaped," Bryan said, causing Olivia and Rafael to notice the man with Taylor.

"Bryan," Olivia said on another breath of relief, before stepping forward to hug the man with one arm. "I'm so glad you're here."

"It's good to see you, Liv," responded Bryan, hugging the woman back with the arm he didn't have currently wrapped around his daughter's shoulders.

"It's good to see you too," said Olivia, as the two parted ways, which is when she remembered Rafael was standing next to her, so she used the hand holding her phone to indicate the man. "Uh, Bryan, this is A.D.A. Rafael Barba."

Bryan shifted his gaze onto Rafael and offered the man his free hand, as well as a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Barba." He flicked a glance down at Taylor. "My daughter's told me a lot about you."

Rafael shook the man's hand, anything he was going to say in greeting held off by Taylor's Father's next words, to which he quirked a brow, as he flicked a glance at her.

"She has?" he inquired, before returning his gaze to Bryan, once Taylor sent him a look. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Mills. I've heard a lot of great things about you, from both your daughter, and Detective Benson."

Taylor couldn't help but smile softly to herself as her Father and Rafael met for the first time.

"'My daughter's told me a lot about you'?" Rafael asked, as he and Taylor walked back into her hospital room, Bryan and Olivia going off to talk, as well as find out the status of the boys from the previous night.

Taylor giggled, she and Rafael now had an arm around one another, while they walked, she allowing him to guide her back to bed.

"It's better than, 'So, you're the guy doing my daughter.', isn't it?" she responded, with a dark brow quirked over a sparkling eye.

Rafael scoffed, his cheeks tinging ever so slightly pink at her words about a step in their relationship they've yet to take.

"Except I'm not 'doing you' yet," he replied, helping her into the bed, then settling the covers over her.

"Well, you will," Taylor smirked, which earned her a fresh look from Rafael.

"I'm going to go get us some coffee," Rafael said, as he made sure she was comfortable. "Do you want anything else?"

"Proper food," responded Taylor.

"I'll have to go somewhere other than Starbucks for that, but I'll do my best," he joked, causing Taylor to laugh, which made him smile, as he leaned in, and captured her lips in a quick kiss. "I'll be back in a bit."

"Okay," Taylor said.

She watched him leave her room, closing the door behind him, before she grabbed the remote off of her nightstand, and turned on the TV, then sank down in her bed, glad to be free of the confines of the IV and blood being hooked up to her.

Taylor didn't know how long it was before she fell asleep, but when she felt someone trying to wake her, she figured it'd be hours.

"Hey," said a voice, as a hand gently shook her. "Hey, wake up."

Groaning softly, Taylor lifted a hand to rub at her eyes, as she rolled over in her bed to face the direction the voice was coming from.

"Wake up," the voice repeated. "Come on. Wake up, please."

Taylor cracked open her eyes, and the beautiful blue orbs were soon widening in fear, when she saw, standing next to her bed, the guy from the previous night, the one who had slit her throat.

"Hey! Hey, hey hey!" he said, as she immediately began to push herself up and away from him, sure she was dreaming. "Don't freak out. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."

Taylor parted her lips and screamed as loud as she could, causing the boy to panic further, and flick a glance around, even as he tried to quiet her.

It wasn't even 10 seconds later, when the door to the room burst open, and Bryan, Olivia, and Fin, with two uniformed officers behind them, came in, guns drawn.

"Police! Don't move!" Olivia commanded. "Back away from the bed! Get down on the floor! Down on your knees! Hands up!"

The boy did as he was told, but still continued to ramble on. "Please don't hurt me! I'm-I'm sorry! I just needed her to know I was sorry!" He turned and looked over at Taylor, as Fin grabbed him by the back of his jacket, and forced him onto his stomach on the floor. "I-I didn't mean to hurt you! You gotta believe me! Please!"

"Shut up!" Fin exclaimed, making sure Olivia had her gun on him, before he holstered his weapon, and reached for his cuffs. "You're under arrest."

Bryan tucked his gun away and swiftly moved around to the other side of the bed to his daughter. "Baby, are you okay?"

"That's him," Taylor said, as her Dad reached out to comfort her. "That's the one from last night."

"Hear that, dirt bag?" Fin asked, hauling the now cuffed boy to his feet. "That's called a Positive ID. You're under arrest for assault."

"No!" the boys exclaimed. "No, I didn't mean it! It was an accident! Please!"

Rafael came into the room just then, he'd abandoned the coffee and food he'd brought for he and Taylor when he saw everybody crowded into Taylor's room, where shouting was heard.

His eyes were wide and his heart was beating way faster than he should, but he stayed back, and allowed Fin and the two uniformed officers to lead the handcuffed boy out, once he saw Taylor was safe in her bed, her Dad, and soon Liv, at her side.

"Taylor," Rafael spoke, swiftly moving over to her, and reaching out for her. "Are you all right?"

Taylor nodded, lifting her hands to grasp Rafael's extended one. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"We need to sweep the building," Bryan stated to Olivia. "Make sure the other boy isn't here."

Olivia nodded in agreement, as she holstered her weapon. "I'll call Liz too, make sure she and Caroline are all right."

Bryan nodded in agreement this time, and they both made sure Taylor was all right with them leaving, before they actually did so.

Rafael rubbed Taylor's back through the material of her t-shirt with one hand, while his other limb held hers, and the two watched her Father and sister leave.

"Please don't leave me again," Taylor said.

It was a bit later, there was no sign of the other guy in the hospital, and Caroline and her Mother were safe. Rafael sat in a chair beside Taylor's bed, the two of them holding hands.

"Oh, mi amor," Rafael breathed sadly, immediately sitting forward in his chair, and gently tightening his hold on her hand, then placing his other on top of the two. "Where else would I go?"

Taylor returned his soft smile, placing her own other hand on their joined now three ones, and he lifted her delicate limbs to his lips to kiss.

"Hold me until I fall asleep?" she asked with a quirked brow.

Rafael didn't need to vocally responded. He merely sent her a smile and a loving look, then nodded, before pulling his hands free of hers, in order to stand up, where he removed his suit jacket, undid the buttons of his dress shirt at his wrist, rolled up his sleeves, and finally pulled off his dress shoes, before he climbed into bed with Taylor, who opened up the covers for him, while she moved over to make room for him.

Taylor laid on her side, facing the window of her hospital room, and Rafael laid down on his side, behind her, wrapping one arm, which she grasped with her hand, around her waist, while the other rested above her dark silky head on the pillow.

Rafael pressed a kiss into her hair, then nuzzled his nose into the lush tresses, gently tightening his hold on her, as she did the same to him, and the two settled in to go to sleep.

Short and sweet chapter, I know. I plan on Taylor leaving the hospital next Chapter! :)