So, hey guys! As promised, this is the rewrite for The Gibbs Project. I am currently in the process of rewriting each chapter, and so I will post each chapter as soon as it has been edited and/or (re)written. Hopefully the rewrite will be more accurate than the original...

Anyway, someone asked me whether I'll be using Bishop in this story. The short answer is: no. However, because the oneshots are still around, I may bring her into those. (I haven't watched many episodes with her in them, but I kind of like her, and she seems okay, so I'll use her later - not in this story).

Other than that, I didn't get any improvement suggestions apart from fleshing out the story (which I plan to do), and the whole changing the behaviours of the kids because it's not really normal for kids to witness their parents' deaths and be like that, which I agree with. Also, someone mentioned the funeral, which I shall add most definitely in later chapters.

Anyway, here's the prologue to the rewrite, and I hope you enjoy it! Read on!

It was a quiet evening in Quantico – no parties, no fighting, no screaming. Not that those were really expected on a marine base, but still. It was nice to have some peace and quiet, after a long day filled with work.

It was on that quiet evening that Lieutenant Marcus Parkson calmly headed down the street to his house, after having parked his car quite a way down (so that he could get some exercise, as suggested by his wife – not that he needed it, but he did as she told him anyway), where his family would be waiting for him to arrive home.

As he reached his front porch, taking the steps up to it two at a time, he sensed something was off. The lights were off, and he couldn't hear his wife or his kids – usually by now they'd be getting ready for dinner…

He brought his hand up and knocked on the front door as he usually did, rapping five times, not bothering with his keys.

"Honey?" he called out. When there was no answer, he knocked again, more loudly just in case he hadn't been heard the first time. "Honey!"

After waiting for a few more seconds, only to hear no response or any indication of someone approaching the door to open it, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys, unlocking the door and pushing it open.

Peering inside, he found that the house was silent… unnaturally silent, compared to the usual shouting and laughter. He pulled out his gun and held it at the ready by his side, clicking off the safety, and crept inside and straight into the living room, where he assumed that his wife would be.

The living room was dark – the curtains had been drawn, and every single light in the room had been turned off. Which was odd, to say the least. The Lieutenant reached out to the nearest wall and flicked on the lights, expecting to find an empty room.

He was horrified when he didn't find one.

The room had been turned from its calm and comforting creams to a deep, bloody red, creating an eerie scene like one from a horror movie. There were bloody handprints splattering the walls, and streaks of blood trailed across and decorated the carpeted floor. The table lamps had been smashed, and pieces of glass littered the floor. But that wasn't what caught the Lieutenant's eye.

Right there, in the middle of his living room (on their brand new carpet), lay his wife.


The man quickly ran over to check her pulse, but from the amount of blood that surrounded her body, he wasn't expecting it.

There wasn't one.

As he rose slowly from his crouching position, he could hear faint footsteps approaching from behind him, causing him to tense. He knew the footsteps of each of the people in the household, and this wasn't one of them. He spun quickly to come face to face with a masked person, raising his gun to aim and shoot at them. But the person was too close, and soon enough his gun had been kicked out of his hands and clattered on the floor, the safety still off as it skidded away.

"Goodbye," the masked person whispered, before pulling a knife out of nowhere and plunging it into his spleen, twisting it. The lieutenant gasped in pain as he fell to the floor, only registering his own faint screams as the killer pulled out a gun and embedded a bullet in his skull.

Please send in any more reviews on improvements to the original story! Thanks!