A/N: finally I have typed up the first chapter even though I had it written down in a tablet since I did chapter seven of Opposites Attract, and that was last year. Anyway, I also want to say that I've seen Frosch come home episode almost a year ago and was kinda surprised to see Sabertooth was on a cliff or large hill and was big enough to have rooms for the Wizards. Oh well. I'm keeping it to what I had with my first story. Anyway enjoy cause I feel like my normal followers may not like it to where I added two more ocs. But know that is not permanent.

Two months. Two months have passed since Rufus Lore and Eferhilda Wyvern had became a couple. It's been pretty peaceful and nice with no lightning storm happening in weeks. Currently, the couple were out on lunch and the scene was not focused on them.

Not too far away was the Sabertooth Guild. The strongest guild in Fiore… or at least the strongest three years ago. Sting, Rogue, and their exceed partners just came back from a mission yesterday, so they was using this time to just relax in the guild. The white dragon was gobbling down some food while the shadow dragon tried his best to ignore him so he could read a mystery and suspense book. Lector and Frosch were outside, playing on the yard. Pretty peaceful.

The sky blue sky turned into an aqua blue before the white clouds collected together into one large cloud. In the middle of the humongous cloud was a eye like the eye of a hurricane. A white beam ascended from the middle of that cloud, and landed right in the middle of the guild hall.

Many of the mages got up from their seats, thinking that it was an attack. When the beam faded away, a young woman, with her head down, was standing where it was.

The woman was averaged sized with red hair that was put up in two pigtails. She was wearing a white one piece suit with four strips coming down from her shoulders that was almost landing on the floor. Two of them were in the front of the shoulders and another on the back. Her eyes were big and slightly curved with the irises red.

When her head raised up, people became tensed, waiting for an attack to happen. Instead, she cleared her throat.

"I am a Draco Knight from the Dragon Kingdom. Second class limited license. I am looking for Eferhilda Wyvern."

Everyone tensed. The twin dragon slayers mostly since they KNEW what the hell Drago Knights were. But they wasn't too worried since they heard she was second class. Eferhilda was first class, much stronger than second, so it was apparent that this woman wasn't here to take her back. Still, was Hild in trouble?

Finally, after some minutes of full silence, someone spoke. "So, who are you exactly?"

"Who am I?" She asked back. But mostly to herself than someone else. "Wait just a second." She opened up her battle suit, which revealed a blue tank top in it, and pulled out a small booklet and a pair of square glasses. She opened it, flipped through some pages, and began reading. "Okay, so I was supposed to say who I am before what I am." She muttered to herself. "How can I mess up on something as simple as an intro?" She asked herself which made the people who can hear her sweat drop. "If my commander knew about this, she would've lowered my rank. Dang it." She closed the book and took off her glasses so she could put them up.

"She kinda looks familiar." Sting said towards his human partner. Rogue nodded with agreement.

When the woman put her things back in her suit, she re-zipped it and looked up with a smile on her face.

"Sorry, but excuse me while I re-do this over." Her smile disappeared and now had a serious face. "I am Ariadne Wyvern and I…"

"Oh, so you're related to Hild."

"You were supposed to let me finish." Ariadne said then paused.

"Um, hello?" The blond waved his hand in front of her. Finally, she blinked.

"Oh uh, yeah. Eferhilda is indeed my sister." She looked around the guild. "Um, do you know where she might be?"

"She's out on lunch. She should be back soon."

"Oh. Well I guess I'll come back then."

"You don't have to do that. You can stay here till she come back."

She shook her head. "I rather not. I've already made a scene."

"Scene? You're not making a scene." He's comforted.

"Then why is everyone staring at me?" She whispered to him.

The spiky haired man looked around the guild, and indeed, everyone was staring at her. "Maybe because you came from the roof and asked for Sabertooth's Punishment Queen."

She frowned from confusion. "Who's that?"


"Why is she called that?"

"A very long story." Sting replied. "Come on." He guided her to his table. When he looked around the guild, he noticed that everyone was still staring. "Come on guys. You're making HILD'S sister uncomfortable."

Him saying that made everyone went back to what they was saying. Mainly because they didn't want Hild to give out some punishments.

"So, I'm Sting Eucliffe. The great white dragon slayer of Sabertooth." He introduced.

"Pleasure on meeting you." She waved at him with a big smile on her face.

"And this exceed is my partner, Lector."

"Hello." She greeted the exceed.

"Right a cross from me is the emo, shadow dragon slayer, Rogue Cheney with his exceed Frosch."

"I'm not emo." Rogue grunted.

"You act like one."

Rogue slightly growled at him. "So yeah. You'll notice that Sting's an idiot."

"I'm not an idiot."

"You REALLY act like one."

"Well this is all so familiar." Ariadne muttered to herself.

"How?" The twin dragon slayers asked in the same time.

Ariadne opened her mouth to answer, but wasn't able to let it out since she got interrupted.

"Um, what happened to the roof?!" Minerva wondered as she looked up at the ceiling. There were black streaks like it had been burned by something.

"Uh gomen." Ariadne stood up from her seat and did a small bow. "I kinda made an entrance, but I'm sure my sister Violet can repair it for you."

"And where is this Violet?"

"She should be here soon." She said for sure. "You see, she gets kinda lost during teleportation cause she's easily distracted." Minerva only nodded to her response. "So, I'm Ariadne Wyvern, Eferhilda's youngest sister."

The red haired girl extended her arm up to the Sabertooth woman. Minerva went ahead and shook her hand. "Why yes. You're sister mentioned you before. I'm the Master of Sabertooth. Name's Minerva.

"It's very nice to meet you, Minerva."

After their little greeting, the sky to darken into a dark purple. Similar like Ariadne's, a violet beam came down, right in the middle of the guild hall. When the beam disappeared, a body was shown.

The woman was pretty tall, about five foot eleven. She was wearing a suit, similar to Ariadne's outfit, but instead of four strips coming down, she an attached that looked almost like a dragon wings that stopped to the bottom of her back. Her irises were blood red with her eyes slanted, but not as narrow as Hild's. Lastly, she had violet hair that was straight down to her back, and had a bang that covered almost her right side of her face that was dyed maroon.

Similar to Ariadne, she had a serious face on. "I'm Vi…"

"You're Violet Wyvern, Eferhilda's sister. Now, fix the roof." The master interrupted.

The woman turned to Minerva a little slow. It was bad enough that she interrupted her on her introduction, but even worse when she gave her a demand.

"Uh, I don't know who the hell you're talking too… but you don't get to boss me around."

"Well you're in my guild and I'm the master here, so if you want to pop over here, you need to follow my commands."

Violet crossed her arms. "I listen to no one's demands."

Minerva slightly looked up when she saw something move. She made a smirk to it as she turned her attention back over to Violet. "No matter how big or frightening the person is?"

"That's right."

"What about Hild?"

"Who the hell is afraid of Hild?" She asked. Almost everyone had the urge to raise their hands up. "The only scary thing about her is her choice of clothes. There were many times when her clothes made her look like a guy."


Violet turned around with a grin. "Oh hey. How's it going little sister?"


"That's not what our heights say."

Hild was about to say something else till she felt hands grab her shoulder.

"Calm down amore." Rufus said.

She nodded as she took a deep breath and let out a huff.

"Oh." She walked closer to Rufus. "I must admit, it's pretty impressive for someone to calm down Hild so easily. You two close?"

"Why yes actually. We're dating."

Both of the sisters looked over to him with confusion.

"You serious?" Violet asked outloud.

"Yes. I am serious." He replied. Why was it so hard to believe?

"We are so sorry." Ariadne apologized.

"Yeah. We just can't believe she'd like someone like… you…" The Violet haired woman briefly explained.

A frown grew on the blond's face. This was the second time he heard that from Eferhilda's family. He had the feeling that he was gonna get this from everyone.

"You must be a wild one in bed."

Many people started feeling blood rush up their faces from that statement.

"T-that's not the reason why I'm with him." Hild slightly stuttered.

Violet's eyes beamed. "So it's true?"

"I didn't… that… I…" She took a deep breath to calm down. "I'm… going home to take a nap." She said as she turned around and started walking out.

"Uh, wait Onee-san." Ariadne called out which made the green haired wizard stop and turned her attention to her. "Um, since we're visiting, I was wondering if we could stay over at your home till we go back."

"You can." She nodded at her then turned to her other sibling. "You can't."

Violet only pouted before answering with a, "Fine." She changed her position so she was facing the guild members. "Will someone let me stay at their place? I'd really… appreciate it…" She seductively said, gaining many responses.

Hild shook her head before grabbing a lock full of hair to pull her closer to her height. "Fine. You can stay at my house. Stop being a whore. You're giving our family a bad reputation." With that said, she began walking out the guild with her sisters behind.

"Well, looks like I can't stay at her place without being interrupted." Rufus muttered. "I'll keep that in my memory."


"Here we are." Eferhilda said, walking into the house. "Take your shoes off at the door. I don't want dirt on my perfectly bleached carpet."

Ariadne looked around. "It is perfectly bleached. And you have a nice home."

"It's decent." Violet said. "Where we sleeping at?"

"Guest room. First door on the right."

When she said that the violet haired woman went upstairs to the other room. Probably was exhausted from all that teleporting. Teleporting to different dimensions was VERY tiring and take up a lot of magic energy.

"So, think you're gonna enjoy your stay?" Eferhilda asked her younger sister.

"Oh course. I mean, I've been here for only thirty minutes and this place has so many things."

"Yeah, that what happens when you live in a forest. You get excited easily." She nodded. "Anyway, relax yourself and make yourself at home. This is the only vacation you'll have in the next eleven years."

The ginger nodded her head with agreement. It didn't take long for them to hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Hey Hild…"

"What?" The greenette grumbled.

Violet held up her hand, which was holding a pair of silk red boxers. "Is this your boyf…"

"Give me that!" Hild snatched the undergarment from the other woman's hands. "AND STAY OUT MY STUFF!"

"I just wanted to see what you had."

"You're just nosy!"

"Um, I'm about to step outside." Ariadne interrupted, walking towards the door.

"Oh, wait a minute." Hild stopped her. "I forgot to get some catfish. Think you can go to the market? It's not too far from here."

"Uh, sure big sis."

"Good." She dug through her pocket of camouflage pants to pull out a wallet. "Here's thirty six hundred jewels. I want you to get three catfishes. You take two lefts down each corner than three rights. Got it?"

"Got it. Which way do I go as soon as I leave?"


"Okay." She put her boots back on. "I'll be back soon." She opened the door and walked out.

When she left out and closed the door behind, Hild opened it back. "If you're not back by thirty minutes, I'm coming to find you!"

"Got it!" Ariadne replied.