A/N: I couldn't resist this pairing. I might do more at some point but I have a few multi-chapters going at the moment so it will probably be sporadic.

Emily didn't drink like this. Not usually. But hey, A was gone, the school year was over, she had finally got the girl she'd been crushing on since she was thirteen. Why not let loose? She had nothing to worry about. Except that Ali had that look in her eye. That predatory look she had right before she'd pin Emily to the bed and make her scream. Or the look she'd get in her eye when they were having lunch with the girls and Emily would just know Ali was thinking something dirty and it would distract her the whole time.

"What are you thinking?" she asked warily as the party swirled around them.

Alison just smirked, "I'm just coming up with a new game."

"I thought we were done with games," Emily groaned.

"It's different if the games fun," Alison grinned, "Trust me, you'll like it. A lot."

"Don't I even get a clue?" Emily held Alison around the waist.

Alison pretended to think, then her eyes flitted behind her girlfriend, "Well, our third player just walked in," she whispered into Emily's ear.

Emily frowned, turning around to see the crowd part around Cece. Just the way they did around Alison. What was it about these girls that caught the attention of a whole room? Oh yeah, Emily thought, they're drop dead gorgeous. Plus, that confidence. Girls wanted to be with them, guys wanted to be with them and… Emily had always thought Cece was attractive. But she had Alison and that was all she needed.

Wasn't it?

"Where are we going, it's still early," Emily complained as she was pulled down the street.

Alison rolled her eyes, "We have another party to get to."

Emily frowned, tripping as she followed her girlfriend, "We do?"

Alison just grinned as she fished her keys out and opened the door to her house.

"Ali," Emily whined.

Alison pulled her up the stairs, "Remember when we were talking about fantasies a few week back?"

Emily nodded, "You mean when you pinned me down and forced me to tell you my embarrassing fantasies? Yes, I remember that."

Alison laughed, "You loved it. Remember when you said you said you wanted two hot blonde's pawing over you?"

Emily blushed, "I did not say it like that!"

Alison rolled her eyes, "Uh-huh, whatever," she chuckled, "Well, I thought about it and I don't want to share you with anyone else – "

"I don't – "

"But then I thought about how much fun me and a certain friend used to have teasing all these guys, I mean we never did anything like this but…"

"Anything like… I'm so confused," Emily frowned.

"So innocent," Alison tutted as she opened the bedroom door, "The only person I would ever trust with my beautiful girlfriend."

Emily found herself staring at Cece sitting on their bed.

"Ali, what the hell did you tell her?" she hissed at her girlfriend.

Cece laughed, "Just some threesome fantasy you had about two blonde's or something," she stood up and approached the suddenly shy and blushing Emily, "You know, if you hadn't been Ali's best friend I would have already made a move but," she shrugged.

Alison rolled her eyes, "And that's why I trust you," she smiled at Cece.

"Yeah, yeah I'd never go after your girl," Cece said, "Not without your permission anyway," she grinned.

Emily was blushing furiously.

"Oh, come on Americana," Cece smirked, leaning close enough to whisper in her ear, "Don't go all shy on me now."

God, she smelt good, Emily thought, why was it these two always knew how to pick those perfumes that would get your head spinning?

"Ali, I don't think she wants to play," Cece pouted.

Alison sighed, "Of course she does, she's just shy."

Cece shrugged and pulled on Alison's hand, "Maybe we should show her how it's done," she murmured.

Alison chuckled as she caught her girlfriend biting her lip and daring to look up. She switched her attention back to her friend and kissed her passionately. Cece had always been a good kisser and she didn't disappoint now. She tangled a hand in her friends' hair, pulling her close against her.

Emily tried to look away but her eyes kept being drawn to her girlfriend and her friend.

"Is she always this shy?" Cece wondered as Emily averted her eyes when they made eye contact.

Alison huffed, "Never," she claimed.

"So it's just me, huh?" Cece quirked an eyebrow as she sauntered towards the brunette, "Do I make you nervous?" she asked quietly, resting a hand on Emily's waist.

"Um," Emily stammered, "I don't know," she mumbled.

Cece laughed softly and drew her hand from Emily's waist until it ended up underneath her chin, tilting it upwards slightly. She leaned in slowly, giving the other woman a way out if she wanted it, and pressed her lips to Emily's. Emily felt herself relax almost immediately and deepened the kiss, though Cece quickly took charge and pushed their tongues from her mouth to Emily's forcefully. Emily was the first to break away.

"There we go," Cece murmured, "Not so hard, was it?"

Emily bit her lip, shaking her head, "Not hard at all."

Cece laughed, a twinkle in her eye.

Emily startled slightly as Alison's hands wrapped around her waist from behind. She felt Ali nuzzling into her neck, then kissing and grazing her teeth over it. Emily shivered at the sensation.

"Don't you forget about me," Alison whispered in her ear.

"Never," Emily promised, before kissing her girlfriend passionately.

Cece yawned loudly.

"Seriously?" Alison glared at her.

Cece shrugged, "What? I'm not like your girl, I don't like watching."

Emily felt her cheeks burn, "Fine then, what do you like?" she challenged.

"How nice of you to ask," Cece smirked, "I like the way you look at me, don't think I haven't noticed," she winked as she pushed Emily gently over to the bed, her other hand dragging Alison over with them.

"She's never been subtle," Alison noted with a smile.

Emily rolled her eyes, "You two would notice," she muttered.

Alison raised her eyebrows, "What's that meant to mean?"

"You're always the centre of attention and you love it," Emily shot back.

"We're not all as modest as you," Cece drawled as she pushed a hand into Emily's chest, just enough for her to lose her balance and fall back onto the bed. Cece quickly crawled over her, dragging her shirt up as she went, "But now's no time for modesty, Emily."

Emily felt Alison's weight on the bed next to her and turned to her, nuzzling into her neck. She felt Alison's hand settle in her hair. She also felt Cece's hands on her hips and then her whole body pressed into Emily's back. Emily's breath caught in her throat when Cece's hand found it's way under her bra. Cece pinched a hard nipple between her thumb and finger causing Emily to gasp and stop her work on Ali's neck.

Alison turned around to see what was happening. A smile spread over her face and she pressed her lips to Emily's, slipping her tongue into her mouth and pushing hard. Emily moaned into the kiss as Cece's other hand trailed down her stomach.

"Let me," Alison's unbuttoned her girlfriend's jeans, "Is this okay?" she asked, meeting brown eyes with her own.

Emily nodded, "Yeah," she breathed.

Alison smiled, "Tell me if you want to stop, okay?" she asked, "Any time."

Emily smiled, "I know, Ali."

Emily gasped as she felt Cece's teeth on her nipple.

"Nice timing, Cece," Alison rolled her eyes.

Cece grinned, "I thought you were done. She says stop, we stop. I say stop, we stop. You say stop, we stop. We all got it, right?"

Emily and Alison both laughed.

"Yeah, we all got it," Alison confirmed.

"Cool," Cece smirked and moments' later, her tongue lashed out against Emily's nipple. She felt a tentative hand on the small of her back. She heard Emily gasp and moan at the same time. She looked down, as she'd suspected Alison had placed her hand into Emily's underwear.

"Ali," Emily moaned as she felt the pressure on her core.

"And?" Cece murmured as she traced her lips over Emily's stomach. She could feel the brunette's body shaking beneath her as her hand massaged the inside of her thigh whilst Alison continued her own ministrations.

"Cece," Emily moaned louder this time, struggling to hold herself together.

Alison kissed her cheek, "Well, that's new," she chuckled.

Emily struggled to catch her breath, "Sorry – "

"Don't be," Alison kissed her again, "I like it."

"You kinky bitch," Cece chuckled as she lowered her lips to Emily's thighs. She kissed them gently, then pulled as much skin as she could into her mouth, nipping then sucking. Emily moaned into Alison's mouth before breaking away, breathing hard.

"You okay?" Alison asked softly.

"Uh-huh," Emily groaned, "I just need… I need… "

Alison smiled, "I know, I know," she bit Emily's ear gently as her fingers got to work. She traced her fingers up and down her girlfriends wetness before flicking her clit, eliciting another moan.

What Emily didn't expect came next. There was a hard tongue pushing against her core. She bit her lip. Hard. She pulled Alison close and rested her head against her chest, clutching onto her tightly. Alison kissed the top of her head, running a hand up and down her side comfortingly.

Cece held the girl's hips as steady as she could. Emily's hips now bucking into her mouth. She flicked her tongue expertly against Emily's clit, before managing to suck it into her mouth and letting it go again. With one last lick and well placed finger rubbing slightly on her clit. Then she stopped, licking her lips clean of Emily and running her hands up and down her sides as the woman run out the last of her orgasm.

Emily breathed deeply, still trying to catch her breath. She ran a hand through her messy hair, feeling the sweat mingled through it.

"So, was it everything you dreamt it to be?" Cece smirked.

Emily laughed through her laboured breathing, "Better," she managed to get out.

Alison chuckled, "Agreed," she murmured into Emily's ear, "You have no idea how sexy you are when you come."

Emily slowly regained her breathing.

"Now I know why Ali calls you her sweet Emily," Cece bounced her eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh my god," Emily couldn't help laughing as she blushed.

Alison hit Cece on the shoulder playfully.

"So, you know, I'm cool if this is a once off thing," Cece started, "But I'm cool if it's not too."

Alison laughed, "That's Cece's way of telling you she wants more."

Cece shrugged, "It's only fair," she stated, "I just want the favour repaid."

Emily grinned, "I think that can be arranged… right?" she looked to Alison.

"Sure," Alison agreed.

Emily felt her eyes grow heavy and she moaned sleepily into Alison's shoulder.

"She's a sleeper after sex," Cece noted.

Alison smiled, stroking her girlfriends' hair, "Yeah," she said quietly, "Guess we wore her out."

Cece chuckled, "Should I go?"

Emily spoke sleepily, "Stay."

Cece smiled and settled down beside the two, snaking an arm over Emily's stomach and as much as she could over Ali too. Her and Ali talked quietly until they grew tired and fell asleep, both still tracing patterns over Emily's spine.