A groan ignited in the back of Steve's throat as he fell onto his back. Sharp pains flooded through his chest, causing his muscles to tense. He'd just been shot five times, and there was no way he'd survive it this time. He was in the middle of nowhere, faced with difficult challenges and rough terrain. "…N'tasha…." He slurred, blood drooling out of his mouth.

Natasha came running up to him, dropping to her knees by his side. She shook him. "Stay awake Steve," She demanded, cupping his delicate cheek with her soft, warm hand. His skin was cold and clammy to the touch. His eyelids fluttered closed as a raindrop fell onto his forehead. "Steve." Natasha stated firmly. He didn't respond. "Steven!" She shook him by the shoulder, his head lolling limply to the side. "Shit." She cursed, lifting him into her arms and carrying him bridal style. He was going into hypovolemic shock.

His head leaned against her chest, his eyelids fluttering softly as he tried to regain consciousness, to no avail.

It started to rain in the middle of the field, a gentle breeze blowing against her as she walked towards the city. It was a few miles away, which was very bad considering Steve's condition. He moaned, a soft, breathy sound.

After a few more steps, Natasha dropped to her knees, panting. "Steve. Steve I can't carry you." She cried softly, tears running down her face. The rain fell harder, it making a soft splashing sound as it hit the ground. Both of them were damp now. They needed shelter. Nat looked around, hope sprouting in her chest when she spotted a cave about five hundred yards away. She slowly walked to the shelter, setting the bottom half of Steve's body on the ground once she got there. She cradled the other half in her arms, hands wrapped around his head to protect it. Natasha kneeled down, sitting on the ground with her legs out in front of her. Then she placed Steve's head in her lap, stroking his bloodied blonde hair.

"Don't you dare give up Steve. We're going to make it through this. You and I, together." She promised, holding him close. "You and I." She echoed.

As the night dragged on, the weather got worse. The rain had turned to snow, and the snow turned into a blizzard. The blizzard had become so violent by now that the entrance to the cave was blocked by snow; there was no way to get out now. Outside, it was freezing. Inside the cave, it was warmer, but Steve still shivered. His body shook so badly that Natasha thought that he could've been having a seizure. There was no doubt that he had hypothermia.

Nat ran her hand through Steve's hair, staring down at his fragile body. He lay in her arms, his face turned towards her with his hand feebly clinging onto her arm. Tears gathered in her eyes and she started crying silently, stroking his fragile cheek with her thumb. His skin was colder than before, and she started to panic. Not concerned about herself, she took off her shirt, draping it over his shoulders. He stopped shivering slightly, and to her relief, his eyelids slowly fluttered open.

"Steve." She sighed, smiling. He licked his lips, swallowing dryly. Then he glanced around, confused and dazed. His movement was sluggish, no doubt a sign of hypothermia. Natasha placed her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her. "Steve, can you hear me?" She asked gently, staring deeply into his eyes.

"T-Tasha…..? Where 'm I..? Why's it so c-cold…?" He slurred. He was definitely hypothermic.

Natasha removed one of her hands from his face, latching onto his shoulder. "Shh…it's alright…." She whispered. His breathing was shallow, she could tell, seeing as his breaths were brushing against her cheek.

Nat was about to ask if he could stand, but before she could, the cave began to rumble and shake. Before she could do anything, she heard Steve scream, then everything went black