Hello…. So. I've had this story in my head for a while. And now I'm finally starting it. So, I hope you like it. It's told from Penny's point of view.

I had stayed up late yet one more time tonight. Every night that was the first one after Leonard had been here for the one night a week Sheldon would let him, the bed just felt so empty. Yeah, yeah. I know. Independent, strong woman. All of that jazz. But I was allowed to feel lonely!

It was past two at night. Even late to be me. But going to bed lately had just been an issue and it was almost early to be me. But still, I had to go to work in the morning and the four hours of sleep I would get was already too little.

Standing and looking myself in the bathroom mirror I let my hand run and press towards the lower part of my abdomen. Every time I did this I hoped that this time this time that lump is for sure gone. But no, it was still there. And pressing towards it and moving my head up and down. I could push it back and forth, just like I had been able to yesterday, and the day before that. And every day for… well I wasn't so sure how long. Six months or something.

I knew I should have gone to the doctor's or something with it. That if it was something bad they would be able to do something about it easier the sooner I got there. But I hadn't dared to tell anybody about the lump I'd been feeling. What if it was something bad? What if I was really ill? What if I would die and not have the chance to do what I had really been dreaming about. Screw being an actress, what if I would never have the time to marry Leonard or have a child?

I sighed and turned the bathroom light off, moving out in the main room of my apartment and towards the bedroom. Where I laid down, and pulled the covers tightly around me to try and get the lonely feeling off me. And tried to imagine that the covers tightly wrapped around me was Leonard lying there.


I felt something hard under me, and every little piece of my body was aching and sore. I also felt a pair of arms holding under me, lifting up my upper body from whatever hard I was lying on. Hadn't I just been laying in my bed to go to sleep for the night? No wait! I could remember briefly standing by my wardrobe and picking out clothes for today.

"Penny?... Penny?"

I slowly opened my eyes to see Leonard kneeling by me and holding me up from the floor right inside the door of my apartment. And there I was lying on the floor and feeling tired and achy and damn it I was so nauseas. What was going on? And I was going to work wasn't so why was I wearing pyjamas? Nothing made sense!

"Wha' abbe?"

"You had a seizure."

Wait… No! I didn't get seizures did I? Okay? What was wrong with me? Nothing was wrong with me. I had to be dreaming or something? This was just some stupid bad dream? But then why was I in so much pain? You couldn't feel pain in dreams could you? What was wrong with me? Nothing was wrong with me! I just had to get up and get to work, like now. Because if Leonard was in here I was probably late. And I just needed to get up from the floor.

I tried to push myself up on the floor. But that only caused a wave of nausea so strong, for a second I was so certain I'd throw up I gave my all to lift my head so I wouldn't get choked. And then I just continued to take deep breaths and forced the nausea down my throat, both that wave and another. Even stronger one. Before the nausea suddenly eased and I laid back again towards the floor for a second.

"The ambulance is on its way."

Wait? I looked up to Leonard in alarm. I didn't need an ambulance. Nothing was wrong with me and I didn't need an ambulance. And I knew a guy who worked as a paramedic, so with my luck. He was probably the one who was going to come here and this would be awkward when they would have to realize that there was nothing wrong with me and that was certainly not what I needed. What I did need was to get up from this floor. Like right now! I needed to get up, get into some real clothes and get to work. Didn't I? I started pushing myself up from the floor, but just as I did there was a knock on the door and the door was opened to two paramedics.

"Have we come to the right place?" One of the men, the one who was standing closest to me asked and I heard Leonard answer yes before the man kneeled by me on the opposite side on me from Leonard. Leaving the door open as otherwise I would have to move further into the apartment. "My name is Matthew." He opened his bag and pulled out a syringe and a little flask. "And I understand you've had a seizure?"

"Yes." That was the first time I had even accepted myself that it was what had happened. And I wasn't so sure what I would think when I saw the paramedic had the same hair color as my friend. But it for sure wasn't him. Maybe I would have felt safer if it was someone I knew. Or maybe… Now when he was pulling the fluid from the flask into the syringe it probably wouldn't matter.

"Well, my name is Matthew and I'll be riding with you in the ambulance. First, I just need to check your blood pressure. It's okay honey. It will only tighten, it won't hurt at all." He pulled up a blood pressure cuff and a stethoscope out of his bag. He pulled the cuff around my arm and I reached down my free hand to hold Leonard's and waited for it to be over.

"That's it." I looked at Matthew when he reached down his bag again and pulled up a syringe and a small flask. "This is only relaxants. It will keep you from having another seizure." I nodded. "It will only hurt for a second." I buried my face in Leonard's shirt and forced myself not to whimper when I felt the needle go through my skin. "So that's it. Now, do you think you can walk yourself or should I and my colleague here get the gurney?" I shook my head slightly, and fought to crawl onto my feet. And then, supporting on Leonard walked through the door and out in the stairs.

My legs felt weak and shaky, but still I managed to get past Sheldon who stood in the doorway to his apartment and stared at us. But for once he wasn't saying a word and I just looked away, while Leonard gestured something to him when he tried to say something. And then we continued down the stairs. And not until we continued out the door and towards the waiting ambulance for me. I thought about that lump again. Maybe I should tell the paramedic so something could be done about it?

I just shook the thought off. There was nothing this Matthew could do about it anyway. And it was probably nothing… unless that lump and that seizure had something to do with each other. But it couldn't have that could it. The lump was in my abdomen and seizures were in the brain? Were they?

Oh lord!

What on earth was going on with me?

So. There's a short introduction chapter for you. And it starts off with Penny feeling a lump, then having a seizure. And obviously some black outs as she can't remember anything of how she ended up on the floor, how she changed pyjamas, or Leonard coming into her apartment from the start… hmmm. Well, you'll see how this works out in the rest of this story

I made a polyvore edit for this story. Links on profiles aren't working, but if you want to see it pm me. And I'll come up with a way for you to see it. And oh yeah, there might be some English faults in the story. But that might be because English is not my first language.

Random fact

During some circumstances I haven't been able to start this before. But I did now, and I'm so excited to finally be putting up a big bang theory fic.