December 15th 11:40 am

Two days. It's been two days since Ryoma came back from America. Two days since Seigaku caught him. Two days since he learned of Fuji's murder. And so many things happened in those two days.

After all the conflict had been resolved, Ryoma finally got to visit him. He stared at that familiar name on the gravestone, slowly breaking his heart. Yukimura's flowers still lay on the earth by the granite. He rested the bunch of white aster lilies next to the gardenias and sat on his knees, reading the inscription on the stone.

Fuji Syusuke


To The Man Whose Love For His Clan Runs Thicker Than Blood

"It's been a while, hasn't it, senpai?" Ryoma didn't care what Syusuke told him about honorifics. "I know, I know. I'm too old to call you that. I guess it's just an old habit of mine. Well, I'm back now. I'm not sure how great I'm going to be at this whole king thing, but I'm going to try." He can just barely hear Fuji's voice speak in his ear, saying those motivational sentences the young king needed. "Yes. I'm going to go through hard times and times that make me wonder if I'm really suited for this job. Then again, I'll always have you telling me everything will all work out in the end and that the pain I may feel is not permanent, but a constant reminder of my strength and that, king or not, I am still human." Yes, those would be Fuji's words if he were alive.

Ryoma heard leaves rustle near him. Glancing to the side, he met several eyes belonging to Seigaku's clansmen. "Hey there." Momo smiled kindly.

Ryoma stood up, clenching his hands to keep the tears in his eyes. "What are you all doing here?"

"Hmmm? Ochibi's wondering what we're doing visiting Fuji?" Eiji said sarcastically, placing his hands behind his head. "We're almost always here to visit him."


Momo noticed the racked up pain in the young king's heart. He's been keeping it all in, all to himself; the pain of losing Fuji, the memories, the last words ever said to him had been locked up in his heart. "Echizen." Purple eyes stared deeply in the hazel ones. "It's okay. Go on ahead and cry. We've been mourning with you."

At the last word, Ryoma didn't even hold back. It all streamed down his face. This was what he needed. He needed Seigaku to be there and help him get through it all. He needed Seigaku to understand he was hurting, too, that he, too, was consumed with the severe pain in his heart he could hardly breathe at night because of it.

Momo wrapped his arms around the shaking figure, holding him close. Eiji embraced the two of them and soon the rest of the clan hugged the three members, letting Ryoma vent as much as he needed. Tezuka stayed back, of course. It'd be the day to see the first king emotional and showing love and affection to his clan out in the public.

When the clan finally let him go, Ryoma ever wondered if Tezuka cried for Fuji. Everyone knew Tezuka rarely showed emotion. But still, couldn't he make an exception for once? Maybe perhaps, Tezuka thought crying might ruin his reputation of being the most stoic out of any king or clansman. Or maybe Tezuka might feel embarrassed finally letting others know how he felt.

"Did you ever cry, Tezuka?" Ryoma never let his gaze shift anywhere else but on Tezuka's dark hazel eyes. "Did you cry when you found out Fuji died? Or when you saw he dead body? Or when you buried him? Did you ever cry, just shed one single tear? Did you ever show any sign of sorrow when you lost your best friend? Did you ever show anyone any sign that you are still human under all that? That perhaps maybe the death of the one that's been by your side for years could make you lose all your pride and for once just cry?"

As Ryoma talked, Tezuka reminiscent about all those times his heart hurt. All those times he wanted to shed tears and wish for Fuji to return back to him, to the clan. "What's the point?" Something sounded different. Tezuka's voice used to be stern, but his voice cracked and he sounded like he was sick. "What's the point of crying when it won't bring him back? Nothing I do will bring him back. So what the hell is the point of it all?"

Like Ryoma, Tezuka locked all his pain in his heart, waiting for the day it exploded and killed him.

"Tezuka?" Oishi gasped. A drop of crystal water spilled from the first king's eye.

You have always been there by my side, my dearest friend. I'm sorry.

"Oh! I forgot!" Eiji pulled out a familiar photograph and handed it over to Ryoma. "For a memory."

A wide smile spread across the young man's face as he recalled the day Fuji hauled him up his shoulders so he could pick that perfectly ripe peach from the tree. He memorized every single detail of the picture, capturing it in his heart and mind forever.

Ice slowly covered the photo and bit-by-bit, the ice broke into small crystals containing parts of the picture and vanished in the wind until Ryoma held nothing in his hand.

"Even in death, we'll still be together."

December 20th 8:30 am

Ryoga joined his younger brother back in Japan and helped him redecorate the manor to Ryoma's liking. Of course, Seigaku, Shitenhouji, and Rikkaidai helped out as well. The first three kings were to have a breakfast meeting at Ryoma's manor 8:30 sharp to discuss alliances for future problems.

They sat in the dining room, Ryoma sitting at the head chair with the Tezuka on his left, Yukimura on his right and Shiraishi next to Yukimura. The kings all agreed to have each other's back during times of severe distress and not to turn on eachother when a member or a king is accused of a crime. They were to remain allies and close friends until a new king is crowned.

Towards the end of the meeting, Ryoga interrupted.

"Did you hear a new fourth king has been chosen?" He asked, a playful smile on his face.

"Who?" Ryoma spoke in wonder.

That smile only broadened even further. "It might come as a shock because he wouldn't be my first choice, but… Akutagawa Jirou is the new Fourth King."

Well guys... That's the end! Yes I know it's super short... But so is K! (No worries, you still got the movie and season 2!) So I hope you enjoyed this random of a story and I hope you were able to tolerate reading a fic w/ no pairings. It was hard for me, too! But we both made it! Thank you so much for your support and till next time, Love you forever, AIR