It has been forever since I updated. I'm sorry!

The story has been so intense lately, I thought my characters deserve a little break. You know, they need a chance to relax... for a moment anyway. ;)

P.S. I know I've been messing with the timeline a little, but I needed a little more room to breathe!

Norah had never been much of a "shopper", but the look on Sam's face as she dragged him from boutique to boutique almost made it worth it. "You know," she called from inside a dressing room, "you really don't have to stay with me today..." she let her voice trail off with a smirk to herself in the dressing room mirror. She knew Sam was 'on duty' and had been sent by Steve or Bucky (or both) to keep an eye out for her. The entertaining part was going to be getting him to admit to it. So far he had been well stocked with excuses "I was just in the neighborhood" and "I needed to go grocery shopping anyway" etc. Norah honestly didn't mind that he was hanging around, but it was way too much fun to torment him. She knew he couldn't complain out loud, or he would have to give a reason for why he was staying. "I don't know about any of these" she called out, although she had already found the dress she was going to wear to the party. "I think we'll have to hit a few more shops - or maybe go back to that one we saw earlier..." She chuckled to herself in the mirror, she could practically hear him groaning. She stepped out of the dressing room and came toward him, keeping her face calm. "Unless you have somewhere else to be, I can just see you later at the party..."

"Oh, no... no..." Sam struggled for something to say, "I've got nothing planned... just hangin' with you..." Norah couldn't help herself anymore and cracked up laughing. His eyes narrowed "what?"

She controlled her laughter for a moment, to put a hand on his shoulder "Sam, you're obviously miserable. It's ok." She decided to take pity on him. "I'm actually done shopping - found everything I need for the party." She dissolved into laughter again "But all of your excuses were so cute!"

"So you're telling me you knew the whole time and just kept letting me come up with ridiculous stories?" Norah shook her head and sighed, rubbing the painful crease between her eyebrows "That's exactly what I'm telling you Sam."

"After all I've done to help you, and this is how you treat me?" Sam pulled a face and looked injured. "Oh, you deserved it for lying to me. Now why don't go see the others and relieve you of your sentry duty huh?" Norah said with a wink as they exited the store and made their way toward Stark Tower.

After being escorted to the top levels of Stark Tower and greeting Pepper who was apparently on her way out of the country, Norah turned to find herself lifted off of the ground in a pair of strong arms. One of which was not entirely flesh.

"Well hello to you too" she said, her voice muffled in his shirt. Bucky lowered her to the ground gently and stepped back. "Good to see you kid." he said, the old charm seeping into his voice. "You had us a little worried there." He reached an arm around and pulled her to his side as they began walking away from the elevator.

"I would be annoyed at you calling me 'kid' all the time if it weren't for the fact that you are literally almost one hundred years old." Norah gave him a smile and nudged him with her shoulder. "Yes, well, I'm still pretty spry for my age - which means I expect a dance later!" Bucky replied, noting that her smile - that same Norah smile as always, was still missing something. "Well, I'm not sure the dancing will be what you're used to" she said with a chuckle, picturing his reaction to modern dancing. Bucky wiggled his eyebrows, hoping to disperse the shadows hiding in her eyes "you know me" he said with a smirk, "I'm up for anything". Norah just laughed as they walked down the hallway to their rooms. She was glad to be here - and no matter what was going on with her - she knew she had a great group of people around to help her through it.