Chapter 10

It had been two days since we reached Nate's quarters. People there had come from all over the world. They were cautious of me for a while but after formal introductions, they seemed okay. We had come for sort of business deal; hence Jared made all the talk. Of course I had to share my raid experiences when needed. Ian was there with me the whole time. He was not so subtle about our relationship. He was constantly at my side touching me and calling me sweet names. Everyone got the picture. Few people did react but they didn't question anything.

"Hey Wanderer" Burns had been calling me with my full name.

"Hi Burns"

"Mind if I ask you about something"


"I can see that you and Ian are together. How did it happen? I mean, I have never seen that before."

I knew it was coming. I tried to be casual about it. "Yeah. It's unbelievable for me too. But it just happened you know. I didn't even realize for a long time" She sighed. "Human love is so complicated. But it's the best thing that had ever happened to me" I said with a smile.

"Hmm…" Burns looked weird. Like he was nervous. From what I knew, Burns was a confident person. What was happening?

"Do you have something to say Burns? I mean you look like you want to ask something"

"Yes" He cleared his throat. "I have wondered about that you know. Our kind and humans if we can live in peace. Maybe this gives some hope. I don't know" I was stunned. Did he really say that? I didn't say anything though.

"But that's not why I came here" I raised my eyebrows. He was looking at me directly and I could see that. What? Is he blushing?

"What is it Burns?"

"I am… there is this woman Sam." Oh wow.

"She was trying to escape from a seeker and I saved her. She was supposed to join Gail's group. We thought she would fit in there well. But she insisted staying here." Burns cleared his throat.

"Anyway, Sam was always nice to me you know. I didn't see any difference. One day she approached me and said that she cares about me a lot. I told her I care about her too and that she was a great friend. She looked happy and then… She kissed me. I liked it. I liked it a lot. But, I masked my feelings and told her that it wouldn't work. And she was hurt. Now she talks to me then and there but not like before you know. And then I saw you and Ian and I… I just don't know what to do." He trailed off. I couldn't say anything. I was not expecting something like that.

We got distracted by Ian running towards us. He came and put his hands around my shoulder.

"Hey sweetheart. Shall we go?" He asked me staring at Burns.

I nodded at Burns and said "I will talk to you later".

During dinner, Burns looked at me. He mouthed thank you and I nodded at him. Ian saw our exchange and he looked like he was irritated. We then started to our tent. Yes, we were sharing a tent.

"Why are you acting like this Ian?" I asked him once we were inside.

"Like what"

"You are different. Are you mad at me?"

"No. I am not mad at you but I don't like this Burns guy. He is always looking at you. I don't like it." He said.

"Hmm… so you are jealous"

"I am not jealous" I raised my eyebrows. "Okay maybe"

"Ian, there is nothing to be jealous about. He is my friend that's all. Also, I am damn sure that he feels the same about me"

"Are you sure? I don't know…he is just… he is a soul you know and you have a lot in common with him."

"Yeah. That's true. But, you are my only partner Ian. You know that." He smiled at me but it didn't reach his eyes.

"But Wanda, I am just a human" he said with his voice low. "Sometimes I wonder what you see in me"

"Ian… we already had this conversation before. Me being soul and you being human… what did you say? You said we belong with each other right." He didn't say anything.

I sighed. "Do you want to know, what I see in you? I see Kindness, love, self-less, strong…"

He shook his head. "I think you are describing yourself Wanda"

"Yeah that's true. But that's part of who I am. That's how I am designed Ian. But you have a choice. Humans can either be kind or cruel. You chose kindness. You are the one who chose to love me despite everything. I didn't know love like this exist at all. I didn't know that it is possible to love someone so much that you would do anything for them even compromising your love for others. I didn't know that I could love someone more than anything else. I am sure that this is what I have been missing in my other lives. To love and to be loved. I'd never let you go Ian" I told him as tears welled up in my eyes.

Ian looked at me lovingly and reached out for me. "Come here" And then he was holding me so tight. "I'm sorry Wanda. I promise I will behave from now on." He told me. "I don't know what I did to deserve you Wanda. I am so glad that we found each other."

"Me too" I said my voice muffled in his shirt.

He then took my face in his hands. "And Wanda… I'd never let you go either." He said and brought his lips to mine. We kissed. We kissed more. And more. Okay let's just say that we did more than just kissing.

AN: Thank you so much for reading.