Inspired by a comic I saw while passing by. Believe me, I think this describes Judal perfectly. xD

I do not own Magi

If you ever want to meet the Black Magi, Judal, you better hope to meet him in his bored mode.

No, seriously, you'd want to meet him in bored mode.

Judal has two modes: bored and killer.

When he is in bored mode, he chases after anyone in the vicinity for sources of entertainment, however sick or tasteless it is. In situations like these, all you have to do is feed him a peach, distract him with boring, small talk, and make a quick getaway while he is distracted.

Make sure the peaches are very large, ripe, and juicy.

When Judal is in his killer mode, you will wish you had never existed. You will wish you had had practiced filial piety, paid pilgrimage, and strived for atonement.

Worse of all, you'll wish you had never glanced at Judal, much less crossed paths with him.

When he is in his killer mode, Judal will stop at nothing to destroy the surrounding areas. He will use all the powers he has at his disposal to destroy his target. He will ruthlessly hunt down his prey for all eternity. He will torture his prey just to hear their screams of anguish. He will do so with a smile.

And he will do them anywhere, anytime, discretion be damned.

So if you ever meet Judal, you better hope you meet him in bored mode.

Trust me, it's your best shot in life.

You have been forewarned.

[Judal-san, please don't kill me. Here, have a peach.]