prompt by MonsterGalore Mal + Regina = Emma.

this is an AU that takes place in Storybrooke.

Evil!Snow. (like i write her any other way, lol)

Mommy!Mal and Mommy!Regina with little!emma and lily

sister story over on RowArk's profile called Daughter of Darkness. her take on this prompt, AU in the enchanted forest. she's also my beta fabulous so go check it out! seriously!


Something was off. Regina just knew in her gut that something was off. It woke her up from slumber. It didn't seem like Lily was crying. The air smelt of magic though. It had their princess's unique signature, but her daughter wasn't in the room with them. A million and one horrible scenarios flew through her mind. Regina threw back the covers and raced into the nursery. Nothing seemed off from this angle. She crept closer, trying not to disturb her sleeping baby, and got quite the surprise.

"Hello, Little One. How did you get here, hmm? You're definitely far from your crib."

A little bundle wrapped in a white blanket similar to her own daughter was now in Lily's crib with her. Hazel eyes blinked up at her as a wide gummy grin spread over the infant's face. Little arms stretched for her. Regina peered down at the perfection Emma was. Something in her just felt so connected to this little blonde. Tiny fingers curled tightly around one of her fingers and brought it to her mouth.

A small whimper emerged as the baby didn't find what she was looking for from the finger. "Oh, are you hungry? We can't have that now. Come on, sweet one."

Regina lifted the new little guest into her arms. Emma snuggled against her chest and tried to root. It was precious. Her own daughter seemed to prefer when Maleficent directly fed her instead of bottles. She knew it was silly to think her daughter had a preference, but Lily was all Mal. It was nice to have an infant that seemed ecstatic to be around her. She poofed a bottle into her hand and sunk into the rocker with the babe. Surely Lily wouldn't mind sharing her food just this once.

Emma attacked the bottle with vigor, one tiny hand on Regina's chest and one on top of the brunette's on the bottle. Little green eyes peered up at her while she fed. This is what the brunette was missing with her own daughter. The bonding that went on during feeding. Regina slowly stroked a finger around the baby's face, tracing the smooth skin and soft curls.

"You're a precious one. Lily must like you if she brought you here. I can tell you're going to be the best of friends."

Part of Reginia felt guilty for the bond with Emma that seemed to form instantly when her own daughter was sleeping in the crib a few feet over. If Regina was honest with herself though, she'd been feeling unwanted by her own baby. It wasn't that Lily didn't like being with Regina. It's just that her baby seemed happier around her blonde mother. If Emma was here and wanted her attention, she was going to dote on the sweet little one.

Neither babe nor Regina noticed the older blonde in the doorway watching them. "I see we have a guest," Maleficent commented as she moved further into the room.

Regina burped Emma and resumed feeding her the rest of the bottle. "Lily's magic brought her here. I guess they got along better than we thought at music class. I hope you don't mind I used one of our bottles."

Mal stepped over to stand at her wife's side, peering down at the baby. Emma glanced over at her before focusing back on Regina and eating her bottle. Something about the little one called to her. She knew this wouldn't be the last time they saw the babe.

"Did you think all these months ago getting this room ready that we'd have our daughter and Snow's daughter in here?"

Sixteen months ago…

Regina and Maleficent were putting the finishing touches on the nursery. Well, Maleficent was sitting in the rocking chair heavily pregnant and giving commands to Regina about where things should go and how things should look. The walls had finally been painted and dried. They both decided not to use magic, to celebrate creating this room together without help. Who knew wall color was such a big deal. Who knew a baby in this realm needed so much.

"Are you excited? I can't wait to do all the firsts in a realm I can capture it in."

The brunette glanced at her wife who was stroking her belly, tiny movements following the hand. "There will be no shortage of pictures that's for sure. We're going to do everything we can to give her all this world has to offer. I need to create a private school and educate more teachers. The playground needs an update. The daycare needs to be reassessed. We really need to find more doctors in this world beside the midget and the sleaze."

"I found a bunch of Mommy and Me classes I want to bring here, music, yoga, dance, swimming, reading…. I can't wait for everything! Her first laugh, first smile, first word… We're going to have to get those fence things to go by the stairs to keep her from falling down them. Do we get her a pet before or after she asks for one? What is she going to call us? I can't bear to send her to school."

Regina laughed and shook her head. "Dear, we have a while yet before she walks or talks, years before she's off to school. The mayor's daughter must go to school. We cannot keep her wrapped up here in a bubble."

"Why not? I can keep her safe in here. I can't keep her safe from everything out there." Maleficent rubbed her belly, really wishing she could just keep her baby safe inside her belly forever.

"We are two of the most powerful sorceresses here. Whatever happens, we are equipped to handle it." The brunette bustled around the room trying to sort all the clothes they'd gotten at their baby shower. It had a fairly large turnout. They really didn't have to buy anything outside the furniture Mal had insisted they pick together.

"Darling, hang the pictures and then come sit next to me. We can put away the clothes later."

"I'm not leaving this room in disarray. It will be a mess soon enough when our princess comes. For now, let me have this place in order. I am the one who spent days setting up this nursery. Let me finish it."

Maleficent watched in amusement as Regina bustled around, touching everything in the room at least once. "I would have helped, but someone has been a warden since finding out we were having a baby. You didn't even let me use the bathroom by myself for a week."

Regina knelt down in front of her wife and ran her hands over the bump that held their baby. "I wasn't going to do anything to risk our little one. I'd do it all again if I were presented the same options. You're both here and both healthy. I can't believe we're going to meet her soon! Did you ever think we would get here? From teenage love and a crazed demon princess to being married and now having a princess of our own."

Maleficent smiled and shook her head. "We've been through some crazy shit alright. I wouldn't change it though. We wouldn't be here right now, about to welcome our little girl if we did." Her stomach chose that moment to growl.

"You hungry, little one? What do you want for supper?"

"Chicken risotto and vegetables."

"Really? Is that a dish the baby wants or is that what you want?"

"Totally the baby. Do you remember the last time we ate that meal?"

Both smiled and Regina leaned up to wrap her wife in a hug. They thought back to the day they found out they were having a baby.


Maleficent woke up feeling incredibly nauseous again. She stood up to race to the bathroom and nearly fell over at the dizziness that overwhelmed her. Regina frowned and shot her hand out, using magic to steady her wife. Mal had been extremely pale and looked worn out lately. She was eating very little and always seemed to be getting sick. Perhaps it was the flu. Maybe it was the seafood they'd had at The Oyster Club two nights ago. Whatever was going on, it worried Regina.

Sounds of retching filled the silent house. Regina wanted to go help her wife, but she didn't want to start another fight with the abnormally moody woman. Instead she got dressed and went to start coffee. She left before Maleficent came downstairs, leaving a thermos of coffee and a bowl of fruit out for her.

The blonde sighed as the sickness finally subsided. She'd been feeling ill for a week now without it going away. Magic wasn't working to fix whatever was wrong. Maybe it was time to resort to this realm's tactics. She threw on some yoga pants and an oversized red sweater before going downstairs. The coffee and fruit touched her. No matter how uncharacteristically snappy and mean she'd been to her wife lately, Regina was forever doing little things to show she cared. Sighing, she drove herself to the hospital.

Dr. Whale had taken blood samples and done countless tests. Mal felt she'd been sitting in the room alone for hours before the man finally came back in. "Mrs. Rose-Mills, I am not sure how magic works exactly, but have you and your wife been intimate in the past few weeks?"

"I really don't see how that's your business."

"I'm your doctor. I'm trying to figure out how this happened. Just answer."

Mal hated the way the creep made no move to hide his lecherous appraisal of her body. "Valentine's Day, yes….why?"

"You are pregnant. Congratulations. Based on that date I'd say you are about two weeks along, due early November. I'm going to do a pelvic exam to see if the baby is doing okay."

"Absolutely not! You're going nowhere near my body. Send in Jasmine. She's my OB-GYN. There's no way you're getting near there. Regina will have your head for this."

The man blanched and quickly fled, her regular doctor appearing a few minutes later. The cold wand inside her was not pleasant, but there on the screen was a tiny little bean, her baby. Jasmine just smiled when the dragon started crying, passing her a tissue box. "Congrats, Mama. I'm going to print your pictures and take some more blood to get some more tests done. The pharmacy will have your vitamins. Elise will schedule your next appointment. Have fun telling the mayor."

The mayor… her wife. She needed to do something extraordinarily special to tell her wife, especially after the way she'd been treating her this past week. How does one tell their wife that she made you pregnant? The rest of the day seemed to float past in a haze. She went to the pharmacy and the grocery store. The baby boutique called to her and she could not resist going in there. Ashley Boyd, formerly Cinderella, was actually very helpful with creative ideas to tell Regina.


Regina came home to find the house quiet. She'd called her wife's phone during lunch and it was off. Her wife's secretary informed her that she'd called in sick. Perhaps something was really wrong. She poofed herself upstairs to find the bedroom unoccupied., same with the bathroom. The study was empty. The kitchen was the last place she expected her wife.

"What are you doing?"

Mal turned to look at her wife over her shoulder. "Hello, love. I'm making dinner. Go take a bath. It'll be ready when you're done." She walked over and kissed Regina before turning her towards the stairs.

Not one to deny a hot bath after a stressful day, Regina did as she was told. She reemerged in the kitchen in yoga pants and a purple sweater. Her wife had turned the lights down low, table set with candles glowing. There was a glass of wine and a kiss waiting for her when she made her way to the table. Regina was halfway through her chicken risotto and vegetables before noticing.

"Dear, is there a reason we're eating the same meal we had on Valentine's Day? Are you expecting someone else?" Regina noticed a third place was set with an empty plate.

"Finish your dinner, dear. I'll tell you afterwards. I don't want to let the hard work go to waste."

Nerves coiled tight in Regina's stomach as she raced to finish dinner. Mal seemed in no hurry though, slowly eating what little was on her plate and then rinsing the dishes off for the dishwasher. Regina bounced in nervous agitation.

"Now, tell me now!"

Maleficent smiled and nodded towards the plate still on the table, directing Regina's attention away from her. It now held a gift bag. Slowly Regina went to open it. She pulled out a pack of purple and green pacifiers, a baby bottle full of pink jellybeans, and a little stuffed dragon sporting a pink bow. "What is the mean-" a tiny card attached to the dragon toy caught her attention. Regina studied the image before noticing her wife's name was on it. "Is this?"

The blonde smiled at how emotional her wife had become once it clicked in her head. She simply nodded, and Regina rushed to embrace her in a tight hug complete with searing kiss. "Pretty sure that is how we got here." Maleficent laughed and placed her hand on her flat belly.

"There's a baby in there! We made a baby! How? When did you find out?"

"Relax, dear heart. I just found out this morning. I went to the hospital to see if I could figure out what was wrong. Dr. Whale offered to examine me. I told him you'd pay him a visit about it. Easy, I had Jasmine do the exam. We're having a baby!"

Regina kissed her wife again, spinning her around in her arms. "Let's take this upstairs and I can show you how happy I am!"

Post-coital bliss, Regina held her wife close. "Did you ever imagine this for us when we cast the Dark Curse to bring us here?"

"No, but then again, we modified the curse to simply give us new identities here. We didn't take away anyone's happiness. We gave them equal status, good jobs, indoor plumbing, cars, hospitals... I mean it's a shame how we had to get here, but we get to raise our baby in a land where she can get the best education and access to healthcare. We're going to give our baby the best in everything.

Little did they know, across town said woman was with Rumple looking in on their private moment through a crystal ball. Both were devising a way to take this baby from them. She was going to get her revenge if it was the last thing she did. Rumple was slightly terrified of the mania in the young brunette. He felt the women needed to be taught a lesson for not giving him the life he'd written into the curse, but he didn't want to hurt either of them the way the brunette did. Somehow he had to create a way that gave the girl what she wanted in a way that didn't knowingly hurt Regina or Maleficent.

"My dear, congratulations are in order. In nine months you will have a little girl. I'd start preparing. I'll come up with ways to fake your pregnancy as it goes along. Lucky you, getting a child after taking that infertility potion. Do remember, this baby will be an innocent. This world has rules and laws about being a bad parent. Punishment from the forest will not be tolerated here. Children are her as such or I will not help you."

"Now, now, Rumple. We both know that if you ever want to see your child again that you're going to do everything I want. Start with procuring me a positive pregnancy test. Go now. I must prepare."

end of flashback

"Chicken risotto with vegetables it is, love. I can't wait for our baby to get here! She's never going to know what it's like to feel unloved or hurt by her parents. We're going to get her the best nanny while we're working and get her the best education. She's never going to want for anything."

Maleficent leaned down a bit to kiss Regina, her belly getting in the way. "Spoiled little princess," she agreed as she looked around the room. Their baby was indeed going to be spoiled. This nursery was decked to the nines in clothes, furniture, and toys. There was honestly an entire department store in this room. Mal didn't know how it all fit. She was pretty sure they'd be ready for the apocalypse if they stayed in here. Looking at her happy wife talking to their baby, she couldn't dream of anything more than they had right now. It was all so perfect.


hope you enjoyed. the girls will be making a brief appearance in the next chapter. they really come to focus in chapter three.

i know it's kind of odd to have a flashback inside a flashback, but it just works :)