Author's Note: This is my first Mortal Kombat fanfic. It's focused around three of my favorite characters-Kung Lao, Kung Jin, and Jade-following the events of Mortal Kombat X. I apologize ahead of time if I make a mistake involving continuity.

Disclaimer: Mortal Kombat belongs to Warner Brothers and Netherrealm Studios.

Kung Jin glared at the paintings on the wall of the Shaolin temple. They depicted two mighty warriors whose lives were lost twenty-five years ago: Liu Kang, the champion of Mortal Kombat, and more importantly, Kung Lao, Liu Kang's closest friend...AND Kung Jin's cousin.

Kung Jin had and always looked up to Lao. He pined to be nearly as great of a warrior and hero. When he learned of his cousin's demise, it had nearly destroyed him. A part of him still hated Raiden for doing nothing while Shao Kahn broke the monk's neck. Alas, he knew his rage was misdirected, and that Raiden felt awful for all the losses in the battle against Shao Kahn. Ever since he'd purified the Jinsei, the thunder god had vanished. Kung Jin assumed he was sulking somewhere, horrified after seeing Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and the others as evil revenants-

"Kung Jin, there is something I must tell you."

-or maybe Raiden had just teleported behind the bowman.

Jin turned around to face the god. Raiden's white robes and blue vest were now black, and his eyes had changed from electric blue to a demonic red color.

"What happened to you?" the Shaolin monk asked.

"I assume you are referring to my appearance," Raiden said. "My eyes were changed red as a side effect of purifying the Jinsei. As for my clothing, I simply thought I needed a change of wardrobe. But that is not important. I believe I can save your cousin, and the other revenants."

Jin's eyes widened. " is that possible? Quan-Chi is dead."

Raiden unclasped a...necklace(?), with a blue amulet in the center, from his neck. "I believe this will ward off the evil that corrupts the revenants' souls. Put this on a revenant and he or she should revert back to normal. Unfortunately, the process of creating each amulet is time-consuming, even for a god. So far, I only have one. You must take this necklace to the Netherrealm, and test it. Should your test be successful, I shall devote all my time to creating more amulets."

"Why me?"

"I have other business to attend to, and I believe you are the most dedicated to this cause, among all of Earthrealm's heroes. Travelling in numbers may attract unwanted attention, so you must travel alone. What do you say?"

I may be needed here, Kung Jin thought. If there's another invasion from Outworld or the Netherrealm...but I can save Kung Lao. And Liu Kang, and Princess Kitana, and the other good people who died to save Earthrealm.

"I'll do it," he declared, grabbing the necklace from Raiden.

The thunder god smiled, in a way that almost seemed...smug. Kung Jin had no time to wonder about that, because second later, there was a bright flash of light, as he was teleported to the Netherrealm.


"You did WHAT?"

"I released the creatures imprisoned in the Flesh Pits. You know, the failed experiments before Mileena was created."

"You DARE release those inferior copies to travel freely?"

"There was no reason to keep them there! They served no purpose! What exactly were YOU planning to do with them?!"

"Torture them, laugh at their pain, watch as they die a slow and painful death, and pray to the Elder Gods they never return as revenants."

When they were alive, Liu Kang and Kitana were deeply attracted to each other. Neither had a bad thing to say about the other.

Now that their souls had been filled with rage and hate by Quan Chi, well...not so much. The king and queen of the Netherrealm were constantly arguing, much to the distaste of their second-in-command, Kung Lao.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" he yelled.

"Do you mind?" replied Liu Kang. "Your rulers are having a discussion. When we want your input, we will ask. For your disrespect, you must leave this room right now."

The hat-wearing warrior growled angrily and stormed out of the throne room into the hallway. He had always hated being treated as "second best." He didn't have to take this! Maybe it was time for him to leave, escape to Earthrealm...could he even get back to Earthrealm under his own power? Probably not. Great. He couldn't even leave this place. He was trapped, doomed to wander the Netherrealm forever-

What was that?

There was a noise coming from the armory. Kung Lao walked in to check. Next thing he knew, he was lying on his stomach. Someone was standing on his back.

A voice whispered in his ear, "I'm sorry I had to do that."

The weight on his back ceased. He looked up in time to see a retreating figure wearing green clothing.

Could it be…

"Jade has returned," he muttered to himself.

Expect appearances from Kenshi, Johnny Cage, Sub-Zero, and more. Please read and review. Creative criticism is always welcome.