Introducing Jack Weasley

Molly and Arthur Weasley were proud (yet exhausted) parents to seven children, six boys and one beautiful little girl….. no. They had eight kids, seven boys and one girl? That or people kept seeing double of one of the twins. Rather than having two mischievous boys born on the same day, they had three. Fred, Jack and George.

The three of them were inseparable, they finished each other's sentences and they gave an equal amount of grey hairs to their mother while equally taking years from their father as they scared him to an early death.

They don't keep one of the triplet's existence hidden. On the contrary, anyone in the Weasley clan could tell you he exists. Their family friends knew he existed and anyone who had ever asked about the boys were told of the demon boys who destroyed the toilet last Thursday.

The only difference between this triplet and the rest of his entire family was that he was a squib. No one cared though. He somehow managed to be just as destructive without the element of magic.

When the triplets reached a certain age, they knew Jack was different. They were six and he still had yet to blow anything up. Mr and Mrs Weasley accepted that their son was a squib and decided to sit the boys down and explain that Jack would not be joining them at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This had led to the only non-magical triplet being locking himself up in his room for all of five hours! Then it was bed time so he had to let his brothers in since they shared the room…. That didn't mean he wasn't sullen and reclusive for the next few days. It was then that Fred was struck with a genius idea. One he shared with his magical triplet, George. Together, they explained their plan to their brother and three identical grins brightened up the bedroom.

They decided to share the first part of the plan with their family. They started off telling their parents. So they sat them down and decided to be very formal about this... As formal as six year olds can be.

Fred went and got their parents while Jack and George made themselves comfortable on one side of the long kitchen table. When Fred came down he sat on Jack's right side while George was on his left. Their parents sat on the opposite and tried to keep straight faces.

George was picking his nose, Jack was fiddling with his sleeves of last year's Christmas jumper while Fred tried to get an itch on his back attempting different angles.

"Um…" Jack started. "Mummy, daddy, we've called you to the table tonight to discuss something very important."

Fred and George stopped what they were doing and nodded.

"We don't care-" George started.

"-that Jack's a squid." Fred finished.

Arthur coughed over a laugh.

"It's squib, darling." Molly corrected.


"-that one, but still-"

"-we don't care." The two boys on Jack's sides said.

"Fred has an amazing plan-" George started.

"Which George agreed to-" Jack continued.

"-and Jack thought was genius." Fred finished with a grin.

Molly and Arthur looked between them trying to hide their worry. Normally, if one of them thought an idea was genius, it was probably a very bad idea.

"Pretend I don't exist." Jack said.

"Not that you don't love him-" George started.

"No!" Molly cut in. "I will not act like one of those disgraceful pureblood families and disregard my child!"

Molly's temper was rising and Arthur decided to intervene.

"Why would we ever pretend you don't exist? We're not upset to have a squib in the family. Your Uncle Alfred is a squib, he's an accountant." Arthur stated.

"It's not like that!" Jack cried exasperated, waving his arms dramatically.

"We want to prank people!" Fred said.

"If we pretend we're twins then people will get confused when they see three of us!" George stated as if it was obvious.

"We don't mean take away the pictures-"

"-or remove me from the clock-"

"- or saying he doesn't exist to the family."

"Just don't mention him to new people-"

"-say you have two adorable-"



"-magical twins-"

"-and leave it at that."

"That's all we're asking." Fred finished.

Mr and Mrs Weasley's eyes felt slightly cross-eyed from looking between their three sons.

Their discussion went on into the night.

Finally it was agreed that the Weasley's wouldn't hide their son but they also wouldn't openly mention the squib.

However, they spoke to their brothers and sister separately and told them to say they had only six other siblings.

Part two of the conversation happened five years later, the night Fred and George got their letters inviting them to Hogwarts. They sat their parents down again and told them that Jack would be joining them at Hogwarts.

"NO!" Molly shouted. "I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!"

"Come on, mum-"

"- why do you think we hid me-"

"-we want to pra- confuse people-"

"-and we don't want to leave Jack behind-"

"-he'll be lonely-"

"-I'll be lonely-"

"-he'll miss us-"

"-I'll miss them-"

"-he can't live without his superior brothers-"

"-… I'll miss them."

Arthur had to cough very loudly to hide his laughter. It sounded more like a choking splutter. Everyone looked at him with concern but he brushed it off and stood up to get himself some water.

"You boys know you could get in a lot of trouble." Arthur said seriously once he got his breath back.

"Not only that, we'll get into trouble." Molly snapped.

"Mum! We've been planning this for six years!" Fred cried out.

"Surely you knew we were planning this." Jack added.

"Well, something like this." George corrected.

"Please mum." The boys said in unison. They used the cutest faces they could think of. Large eyes, large pouts and even a few tears ready to fall when the order was put through.

Molly looked at her identical children and snapped. She wanted her sons to all stay with her. But she couldn't split these three up. Because he had no magic, Jack couldn't take off on a broom. She had once had a chat with him as they watched and he sometimes forgot to finish sentences, waiting for another to complete them for him. How he would last seven years only seeing his brothers at random intervals, Molly couldn't imagine. He'd find it impossible.

"Oh fine!" she cried out. "But you write every two days! No less or I'm taking you home!"

"Yes mum." They all said.

"And try not to get in trouble." She added sternly.

"Yes mum."

"And don't torment Percy." She said looking each of them in the eye.

There was a long pause.

"Yes mum." They said but there was a slight crack in their blank faces.

"Oh come here!" she said and walked around the table with open arms pulling the three of them into her chest.

None of them said anything as they felt their mother's tears wetting their hair.