This AU will be set in modern day Australia. THAT'S RIGHT, AUSTRALIA!

He hated this place, hated what it had made him. Hated what his father had moulded him into. A cold, distant, and lonely boy. Now you're thinking, 'here comes the sop story, I'm Hiccup, nothing I ever do is right'

Partially that is what this is. He knew he didn't lead a horrible life, but it wasn't particularly great either. He was just an average teenager with a disapproving father, a nemesis in the form of the school bully 'Snotlout', a crush on a girl insanely out of his league, and no idea what he wanted to do with his life. His father had not exactly been pleased when Hiccup had told him he planned to have half of a gap year, just to figure out what course he wanted to take at University.

So here he was, on his final day of school, with the summer break just around the corner. He didn't do anything over summer anyway, but it would feel good to sleep in for a change. He lived in a small town called Berk which was close to the exact centre of Queensland.

His father was a diehard NRL fan, and expected Hiccup to be. While Hiccup did occasionally enjoy watching the sport, he felt no obligation to play. Leave that to the taller, and more muscular kids.

No, Hiccup's sport was touch football, like NRL, except without the need for muscles, just fast legs. Another thing his father wasn't pleased about.

He was sitting idly as the names of the graduating students were called "Astird Hofferson" said the principle. Astrid almost ran up to the stage to collect her certificate. The crowd erupted in loud cheers and clapping "Harrison Haddock" The crowd fell silent. Harrison stood and made his way over to the principle with his head held high. He ignored the stares and snickers. He wasn't exactly popular here. With his cousin being the captain of the undefeated NRL team, let's just say he as an egotistical bastard. Long story short, Hiccup was a scrawny nerd, Snotlout was a dumb jock, I think you see where I'm going with this.

As he retook his seat his mind flashed to the conversation he had had with his father earlier in the day.

"Harrison" he had said "It's still not too late, applications for university don't close for another month"

Hiccup just shrugged "I still don't know what I want to do"

"Of course you do, you're a smart boy. You'll do a Business course and once you're done you can come work at the company, for me" it is probably important to know that Stoick ran a reasonably large accounting company. In the small country town they didn't get many customers but those who looked online would find that Stoick's services were cheaper than those you could find in big cities, so they did it all online. And thus boomed Stoick's business, one he had hoped Hiccup would be a part of.

"I said what I want to do, not what you want me to do"

Stoick scowled "This is not a joke Hiccup. I won't be around to take care of you forever, you need to learn real world skills…"

Hiccup was sure his father had rambled on about responsibility and what not. But that phrase had stuck with him.

"Real world skills" he mumbled to himself when an idea came to him I could just join the army he thought.

Yes he steeled himself. He would do this, not for his father, not for anyone, not to prove anything. He did it because he wanted to make a difference. He wanted to feel like he was doing something good, he didn't want to feel like a mistake, was that wrong? To want some semblance of freedom, to want something of your own? To be able to build yourself up?

He was determined, he would do this. It would be hard. But he would do it, there was no giving up.

"Wow" said Astrid beside him "That's it"

"What?" he said, nonplussed, ripped out of his revelation

"I said 'that's it', we're done. 12 years and it's just over" she said, with a look of awe on her face

"Yeah. Well…we'll all carry a piece of school with us anyway" he said

"Hmm? What do you mean we'll carry a piece of school?" she turned to face him

"It's hard to explain" he shrugged, getting nervous. He had had a crush on this girl since primary school, and he'd never been able to hold a conversation that lasted more than 30 seconds

"Try me" she challenged

"Uh…It's…I…"he sighed "What is dead may never die"

She looked at him, really looked at him, her blue eyes boring into his green ones "What is dead may never die" she said slowly, a grin forming on her face "Who knew you possessed such wisdom, Harrison?"

"Not me" he said raising his hands as if surrendering "Thank George R R Martin for that one"

"Wait? That was a game of thrones quote?" she asked incredulously

"Well…it fits" he shrugged again

Her frown turned into a shade of a grin "I suppose it does. What is dead may never die"

The principle gave some speech about doing what made you happy and blah blah. But Hiccup just wanted to get out of here. He just wanted to apply, the army seemed like the perfect thing. An adventure.

And just like that he had graduated. He stood up from his chair. His father didn't attend so Hiccup would be walking home.

"So…" said Astrid. Hiccup had forgotten she was there

"So?" Hiccup replied

"Where to now?" he asked

"Home…probably" he said with a raised eyebrow

"I meant what career?" she said

"Oh" he chuckled "I'm not sure"

"You going to Uni?" she asked

"I don't know, haven't thought about it"

"What?" she asked, incredulously "But you're a straight A student, any Uni would select you, you'll probably get like an OP of 2"

Hiccup was surprised, he didn't even think Astrid knew his name "Well…If I do go to Uni, I wouldn't know what course to do. I just want to do something meaningful, you know?"

She nodded "yeah, I'm going to try and get a PHD in some medical field, I wouldn't mind behind a doctor, or like a GP (General Practitioner)"

"That sounds awesome" said Hiccup "Good luck, I guess" he said, trying to bring the conversation to a close

"Yeah, I hope you figure out what you're gonna do"

He smirked "If I do, I'll get in touch"

"Cool" she said

Hiccup made to walk off but she grabbed his arm "how though?"

"How what?" he asked

"How will you get in touch if you don't have my number" she drew out a small piece of paper and jotted down her number "Don't lose it" she said

He stared, confused down at the small slip of paper in his hand. He looked up to her and smiled "Never"

And with that they parted ways.

He went home and applied online, filling out his application as best as he could. He applied for a 'Rifleman' position. He did well enough in school to apply to be an officer, or a tactician. But he didn't want that. He didn't have anything to prove to anyone else, but he had something to prove to himself. I can do this, me, I don't need anyone.

One week later he had been contacted via email that he'd been accepted. He was overjoyed. He nearly told his father, 'nearly' being the operative word. He would have to find a way to Townsville for his assessment and training. Before he could actually be accepted he needed to complete a physical and medical test. The physical seemed easy enough, 15 push ups, 45 sit-ups and a 7.5 on the beep test. The medical, he wasn't sure about that. But he could hope.

He had it prepped, his dad was out at some business meeting. Hiccup had his own car and had just acquired his P's, so he could drive alone.

He hastily wrote a note


I'm sorry I couldn't be the son you wanted, I need to find my own place. Don't come looking for me. I need to do this

Love Hiccup

The drive to Townsville took around 8 hours.

He had gotten a single text from his father 'Good luck, I hope you find what you're looking for'

Hiccup grinned. He wanted to text Astrid, or ring her. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. It was probably all a cruel prank. Snotlout had known how much he liked Astrid. And Snotlout's inability to get her attention coupled with Hiccup's fawning over her was part of what sparked their mutual hatred of each other.

But no, those people didn't exist anymore. He would complete his training.

Townsville was a lot bigger than Berk. He still managed to find the Army base easily enough after plugging the address into the GPS of his Prado. His car wasn't anything special, just something to get from A to B, with room to carry stuff.

He threw the paper with Astrid's number on it out of the window. He needed to leave those people behind, it would not do to dwell on the past and forget to live.

When he got there the clerk had told him to head out to the PT area, that would determine if he went to the next stage. He completed the physical fairly easily. And the medical went very smoothly. By the end of the afternoon he was a recruit. Not a Private, quite yet.

He was assigned a Section and a barracks. He was in Barracks C with Charlie squad.

His squad consisted of 9 men.

The brutality of this place was like nothing Hiccup had ever imagined it would be. But every time he felt like quitting he kept going. He needed to do this.

"Tired Hiccup?" asked Eret, another recruit from Brisbane

"Not even sweating" panted Hiccup as they reached the final leg of their 12 km jog. It had been 6 weeks since he'd signed up. He knew the men in his group fairly well, he knew Eret and Frank the most. For some reason everyone called Frank Fishlegs.

Their Drill Sergeant blew a whistle "Halt" the group came to a stop

He walked up and down, inspecting the 9 men, Hiccup stood as straight as possible. Any sign of weakness and the Drill Sergeant would pounce.

"You look tired Hiccup" he said, approaching him

"No sir" Hiccup replied

"You sure?" he asked

"Positive, sir" he said

"Well then, you wouldn't mind if I asked you to DROP AND GIVE ME 50?"

"No sir" said Hiccup

"What are you waiting for then? The rest of you are dismissed"

Hiccup dropped down and began his 50 push ups, by 40 his arms felt like jelly, push-ups after a 12km jog was not an enjoyable experience. But he reminded himself of his father, he would not disappoint him.

He screamed as he pushed out his last push up.

The Drill Sergeant stood over him, watching him appraisingly.

"That was some damn fine work, son" he said, helping Hiccup to his feet. "Come on, you look like you could either use, food, water, or a sleep in"

Hiccup smiled "Infantry never sleep, sir"

The Drill Sergeant smiled "We could make a fine Infantryman out of you yet, Haddock"

"Thank you, sir"

He dropped him off at his barracks where the rest of the men were stretching out their worn muscles and drinking what looked to be Powerade.

Eret threw Hiccup a bottle which Hiccup caught deftly "Thanks" he said, walking over and collapsing on his bunk, Eret was on top.

Eret jumped off to kneel next to Hiccup "Did you do them?" he asked "All 50?"

Hiccup nodded.

"Damn Hiccup, you are a machine, didn't think you had that in you" Eret said appraisingly

"What is dead may never die" said Hiccup raising his arm

Hiccup had gotten a tattoo across his forearm with that phrase, and Eret had gotten one as well. The gripped each other's forearms when Eret repeated "What is dead may never die, you crazy son of a bitch" Eret finished, shaking his head. He jumped back up onto his bunk

"Probably should get some rest" said Hiccup and within seconds his body had succumb to exhaustion

Over the next few weeks Hiccup got increasingly better at…everything. He was no longer a terrible marksman, although he was nowhere near as good as Eret. He could hold his own in hand to hand combat, and the PT sessions now left him wanting to puke, instead of actually puking.

And then came graduation, when they would pass from recruits to Privates.

He had spent 6 months training for this day, and it was finally here. He graduated. He was a private, he examined himself in the mirror, fully decked out in his dress uniform, it didn't look too bad. There was, however, a hell of a lot of khaki.

They were given free passes after their graduation. Along with an envelope. During training Hiccup had always strongly expressed a will to go overseas, not because he was a bloodthirsty maniac, because he wanted to help.

So finding his orders was not a surprise, so why was he guilty

"You getting shipped out?" asked Eret, also decked out in full uniform, he had just detached himself from his family

Hiccup and Eret compared their letters "Looks like you'll be seeing more of me" said Hiccup

"Oh joy" Eret rolled his eyes

"What are you gonna do with your pass?" asked Hiccup

"I don't know. Enjoy my time. What about you?"

"I'm going to go back to Berk. See my father, might come back here, might stay there. I don't know" said Hiccup, shrugging

"Well…good luck" said Eret

"And to you" said Hiccup nodding

"What is dead may never die" they said in unison as they locked gripped each other's forearms

"See you on the other side" said Eret

"Hiccup already had his things packed, not all of them. He would be coming back here after all. Just a few thing in case he decided to stay in Berk.

He hadn't had time to change out of his uniform. If he wanted to make it to Berk before 10pm he had to leave straight away. It would be awkward if he came home and his father was asleep. He made sure to text his father.

I'm coming home

He never received a reply. That didn't deter him. He sped onwards, down the expanse of highway and rolling hills.

He had arrived at the outskirts of Berk by 8 pm. Which was good, he had made good time by speeding on some sections of the highway.

He pulled up in front of his old house, debating whether or not this was the right choice

He decided he had better get it over with.

He was still decked out in his Army dress gear. He could have taken it off, but some part of him wanted his father to see.

He walked up to the front door and wondered if he should knock, would it be rude if he didn't?

He decided to just open the door, it was dark inside anyway. As soon as he opened the door he was met with a cacophony of noises and light.

There was a large banner that read 'Welcome home Hiccup'

He stared around the room and his eyes widened in shock. He was dressed in his army gear, all of these people could see him in his army dress. Inside the room was Stoick, his uncle, Snotlout and Astrid.

Astrid and Stoick were wearing party hats, Snotlout looked grumpy and his uncle, Spitelout looked bored.

Everyone was staring slack jawed at him. Stoick was the first to snap out of it. "Welcome home Harrison" he said, embracing his son in a bone crushing hug

"Good to see you too, dad" His father let him go. Hiccup peered at the room "Hey guys?" he said, waving lamely

"What are you wearing?" asked Snotlout "Did you steal it?" he asked

Hiccup looked taken aback "No, I did not steal it"

"Yeah right, like Hiccup the Useless could have made it in the army" sneered Snotlout, Spitelout bashed Snotlout over the head with a rolled up newspaper.

Hiccup puffed out his chest and straightened his pose "It's Private Hiccup the Useless to you"

"Whatever" said Snotlout

Hiccup just shrugged and looked away. He didn't join the Army for Snotlout's approval.

"You joined the army?" said Astrid as she walked over

"Yeah" was all he could say

"Never did receive that phone call" she persisted

"Um…yeah…about that…I kind of lost your number" he supplied lamely, hoping his excuse would do

"Ok" she said "I can just give it to you again"

"So…what now Hiccup?" asked his father "You've joined the Reserves? That's a good cause that is…"

"Dad…" Hiccup tried

"Good pay, very good on your resume…"

"Dad…" Hiccup spoke a little louder

"Of course it's going to be a hell of a commute between here and Townsville when you need to go do...Army things, and…"

"DAD" Hiccup snapped. His father stopped talking "I didn't join the reserves. I joined the Army as a full time member, not as a volunteer"

The underlying message was received. Stoick paled and Astrid put her hand to her mouth. Snotlout looked confused, and Spitelout looked completely disinterested

"So you're…?" began Stoick

"Yep…In three weeks I ship out for active duty"

"Three weeks?" said Stoick, looking like he might be sick "Where?"

"Afghanistan" responded Hiccup, trying to inject confidence into his voice.

"I…" Stoick couldn't seem to find the right words "You…I..." he gulped "I'm proud" he finished "I'm proud to call you my son" He embraced Hiccup once more and Hiccup returned the gesture.

OK, so. 1. Australian school years start in the end of January and finish in early December or late November. 2. The Reserves are volunteer Army workers, they are volunteers and do not serve active duty unless called upon. 3. A section is a group of men, usually 9-12, I kind of skip between using the term squad and section in this, but you get the drift. 4. An OP is an Overall Position. It's the way school's grade students. 1 is the highest score, and I think 25 is the lowest.