Hey guys! Here's a quick little bal one shot for yall!

"Daddy, can you tell me a bedtime story?" Azariah, the purple haired princess, asked her father. Ben looked at his daughter, smiled, and sat on the chair next to her new "big girl bed".

"What story would you like to hear, ZeeZee?" The King asked, looking to the book shelf in the princess's big, blue bedroom. "The three little pigs? Jack and the beanstalk?"

"No daddy," Azariah laughed. "I wanna know how you and mommy fell in love!" Sighing, Ben smiled. Before he could say "Once Upon a Time," there was a shout from the doorway

"Oh no you don't." Mal said to her husband. "Every time you tell this story you make it sound like some kind of fairy tale."

"I hate to break it to you Mal, it is some kind of fairy tale." Ben laughed as his wife sat in his lap. He looked at their daughter and smiled.

"Fine. Tell the story. But I won't make you any of my chocolate chip cookies for a month," Mal huffed. Ben put his hand over his heart, feigning pain.

"Mal, how could you?" She smirks and flashes her eyes green at her husband. She really didn't want him to tell this story.

Ben pecks her on the lips. "I'm sorry sweetie. Zee wants to hear the story, I can't say no. I have a weakness for purple hair." He winks at her before starting the story.

"Once upon a time, there was a handsome prince about to become king. Twenty years earlier, the prince's daddy banished all the bad, mean, scary people to a place called the Isle of the Lost. The prince wanted to give those mean people's kids a chance at a new life. So he decided four of those kids would come to his kingdom; go to school with him and all his friends.

"One of those four kids was a beautiful girl named Mal. Before coming to the island, her mother, Maleficent, told Mal that she had to steal the fairy godmothers wand."

"Mama, that's you!" Azariah squealed.

"Yes honey, that is me." Mal said with a smile. Standing, she kissed her husband and her daughter. "Azariah, I apologize in advance if daddy starts singing. Just remember that he does love you." Mal said with a smirk as she left the room.

Laughing, Ben continued the story. "When the prince first saw Mal, he thought she was the most beautiful girl in all of Auradon. Unfortunately, he had a girlfriend, Princess Audrey. When Mal and her friends found out that the magic wand they had to steal would be used in the prince's coronation, she asked the prince if she could stand with him in the front. He told her that no, she could not. Only his family and girlfriend got to stand with him.

"Being the daughter of an evil fairy, Mal used her spell book to make a love potion and gave it to the prince." As Ben continued to recount the tale of their love, Mal stood in the doorway, smiling.

"At their first date, the love spell wore off. Lucky for Mal and the prince, he already had feelings for her. At the coronation, Mal realized that she didn't want to be evil. She helped her friends realize this too-"

"And then she turned to the king and said 'I want to be with Ben, because Ben makes me really happy.' And that was when she first realized she loved him." Mal finished the story as she walked back in.

"And they lived happily ever after." The couple said in unison.

"Goodnight ZeeZee, we love you." Ben tucked his daughter in and gave her a kiss on her forehead. After they left their daughters room, Ben turned to his wife. "You never told me that was when you realized you love me."

"I could've sworn I told you…. Oh well." The King and Queen walked to their royal suite, hands clasped.

Hope you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!
