A Slightly Different Adventure

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or Fairy Tail.


So this chapter will deal with more towards the ending of this arc of One Piece. I've definitely revamped things for my style. Nami stuff, a lot of Nami stuff that is going to be changing the course of the ship. It seems like they're going for one person and all that. Anyway, also Smoker. And another member that used to be part of Fairy Tail is brought the news.

Chapter 8: Smoke Blowing and Future Plans

On board the Going Merry, the crew sprawled about and did as they pleased. Lucy grew accustomed to this, she noted and looked out the window of the kitchen. A small, circular window that barely offered much of a view. But enough to the point that she could see Nami and Logia fighting, again. If must have been the fiftieth time, in the last hour. She sighed, Lucy's shoulders bowed and she dropped the plate into the sink. Finished with her cleaning. The remnants of their meal, salads and pastas Mira taught her, all heaped away. The smell of sauce lingered.

They ate whatever she could make. She really needed a chef, her food always felt heavy in her stomach. A rock that weighed her down with lethargy. If she took a moment to sit at the table or go to where Zoro and Ra slept, she knew she'd konk out for hours. And then who would stop the potential blood bath of Nami and Logia.

Drying her hands on a soft towel, Lucy straightened her top and left the kitchen. The door opened out onto the bannister above the main deck. She looked down to see Johnny, Yosaku, and Usopp all fishing as they moved over the waves. The slight bumps of the water under the small vessel moved them, so Usopp restrained them with ropes around their waists. A pile of fish in water filled bucket behind each of them.

She moved down the stairs and leaned on the railing beside Usopp, who yawned and greeted her with a smile. With a flick of her fingers she moved some of his loose hair from his face. The warm brown of his eyes seemed muted from fatigue. "Johnny, Yosaku," Lucy addressed the other two, leaning further over the side of the ship to see them around Usopp. They waved and smiled at her. "You two have travelled these waters. Know of any place where we could pick up a chef?"

"Lucy-san, you're food's great," Johnny complimented, but then yawned to himself.

"But it makes everyone sleepy from the heaviness of it. If we're attacked all of you would be too tired from my meals. C'mon, think of something," Lucy said and then rustled Usopp's hair. Most of it out of his tight cap, which laid on the floor behind him. She picked it up and moved it away from the fish filled buckets. "And you guys should not be fishing when you're tired. You'll fall overboard."

"Right," Usopp responded and began to reel in his line, the other two following suit with him. They pulled in at a relaxed pace, tying the hooks and lines of so they did not drag or snare on anything. The three climbed down from the railing and placed their feet onto the secure footing of the deck. "So, chef? I've only ever eaten the food that the old ladies of the town made for me. And some of my own concoctions. The one thing I'm not afraid of is trying new food. You gotta eat." He laughed at the end, and she knew he meant that he never really had any other choice. Thankfully the people of his village loved him.

Enough to feed him what they could, at least. Usopp looked like a string bean, his arms long and lanky, neck just as scrawny as the rest of him. Now that she thought about it, guns held quite a bit of kick back. It could snap his wrist if he lost focus for a moment. If he never held a gun, she'd be lucky.

"Oh, there is that place," Johnny spoke and nodded his head. His bounty brother nodding along in agreement. Their arms swung over one another, turned to face Lucy with large, matching grins of pure glee. It was too late to take back her inquiry. "If we head South-West we should get to Baratie, a floating sea restaurant. We went once, really good food. Best I've ever had, truth be told. I mean there is this one soup that just." He made a bit of a keening sound at the end there, and Yosaku patted his shoulder in sympathetic want.

"Alright then, now to just get Nami to take us there," Lucy said, and all four of them shirked as one. Lucy could actually feel the migraine forming as she stopped blocking out the yelling behind her and focused in on the two jumping down the other's throat. Every part of her sagged, bones weary and just heavy like buildings. She could feel herself sinking through the ship, her body's response and desire to escape. A hand clapped her on the shoulder, Usopp's, his good luck lost on her. It felt like wandering into an exhausting war zone.

The two fought at the upper deck of the bow, which matched the banister that sat outside the kitchen. The bow deck looked over the main deck and at the forefront of it sat the figure head of Merry. The poor, wooden ram dealt with the two fire-spewing and feisty passengers as they fought, Lucy's seat caught between them. Behind her, the asshole, Usopp hummed the death march music. Over her shoulder she threw him her most potent glare, this was no time for jokes.

Her life was very much so on the line. The other two idiots still joined in with Usopp, so she threw in a good finger gesture for good measure. As she passed over the deck, towards the stairs that would lead her up to the bow deck, Zoro opened his eyes. He rested against Ra, who still slept despite the noise. The swordsman said not a word, but only nodded his head in sympathy and pity. He understood her purpose, yet offered not a hand in help. The next time they sparred he would pay for making her walk this path alone.

Up the stairs and onto that deck, Lucy sighed. How marines didn't hear the two scream at one another and flock to investigate, she chalked up to marine laziness and self-interest. But the two before her also acted in their own self-interest. So, hoping to get through to them through the over the top screaming, she moved towards them. The two of them didn't react to her as she came close. They stood so close, heated and argued through, and she came between them. Literally, it seemed the best way to handle the situation.

"Do I have to stick you two in your own corners?" Lucy asked and pushed against Logia's chest and Nami's shoulder. The action stopped the screaming, but now Logia looked off to the side and far off into the horizon. Nami, not even slighted in the least, continued to breathe fire in Logia's direction. "It's like dealing with toddlers." Logia hissed at her for the comment, then stalked off towards the back of the ship. Apparently they would be in two separate corners.

"How can you stand that –that asshole?!" Nami shouted after him, about to walk after the cooling Dragon. But Lucy caught her by the shoulders and halted the advance that would make the Grand Magic Game's Dragon Fight look like a Tea Party. "Damn asshole, should shove something else up his ass to accompany whatever else is up there." The woman spit over the side of the ship, still glaring at the Dragon who rounded the corner to the stern. "How do you put up with him?"

That question was directed at Lucy, who couldn't decide if having ears and being captain was worth it at that point. Instead, she shook her head, completely exhausted, and changed the conversation. "I've been with him for a very long time. He's a good friend, you just happened to rub him to rub him the wrong way at first meeting." Nami, red faced and puffed to set the world on fire, opened her mouth. "No, no more of this. I said if you're on this ship you're going to contribute. I need you to direct Merry to the Sea Restaurant, Baratie. My food is killing our supplies. I need a chef."

"Well, you know better than to think I would ever cook for you." That came as a grumbled complaint, Nami turning and looking out at the horizon. The one that Logia studied just moments before to diffuse his ire. There were heavy moment of pause between them, where Lucy thought the other would actually disagree with her. But it didn't happen. "Fine, I actually know where that is. I've travelled around that area before. Stealing from Pirates and all that."

"I never thought this before, but I'm lucky the only treasures on my ship are my nakama. Very thankful for that fact." With an about turn of her left foot, Lucy pivoted and turned, back falling against Merry's head. The sky loomed above, the sun a bright and hot mess only stopped by the sparse clouds in the sky. "I know your answer is no, but would you consider joining my crew?"

"Nope, I don't want anything to with pirates," Nami whispered harshly, her head still turned away to the horizon. Lucy could see her face shadowed if she lowered her eyes from the sky, which she did briefly. But quickly returned them heavenward, before the red head saw. It felt much like a dance with Nami, always wary to send the girl swimming into the ocean. Yet, part of Lucy wanted the feisty woman to remain. "Maybe if you lost the asshole I'd consider thinking of you as an acquaintance, at most."

"That's not happening. He might be rough, but when you get to know him he's much more of a warm marshmallow. Swear." Lucy lifted her right hand and pressed it over her heart for emphasis. The other woman laughed out of her nose, a snort that clearly said she did not believe that. "When I met him, he was in a very similar position to how I met you. He'd had his arm taken from him, ripped from him, and I found him bleeding out in the snow. Dying. I took him back to where I was staying in the mountains. When he came to he tried to kill me, much like how you tried tearing me apart when I tried to help. You're very similar, that's why you butt heads so often."

"He's a pirate, we're nothing alike," Nami hissed, with something scratch to the end of her tone.

"Pirate is the name of our profession, Nami. I am the same woman I was before I became one, and Logia is the same as he was. It has nothing to do with our personalities," Lucy insisted, but then sighed. The other woman didn't care, didn't care for any of Lucy's reasoning. "Just…realize you make your world and possibilities very small when you condemn your view of a person by how the rest of the world wants you to see them."

"Have you even met a pirate before? Besides maybe a few idiots you took down easily," Nami countered and rounded all of her animosity on Lucy. From the stern of the boat, where Logia went to cool off, a sharp and furious burst of magic ruptured.

"I have, his name is Shanks. Captain of the Red Haired Pirates. I was six when I met him, he came to my village. Usopp's dad is one of his men," Lucy began, smiling when a figment of red hair, three scars, and laughter came to mind. Those days still lingered, warm in her belly. Like that over the top laugh of his. "They came, and my little town tried to fight them off. Well, verbally beat them away. You see, my grandfather is actually a marine. And he claimed the island as his base in the East. He was away at the time, at HQ. He rarely came to the island, so I stayed with my older sister figure at the bar. I always admired pirates. Mainly became my grandfather always tried beating me through trainings to become a marine. So I think the idea came to me from rebellion.

"I'm off track," Lucy laughed as she said that. "Shanks and his men pulled into the small port, too small for his large ship. His black sails furled, but his flag billowing above. And the people rallied, tried to embargo him from the island. I stood in the crowd, behind my sister as she watched from the steps of her bar. I hid behind her skirt, but I heard him speak. He…told them that he came in peace. Just wanted a drink for his men, to have a party. He handed over his weapons, apologized to the mayor for the disturbance, and bowed as he asked for hospitality. His men followed suit. They looked like normal people, all smiling. They felt…warm. In a way I only felt about Makino, my sister.

"I just ran out, from the bar and right up to him. The village tried to stop me, but I was quite feisty and slipped by them and right to him. Never got a friendlier look before, except from my sister. He stood out as different, kind and generous. Free, in a manner that I'd never been allowed to be. He told me of his adventures, showed me what it meant to be a pirate, it meant freedom. But, also, that freedom doesn't mean you do a bad thing. It doesn't mean that your power goes crazy, your head bloated, and you start killing people. You just become a more enhanced and open version of yourself," Lucy explained, rolled up so her elbows propped her up to stare at Nami. To convey her meaning.

"That's unrealistic," Nami spat, her head turned away.

"For pirates to take on that same manner that Shanks and I convey? Yeah, it is. I'm not stupid, but I take freedom a completely different way than most of the pirates I'll meet. But, hey, at least I'm keeping an open mind. Maybe I'll meet some wonderful people, and I know I'll see Shanks again. Along with my sister." Makino and Ben flooded her brain with images, maybe even a small child held between them. She sounded so much like Mira. "Nami, I want to become the Pirate Queen."

"What?" The navigator turned so quickly, in such a confused and frightened blur, Lucy swore she could nearly hear the other's neck crack. "Pirate Queen? Are you serious? That is the most dangerous, idiotic, and…moronic thing I've ever heard!" Nami heaved with every breath as she looked at Lucy, worked up to a level the blond never saw before.

"Maybe?" With a shrug of her shoulders, Lucy moved on. "Pirate Queen, One Piece. If I die trying to achieve these goals, I'm fine with that. I won't regret it, not for a moment. No matter what anyone says, only I know the path that leads to my own happiness. And no one can stand in the way of that, not once I'm Pirate Queen."

For a number of moments, silent and filled with words that never were said, Lucy looked up at the sky. Beside her, Nami stood stock still and looked out, over the horizon. Nami moved away soon after, the sound of her calling orders to everyone on board a noiseless backdrop to her own thoughts. True, she'd said her words and peace, but they needed a number of key elements to head towards their own goals. A chef, doctor, shipwright, a musician, all necessary roles to smooth out the journey ahead. Chef, being taken care of; doctor, no one in sight, though all of them held some basic first aid ability; shipwright, Usopp was more of a graffiti and small catapult specialist; and a musician, Lyra and Lucy would do well for now.

Though, some instruments would help.

But, something else they would need would be a map. A map to the Grand Line. The Government deleted the entrances to the Grand Line from all basic and civilian maps. To prevent pirates from entering, or even just normal, non-sanctioned, civilian ships from crossing into the Ship Graveyard, the Grand Line. A map of that place would be needed. Where to find one, Lucy knew naught. Really, she'd jumped in first and never thought of any of these problems before, at least not much. In the case of Usopp, a plan would help to ease his mind. Or perhaps just a small feast would help him feel better.

The skittering boy needed whatever he could take to help cope with all the change.

Pushing up from Merry, she turned and fully climbed onto the figure head. Sitting cross legged on the ram's forehead, she took in the point where the horizon met the sky. The endless blue, salty air, and stinging winds greeted her like the arms of a lover. Open and warm, always there and awaiting a returned embrace. Lucy embraced the feeling of freedom as the ship turned with whatever order the red head gave. The horizon remained the same, ever before her and ever being chased by every ship that existed. The openness of the world before her, torn through by the hull of the ship, lulled her eyes closed.

A far cry from expectation, Smoker walked down the main path of Shell's Town. A small island controlled by and centered on a marine base at the top of the hill. And more importantly, under the jurisdiction of marine Captain "Axe-Hand" Morgan. A marine never once allowed to venture to HQ, yet so full of himself. For years the marines ignored the bloated head of the captain, thinking so long as pirates failed to control the town everything would be fine. However, most Marines in the East knew the truth that Morgan could stand toe-to-toe with some of those horrible pirates.

His tyranny knew no bounds, and the statue above the marine base argues in favor of those points. A homage to the Captain himself, though, Smoker noted with quite a satisfied grin around his cigars, that the part around the crotch looked broken.

"Captain Smoker," A marine, a sergeant by his normal appearance, yet his presence, greeted Smoker and Tashigi at the gates. A firm and proud salute on his face, and a weirdly placed smile.

"I was delayed by the storm last night, take me to the Captain," Smoker instead said, moving past the marine and into the base. It looked a little worn, a platform dismantled before the circular, base building. Blood stains here and there, and marines scurrying about everywhere with people from the town mixed in. A far cry from his expectations. Perhaps Morgan came to change his ways.

Smoker nearly laughed aloud at the thought.

"Forgive me, Captain Smoker, however Morgan is being held in our prison. We've called HQ with a list of his crimes. We have no captain now, nor a lieutenant that he ever took up. Once more, apologies, but I am the current leader of the base for the moment," the man said and ran up beside Smoker, bowed at the waist. That explained a lot, smiles and Morgan never mixed before. However, looking around at the scrawny marines and recovering people, Smoker wondered how they did it.

"None of you are equipped with the abilities to handle Morgan. While not strong in comparison to anyone from HQ, he did stand out within the East. So, who did this?" The marine looked down at the ground and began to shake a bit, his face shadowed by the marine cap he wore. "As your superior, answer me."

"Yes, sir." Silence followed the marine's statement, but he lifted his head. "It is the greatest sin of ours, sir. Yesterday, when you were supposed to arrive, Morgan held an execution for a pirate thief. Captain Nezumi brought her in."

"I already know all that. Quit stalling and answer me," Smoker ordered, Tashigi pulling at the back of his coat to cool him down. Looking back at her, his small Lieutenant shook her head and made a quieting motion with her hand. Then she looked around the plaza and gestured for him to do the same. The looks of frightened civilians met him, young and old. While Smoker held no reserve for ridiculing those that knew their job, took on the marine title and yet did nothing, the civilians deserved the respect of peace. Of not seeing a potential new menace among them. Leave it to Tashigi to notice something.

At least so long as her glasses were on.

"Let's take this inside and you can fill me in there," Smoker said and sighed, moving towards the base. "Tashigi, try to see if the people or marines need held with anything out here. I'll be back soon, but don't let the boys rest."

"Yes, Captain," Tashigi responded and turned around as he walked through the plaza and into the base. The circular tower led up, the top floor a complete office and room dedicated only to Morgan. With him gone it could be remodeled into a smaller office and bedroom for the new Captain that would be assigned. And then the rest of the room dedicated to space for more of the marines to sleep.

Smoker did not take a place at the large and completely unnecessary monstrosity of a desk, or the matching chair. Instead, to play at ease with the marine sergeant, he sat down in one of the couches. Motioned with a hand for the sergeant to sit across from him. With slight hesitation the marine did, though he fidgeted and looked quite uncomfortable. "I know Nezumi brought a prisoner. Her execution is unlawful. Theft from Pirates is not exactly legal, but it is not punishable by death. Especially when she could have claimed to be a treasure hunter and found it. Nezumi knows this and I believe he used Morgan to bypass this fact to cover something up. Is the girl dead? And how did Morgan end up stopped? Did the girl say anything while being held before execution? Go in the order of those questions. I'll repeat them if necessary."

With one large and slow breath, perhaps to quiet his heart, the marine began. "She is not dead. Her execution began yesterday, Morgan brought her out to be a spectacle. And it is this base's shame to say that not one marine stepped forth to put a stop to it. Instead, the one who brought Morgan down, was a pirate in the crowd. A woman. She set the town free. For relying on her and letting her go, we of this base have committed ourselves to no food or water for the next two days."

"Belay that order," Smoker responded and puffed from his smoke. The sergeant's head whipped up to look at the Captain, eyes widened. "While I have no idea what Morgan put you through, he was a right bastard. Not afraid to kill his own men. Yes, you all had your orders to protect, but its human nature to want to live. You didn't have a prayer of making a difference." The sergeant shook a bit at that, a marine's pride and honor torn to shreds. But if the truth went unsaid then Smoker felt nothing would help these men. "Who was the pirate? What did you give her? And this girl's words in prison, if she had any. Go."

"A beautiful blonde," the sergeant said dreamily, then snapped out of his haze with a blush upon his face. Smoker nearly snorted at the foolishness. "Monkey D. Lucy, Captain of the Star Pirates. Called herself the…"

"Pirate Princess, I've heard of her. I know of her work as well," Smoker finished for the man. A second time that Pirate helped someone. While fighting marines and other pirates went hand and hand for any pirate, so did taking treasure. "What did she want?"

"Nothing, sir. She took nothing. The people freely gave her gifts for freeing them. And, as I said, we did let her go free. The only thing she did demand was that we, the marines, actually do our jobs for once. After that she took the woman that was to be executed to a clinic in town. The pirate and her crew left this morning," the sergeant explained, and then continued. "Shall I continue to the words spoken by the girl that was to be executed?"

"Why don't you say this girl's name?" Smoker asked instead. If you executed someone to remember their name was the least a person could do. The burden a marine bared.

"We do not know it, sir. Morgan kept her gagged and injured for most of her stay. If we removed the gag we were executed. We lost two marines that way, when they went to give her water and patch up some of her injuries. The doctor of the town may know it, but none of us do." That bastard Morgan continued to be an ass. Smoker finished off his cigar, the smoke and his own mixing together in the air around the room. It kept away from the sergeant, however. Smoker left it to stew around himself.

"What did she say then, before she was gagged, that is?" Better to just keep the interview going, gather as much information. Nezumi and Morgan would pay for their transgressions, however. Dearly. Whoever that poor woman was, Smoker felt thankful that the Pirate was there.

"She came in, injured. Dragged by Nezumi and already bound. She tried to beg Morgan, about the fact that her village was being destroyed by Pirates. Nezumi assured Morgan that it was all lies, that she was actually just a thief stealing Morgan's own money. When the girl found out that Morgan would not help her, she went dead in the eyes. She fought to break free, to go save her people by herself. She stabbed Nezumi with his own knife, actually. Morgan detained her and threw her in the prison. After that, she went silent. Just mumbled for a bit that everyone she loved was dead, killed by pirates."

To his knowledge, Nezumi led the 16th branch. Closer to the north western part of the East. Almost directly North of Logue Town. The man rarely left that area, and yet his men were always the ones to do searches of certain areas. If he followed that trail, it was a wide search, but potentially one that would lead him to the pirates Nezumi protected. And to whatever remained of the victims there due to Nezumi's greed.

Smoker stood, feeling the need to return to his ship immediately. "I'll also call HQ and secure Morgan's complete arrest and imprisonment. Not to mention a ship that will hold him and completely destroy his own ego." Garp would do, and he own Smoker a favor. "I'll handle this from here on out. Try to stay out of trouble, sergeant. But call if you need help."

"Thank you, Captain Smoker," the sergeant said and bowed after standing. Smoker grunted in response, then followed his feelings out of the base. His own men and Tashigi took up spots around the base, helping with small projects. While the town needed rebuilding and help, so did another town.

"Men, Tashigi, it's time to go. Move out," Smoker ordered over his shoulder. The men fell into line quickly behind him, Tashigi taking her mark at his side. She threw questioning glances at him every moment. They could wait till after the hit the water. After they set the course to find the island that poor woman came from.

From the port, Smoker watched as his men readied the ship to leave. Tashigi gave the orders so he gained time to think of a plan. A small tug at his pants quieted those thoughts, however. He looked down to see a young girl, tiny in comparison to himself. She shook, scared of him. But she swallowed her fears and addressed him.

"Mr. Marine, are you going to hurt that lady that helped us?" She asked, brown eyes looking up at him. Job description never covered how to deal with this situation, he noted. But he crouched down, on one knee before the girl, and tried his best. He took out the cigars, so the smoke went somewhere other than the little one's eyes. Maybe that would make him look a little less intimidating.

"I'm a marine, my job is to protect the people from pirates. If she's calling herself a pirate, and I meet her, then I will be under orders to arrest her. Sorry, little one, but I'll make sure to pass your thanks onto her," Smoker said, and petted the young girl's head. She shied away from the touch at first, but smiled a bit at him.

"I understand, but, please give her a really big thank you. I didn't get to say it to her before she left."

"Of course," Smoker gave one more pat to her head and then stood up from the ground. Behind the girl a woman watched warily. "Now, go back to your mother." The little girl ran off to the woman.

"Captain, we're ready to go," Tashigi reported, foots steps stopping behind him. "On your orders."

"Let's go," Smoker responded, turned and walked up the wood plank and onto the deck of his ship. The men began to move as Tashigi relayed his orders to them. When asked as to where they would be going, Smoker responded with a loud bark. "The sixteenth branch, to Captain Nezumi's base. Don't let him know we're coming."

Behind, then men called their understanding to him. The sails dropped and caught the wind, and rudder moved with the call of the navigator, and the ship moved. He didn't know how much time they had, but checking an entire section of the ocean would take too long. But beating the answers out of Nezumi: Not a problem. And, due to the proper back sourcing information, all within his rights to investigate and interrogate. Being The Captain of the East Blue gave him certain rights, after all.

Especially over no good, self-centered Marines like Nezumi.

The Going Merry was a ship very different from the ones Nami knew. And, as she steered the helm and readjusted the course to head for Baratie, she wondered how she could use that to her advantage. Or if she could at all. Lucy, the Captain of the Star Pirates, seemed very relaxed. A blonde, beautiful woman with a calm heart that could turn into a harsh monsoon wind if provoked. But yet, gentle in her own manner. From across the way, Nami watched the blonde lounge about with Usopp and play a round of cards.

The blonde already lost to Nami once, a fun game that didn't end in Nami's win being discounted.

And so long as Lucy fell in line, Nami could make away with the ship at her own pleasure. Get the blonde distracted and most of the others would fall behind her. Except one. Logia, the right hand of Lucy, who sat right behind Nami and watched. He just stared at her, a man with such creepy tendencies put all of her plans on hold. While Lucy felt very calm, Logia – or his real name, Acnologia –felt like a burning volcano that you couldn't escape. His lava hot stare always pinned on her.

"For the last time, stop staring at me, asshole," Nami threw her head around to meet him and growled. The man's face did not change, his wild like mannerisms not yet heated to one of their explosive fights. "I'm not going to do anything."

"Yet. You can't lie to me, witch." The growl that escaped his throat didn't seem the least bit human. He reminded her the most of Arlong and his men, not human and just so full of raw power. He exuded it around everyone except Lucy. "You reek of a plan. And like hell will you succeed. Not while I'm around. And you aren't strong enough to beat me."

"Oh yes, the proclaimed Dragon Knight. You don't even have a bounty, fuck, you're nothing more than a little lap dog for the princess out there." Nami released the helm, which was leveled, and turned on him. Lucy was so wrong, they were nothing alike. Logia was a self-righteous ass and all she saw when she looked at him was his own hubris. And all his power. God, he'd kill her given the chance. That's why he blocked all her plans, she'd die if she fell out of line within his sight. Bet he'd lie to it about Lucy too.

"I am no one's lap dog. Lucy made me a promise, one she will keep. So I honor her with my loyalty. You, you're a rat that plays so many sides and so many angles. You hide behind everyone and claim to be fighting for something. But when have you ever fought outright?" That pushed her across the room and her hand raised, he caught her wrist in his iron vice. So she raised the other one, and he wrapped the same hand around that wrist as well. Armless bastard. "Weak, pathetic. You're nothing more than an annoyance, and yet you think you can outsmart Lucy. Outsmart me. You're out of your league, witch."

"Well, at least I'm not a pathetic, armless bastard. How'd you lose that, huh? Oh, I just bet you lost that in the funniest way possible. I'm pathetic? You like to make yourself seem so tough, but at least I don't pretend to be strong! You, you're so weak!" Nami thrashed against his hold and spit, it landed on his right cheek and she felt so much satisfaction. He pulled her close and – damn those abnormally large hands! – picked up the edge of her shirt with a finger and wiped away her spit with it. That same hand curled around her hands again. She could feel her bones moving in his grip. Someone like this couldn't exist, not some normal human.

"Me? You reek of blood, and none of it's your own. But at the same time, I can smell your same desire to jump into a Shark's mouth and end it all. What, didn't think desires like that could be smelt?" He backed her up against the kitchen table. "How many people have died because of you? How many?"

"Shut up, your god damned animal!" Nami thrashed against his hold. Raised a leg and tried to push him away from her, but he felt like a stone wall. Immoveable, his shadow casted over her. "You know nothing!"

"I'm a lot older than I look. I recognize people like you. It's in your eyes and the way you smell. The way you plan to use everyone that's ever tried to help you, but you never stand with them. And in the end, people die because of you, don't they? But instead of facing those deaths, instead of recognizing the new world without them, you stew in them. Live in them. You disregard every single person who ever cared and tried to protect you." Logia dropped her and moved away, like she was some disgusting disease. She could see it in his eyes, the way he judged her.

"At least I've never killed." It was weak, she couldn't say anything else.

"At lease I've fought head–to-head against those that tried to put me down and with the people who fought for that same cause." With that last word, gone to him, he walked out the door of the kitchen and to somewhere. Maybe to Lucy, to tell Lucy all about her plans. At least he was gone, he got under her skin. And it itched so much she scratched at her skin, broken nails tearing into herself. Especially at her left shoulder, it itched so much there.

Lucy walked into the room, Nami recognized the steps of the other woman. Her sandal heels made a much different noise than the boots of the boys. The woman just came over and took Nami's hands, tour them away from that mark that was still covered. Still on her skin, she tried to attack it again. But Lucy's hands held tight.

"You're man's an animal."

"He has a distinct way of digging into the places people don't want him to see. He doesn't do it on purpose. He just picks up on it naturally." Lucy explained and swatted Nami's hand away from that mark. Lucy couldn't see it, then she'd know that Nami was actually one of them. A pirate devil. Just like Logia said.

"His apology is not accepted."

"I never said he apologized for it. Not really his style. When you live through as many horrors as he has, for as many years as he has, well…you learn to say sorry only when you really feel it. And I won't apologize for him. That's not my job. I'm the captain, not everyone's mother," Lucy explained and then touched Nami's left shoulder. Every part of her froze up at that. "Do you mind if I look?"

"Yes, I do," Nami hissed and her hand clamped around that shoulder. Her greatest shame upon that shoulder, only her real family knew about that mark. Them and her enemies that placed it there.

"Alright," Lucy said and back off. Whatever the other woman wanted to say, she didn't. Instead, she asked, "How much longer do you think it's take before we get there?"

"A day at most," Nami whispered under her breath, and at the same time tried to contemplate how to stay well out of the way of Logia for the rest of that time. But unless Nami was right beside another member of the pirates, he took it upon himself to watch over her.

"Good, that gives you time to think of what you want," Lucy stated and turned her back on the way out the door. Nami stuttered at her words, the captain could not possibly mean anything by them other than 'get off my ship'. But the way the woman smiled. "That game of cards was really fun. It made me feel a bit closer to you. After all, despite your feelings, you smiled." With that the blonde left out the door, maybe to find Logia or someone else to speak with. The blonde, Nami noted, didn't like to be alone.

And she didn't like it when something happened to a person she cared for. That sat on Nami as she sat down at the table. She did indeed have time to think things over. A lot of time actually, for decide exactly what she wanted to do. What she could do. Not much, actually. She didn't have the strength of a fishman to fight against Arlong. But time was running out as well. When the people rebelled after Nezumi took the money, he decided to have them all work on a project till the townspeople died. That was a few days ago.

Nojiko could most likely smuggle things around and keep people safe. But, most likely, people were already dying. And Logia was right, Nami ran off when Cocoyashi did. She ran to the marines, got captured by Nezumi, and saved by pirates. But she never stayed behind to fight with them, she tried to find someone else to use. And while that's smart since she never once considered herself capable to fight, she never thought about fighting back herself either.

In essence, she ran away. Tried to go about in a roundabout manner to free her people, thinking that monster would actually ever hold his word. She should have been getting stronger all these years, not running around and submitting. Hell, if Nami tried, she could have smuggled people out of town for years. But she didn't.

Those that died were on her and Arlong. Him for setting off their deaths, and her for submitting and making him stronger all those years.

Nami wiped at her eyes, feeling the scratchy feel of tears she did not need or have time for. Nojiko needed her, Bellmere needed her to finally fight back and live, and in his own right, Logia had been right about her. Maybe that's why he pissed her off so much; she laughed and shook her head in a manner that no one would ever see. The answer looked so simple when so many people laid it out before her own feet.

She needed help. A lot of it too. Swallowing down that piece of her that rebelled against the very idea for years, Nami stood up from the table. Standing, hard enough as it was, took her to a walk across the room to the open door. And that took her to a view of the small army before her. Lucy at the bow, her strong back and shoulders, head faced towards the world and all hardship. Nami looked at her and saw the strength. They didn't know one another, but Lucy liked adventures. If that's what the blonde wanted, Nami would take her on one.

And beside the blonde, Logia stood even taller. A shadow to the brightness of the woman who dreamed of being the Pirate Queen. Zoro, Usopp, Yosaku, and Johnny to the left of Lucy, laughing amongst themselves. A united front that handled the world as one. Ra behind them all, the smiling animal tall and proud, but sweet as cream.

Nami hesitated, the lower deck and the stairs and so much aggression between them. Her hands shook as they held onto the banister before her, white knuckled and painful. It felt like bees in her own stomach decided to sting one spot at her back repeatedly. Never before had Nami considered this as an option. But she opened her mouth and Logia turned around to look at her. One eyebrow quirked, and his head made a violent jerk.

It said to come forward. Somehow Lucy was right, he really did understand everything without words. She'd slap his stupid face for that later, while he slept. But in the meantime, she descended to the lower, main deck, crossed the space, and then ascended to where the rest of the crew gathered. It felt like eternity weighed on her bones, and Ra nudged her as she came to a stop atop the steps. The animal's fur brushing her hands.

"Well, have you decided?" Lucy asked, but she did not turn around. The others did face her, however. Usopp, Yosaku, and Johnny all facing her with their small grins that fit more on children that were being told on children. Zoro cracked one eye open, yawned, but kept himself awake before her. A feet in itself for the sleepy swordsman.

"Yes, but it's a long story," Nami said in return, and Logia propped himself up on the railing of the bow. His face blank, she noted it usually was when he sat next to Lucy.

"We don't need to know everything. But tell me this, have you been hurt?" Lucy asked instead, her head inclined sideways, looking over her shoulder at Nami. Those star filled eyes, gold and brown mixed together, looked very stern. The captain awaited their course.

"Yes, but not just me. I'll start from the beginning." And so she did, because someone who would potentially help her needed to know the story. Bellmere would understand though, Nojiko would understand. When she came back with this force behind her to stop Arlong, Nami would stand beside them. Instead of just leaving it to someone else, Lucy would let Nami stand beside her.

"His name is Arlong, Captain of the Arlong Pirates. And I was forcefully made a member of his crew when I was a child."

The Library of Lamia Scale made Wendy feel very small. The overcrowded books all stacked atop one another when the shelves ran out, the cramped hallways, the tall ceilings. It was much grander than even Fairy Tail's Library. Something she thought to be massive before. Lamia Scale's library could be considered the size of the library in Crocus, the one near the palace itself. Wendy only remembered that one because Lucy and Levy took her there during the Grand Magic Games.

Another good thing about the libraries of massive proportions: There's always a place to hide in them. She felt like child when she did it, curled up beneath a den of books, knees pulled to her chest as she shook. She really did try to keep her sobs to herself, Charla would be looking for her after all. Along with the rest of the Guild. So long as she remained quiet, no one else would have to know.

A letter arrived that morning to the Guild for Wendy, from Gajeel and Levy on account of Lucy's case. The news had been the fact that they located Laxus. And that he told them that he could no longer feel Lucy. Stopped feeling her the morning after Lucy committed her crime. Wendy knew fully well what that meant. So did Grandeeny, who was also looking for Wendy at that moment.

"Little whelp," Grandeeny cooed softly right outside Wendy's den of books, her mother crouching down in her human form before Wendy. She smiled, gently and with a mother's grace, then squeezed into the small den that Wendy made. One of her warm hands came up to Wendy's cheek, brushed some of the hair from her forehead and face. "Whatever is the matter? Your friends are waiting for you."

The funny thing was that Grandeeny looked so much like Porlyusica. So it always came as a shock when the gentleness came across to not just Wendy, but to the rest of the guild. Wendy leaned into the touch, her mother's touch. The dragon wanted to know the problem, but Wendy's throat actually felt like it would never work again with how tight it felt at that moment.

Instead, she handed over the letter.

The dragon, whose human form delicately took the letter, read quickly over the words. And then, folded it back up, and set it down on the ground. Her arms, covered by a white dress's long sleeves that felt like velvet, curled around Wendy and held on. Tight, and mother's nose nestled and nuzzled into Wendy's blue hair. Grandeeny only knew Lucy from stories, of the sister Lucy had been to Wendy.

"Little whelp," Grandeeny murmured, and the voices of others follower after her. Somewhere in the library, looking for Wendy like her mother had. But she just wanted to stay there, deep in the dark den of books, hidden away. It felt so much better to do so than to face the reality.

"Wendy!" Charla and Shelia called in unison from outside, and Wendy just burrowed down deeper in her mother's hold. Far from everything else around her. "Wendy!" No, she just wanted to stay for just another moment. But the books around her all fell down, a number of heavy hits against the stone floors and wooden shelves. Wendy didn't greet them though, they could allow her that.

"Little whelp, you must tell them. They deserve to know, she was their friend too," Mother said and released her hold just the barest bit. But Wendy just dove back in, held on so tight. Because this was someone who could not leave her. Not again. Instead, Wendy made a number of noises. The best her throat could make at that moment through the tears.

"The Scouts sent to find Laxus-san succeeded, they reported that Laxus informed them that he could not feel Lucy. And thus could not help in finding her," Grandeeny informed them, but Wendy knew they wouldn't understand. None of them could understand a dragon's culture from that alone.

"What did she do, block him then?" That sounded like Lyon, asking that question. He didn't understand.

"No, you do not understand. Nothing should ever interfere with that connection. Unless one of the pair dies," Grandeeny informed then, Wendy felt her hold on a bit tighter. But there was also a weird scent coming off of her mother. Something like grief, regret, apologies; it smelt like asking for an apology. A bit bitter smelling. Wendy didn't know why her mother smelt that way. "If a dragon can no longer feel their mate, if that feeling is torn from them, then it means the mate is dead."

"Laxus-san," Shelia whispered, Wendy just barely heard it. But it sounded so broken. Not because the mage, Wendy's best friend, knew the pair very well. On the contrary, it was what the pair represented to Shelia. The Wind God Slayer always loved the two because of how much love they portrayed. Shelia, Wendy could sense, felt the pain of losing one's heroes. "Does the letter say how he is doing?"

And that made Wendy pause and pull herself from her mother's hold. Shelia asked the one thing that Wendy didn't even think of. While Wendy mourned, Shelia wondered about the one who was left behind. Grandeeny once said that losing your intended felt like something worse than death. And in some cases, could drive a dragon mad with grief. "Laxus-san, I forgot to wonder about him. I'm so sorry."

"Wendy," Charla whispered and floated down into her hold. Wendy held on tight and breathed in the scent of her oldest friend and caretaker. She smelt of roses, a better scent than what her mother smelt of. She felt slightly bad for feeling that way, but at the same time, grief drove you into the arms of those that understood.

After all, her mother didn't know Lucy. Not like the rest of them did. As Wendy scanned the room, even Jura-sama looked distraught and broken at the news. Everyone sad over Lucy, worried over Laxus. "I want to go see him," Wendy said, finally something out of her throat that didn't sound so terrible. The others in the room nodded their head. "I don't have that bond, but…I want to see him. I want to see Laxus-san, make sure he's okay. Lucy would want someone to make sure he's being taken care of."

"Then that is what we shall do, that's love after all," Shelia whispered and grabbed Wendy's hand. The best friends nodded to one another and then fell into the other's embrace. Shoulder to shoulder, head to head, Charla between them. Her mother came from behind and wrapped the two girls and her embrace.

"That is a wise plan, little ones," Mother agreed and held the two girls. Something about her mother felt off, but at that moment Wendy could ignore it for the current grief she carried. And to focus on Laxus, to focus on getting to him. While she was sure Laxus would be aggravated, he wouldn't hurt her. And that meant she could go see him, try and do something for him.

Even if the man only wanted to be left alone.

New chapter done. Handling for the rest of the East Blue will be over with soon. Added note, as Smoker is so prevalent and off Logue Town, the Logue Town chapter will be short and not include a fight. The relationship between the Lucy and Smoker very much so built of mutual respect and favors in this. So expect for them to meet in a strange manner.

Please Review.

Hope you all enjoyed.

~Stay Free