
Yes, I agree. I suck very much, 'nough said.

Please enjoy and as always feel free to PM/review about any questions, comments or concerns.

What Luck Brings: Dangerous Proposition

Almost a week after her close encounter, Sakura's mind was still spinning. To make matters worse Kakashi hadn't been the same since his frosty good night.

At school he acted like she was just another student, which she kind of was, but that didn't stop the slight ache in her chest. Sakura couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment whenever he answered her questions with a straight answer. No playful light to his eyes or slightly inappropriate implication in his voice.

If she was being honest, she missed their little spats during class. They always left her in a good mood even if she was a few shades pinker after.

At home he avoided her like the plague and when they did run into each other it was only ever a few tense moments with fewer words. Even though they lived in the same house it felt like they were in different worlds.

She didn't like it one bit.

Contemplating her feelings was something Sakura never really enjoyed, but they were starting to drive her mad. The fact that a certain goofy grin kept popping into her mind as well didn't help matters.

Thoughts of her kind hearted spaz of a best friend never failed to settle her nerves.

They had been together since their kindergarten days. Not always as friends, but he was always there, slowly worming his way into her heart. Besides Ino and her parents there wasn't anyone she was closer to.

Things were shifting though. Sakura started to realize just how much Naruto cared for her and how much he had grown. The childish goofball she once knew was being replaced with a confident and strong young man, willing to do anything for his friends.

Sakura was surprised to find herself some what attracted to this new side of the blonde but she was scared of what might happen if she ever really looked into it. This was Naruto, her best friend, and it would break her if she ever lost him. Sakura knew it was selfish, but she couldn't risk something going wrong and ruining everything between them.

Or was she supposed to take the risk? Isn't that what she's supposed to do for the one she loved?

"God, do I even love him like that?" She almost yelled as she threw her hands in her hair out of frustration. Not paying attention to her feet, she almost tripped climbing the last step to the top floor of the library.

Sighing deeply Sakura regained most of her composure. She had never been so thankful for the somewhat non-inhabited library.

Sakura needed some time to cool off and just clear her head before the start of Friday classes. Her favorite window nook was the perfect place to accomplish such a goal.

Calmly heading towards the back corner of the building Sakura realized she hadn't been back to her spot since the first day of school. She felt silly avoiding the place for so long when she couldn't remember exactly why. There was definitely something that she was forgetting.

Passing a dusty book shelf a dull purple book cover caught her eye and tickled her memory. As she continued to get closer to her spot she started to remember something.

'What the heck was it about purple?' She thought deep in concentration. Sakura turned the corner and stopped a few feet from her beloved window seat. In a rush it all came back.

The leader of a mysterious group had caught her eavesdropping on information most definitely not meant for her ears. He had shaken her to the core with only a passing glance of his frighteningly dangerous deep purple eyes.

The exact same eyes that were now blankly watching her from the window seat.

Caught off guard by his sudden appearance, Sakura froze like a started rabbit who had walked in on a hungry wolf. He held her there with his powerful gaze alone.

She had never felt so intimidated in her life. This man was powerful and he knew it. 'Who is he?'

Without a word, he stood in one slow fluid motion, minding his head on the low arc above the window. A blood red pin in the shape of a cloud stood out against the dark fabric of his expensive looking tailored suit.

His face was void of any emotion, but held such an intensity it felt like she was going to be crushed. Sakura's body was on the verge of quivering, but her pride would not allow it.

There was something about him that she hadn't noticed before. Now that he was closer, Sakura could feel a subtle physical pull towards him. It was as though he were surrounded by a magnetic field and she was a slim paper clip. The attraction had nothing to do with his deadly good looks, at least that's what she told herself.

'What the hell is going on!? I must be crazy!'

He took a calculated step forward and her heart raced faster. 'Why was he not saying anything? And why is he getting so close?'

She almost flinched when he extended his arm, palm facing out towards her. Sakura just stood there unable to move from under the weight of his presence.

Without pause or hesitation his hand came closer. Before she knew it his palm was firmly pressed to her chest.

"Hm, just as I thought." He said in a deep masculine voice.

Shocked out of silence, Sakura's anger instantly bristled to life. On pure instinct her fist flew towards his face at her maximum strength.

Before the strike could made contact, he tilted his head just enough for it to brush past his ear. He easily caught Sakura's wrist keeping her from retracting her hand and possible throwing another punch.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" She spat at him. No longer consumed by fear she was ready to kick some serious ass!

His blank expression never wavered. He simply analyzed her in a way one might analyze an item before purchasing it.

In one swift motion his hand moved to hers and twisted it behind her back so she had no choose but to turn her back to him. "Someone you should not be throwing punches at, little girl." His breath tickeled her ear before he released her with a slight push.

Sakura couldn't help but feel like a bug being flicker from his hand. That wasn't the problem though. 'He grabbed my freaking chest! What the heck does he want, what do I do?'

She turned to face him again, desperately keeping the panic from her face. Before she could say anything, he spoke.

"Now that introductions are over, I have a proposition for you girl."

Sakura was just barely hanging to her sanity by a thin, thin thread. Ever thing she worked for could be easily destroyed by this man. All it would take is a few words to completely expose her and ruin her future.

Trying to stay as composed as possible she said, "What do you want with me? I've done nothing to you. I don't even know you." She was hoping he didn't remember the whole secret meeting incident.

"Don't play dumb Sakura, I would like to think you are more intelligent than that. Whether you were intentionally acting as a spy or happened on the wrong place at the wrong time, I have use for you."

Sakura flinched. 'Shit! He remembers.' His words caught her off guard and she almost something he said.

"Wait, how do you know my name?"

His breath came out in a slight exasperated sigh, so subtle she almost missed it. "That is not important. You should be more concerned that I know you are close to Kakashi Hatake." Shocked into silence she could only stare at him in fear.

His tone was now impatient, "You, Sakura Haruno, will conduct continual servalence on Kakashi Hatake and report to me all information gathered.

If you ask any questions, I will know. If you withhold any details from me, I will know. If you speak to anyone about this meeting, I will know." The man turned and began to walk away. The last thing he said before disappearing between the shelves of books was, "I am your God now."