(A/N It's been years since I wrote a fanfic. I'm actually really sad that it took me this long to actually write another one since ideas have been swirling around in my head. This is me taking a stab at writing again so please forgive me if I'm a little bit rusty.

I own nothing. The characters, songs, and Glee are not owned by me. Though, I do take credit for the plot.)

Holding Out For A Hero

Summary: Rachel leaves Finn after their date in New York. On the way to the hotel she is attacked in an alleyway and saved by the last person she would expect, showing them in whole new light and changing things as she knows it. One things for sure at least senior year won't be boring. Faberry, Brittana, Klaine, etc. Begins at the end of Season 2. What If Season 3.

(This is a revised version of Chapter 1. Fixed some of my grammar and spelling mistakes)

Chapter 1: My Unlikely Hero

Rachel Berry was getting ready for her date with Finn Hudson. He didn't really say it was a date, but she knew Finn long enough to know his plans. She was just putting on the last finishing touches to her makeup and she was ready to go. Looking at herself one more time, she figured she was ready. Maybe she went a little overboard with the shawl but this is New York! You're allowed to go overboard.

She walked out of the bathroom and realized that all the girls have left. Pillows and feathers were all over the room, the beds in disarray, and clothes all over the floor. She huffed in disgust because they hadn't even been there for a day and the room was already trashed.

'I wish Mr. Schue had a bigger budget. I demand my own room. How can I write a hit song rooming with pigs?' Rachel thought to herself as she grabbed her purse and walked out the room. She absolutely refused to clean after them.

Walking down the hall, she heard music coming from one of their rooms. For the competition to be fair, each show choir was allowed an extra room filled with musical instruments so that they can practice. That way the playing field was even, and a richer school didn't have the upper hand over a school that didn't have a huge budget.

'It's probably Brittany writing another cup song.' Rachel thought sadly. Seriously why was it so hard to get the others to write a decent song? She was able to write a hit song all on her own. Okay maybe Quinn came up with the melody but she wrote the lyrics. Why must she have to carry everyone?

She was about to continue walking when she heard a crash. "Dammit!" A female voice was heard yelling from the door. Rachel's eyes widened in surprise. Another crash was heard, followed by another.

Rachel started biting her lower lip in concern. She looked down at her watch to see what time it was. She had about a half hour before she has to meet Finn. Maybe she should see if they were alright.

As she walked towards the door, she noticed that it was open a crack. That explained why she could hear them because Mr. Schue did tell her that the room was sound proof. She decided to look in first to see if whoever was in there would even want to talk to her.

She held back a gasp when she saw Quinn Fabray hunched over a piano with her head in her hands. Paper was thrown across the room, a chair was flipped upside down, and a drum set was practically ripped apart. No one else seemed to be in the room.

A part of her wanted to go over to see how she was, but another part decided to stay back because she was probably the last person, besides Finn, that she wanted to see right now.

Quinn pulled her head out of her hands, a look of frustration on her face. "I don't understand why it's so hard to write a song right now." She glared furiously at the piano, like the keys had betrayed her somehow. "I need to try something new." She muttered to herself. Then she got up and walked over to the synthesizer, bringing it over to where the piano was and laying it on top. She pushed the bench back and looked down at the synthesizer.

Rachel noticed a thoughtful look on Quinn's face as she stood looking down at the instrument then she started to play a tune. Apparently she liked what she heard because a little smile comes on her face. She played the tune a few times before she started playing a tune on the piano.

Rachel didn't think that it sounded bad, in actuality it sounded pretty catchy. Quinn stopped playing for a moment; she walked over to a video camera. "Think of New York." She muttered to herself. She made a few adjustments before she hit record and walked over to the piano.

"Okay New York song. Take 5." Quinn said clearly into the camera.

Quinn started playing the tune and Rachel was shocked at how good the song sounded. What was even more surprising was the lyrics that Quinn was making up at the top of her head. It actually sounded like a professional song.

"Walking through a crowd

The village is aglow

Kaleidoscope of loud

Heartbeats under coats

Everybody here

Wanted something more

Searching for a sound we hadn't

Heard before

And it said

A huge grin came to Quinn's face as she continued playing. Rachel was surprised by how carefree she looked playing on the piano.

Welcome to New York

It's been waiting for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

It's been waiting for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

Rachel really liked the tune to that song. It was really catchy and the lyrics weren't half bad.

It's a new soundtrack

I could dance to this beat, beat

Forever more

The lights are so bright

But they never blind me, me

Welcome to New York

It's been waiting for you

Welcome to New York

When we first dropped our bags on

Apartment floors

Took our broken hearts

Put them in a drawer

Everybody here was someone else


And you can want who you want

Boys and boys and

Girls and girls

She was a little surprised at that last line. Maybe it was her singing her support of Kurt and Blaine, and Santana and Brittany. She had to admit that being in New York it doesn't matter if you're gay or not.

Welcome to New York

It's been waiting for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

It's been waiting for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

It's a new soundtrack

I could dance to this beat, beat

Forever more

The lights are so bright

But they never blind me, me

Welcome to New York (New York)

It's been waiting for you

Welcome to New York

Welcome to New York

Quinn was dancing a little to the beat as she continued to play along, really liking what she was doing. Rachel didn't think that she had even seen Quinn that happy. She looked so at peace right now.

Like any great love it keeps you


Like any real love

It's ever changing

Like any true love

It drives you crazy

But you know you wouldn't

Change anything, anything


She went through the chorus one more time and stopped playing, then she made her way to the camera and stopped recording. "Okay now to look over this and write it all down." The smile on her face never left.

Rachel decided that she should probably leave now. Quinn seemed to be in better spirits and seeing her would put an end to her happy mood. She took a few steps back and looked down at her watch.

Her eyes widened. 'Crap I'm going to be late. Oh this is so unlike me.' Rachel started rushing off to go meet Finn. As she was walking away she started to hear that familiar tune in the room down the hall.

Well this day certainly went south fast. And it was going so well too. She was on a wonderful date with Finn; she got to meet her idol, and she was serenaded on the streets of New York. It was such a magical night, so then why did she hesitate when Finn was about to kiss her?

She wanted to kiss him, really she did, but something was holding her back. Guilt? He did just break up with Quinn at a funeral of all places. Was it really time for him to get back into a relationship even though he broke someone else's heart. What did that say about her? Regret? Maybe he regretted the fact that they did break up all those months ago. She didn't like how she acted back then when she found out that Finn slept with Santana. Or maybe she knew deep down inside that Finn would start going back to his old ways of treating her and she didn't want that.

She continued walking to the hotel, not really paying attention to where she was going. Her mind was so jumbled right now. Why did Finn pick this week of all weeks to decide that he wanted to be with her? It's not really fair to her. She has enough on her plate.

Suddenly she felt someone start tugging her arm harshly, pulling her into an alleyway. Her back was slammed up against a wall and she cried out in pain.

A knife was thrust into her face. Her eyes widened in horror. Two men were towering over her; one had shaggy brown hair and a scar across his face; while the other one was covered in tattoos and was bald. Scar man was holding the switchblade while bald man was holding chains.

Thinking quickly, Rachel held her purse out. "Here take it." She started to tremble in fear. How can she be so stupid? This wasn't Lima, Ohio; New York was known for their muggings and crime.

Scar man smiled and it was the scariest thing that Rachel had even seen. "Who says it's the purse we want." His New York accent was thick. "I mean, you have gorgeous legs, girly." He leaned in and smelled her perfume. "And you smell delicious. Makes me want to… you know…take a bite."

Rachel's stomach dropped at this. These men wanted to rape her. Take away her purity. "HELP!" She started screaming at the top of her lungs. The men jumped back a little in surprise before the scar man covered her mouth. She shuddered in disgust. How dare he touch her?

"Now we can't have that. We don't want anyone to spoil our fun." Scar man stated, smiling even more. He used his other hand to start reaching for her boob, but before he could even lay one finger on her, someone hit him hard in the head with something.

"Get away from her!" A voice said coldly. Rachel's eyes widened even more because she knew that voice. She turned her head to the side to see Quinn Fabray in all her glory. She was wearing a white blouse and some blue jeans. Her long blonde hair looked wind swept and her hazel eyes look positively murderous. Rachel also noticed that she was holding a trash can lid. So that was what she hit him with.

Before the men could react, Quinn grabbed Rachel's arm and pulled her away from them. She made sure that Rachel was behind her.

Scar man was holding his head in pain while bald man turned to face them. "Well look what we have here? Tall hot blonde, now she is more of my type." Bald man said, his accent sounded more Jersey than anything. He started putting his chains together and then pulling them apart in a menacing fashion. "Baby, are you ready to have your world rocked?"

Quinn huffed in disgust as she slowly started backing her and Rachel out of the alleyway. "In your dreams." Her eyes never left the men.

Rachel was downright terrified. They had no chance against these men. That relief that she felt when she heard Quinn's voice vanished. Now they were not only going to hurt her, but Quinn as well. It was all her fault.

Scar man recovered from Quinn's hit and now he was glaring at them. "I'm going to make you pay for that, blondie." He lunged at them.

Quickly Quinn pushed Rachel further back, before she brought her trash lid up and hit him hard in the arm. He cried out in pain. She then kicked him in the stomach, while he hunched over, she brought the trash lid down hard on his head. He fell to the floor, unmoving.

Before Quinn could have time to gather herself, a chain flew out and hit her hard in the chest. She cried out in pain. A hand came out and grabbed her hair. Bald man pulled her roughly towards him, pulled his hand back and socked her in the face. A loud crunch was heard, letting everyone know that Quinn's nose was broken.

Rachel looked on horrified. She has never seen something so gruesome before. She wanted to help Quinn out but she was frozen, she can't move.

"Stupid bitch!" Bald man yelled. Still pulling hard on Quinn's hair, she cried out again. He pulled his hand back for another blow but then he found that he couldn't move because Quinn's knee had collided harshly with his groin.

He let go of her hair, allowing Quinn to punch him hard in the face, breaking his nose. Then she stepped back and swiped her trash can lid to the side, colliding with the side of his face, knocking him out. He fell to the floor in a heap.

Quinn waited for a minute to see if either one of them was moving, satisfied that they were out cold, she turned around and staggered toward Rachel.

Blood was pouring down her face and her shirt was essentially ruined. Rachel could only stare at her in utter shock. It really wasn't a pretty picture.

"The police should be here any minute." Quinn responded, though it was hard to understand since she couldn't speak well. She tried wiping the blood off with her hand, but it kept pouring out. She tried to pinch it but she winced in pain when she did.

Seeing this made Rachel spring back into action. She took her shawl off of her shoulders and offered it to Quinn. She looked at her questionably. "It's for your nose." She looked unsure for a moment, but then she grabbed it and put it under her nose.

She was about to say thank you but then a light started flashing towards them and two police officers came into view. They both sighed in relief.

After explaining everything to the police officers, the two men were arrested and an ambulance was called. Rachel insisted on being with Quinn, so she climbed in the back with her. Quinn tried to get out of it and call a cab because it was just a broken nose, but Rachel refused to listen to her and made her get in.

Currently they were in the doctor's office, waiting for Quinn's x-rays to come in. Rachel already called Mr. Schue to let him know where they were. He seemed pissed on the phone so Rachel was sure that they were probably going to either get detention or be suspended.

Quinn looked pretty bad, her face was already swollen and her eyes were starting to get black and blue. Her hand was cut up a little from when she punched the bald man. She was still wearing the same clothes because she had nothing else to change into. Luckily the bleeding stopped, though Rachel's shawl was pretty much destroyed by this point.

The doctor came in, with a light smile on his face. He was a little older, with grey hair and light blue eyes. He put the x-ray on the screen and turned the light on. "Well Miss Fabray, it is definitely broken, but it looks like a clean break. Your hand is a little injured but no sprains or broken bones. Your chest seems fine, just a little bruising. Now I'm going to have to reset your nose. Have you ever broken it before or had work done?" He started putting his gloves on.

Quinn looked a little uncomfortable and she glanced at Rachel unsurely. Rachel noticed this and started to look confused. She sighed and looked back to the doctor. "No."

Bells went off in Rachel's head. 'But…But she told me that she had a nose job,' She stared at Quinn, who started to squirm. 'Unless…Oh my god she lied to me!'

Before Rachel could say anything, the doctor came over to Quinn and gently grabbed her nose. The blonde winced.

"Now Miss. Fabray this is going to hurt. I'm going to go on the count of three. 1, 2…" He suddenly snapped Quinn's nose back into place and she cried out in pain.

Rachel smiled on the inside. 'Good that's what she gets. I can't believe I almost got a nose job because of her.'

The doctor started fixing up Quinn's nose and examining it. "Sorry but most patients prefer the quick approach. Like ripping off a band aid." He started scribbling some things on his clipboard before he ripped it off and handed it over to Quinn. "The pain and swelling should start going away in a few days and you should be all healed up in 2 to 3 weeks. I've given you something for the pain and once you get back home, go to your family doctor." He then shook Quinn's hands and then Rachel's. "Take care Miss. Fabray, and Miss. Berry; be more aware of your surroundings next time." Rachel had the decency to blush. "You two should stay in here until your guardian comes for you. Have a nice day." He waved to them and left the office.

The room was silent for a moment then Rachel got up from her seat. She stood in front of Quinn and put her hands on her hips. "So you never had a nose job." She stated angrily.

Quinn blushed in embarrassment and nervously started playing with the hem of her shirt. "Sorry."

"Sorry! You're sorry! Quinn, I almost had a nose job because of you! You lied to me!" Rachel shouted furiously, but she was more hurt than anything. "I should have known better." She muttered to herself. It was just like Quinn to lie to her and hurt her feelings. "Did you lie about everything? Were you really overweight and unpopular? Is your real name even Lucy?"

Quinn sighed. "Yes it was all a lie" At Rachel's look of disbelief, she continued on. "Look Puck and Zizes were trying to sabotage me. I found out right away. I devised this plan to throw them off a little. My mom has a friend that used to work in my old school, I told her to pull my original file and put in this fake one."

Rachel really couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What about the picture?"

Quinn scoffed but then she winced because it hurt her nose. "If you look closely at the picture you can clearly see that it is photo shopped."

"You had a serious meltdown in the hallway."

"It's called acting."

"You did all this for prom queen?"

"I really wanted to win." Quinn replied shrugging her shoulders. "I'm sorry I lied to you and everyone else." She did sound sincere.

Rachel sighed and let her shoulders slump, her arms going to her sides. "Well was it even worth it?"

"Not really since I didn't win. Though fooling Zizes and Puck was a huge highlight. Morons." She laughed a little then winced again.

Rachel noticed the movement and felt really guilty. "Thank you for saving me. I'm really sorry that you got hurt."

Quinn waved her off. "It's not your fault. Really it's more Finn's fault than anything. That idiot should have walked you home." Her face looked angry. "If I wasn't walking around then you would have ended up dead in a ditch somewhere." Apparently when she was mad, she tended to talk a lot because this was the longest conversation that they had ever had. Though the medical they gave her earlier could also be the source.

Rachel really wasn't going to argue with that. Finn should have known better or really any of the guys. They should have offered to walk her home instead of singing that song. It wasn't even her favorite Disney song.

Her walking alone made her think of something. "Why were you walking alone?"

She looked surprised by the question. "I wanted some fresh air. I was starting to feel cooped up."

Rachel knew that she was hiding the fact that she was also writing a song for Nationals, but decided not to press her too much. Wouldn't want the old Quinn to come out. "No matter the reason, thank you for saving me." She smiled brightly at Quinn.

Quinn looked a little uncomfortable by all the praise. She looked away shyly, not bothering to reply. Rachel went back down to sit. They sat there for a few minutes, but Rachel just wanted to ask this one question.

"Hey Quinn." She looked over at her to show her that she got her attention. "What's your real name?"

She stared at Rachel for a few minutes before turning to face forward. Rachel sighed, thinking that she pushed Quinn too far again and she was closing up.

"Quinn Elizabeth Fabray."

Rachel looked surprised but she tried not to show it. "Well it sounds a lot better than Lucy Quinn Fabray, never pegged you as a Lucy."

She laughed a little, the sound making Rachel grin. It's rare to make Quinn smile, let alone laugh. "So does that mean that you named Beth after you?" She had to ask. The names were too similar.

Quinn looked at Rachel with a cocky smirk. "Did you really think that I would allow Puck to name my daughter? I let him believe that the idea was his."

Rachel couldn't help but laugh. That sounded so much like Quinn that she was actually a little disappointed that she didn't figure it out sooner. "So does anyone know that you lied?" She was rather curious, surely someone caught on.

"Santana and Brittany knew. We went to the same school. We've been the Unholy Trinity since grade school."

She should have known that they would know. She was a little curious about Santana though. "Why didn't Santana say anything? Surely she would have said something to throw you under the bus?" She knew that if she ever pulled a stunt like that and Santana knew then her secret wouldn't be one for long.

"Turns out she's had it out for Zizes ever since she humiliated her a couple months ago." She shrugged her shoulders. "Guess I was the lesser of two evils."

Rachel looked thoughtful as she considered everything she was told. That does sound like the Latina. The phrase, the enemy of my enemy is my friend comes to mind. "So then you never really were unpopular or overweight then?"

"Well I never noticed the popularity thing until high school but I was pretty athletic. Still am really. The only time I was overweight was when I was pregnant." Quinn replied with an air of nonchalance. "I'm sorry for lying to you. If it helps I would have stepped in if you were really going to get a nose job."

Rachel just shook her head at this whole mess. "I guess I can forgive you on one condition."

Quinn sighed because she knew that she wasn't going to like it. "What is it?"

Rachel looked at Quinn with a steely glaze. Quinn knew that she meant business with that look.

"You show me your acting methods."

Quinn almost fell over in surprise. She was not expecting that, but then she let the whole question sink in. Suddenly she started laughing uncontrollably. Tears were streaming down her face and she was clutching her sides.

Rachel looked a little put out. "I deserve to know Quinn! That was an Oscar worthy performance!"

This only made Quinn laugh harder. "I can't…even! … Only…you…Only…you!" She gasped out. "My…nose…hurts…so…b…bad!"

She glared at the blonde whose face was starting to turn red. "So…" She drawled out.

Quinn waved her off. "Su…Sure….what…ever!"

Rachel smiled happily to herself, just watching Quinn laugh herself into another hospital visit if she kept it up. She knew that Quinn was wrong to have lied to everyone so that she could be prom queen, but she also couldn't deny that Quinn was a marvelous actress in this whole scheme. Who was she to turn her nose up at talent like that?

'Anything for Broadway.'

To say that Mr. Schue was mad would be an understatement. He was downright furious once he was told the full story. To Rachel's surprise, he wasn't even mad at her or Quinn, but rather all the guys. They were let off with a warning not to go outside, but it was nothing compared to the detentions that the guys received. They'll be serving their time until the end of September of the next school year.

Of course once everyone heard the story and saw Quinn's face, they knew the punishment was justified. The boys also apologized profusely to them, especially Finn since it was his idea, though both girls refused to talk to him for obvious reasons.

Santana was so impressed by what Quinn did that she grabbed a trash lid and all but demanded that she show her how she beat up those guys. Everyone was in agreement that Quinn was a badass, with Puck going so far as calling her Xena, but he stopped after Lauren glared at him.

Mr. Schue then clarified that everyone had to stay in the hotel and not go outside anymore. No one really listened to him because the next day her and Kurt went to the stage of Wicked and Quinn went to get a haircut with Santana and Brittany. Santana said it was so that, "People would look at something else other than her nose." But Rachel thought it was because she wanted Quinn to feel better about herself and not get depressed. Though, she would never say that out loud, she preferred living.

So while Mr. Schue had the best intentions, no one really bothered to listen. Though hearing that he was planning on leaving them for Broadway did hurt Rachel more than she thought. That situation quickly cleared up and currently they were trying to write songs for Nationals in the music room that Rachel found Quinn in the other day.

Which brought her to this moment: Rachel glaring daggers at Quinn. She could not believe that she hadn't said anything about the song she wrote the other day. It was really good. Like so good that it could play on the radio. It got Rachel thinking. If Quinn held back this information then maybe she was withholding more songs? Songs that was just as good if not better.

"Guys I think Kurt and I finished a song!" Mercedes shouted. Everyone looked up at the two who looked really excited. They showed Quinn the sheet music, because besides Brad, Quinn was the only one who could play piano well. Rachel knew that she didn't like it as soon as she read the music. It showed on her face. Instead of saying something Quinn sat at the piano bench and started to get ready to play.

"Okay so the songs called, Light Up The World and I really think that we out did ourselves." Kurt proudly exclaimed.

The music started playing and the duo started to sing. To be fair the song wasn't that bad but it wasn't that great either, especially compared to Quinn's song. This only made Rachel madder because Quinn refused to say anything. This could cost them Nationals!

The song ended and everyone clapped politely. "So what did you guys think?" Mercedes asked.

"Well it was okay." Artie said uncomfortably, slowly backing away in his chair.

The Divas looked at him furiously. "What do you mean okay?! It was good. Much better than My Cup!" Kurt shouted.

Brittany pouted, "You guys didn't like my song?" She looked near tears.

Santana glared murderously at the divas and they quickly shrunk back in fear. "At least her song doesn't sound like some reject Kidz Bop bullshit." She then tried to soothe Brittany who was still pretty upset.

Finn then decided to take matters into his own hands. "I have a song that's even better." He then thrust the sheet music at Quinn who glared at him in return. He decided to step away from his ex because she scared the crap out of him.

Rachel looked carefully at Quinn as she looked the music over, noticing that she was frowning in distaste. She didn't like that one either! Why wasn't she saying anything? Instead of giving out advice, she was getting herself ready to play.

Finn smiled at Rachel. "I wrote this song so that it can be a duet between me and Rachel. It's called Pretending."

She couldn't help but roll her eyes. 'I mean seriously! Your ex-girlfriend is right there. Don't you have any tact?' Rachel thought to herself. 'Is Finn always this oblivious or is he trying to pour salt into the wound?'

Quinn scowled in anger but she played the song anyway, though Rachel noticed that she was hitting the keys a little too hard in places. Once the song was finished, Finn was looking straight at Rachel with those puppy dog eyes.

"Well, what do you think?" He asked with hope in his voice. Everyone rolled their eyes at him because he was being so obvious.

Rachel looked a little uncomfortable because if she was being honest, she really didn't care for it. It was nothing like what she wrote and it seemed like a cheap knock off. They weren't going to win with either of those songs. "To be honest…" Before she could reply, Santana cut in.

"I hate it."

Finn looked like he's been slapped, but then he turned to her in anger. "I wasn't asking you, I was asking Rachel."

Santana glared at him from her place on top of the piano next to Brittany. "Well Berry didn't want to pop your pathetic man boob bubble."

He looked at Rachel, his feelings clearly hurt. "Is that true? You really didn't like it?"

Rachel sighed because she knew she had to say it but she really didn't want to. "I've heard better." This was true she might add, as she glared over at Quinn, who wasn't looking at her. "To be honest both songs aren't the greatest. We really can't win with them."

Kurt threw his hands up in the air. "Well do you have something better? Because that's all we have."

"Well not really." Rachel replied, she knew she wasn't the greatest songwriter. The only reason Get It Right was so good was because Quinn came up with the melody before they got into the fight. All she did was channel her anguish and came up with the lyrics.

"See! So we have no chance. Nationals are in two days and those songs are our best shot." Kurt stated triumphantly. Maybe he will even get a solo.

Mr. Schue sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He wasn't coming up with anything either. He looked over at Jesse to see that he was doodling pictures of himself singing on stage instead of actually helping them. "It looks like we have no choice. We have too…"

He was interrupted by Rachel, who has finally reached her breaking point with Quinn. She stood up from her chair. "That's it! I can't sit by anymore and let these songs ruin our chances at winning." A few cries of hey could be heard but Rachel wasn't paying them any attention. "This person wrote an amazing song and they refuse to speak up. I tried really hard not to say anything, hoping that they would tell us themselves but I can't sit by and watch my…I mean our dreams of Nationals slip through our fingers!"

Everyone was looking wide eyed at her. Finally Mr. Schue cleared his throat and looked around the room. "Okay so who is this secret songwriter?"

Rachel pointed an accusing finger at Quinn, whose eyes got even wider. "Quinn." You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet.

Finally Quinn started laughing, though it sounded forced to her ears. "I have no idea what you're talking about?" She smiled and Rachel knew instantly that it was fake. Judging by the suspicious looks Santana and Brittany were directing at her, they knew she was lying as well. "I haven't been able to come up with anything nearly as good as the others."

"Liar! I know you have! On another note, you hated their music too. I saw that look on your face." Rachel yelled. A few mores hey's could be heard but nobody paid them any mind.

Santana got off the piano and was glaring at Quinn. "Unfortunately I have to agree with the midget. You're hiding something, Fabray."

Quinn looked between the two, trying to come up with a way to get out of this. Realizing that she really had no other choice, she sighed and dropped her shoulders. "Fine! I did write a song." At the pleased grin on Rachel and Santana's face, Quinn glared at them and continued on. "It's not done yet. I still have a few more things to finish up."

Brittany jumped off of the piano and ran over to give Quinn a hug. "Q, you're such a perfectionist. I'm sure it's as great as all your other songs."

Quinn looked at Brittany worriedly while everyone else looked even more surprised. "Brittany, you weren't supposed to say anything!" Quinn whined in embarrassment, her cheeks going red.

"How many songs has she written?" Santana asked Brittany because she knew better than to ask Quinn.

Brittany looked to be in thought while Quinn just looked nervous. "I'm not sure I lost count, but she's been writing since 6th grade. Does that help?" She asked her on again off again girlfriend.

Everyone turned to glare at Quinn, who started to hide behind Brittany. "You have a whole damn library and you didn't even bother to let us know! I've been busting my ass…"

"Santana." Mr. Schue warned.

"… butt trying to write a song and you've had all these songs. I could kill you Fabray!" Santana shouted, clearly pissed off. That could have been time with Brittany but no Q had to go ruin it.

Everyone was shouting their anger at all the time that they wasted before Finn spoke up. "How do we even know if they're any good? I mean there has to be a reason Quinn didn't want to show us."

Quinn and even Brittany, much to everyone's surprise, was glaring at him. "Q writes the best songs ever! My favorite is Fat Cat, Little Duck!" Quinn's glare faltered and she blushed, but Brittany still kept glaring at Finn which was starting to unnerve him.

Santana snickered at the song name. "Really Q?"

Quinn glared at Santana. "It was the first song I ever wrote. Brittany asked me to write it for her." The Latina stopped laughing when she realized that it was for Brittany.

Brittany squealed happily. "It maybe your first song, but it's still my favorite. This is a story about a cat named Tubbington…" Quinn quickly covered Brittany's mouth, her face red.

"Brittany, how about we keep that one between us?" Quinn asked politely, though she was completely mortified. She removed her hand when Brittany nodded.

Rachel was a little puzzled that Quinn wouldn't share her talent with the others. What was more surprising was that even Santana didn't know. The Latina tended to butt her head into everyone's business. If it was her, she would broadcast it for the whole world to know. "Quinn, why didn't you tell us sooner?"

Quinn sighed and ran a hand through her now short blonde locks. Rachel forgot to tell her how good she looked, though to be honest Quinn always looked good. "At first I just wanted to get the hang of it but after a while the songs started becoming more personal so I was afraid to share them with anyone. The only reason Brittany knew was because she was always sneaking into my house and found me playing one day."

Brittany nodded at that and smiled brightly. "It's always fun watching Quinn play." Well apparently Brittany still snuck into Quinn's house. Santana looked stunned by that little nugget of info.

Rachel decided to try and break the ice. "Quinn, songwriting is always personal. I mean when I wrote Get It Right I wrote from the heart. I didn't want to force your hand, but I heard you playing the other day and it sounded really good, and I really want to win. With that song, I can see us advancing."

Quinn still looked a little unsure, so Rachel tried again to convince her. "Look, if it helps, we won't judge you or make fun of you." She turned to glare at Santana, who held her hands up in defense.

"If it gets me out of writing, I won't say a damn thing." The Latina promised. Rachel looked at everyone else and they all nodded their heads.

Finally Quinn sighed in defeat. "Fine, Puck, can you bring over that synthesizer and put it on top of the piano? Santana, can you grab my bag?" Both did as they were told while everyone else started cheering. Quinn went through her bag and brought out a three ring binder. The thing looked huge. Rachel's eyes widened. Could this be all of Quinn's songs? It looked like so many.

Quinn flipped to the last page in the book, pried open the three rings and took out a few pieces of paper. She set the binder next to her and put the pages on the piano. Then like last time she stood up. "This song is called Welcome To New York." She still looked a little embarrassed.

As she was playing and singing the song, everyone was starting to move and sing to the beat. Brittany, Santana and Mike even started dancing. Quinn was slowly starting to get into the song. The song sounded even better than when she heard it last time.

Once Quinn was done, she looked at everyone nervously. The first to respond was Brittany who hugged her excitedly. "Q, that was so good. I loved it."

Kurt and Mercedes both admitted that the blonde's song was a lot better than theirs. Everyone else was just glad that they had a better song instead of something like My Cup: The Second Sip.

"Quinn, that was really good. Do you mind if we use it?" Mr. Schue asked politely. Even he was astonished at how good the song was. It sounded like it could go on the radio tomorrow. He was really proud.

Quinn smiled at the praise but looked a little unsure. "I'm not sure. It's still has some issues."

Puck slapped Quinn on the back, earning a glare from her. "Then we'll help you out. Sam and I can play the guitar. Finn's a pretty decent drummer."

Finn huffed in indignation. "I'm a pretty good drummer." Everyone ignored him.

Quinn looked at everyone's hopeful faces. "Okay we can do the song." Every person cheered.

Mr. Schue clapped his hands in glee. "Excellent, now we just need one or two more songs and we should be ready."

"I found two." Santana stated, looking through Quinn's binder. Brittany was right next to her also browsing. They must have grabbed it when everyone was trying to convince Quinn to do the song.

"Hey I didn't give you permission to look through that!" Quinn shouted, trying to grab the binder, but Santana just moved out of the way. Quinn huffed and sat down in defeat, it was too late anyway she already picked two.

The Latina grinned in victory before she pried open the binder and pulled out the sheet music. She handed over the first one to Quinn who looked alarmed. "Santana, that one's personal. I was mad when I wrote it." Quinn said, trying to hand it back.

Santana pushed her hand away. "Well you need to get this off of your chest. Besides it seems like a good song."

Rachel was curious as the two best friends glared at each other. Brittany came up beside Quinn and looked at her pleadingly. "Please Q. You and I both know that this is a good song."

Quinn sighed in defeat again before she sat back down at the piano bench. Brittany and Santana cheered in victory. "I seriously don't know why I put up with you two." They both gave her a thumbs up.

"This song is called Elastic Heart." Santana told the others. Quinn started playing and soon everyone was focused on her.

"And another one bites the dust

Oh why can I not conquer love?

And I might have thought that we were one

Wanted to fight this war without weapons

And I wanted it, I wanted it bad

But there were so many red flags

Now another one bites the dust

Yeah, let's be clear, I'll trust no one

You did not break me

I'm still fighting for peace

Everyone was starting to look uncomfortable as Quinn started singing. It was so obvious that she was singing about Finn, and maybe even Puck and Sam. Rachel looked over at Finn, who didn't seem to get that the song was about him, and he was smiling. He was even moving his head to the beat.

Well, I've got thick skin and an elastic heart,

But your blade - it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard,

Yeah, I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

'Cause I've got an elastic heart

I've got an elastic heart

Yeah, I've got an elastic heart

Rachel really liked the chorus, she could really relate to it since she's had just as much heartbreak as the blonde. She never knew that she could relate to someone like Quinn Fabray, but in a strange way they share the same feelings of love.

And I will stay up through the night

And let's be clear, won't close my eyes

And I know that I can survive

I'll walk through fire to save my life

And I want it, I want my life so bad

I'm doing everything I can

Then another one bites the dust

It's hard to lose a chosen one

You did not break me

(You did not break me, no)

I'm still fighting for peace

Quinn was really singing her heart out. You could really hear the anger and pain in her voice as she sang about her love life and her wish for love.

Well, I've got thick skin and an elastic heart,

But your blade - it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard,

Yeah, I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

'Cause I've got an elastic heart

Santana and Brittany stood beside the blonde and put their hands on each of her shoulders. They started backing Quinn up and started singing with her. The blonde threw a small smile over her shoulder.

Well, I've got thick skin and an elastic heart,

But your blade - it might be too sharp

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard,

Yeah, I may snap and I move fast

But you won't see me fall apart

'Cause I've got an elastic heart"

"I've got an elastic heart." Quinn whispered the last part delicately almost afraid that if she spoke any louder than she might break. Her voice sounded broken.

The silence is shattered by Finn clapping enthusiastically. Everyone looked at him like he grew a second head. "Quinn, that was so good. That is the perfect duet between me and Rachel."

Rachel groaned and face palmed. 'He really is that stupid. He's lucky he's cute.' She thought to herself. She even felt annoyed for Quinn. How inconsiderate could one person be? The blonde put her heart and soul into that song and those lyrics, why in the world would she want the subject of the song to sing it. That's rule number one in the Taylor Swift handbook. Don't let exs sing your songs.

Quinn looked furious. "No way in hell are you singing this song!" She said cold and evenly. The HBIC was back and everyone was afraid.

"Why not? Everyone knows that we are the best duet partners. Do you want to win or not?" He really did look confused, but it really wasn't very endearing to Rachel. Quinn poured her heart out over their breakup and he wanted to throw that in her face by having him sing it with another woman. That either took a large set of balls or he was the biggest moron that she had come across. Unfortunately Rachel had to go with the latter.

"You idiot, the song is about you!" Santana shouted, looking like she was going to strangle him.

Mr. Schue stepped in the middle before things could heat up. "Sorry Finn but Quinn said no." He was about to say something but the teacher put his hand up. "Quinn is being nice enough to let us use her songs; the least we can do is go by her wishes." Finn started muttering to himself but didn't cause another scene. Mr. Schue turned back to Quinn, giving her a friendly smile. "Quinn, that was another excellent song and we would be honored to use it. Do you have anyone in mind to sing it?"

Quinn thought it over for a minute. "Rachel." Now everyone looked stunned, including Rachel.

"Me." She stated, pointing at herself. Quinn hated her, she was the reason her and Finn broke up in the first place.

Quinn looked away in embarrassment. Clearly all this expressing of her emotions was making her feel awkward. "You do have the best voice. I worked really hard on this piece and you're the only one that can properly do it justice. I noticed that you were practically salivating at the opportunity to sing it."

Rachel had the decency to blush, but she really didn't feel worthy. This song was so personal for Quinn. It just wouldn't feel right. "I'll only sing it if you sing it with me." Now it was Quinn's turn to look stunned. "It wouldn't be right for me to sing it all by myself. You worked really hard on this."

"Rachel Berry sharing her spotlight with someone else, the world is coming to an end." Mercedes loudly whispered to Kurt and Tina who giggled in response. The brunette glared at them.

Mr. Schue smiled brightly and clapped his hands. "That's settled then. Rachel and Quinn are singing a duet of Elastic Heart. Now what's the last song Santana?"

Santana handed the other sheet music to Quinn, who was starting to get ready to play the music. Brittany bounced around happily. "I picked this one! It's called Ghost."

"I keep going to the river to pray

'Cause I need something that can wash out the pain

And at most I'm sleeping all these demons away

But your ghost, the ghost of you

It keeps me awake

Everyone looked a little impressed with this one so far. They were bobbing their heads to the beat.

My friends had you figured out

Yeah, they saw what's inside of you

You tried hiding another you

But your evil was coming through

These eyes sitting on the wall

They watch every move I make

Bright light living in the shade

Your cold heart makes my spirit shake

I had to go through hell to prove I'm not insane

Had to meet the devil just to know his name

And that's when my love was burning

Yeah, it's still burning

Quinn was smiling brightly as she was singing the music, really getting into it. Rachel, Santana, Brittany, Mercedes, Tina, and Kurt all raced around the piano to look over the sheet music as they all sang the next part.

I keep going to the river to pray

'Cause I need something that can wash out the pain

And at most I'm sleeping all these demons away

But your ghost, the ghost of you

It keeps me awake

Everyone was getting into the song as Mercedes and Santana started throwing in some riffs here and there, and Rachel let out a particularly high note and held it for a while. Quinn threw a look over her shoulder at Brittany, telling her to go on with the next part. Brittany grinned broadly and started singing.

Each time that I think you're gone

I turn around and you're creeping in

And I let you under my skin

Guess I love living in the sin

Oh you never told me

True love was gonna hurt

True pain I don't deserve

Truth is that I never learn

They sang the chorus again before Quinn looked at Tina, letting her know to take the next verse. Tina looked excited to be finally singing something for a change and not standing in the background.

Give up the ghost

Give up the ghost

Give up the ghost

No more haunting baby

I keep going to the river

The guys were all looking super excited as even they started to join in on the singing, by now being well versed with the chorus.

I keep going to the river to pray

'Cause I need something that can wash out the pain

And at most I'm sleeping all these demons away

But your ghost, the ghost of you

It keeps me awake

Everyone started clapping and cheering. Artie yelled at the top of his lungs. "We are so going to win!" Everyone started cheering louder, patting Quinn on the back and thanking her.

Rachel was smiling to herself as Mr. Schue went to see if they placed in the top ten or not. The performance couldn't have gone any better. The guys went first singing Welcome To New York with the girls being backup singers. Everyone was even dancing on point, which was saying something for Finn and Mercedes. Rachel was looking at the judges occasionally to gauge their reactions, whenever she saw one bop their head then she knew that they were enjoying it.

Towards the end of the song, Finn went over to her and it looked like he was going to kiss her. She stared at him frozen, wondering what the hell he was thinking. Just when he was about to touch her lips, she felt a harsh push from her side. She fell forward a little bit and glared at Santana who had a devious smirk on her face. The Latina just waved her hand in a shooing motion before whispering harshly, "No way in hell are you two ruining Q's and the rest of ours big night.'

She remembered sobering up slightly at the reminder before she composed herself and turned to face Quinn, who was on the other side of the stage. She was looking at her expectantly and she could see in her eyes that she was nervous. Really well done makeup was covering her face, because she didn't think that it would go over well if she looked like she just walked out of a bar fight. Rachel felt guilt wash over her because she almost blew their chances at placing in the top ten and making an embarrassment out of Quinn's songs. She also felt a slow burning anger at Finn for trying to make this whole event about him. The brunette knew that kissing on stage is highly unprofessional so Finn must have known as well. Even if he didn't, he still would have dragged her down and potentially damage her chances at stardom. People wouldn't take her seriously if she pulled a stunt like that.

She squared her shoulders and walked with purpose towards the middle of the stage and sang the beginning words to Elastic Heart. Really it was a wonderful performance; her voice went so well with Quinn's. She was a little surprised when she didn't drown out the blonde's voice when she really got into the song. She remembered Mr. Schue telling her that she had a problem with that whenever she sang with someone else. The song finished without a hitch and the audience was clapping with renewed vigor, some even whistling loudly.

Then the final performance came and everyone took their places to sing Ghost. All the girls were taking turns singing that one, with everyone coming together to sing the chorus. It all sounded like a wonderful church choir and once the performance was done, everyone was on their feet.

Rachel felt pride swirl in her chest, knowing that this was her first standing ovation in New York City. Hopefully she would have many more to come soon.

Now Rachel was nervously watching Mr. Schue scan the list of the top ten. She was holding her hands together in front of her chest and bouncing on the balls of her feet. She couldn't take this anymore.

Suddenly Mr. Schue's voice broke out of the nervous energy. "Quinn, come over here." Everyone looked towards the back where Quinn was. The blonde looked more nervous than anyone else, as she let go of her dress that she was clinging tightly too. She ran a hand through her hair, took a deep breathe, and walked to the show choir director.

He pointed at the sheet and made sure that Quinn was looking at it before he clapped a hand on her shoulder. "Thanks to you we're in the top five!" He shouted with glee. Quinn just looked flabbergasted; not really believing what she was hearing or seeing. Everyone else jumped into action, screaming and cheering. Rachel was sure that she saw Santana wipe a tear from her eye but maybe she was seeing things.

Puck and Sam grabbed Quinn, who was still staring at the board in disbelief, and hoisted her on their shoulders. Soon a chant of "Quinn" could be heard throughout the room as other glee clubs were either cheering or hanging their heads in disappointment.

A voice came over the loud speaker. "Can the top ten show choirs please meet in the front lobby in ten minutes?"

The boys put Quinn down and everyone marched to the front of the desk. The New Directions all had a determined look in their eyes. As they stood there waiting, Mr. Schue was giving them a pep talk. "Okay guys one more round and the National title is ours. This is two years in the making. We can't come up short now, we've worked too hard." He glared at Dustin Goolsby who was drinking from a flask and looked like he would rather be anywhere else but here.

One of the judges stood on top of a chair with a microphone in their hands. "Okay everyone is here. Now we decided to do something new this year than in previous years." Everyone was looking around in surprise. "We're going to be doing a blitz round that will determine our winner. Each team has three hours to perfect one song for their team to sing." Rachel smirked proudly. This sounded like a piece of cake. "You can't perform the same song and you must stick to the theme from last round." Now Rachel could start to feel panic coursing through her veins. How can they write a song that fast? It's impossible. "Each group will be directed to their own little studio. Under no circumstances are you to leave the room. Once the door is closed no one can enter. Someone will be guarding your door so if you attempt to leave then your whole team will be disqualified. Your time starts now."

All hell broke loose as all the groups were starting to scramble to find their guide to lead them to their room. Someone even managed to punch Jesse in the stomach and while he was recovering, everyone left him in the dust. He really wasn't much help anyway.

Soon they made it to their room. The last one to come in was Mercedes who was huffing and puffing, and clutching her side in pain. Mr. Schue made sure that all members were accounted for and then he closed the door.

"Well this seems like a pretty daunting task." He commented more to himself than anyone else. "Quinn, do you have any more finished songs that we can borrow?"

"Well I have a few but they really aren't show choir material. I know we won't win with them." She stated while everyone else started to freak out.

Finn went over to the drum set and sat down. He looked like a bundle of nerves. "Do you have your binder?"

A look of guilt crossed her face. "No I left it in the hotel room. If I knew that this was going to happen, I would have brought it with me."

"How can you be so careless?!" He shouted at her. He stood up and kicked the seat in a rage. It went flying across the room and hit the wall with a loud bang.

Quinn looked pissed; Rachel hadn't seen that look for a long time. Wait a minute. Now that she thought about it, Quinn had that look two weeks ago singing with Finn, and then last week when he broke up with her. Maybe that was her 'I'm pissed at Finn and he's going to pay face'? She needed to look into that. "At least I wasn't trying to sabotage us. You almost blew our chances at winning!"

"I did not!"

"Oh, really now. So that wasn't you trying to kiss Rachel on stage." She smiled cruelly and laughed, the mirth not quite reaching her eyes. "I know that constipated face you make when you're about to kiss someone."

'Hmmm…now that I think about it he really does make that face.' Rachel thought to herself, not in the least bit turned on by that. 'No wonder I always feel slightly uncomfortable when we're about to kiss.'

Finn was ready to storm over to Quinn, his fists were clenched and his face was beat red. Puck and Mike stood in front of him to intercept him, grabbing his arms and pulling him back. Sam decided to stand in front of Quinn in case the boys weren't enough to hold him back.

"I knew you were jealous of us! That's why you wouldn't let me sing with Rachel! That was my duet!" Quinn crossed her arms over her chest and huffed in disgust. The girls just groaned and shook their heads. This was really getting old.

"Jealous?! As if. I'm doing Rachel a favor. She's better off singing with someone that can actually look out for her rather than some lumbering giant that knocks into her every time he walks." Finn looked like he could throttle Quinn at any moment. He tried to get out of Puck and Mike's grip but it was no use.

Everyone else was just looking at Quinn in surprise. Did she just defend Rachel? Surely they misunderstood.

Rachel looked stunned. Quinn Fabray defending her? She couldn't help it; she reached for her arm and pinched herself. When she felt the pain, she realized that this was not a dream and the blonde really was sticking up for her and insulting Finn. 'I don't even know what to think. Maybe she's so mad that she doesn't know what she's even saying.'

"That's enough!" Mr. Schue shouted over Finn's screaming. "We're wasting time. Now we have less than three hours to write, sing and come up with choreography."

After a while Finn calmed down and sat across the room, glaring at Quinn the whole time. Meanwhile the blonde decided Finn wasn't worth her time and walked over to the piano, taking a seat.

Once Mr. Schue was sure that a fight wouldn't break out, he turned to Quinn. "Do you have anything we can use?"

"I was writing a song after the funeral. It's not done but I do have the melody and the chorus. I've been stuck on it for a while."

"Maybe we can help you?" Rachel offered trying to be helpful. "There is no I in team."

Santana snorted from her spot on the floor next to Brittany. "Leave it to Berry to make this whole thing even lamer."

Time was being wasted so instead of responding, Rachel stared at Quinn. "Come on Quinn you're our only chance at winning." Everyone nodded in agreement.

In response the blonde turned to the piano and started getting ready to play. "Don't judge, it's a work in progress." Then she started playing a beautiful melody.

"It's been a long day without you, my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way from where we began

Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

When I see you again


Rachel was really listening to the song trying to figure out what was missing. The melody was really good and what she was hearing sounded awesome, but the blonde was right, the song was missing something.

So let the light guide your way, yeah

Hold every memory as you go

And every road you take, will always lead you home, home

Rachel noticed that Artie was scribbling furiously on a pad of paper as Quinn sang the chorus again. Everyone looked to be in the same predicament that she was in.

The blonde finished the song; her face looked a little frustrated. "See! It's missing something."

"It does seem rather short." Rachel responded, making Quinn groan in frustration. While the blonde seemed furious, it was nice to know that she was this passionate about something. It was endearing.

The rest of the group seemed to come to the same conclusion though they didn't really provide any help. Even Mr. Schue wasn't sure what could be added to the song.

"I have an idea." Artie exclaimed, holding his piece of paper. He rolled over to Quinn, with a grin on his face. "Just play the song." He stated.

Quinn started playing the music again. Artie waited a few minutes before he went in with a rap.

"Damn, who knew?

All the planes we flew

Good things we've been through

That I'll be standing right here talking to you

'Bout another path

I know we loved to hit the road and laugh

But something told me that it wouldn't last

Had to switch up

Look at things different, see the bigger picture

Those were the days

Hard work forever pays

Now I see you in a better place (see you in a better place)


How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?

Everything I went through you were standing there by my side

And now you gon' be with me for the last ride

Quinn had a thoughtful look on her face as she sang the chorus, with Artie coming in here and there repeating what she just sang. Then he signaled for her to pause while he went into another verse.

First you both go out your way

And the vibe is feeling strong

And what's small turn to a friendship

A friendship turn to a bond

And that bond will never be broken

The love will never get lost (and the love will never get lost)

And when brotherhood come first

Then the line will never be crossed

Established it on our own

When that line had to be drawn

And that line is what we reach

So remember me when I'm gone (remember me when I'm gone)

How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?

Everything I went through you were standing there by my side

And now you gon' be with me for the last ride"

Quinn finished up the song and looked at Artie, her hazel eyes shining bright. She reached over and hugged him. "That's what the song was missing! It all makes sense to me now."

Artie blushed at the contact, chuckling to himself. "If all else fails throw in a rap. It works for every other song."

Mr. Schue clapped his hands in happiness. "Okay so does everyone agree that this is the song were doing?" The group nodded their heads. "Good. Quinn and Artie work out the arrangement. Mike and Brittany start doing some choreography. Mercedes and Kurt fix up everyone's makeup and clothes. Everyone else standby for now." He looked down at his watch. "We have a little over an hour left."

Everyone quickly went down to business.

The stage was quiet as the announcer started calling off the judges results. Rachel was a bundle of nerves, she was standing between Kurt and Quinn, and she was holding their hands as hard as she can. It was just between them and Vocal Adrenaline. She really couldn't believe it.

"And the winners of the National Show Choir Championship are…" He opened the envelope, everyone held their breaths. "From Lima, Ohio give it up for the new champions, New Directions!"

Applauses could be heard from the audience as everyone around her started screaming. Rachel quickly let go of Kurt's hand and pulled Quinn into a huge hug. "Thank you for helping us win!"

To her extreme surprise, Quinn hugged her back just as fiercely. Maybe it was the adrenaline? "Thank you for believing in my songs." She whisper-shouted in her ear.

They pulled apart and before Rachel could say anything else, she was pulled into another hug by Kurt and Mercedes.

She really did love New York.

(A/N This is going to be Faberry, though it might be a while before it actually happens. This story is of course going to be AU and pretty different from the actual show. I don't really have a plan but a few ideas in my head. For the most part it will be an alternate version of Season 3 and the story will probably end at the end of Season 3. Just in case you're wondering how many chapters this could be.

I'm still trying to ease back into writing so let me know what you think. I don't think anyone has used this plot in a Faberry story but I could be wrong. Please read and review!

Also the songs are not mine nor will they ever be. They are in order of appearance: Welcome To New York By: Taylor Swift; Elastic Heart By: Sia; Ghost By: Ella Henderson; and See You Again By: Charlie Puth and Wiz Khalifa. Hopefully I won't throw in that many songs again but you never know it is Glee.

Here is my rant: I really hated that Lucy storyline. It added nothing to Quinn's character and it made me hate Lauren, who I liked up until that episode aired. I really was hoping that it was some crazy scheme that Quinn did come up with because that would have made more sense, character wise. I will admit that some FanFiction writers have written beautiful stories that talked about the Lucy storyline, but I just didn't want to. Rant over.