She sat alone in the den as the rain poured outside, anger and hatred burning through each of her veins, running through her blood. Her black pelt helping her hide her two kits, who's tiny bodies cold in the wind of the storms outside. The memory of the night's gathering still fresh in her mind, even though it had been around seven moons since the events.

Crowfeather and Leafpool broke the warrior code, she thought to herself, wrapping her tail around her cold kits protectively. This world is cold… Cruel… It disgusts me, but maybe these two can bring the warrior code back to the clans, maybe they can restore the code to its rightful position. She remembered her brother's yelling at her when she went into the tunnels, her name being shouted by those she didn't know loved her or not.


For Hollyleaf, surviving the tunnel collapse was easy. Being small and fast gave her enough time to move past the tumbling rocks until she got to the main cavern, where the river had still been flowing steadily. Hollyleaf made herself a vow that day, to restore the clans to its warrior code, and not stop until it was done.

Then she fell in love.

But the relationship seemed to have ended, because her mate hadn't come back in days. He was weak anyways, a little voice in Hollyleaf's head told her. Name them… One day, they will enter the clans for me, and that day isn't too far off. I'll train them in the ways of the code, I'll give them strict guidelines to follow. Hollyleaf looked at the first kit, a small gray tom with a white forepaw.

"Your name is Dewkit," she whispered into the kits ear. Then Hollyleaf looked at the second kit, a black tom with very faint gray stripes. "You are Darkkit," she whispered to the darker kit. One day, you'll both make me proud… The warrior code will be restored to the clans, and when it does, I will banish Leafpool and Crowfeather myself. They don't deserve to have kits, and they never have.

Hollyleaf felt sadness well up in her chest. She loved her mother, but the anger in her was too much that Hollyleaf couldn't help but want to kill Leafpool. I already tried once, Hollyleaf thought to herself, remembering the deathberries she tried to force Leafpool to eat. Then she remembered killing Ashfur, the one who would've originally exposed the entire truth the gathering before Hollyleaf did. Ashfur was useless, the truth was exposed at the right time, the time I exposed it…

Yet she couldn't help but wonder if it was the right time…

Maybe she never would…

Wrapping her tail around Dewkit and Darkkit, she closed her eyes, hoping the storm would end soon. My own kits are the storm that will bring the code to its highest within the clans, Hollyleaf thought, tightening her hold on her kits. And I control that storm…


I'm actually quite surprised I'm able to do a rewrite for this, and I have Stormikat to thank for that!

I will be posting allegiances soon for this story.

-Thank you, Stormikat, for letting me rewrite this. I'm definitely going to have a lot of fun doing this!