(A/N: Sooooo sorry it took so long for me to get this chapter out, but I haven't abandoned this story or any of my stories for that matter. I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. LOL. I'm working on updates for The Deal and Lifestyles right now, look for those to be out soon. Thanks to everyone who's been patient with me. As long as you all are reading I'll be writing. Here's the calm before the storm. Spoiler alert LOL It's pretty smutty... Enjoy!…)

"Only If You Do It Too"

The ride from Adams Morgan to Fitz's apartment in North East D.C. took about twenty-five minutes. Once they arrived in front of his building; they got out the car, after thanking the driver. Fitz left him a tip through the app; then he grabbed Olivia's hand; and the two of them made their way inside his apartment building. The apartment building was large, and also very beautiful. It'd only been standing for about five years now. The building was part of the mass reconstruction in this section of the city.

Olivia took in her surroundings as they entered the apartment building. H street in North East D.C. was a well known area to the residents of this city. After the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968; H street was one the places in D.C. where looters took to rioting. Even though parts of the area were still damaged to this day from what happened way back then; H street had been under redevelopment for over a decade now. The community had been almost completely rebuilt and in some eyes, gentrified.

What used to be a thriving area for black residents decades ago; was now almost completely white. And this wasn't the only part of the city that this type of situation had occurred in. Chinatown in downtown D.C. used to have almost all Asian-American residents living there back in the 90s. But now, that area of Washington was highly populated predominately by white residents as well. Most likely due to the cost of living in that part city. Even in some parts of South East D.C. where Olivia was from, there was a small population of white people starting to emerge.

It was gentrification plain and simple. Increasing the cost of living to make it damn near impossible to live in a nice part of Washington D.C. without making almost six figures a year. A lot of people that Olivia's mom used to know, who lived in this area had long since moved out of the city, because they weren't able to afford the cost of living here anymore. It wasn't just happening in these popular tourist areas of the nation's capital either. New condos and apartments were being built all over Washington D.C. Olivia knew it was only a matter of time before the city became even more unrecognizable to its long term residents.

Luckily for her family, Olivia's grandfather paid off the mortgage on the house they now resided in, long before he died. Her grandfather moved up north with his family from Columbia, South Carolina back in the late fifties; looking to escape the racism of the south. He worked hard all his life to make sure he owned his own house that he could pass on to his children; once he was gone. Maya had two older brothers. Once they were grown, her brothers moved away from D.C. But Maya loved Chocolate City. It was in her bones, she was born and raised here, and she had no plans of leaving. Not ever.

Olivia felt the same way about the city she called home. It tore her up inside to leave for college at Princeton in New Jersey. But she knew that the only way she could give back to the city she loved so much; was for her to get an education, and come back to the community to help it's residents. Specifically the underprivileged ones that lived in neighborhoods like hers. So that's what she decided to do.

Still it was sad for her to see the city she loved so much change so drastically, over a short period of time. But that's the way the cookie crumbled; she supposed. Change was inevitable. You either changed with the times or you got left behind. Olivia refused to be left behind. And she was going to do everything in her power to make sure that the people she grew up with; the ones that were like family to her; didn't get left behind either.

The apartment building that Fitz lived in was called the Flats at Atlas. H Street, was also known as part of the Atlas District. Which was an area of the city that ran from H Street to Union Station in downtown D.C. The Atlas District was a nickname given to the area because of the old Atlas movie theater on 13th and H, built in 1938. It was destroyed during the riots of 1968. But in 2001 the theater was rebuilt as a performing arts studio. The performers from the studio were the highlight of the annual H Street Day festival, which took place every third Saturday in September.

The building was classy yet casual. The floors in the lobby were part carpet part hardwood, There were leather and cloth, sofas situated all around the lobby area. There were chairs with restaurant tables and flat screen TV's on the walls in the lobby also. There was a concierge desk near the elevators. Fitz waved at the man behind the desk; as they made their way to the elevator. The place looked more like a five star hotel than an apartment building. Olivia looked on in awe.

Though she'd been past this building plenty of times before. She'd never been on the inside. Olivia thought it looked spectacular on the outside, but the inside was just as gorgeous. She briefly wondered how much the rent was at a place like this? She knew it couldn't be anything less than $2000.00 a month at the very least. Plus he probably had to pay all of his utilities and something for parking every month as well. Most of the newly built apartment buildings in this area weren't going for anything less than $1800 a month. Some in the area even went as high as $5000 a month just for rent! Ridiculous, she thought.

She and Fitz got on the elevator when it arrived and he let her go in first, never letting her hand go. He pushed the button for the third floor and off they went.

"This is a beautiful building," she complimented. He smiled at her.

"For what I'm paying a month it should've came with a house," he joked.

She giggled. "I can imagine, still it's a very nice building. And the area isn't too bad either." Fitz smiled.

"Well now that you know where I live, you can come by more often. Since you like the building and the area so much," he joked lightly. Olivia laughed.

"We'll just have to see about that."

They stopped in front of his door and Fitz used his electronic key to get in. He opened the door for her, and she walked in first. He switched on the light after closing his front door; and she took a moment to look around his apartment. The kitchen was a few feet from the front door. He had stainless steel appliances, a refrigerator with an icemaker. A dishwasher, the stainless steel microwave was above the stainless steel stove.

The kitchen was in a boxed U shaped form, with marble countertops and an island facing his small dining room, and living room. In his dining room he had a small circular glass dining table with four black leather dining chairs placed at it. Past the dining room was his living room. He had a black leather sectional placed up against the wall in the corner, towards the back of the apartment. A rectangular glass coffee table sat in front of the sectional. Then his black glass TV stand housed his 70 inch TV. His set up was nice and very well decorated. Olivia was very impressed.

"This is a nice set up you have here. Very well decorated," she told him, approvingly.

He grinned. "Thank you, though I'm not going to lie; I really let my mom decorate the place. She knows my style better than I do."

"Well she and her son both have very good taste," she complimented.

Pulling her closer, by her hand that he was still holding; he gave her a sexy smirk and said. "So do you." She laughed lightly before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Is that so?" she flirted, chancing a glance at his lips?

He continued to smirk at her as he saw this. Her eyes connected with his once more. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her body flush against his. He caressed her hair with one hand as the other was firmly planted on her waist. He leaned down closer to her face to where their lips were mere inches apart. He nodded, then whispered.

"Let me show you."

Not a second later, he claimed her lips with his own in very a passionate kiss. Olivia's body immediately responded to his touch, surprising her immensely. She could feel herself getting warmer due to his touch, as his lips caressed hers. Her body felt like it was on fire, and he personally lit the flame. His body was all firm hard muscle, pressed up against her much softer frame. He licked the seam of her lips with his tongue, silently asking for permission to taste her. She granted it happily. Moaning into his mouth as she did so. Moisture pooled down in her nether regions almost immediately.

He swiped his tongue across hers slowly, deliberately; silently foreshadowing that whatever he was going to do to her tonight; he was going to take his time doing it. She found that she didn't mind one bit. As a matter of fact she was highly anticipating what was to come. Fitz backed her up to the wall in his foyer, never breaking the kiss. He moved his hands from her waist to her hips before settling on her plump behind. He squeezed it softly with his large hands, enjoying the way it felt, and how she moved her body against him.

Fitz placed his hands underneath her thighs and lifted her into the air, catching her by surprise. She gasped softly, placing her hands on his face, caressing him as their tongues continued to battle for dominance. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he grinded his pelvis into her center. She felt his stiff bar of arousal poking her right in her center. Olivia tore her lips away from his and he caught her ear between his teeth.

"I don't want to move too fast, but I can't seem to keep my hands off of you," he admitted; his voice was hoarse and husky with passion lacing every word.

"You don't hear me telling you to stop do you?" she asked smartly. He lifted his head to look at her, silently questioning her with his glance. Her lips were swollen; looking thoroughly kissed, her hair was a little tousled, and her makeup was smudged a bit. But she looked absolutely beautiful to Fitz. She licked her lips, glancing down as his once more, before she gazed into his eyes. "Kiss me," she demanded. He searched her face one more time for any trace of doubt; finding none, he quickly and happily obliged.

Kissing him made Olivia feel like she could come undone at any moment. She had no doubt that she could, but she wanted more. She needed to feel more of him. For the first time in almost four years, she desperately craved a man's touch. This man's touch. She broke the kiss again. This time he took to sucking and nipping at the side of her neck. She moved her head to the side to give him better access, it felt incredible. But she still needed more.

"Mmhhh...Fitz….bedroom," she moaned out softly. He froze, and lifted his head from her neck to look into her eyes again.

"Are you sure?" he asked once more, verbally this time. She nodded.

"Let me down," she spoke so softly, he almost didn't hear her. He let her down and she straightened herself out a bit, before moving around him. "Which way?" she asked looking him in the eyes.

Her gaze was smoldering, eyes lit a flame. His already stiff erection grew even harder. He tore his gaze from hers, because if he didn't he would've taken her right there up against the wall. He pointed down the hallway, silently before clearing his throat.

"Down there."

She nodded and grabbed his hand, leading him towards his bedroom. He followed behind her silently hoping that this wasn't all just a dream. She opened the door to his bedroom, it was a nice size, with not too many items in it. Just his king-sized bed, a dresser and a computer table and chair. She smiled as she took it in. His room was very well organized and not the least bit messy.

Olivia let go of his hand and turned around to face him. He watched her move back towards his bed. She didn't get on it, no, first she took off her shirt; then she unbuttoned her jeans, taking them off as well, along with her heels. All the while looking him in his eyes as she did so. She was teasing him. His eyes raked over her glorious figure. Small frame, she had to be 5'2 or 5'3 at the most. Flat stomach, toned legs, perky breast, that his hands were aching to touch. Slim waist, beautiful face, and plump lips still swollen with their kisses. She climbed on his bed and settled in the middle of it, with her bra and panties still on. He cleared his throat, his mind was going a mile a minute, thinking of all the things he wanted to do to her at the moment.

"Nice lingerie," he groaned out in an attempt to distract himself from the situation. That failed miserably. She was wearing a light blue lace push up bra with a matching thong. She smirked at him as she sat up against the headboard on his bed. Her eyes raked up and down his body, shamelessly stopping briefly at the bulge in his pants. She licked her lips as she felt her nipples harden beneath the flimsy fabric of her bra.

"Get over here..." He started moving towards her, lust all but consuming him. But then she held up her pointer finger, waving it left to right. "Ah...ah…" He eyed her curiously. She nodded at him. "Take off your clothes," she commanded. He shook his head smiling as he did so.

He lifted his shirt up over his head, taking it off and tossing it somewhere in the room. He heard her audible gasp as she took in his chest. His abs were rippling with every breath he took. They were well defined. She counted eight. His arms were sculpted to perfection. The hair on his chest matching the curls on his head, gave him an even manlier look. He took off his pants and shoes. His dark blue briefs showcasing the very large erection he was now sporting.

"Come here," she whispered breathlessly.

He climbed on the bed, placing one hand on her thigh, as he began pulling her beneath him. Once he was settled between her thighs he kissed her soundly, lifting his weight off of her by holding himself up with his hands on either side of her. She ran her hands down his chest, to his abs; her fingers scraping each of them. Then her hand came into contact with his very hard length. She squeezed him firmly a few times, very happy with the size of his length and the way he reacted to her touch. He groaned against her mouth.

"If you don't stop doing that, I won't be able to control myself."

She licked his bottom lip, taking it between her teeth. She bit him softly, enough for it to sting pleasurably, before she responded. "I want this," she breathed, barely holding his erection in her hand. "Inside of me." He growled, eager to take control of the situation.

"Not yet."

He placed wet kisses on her neck, sucking and nipping at her collarbone as he did so. He ran his hands up and down her small frame. Then he rubbed her breast through the material of her bra, before slipping his hand underneath it. He ran his fingers over her stiff nipple and she leaned up pressing herself against him, grateful for the friction. He tweaked her hard nipple with his fingers, pinching the stiff peak, causing her to moan out loud. He continued his journey south, leaving a trail of wet kisses on her chest.

She reached behind herself and unclasped her bra for him, eager to feel his mouth where his fingers once were. He smiled at her, as if reading her thoughts, he quickly took her nipple in his mouth, biting it gently before soothing it with his tongue.

"Mmmh, Fitz….." she moaned out softly, as he moved his attention from one breast to the other.

He moved one of his hands over her flat stomach down to her center cupping it, and moving his fingers along her slit. He could feel the wetness there through her panties. She moaned out loud again and he continued his decent down her body, anxious to taste her. He kissed her stomach, dipping his tongue inside her navel, before moving down to kiss her pelvic bone. She lifted her hips up to help him slide her panties down. When he got them off, he tossed them somewhere in his room, and placed her legs over his shoulders. He took one lick at her lower lips, and she nearly came undone.

"Fuckkkkkk…" she screamed out loudly, throwing her head back into the pillows, as he sucked on her clit.

He ran his tongue up and down her pulsating slit, then stuck his tongue inside of her determined to make her fall over the edge. She was so close she could practically taste it. His mouth latched onto her clit once more, and he stuck two fingers inside of her. He curled them up inside her wet heat, as he moved them inside of her, drawing her climax closer. Her hands went to his hair, holding him in place; as she arched her back up off of the bed. She squeezed her legs tightly around his head, suffocating him almost as she came all over his mouth and fingers. She screamed his name loud for all of his neighbors to hear as her essence oozed out of her freely. He continued to lick her thoroughly, through her climax not wasting one drop.

Fitz made his way up her body; placing light kisses on her stomach and chest. Her body trembled with the aftershocks of her orgasm. Olivia grabbed his face in her hands, and brought his lips to hers, kissing him hard. She could taste herself on his lips, and it turned her on even more. When she broke the kiss; his eyes were closed, and he was breathless.

"Do you have a condom?" she panted. He opened his eyes and nodded.

Fitz reached over to the draw in his nightstand, opened it and pulled out a condom. Olivia took the condom from him, opening it with her teeth. He watched her through hooded eyes as he took his briefs off. She could now feel his erection against her thigh. He let her roll the condom on his length, hissing as she did. He kissed her hard, lining himself up with her entrance. He wrapped one of her legs around his waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck; then she felt him slowly pushing inside of her aching core; filling her in ways she'd never been filled before. He stretched her walls out a bit accommodating himself.

Olivia hissed softly as her body got used to him. He struggled not to move too soon. Even with the condom on he could feel her soft wet heat all around him. And it was taking everything in him not to pound into her relentlessly. But he knew by the way she was squirming around beneath him, that she needed time to get used to him being inside of her. She wrapped her other leg around his hip and pulled him closer urging him to move. He complied; moving in and out of her slowly.

"Faster…" She moaned out.

He sighed gratefully; this slow torturous pace was driving him insane. He picked up the speed just a bit, moving in and out of her wet channel. She started meeting him thrust for thrust as they built up a rhythm. She was so tight around him, he knew he wouldn't last much longer.

"Harder…" she whispered.

He growled out her name and squeezed her thigh, lifting it higher on his hip. Then he began to pound into her repeatedly.

"Ohhhh…...shitttt….." she cursed feeling a tingling sensation working its way through her body. It settled in the pit of her stomach, quickly stirring up a storm within her. He felt her walls squeezing tightly around him, and he knew she was close.

"Come for me Livvie." He growled in her ear, and she came undone shortly after, his name falling from her lips like a prayer.


He thrust into her a few more times before coming as well. He leaned his head on the crook of her neck, placing most of his weight on her, she wasn't complaining though. She liked the way he felt on top of her. They were both struggling to catch their breath. He moved his head off of her neck and looked at her.

"Wow," he panted. He held himself up by his hands. She laughed light-heartedly.

"I wasn't expecting that either," she admitted. He smiled at her handsomely and she felt herself getting aroused once more. He kissed her softly without saying another word. She felt him began to stiffen up inside of her. She pushed him on his back and climbed on top of him. His eyes widened in surprise. She shrugged and kissed him soundly again. After discarding the used condom and grabbing a new one, they started on round two. The night was far from over for these two.

Olivia woke up in the morning to the smell of bacon and eggs sizzling in the kitchen. She yawned and stretched out on the now empty bed; feeling her nether regions ache in the most delicious way. She smiled as she recalled the events of last night in her mind. She hadn't had been intimate with another man in almost a year, and she hadn't planned what happened last night between her and Fitz either. But he was different, she could feel it in her bones. Plus he made her feel incredible. She didn't know what would happen between them, but she made a silent promise to herself to just go with the flow. It was past time for her to move on and open herself up to new possibilities.

She grabbed Fitz's shirt off the floor of his bedroom, and slipped it on; with these thoughts in mind; she headed into his kitchen. He smiled at her as he caught her eye. She looked him over, he was only wearing some pajama bottoms as he scrambled the eggs.

"Morning sleepy head," he teased. She smiled softly as she stole a piece of bacon from the plate on the counter.

"Morning officer," she teased right back. He smirked at her and she bit her bottom lip. He put the eggs on a serving plate, and walked over to her where she sat at the island in the kitchen. He swirled her chair around to face him and kissed her softly.

"Mmmhhh. My bacon taste good on you." She giggled.

"You taste good on me," she flirted. He grinned before kissing her again. Once he pulled back from the kiss he said.

"I wanna take you on a date." She laughed, but he persisted. "Seriously, Olivia Pope, will you go on a date with me?" he asked charmingly. She shook her head smiling all the while, remembering her positive thoughts from earlier, she said.

"I'd love too."

After breakfast and light conversation, he offered to give her a ride home. She was hesitant at first until he assured her that they wouldn't be riding in his police cruiser. She chuckled and told him she'd be grateful for the ride. They walked through the garage in his building to his 2017 chevy camaro. It was white with two black stripes on the center of the vehicle. The inside was all black with leather interior a sunroof, and touch screen radio. The windows were tinted and it was push to start.

"This is a really nice car," she complimented as they got inside.

"Thank you, I bought it last year as a job anniversary gift. It's the only thing I've ever really splurged on," he told her. She nodded.

"Nice anniversary gift," she joked. He smiled at her as he started the engine. It roared loudly as it came to life. His radio synced to his phone and she was surprised to hear his choice of music. Drake's In My Feelings began playing loudly through the speakers. He drove out of the parking lot onto the main street. Fitz turned down his radio a bit, and she couldn't help but laugh.

"What?" he asked humor evident in his voice.

"Do you want me to film you doing the Kiki challenge?" she asked jokingly.

He laughed. "Only if you do it too." She laughed loudly and he laughed with her. He grabbed her hand and held it in his as they approached a red light. She looked down at their joined hands and laced her fingers in between his, before gazing out of the window. He smiled to himself as the light turned green.

The rest of the car ride was filled with laughter and light conversation. Neither of them letting the others hand go for the duration of the ride. He pulled up to her house and they both noticed some sketchy looking guys hanging out at the house next door to hers in the yard and on the porch. When he stopped the car, the men stopped what they were doing, trying to see inside his vehicle. But because of the tinted windows, they were unable to do so.

"Can I walk you to your door?" he asked, eying the men suspiciously. She noticed what he was looking at and smiled while shaking her head.

"I'm fine." He smiled at her brining their joined hands up to his lips and kissing the back of her hand softly.

"Okay," he said, even though he didn't want to accept it. She smiled and leaned over to kiss him on the lips.

"I had a great time last night," she told him when they pulled apart. He nodded.

"Me too. I promise you'll have an even greater time on this date," he swore. She laughed.

"Well good, I'm looking forward to it," she told him honestly. "Text me when you get home." She said.

He nodded again. Then she kissed him on the cheek, before getting out of his car, closing the door behind her. He watched as she made her way inside her yard and up to the steps of her house. The boys at the house next to her seemed to know her as each of them said something to her laughing and joking as they did. She laughed joking back with them, before she walked in the house. He couldn't imagine what they'd possibly have to joke about; but then again it was yet another reminder that they were from two different worlds.

The men stared at his car once more before he pulled off. He knew they were very different, and grew up in very different neighborhoods; but he was determined to show her that opposites attract. No matter how different they were, he knew that she was special and that they could be something special together. Sure it might be hard, but nothing worth having, ever came easy. With this thought in mind, he smiled as he made his way back home; silently planning their first date in his head.

Olivia walked in the house with a bright smile on her face. Not even the light teasing from the neighborhood boys next door could change her happy mood. She looked around her house and noticed that it was empty. Her mother was most likely still at work and Harrison was probably off running the streets with his friends. She made a mental note to call him soon to make sure that he was okay.

She walked upstairs to her bedroom and stripped out of all of her clothes. She was ready to take a nice hot shower and a long nap. She didn't get much sleep last night and her body was tired. Before she could take off her shoes her phone was buzzing. She looked at it and saw that it was Keisha. She was about to ignore it, but she knew that if she did then Keisha would just keep calling her, so she answered.

"Hey Keish."

"Liv...where are you?" she asked frantically. Olivia alarmed by the tone in her voice quickly said.

"Home, why what's up?"

"Frankie and Big D found them niggas that killed Lamar. They going after them right now." Olivia shook her head in disbelief. When will this stupid neighborhood beef shit ever end? She thought. Then Keisha dropped a huge bomb on her. "Harrison's with them!" Olivia's eyes widened in shock, as she felt the fear consume her whole body. She yelled out angry and in disbelief!


(A/N: SMH, and after such a great night too. Oh well LOL. Also thought I'd give you all a little history on my city in this chapter. H street in North East is now the home to some great bars and clubs. Some have live music, be sure to check them out if you're ever here. Next chapter we'll see the rest of Keisha's night leading up to the present events. Harrison makes his decision, much to the surprise of his boys. And Fitz goes into work after the weekend unknowingly being placed on Frankie's case. Shit is about to get real ya'll LOL. Till next time…)