
One morning she woke up with no memories of where she came from.

But she woke up knowing she underwent corrective eye surgery and a thorough medical check up, knowing many languages, mathematics, computers, laws, politics, history, culture, how to use and deal with firearms, explosives, drugs, chemicals, weaponizing them, medical knowledge, infiltration and espionage skills, assassination skills, who she works for and who her enemies are, and what she will be trained in.

Upon waking up, she is fully aware she would be pushed to her limits every day in physical training, muscular conditioning, reflexes, speed training, combat training, firearms and accuracy training, knife training, knife throwing training, martial arts, parkour, and acrobatics. All this since waking up in a hospital bed at age five with the mother of all headaches. But she must do everything or die trying.

She cannot disobey.


Its in her head.

Training was hard, and her instructors are all hard, strict and harsh on her but while most kids would break down crying, she didn't as she never knew how to cry, feel intimidated or scared. She has no such feelings at all.

But she only feels disappointment in herself when failing to meet standards.

Its not like she has any attachment to her organization either.

She is just a weapon being 'fixed' so she can be usable to kill whoever her superiors wanted dead, and she would start working when she's ten years old, but her training will continue until she's 20 wherein by then she's a very powerful tool according to their plans. She's sent to kill whoever her superiors want dead.

She knows that.

All she has is her name and what's in her head.

Her bedroom is as bland and sterile as it can get, when normally, girls her age would have decorated rooms and stuffed toys. But all she had are bare basics in furniture even though they're comfortable, air conditioning, and a closet full of training clothes and shoes. A dozen of the same outfit.

Her life was nothing but training all day, from the crack of dawn after breakfast at 5:30, and ending at 10 pm.

10 pm is her favorite time of the day.

Its dinner time.

At least, the food is good. Just that, she can't eat too much during breakfast, or she'll wind up puking during morning training. But she can eat plenty at lunch because its Firearms at the firing range and Explosives studies in classrooms. She won't upchuck her lunch in at least, two hours and by then she has no worries of puking after that.

Food is basically good for the body.

Fresh fruit slices, soups, vegetables, meats, seafood...and no carbs, processed foods and the like. Food is delicious but she dislikes spicy parts and bitter parts.

But every time she's sent out, she would feel presences following her for some reason she could not understand.

She just kills them anyway.

Never knowing she kills off members of the Order of the Phoenix sent by Albus Dumbledore to bring her back to Britain after tracking her down to Italy. Only those truly good at hiding survive her but could not go near her or even try to stun her, as her reflexes are THAT good. And trying to get her from her organization is no good either! Its worse! The security is insane!

But they DID learn what kind of organization it is after a little Compulsion Spell...and what exactly is Beatrice to them.

To them, she was their high-level weapon and is very, very good and educated with her jobs. Rescuing her from them, is impossible. Not to mention any threat she feels to herself, will be shot dead by her.

Kingsley Shacklebolt, Dedalus Diggle, Elphias Doge, Emmeline Vance, Remus Lupin, Mundungus Fletcher, Sturgis Podmore and even Severus Snape was sent to get her back, but either some of them are shot dead or got away with some holes, but survived and treated.

Kingsley, Emmeline, Remus and Severus survived her because they were younger and thus, faster and three out of four are trained combatants. As for Alastor Moody, he was never sent as he would be no match for her due to his wooden leg. If it was a Wizard VS Wizard, he would win. However, this is a Trained Killer VS Wizard.

However, when Sirius Black escaped out of Azkaban and managed to prove his innocence after a herculean effort on his part because stealing a Student's pet rat while in a school full of Dementors while wandless wasn't easy on his part. After a compensated pardon due to live, physical evidence, he too, joined the quest to get back his goddaughter after being horrified with what her life was like!

So he uses his animagus form to easily get close to her with none of her superiors knowing.

She liked him enough, took him with her.

Mission isn't exactly successful.

Yes, he's with her, but he hardly gets to see her anyway. The only times he sees her is during meal times and he has to behave real good or he'll be killed and he knew she wouldn't bat an eyelash if he dies. Her brainwashing is THAT effective. So he behaves during mealtimes, even eating dog food. Sure, as a dog its tasty, and he gained weight but no doubt if he was human, it would be another story entirely. There's no way he can stomach dog food dagnabit.

He could only really interact with her at night. They take baths together(to his horror), she got books on how to groom dogs, and he somehow tries to 'wake up' her heart by being cute and lovable, teaching her emotions in his own way. And she named him Zero of all things...

During the day, she trains him running laps while tied to a heavy Sandbag. And he's to run as fast as he can. And the bag gets heavier each time he gets used to his old one. Then there's rope-pulling and jumping obstacle courses. Whenever he changes back to being human, he sees his muscular developments. Not too bad! And as a human, he can er...properly wash himself. But that's because he really can't do it during the damn day...

He could barely communicate with the outside with owls as its risky. VERY risky.

His contact outside, is Remus. And Remus cannot reply to him but he could tell him what's going on in Britain, and his own progress with Beatrice is sent back in return. But for now, he's content with his little efforts. But as she hardly talks other than 'Si, signor,' to her instructors that her vocal chords were so barely used that at her age, she still sounds child-like while speaking in Italian to him.

He doesn't know shit about Italian.


But he wondered for how long will things be like this.

But one day, when she's 14 and by then there's war at home...loads of casualties too, he might add. That, and he's learned that that monster created Horcruxes. Its his secret to immortality and now everyone's looking for Horcruxes. Because Beatrice can't be asked to help them, Dumbledore took to mentoring Neville Longbottom as he was also 'chosen' by the Prophecy.

Hmph, because Beatrice, the better one couldn't be used, he settled for a kind gentle boy who was forced to horrors...but for Sirius, Beatrice is better off where she is, even if she grew up without a heart and a trained Killer. Just by being a lovable dog, she was starting to smile around him. She even began showing him that she could make images out on a whim and she enjoyed making these images.

The scarier the better, apparently.

Around December, war ended with loads of casualties, even Dumbledore himself died, but what matters is all of them are dead.

He and Moony can now focus on Beatrice, the only link they have to James, their late best friend.

Weeks later...a mafia war broke out.

This facility is attacked, and Beatrice mobilized with her superiors, killing who attacked them. He too, went out so he could watch over her but backed out due to waaaay too many gunfire...he could only pray he'll be OK...but she came back for him and tried getting him out with her.

She wanted to at least get him out.

He succeeded to the point that she cares for him and thought of him more than her superiors. But she never once showed anxiety, worry, fear...things like that.

She got him out using illusions and practically set him loose, while she went back to fight to his horror.

'Padfoot!' Remus gasped out, waiting outside while disguised as a hobo. 'What about Bea?!'

'You saw it! She went back in there!' Sirius wailed, changing back. 'Her brainwashing is too strong! I thought that by being a lovable dog giving her heart back by being cute, she would act on her own interest for a change but so far, all I got her to do was give a damn about me, she learned how to smile for the first time in 14 years and got a weird hobby of making weird images! Only that!' he cried despairingly. 'I failed in everything else! There's only so much I can do as a dog who can't understand Italian! We could only pray she gets out of this alive, not dead!' he sobbed, practically breaking down that Beatrice might die.

'Bea...' Remus choked out as gunshots and explosions ensued...until soon, there's no more sounds...they exchanged looks and Sirius went back in as a dog.


Beatrice has plenty to worry her opinion.

Her pet dog and who invaded them and why. Mafia Wars aren't rare, just that its happening is entirely uncommon because you can't start a war without a damn good reason.

She soon quickly learned that they're after HER because they singled her out, and fought with flames, not with guns. They were both going easy on her AND trying to capture her.

They succeeded...after a Herculean effort on their part of course.


'We got her.' said Dino Cavallone, now 21 years old after he and his men succeeded in capturing her after injuries on their part.

'But still she's darn strong boss...they trained her real well.' said Romario, wheezing from his injuries.

'She's a trained weapon by the Camorra Famiglia after all but still, its hard to imagine what her life must have been like...we better get out of here.' said Dino. 'Dr. Shamal keep her sedated until we can do something about her other...programs somehow.'

'Alright. Man, what a job...never thought I'd see anything like this myself.' said Shamal with a sigh as he released a mosquito. As a Freelancer, anyone can hire him after all and he was hired to help out a victim of Brainwashing to raise cookie-cutter intelligent minds so they can just focus on training the physical and weaponry skills to quickly add new skilled mafia members in Camorra's roster. Their target was the 'Prototype CMF-S01 Beatrice' and the person who specialized in Brainwashing and Neural Programming. 'For now she's the only Weapon in the Facility...I hope but given how successful she is, there might be more under everyone's noses.'

'Raid the facility for any physical evidence!' Dino ordered. 'Download everything if you have to and hunt down the Brainwasher! I don't care how you do it as long as he's alive to talk!' he barked when they heard a dog barking and whining...and out came a big black dog with an add-on collar-and-tie. Its a big, well-trained, healthy dog and it looked frantic, going straight for their target, crying and whining and trying to reach for Beatrice with his paws.

'It seems she's allowed a pet dog and clearly well-cared for if its that worried about her.' Shamal remarked as the dog is clearly worried for their target. 'She would want it.'

'I guess we take this fella with us.' said Dino, patting the dog. 'C'mere boy, you're coming home with us as soon as we're done demolishing this family! I seriously hope she's the only one...'

In a few hours, they went to Cavallone Estate wherein from afar, they're followed by a white owl.


Hours the Medical Ward of the Cavallone Estate...

'OK, while Reborn is having fun with our piggy in the other room, let's deal with Beatrice.' said Shamal as he too, possessed the indigo flames, and Beatrice was strapped to a gurney with thick leather straps. 'I'll figure out her programming and destroy them but after her full rescue, what're you gonna do about the kid?' he asked Dino. 'According to files, she has no known family. She was just found in the orphanage's doorstep in London with just Beatrice on a piece of paper in her basket...poor kid's clearly unwanted by her own parents who are probably two teenagers who fooled around until they get wind they got a baby.'

Sirius, as a dog swore to strangle Petunia for this if he finds her and her family.

'Well, her rescue is practically my graduation exam from Reborn's hellish tutoring...she's a Mist Flame Type and given how he made me do this job, it means he wants her in my famiglia somehow...assuming we resonated and harmonized that is. If we didn't, she can at least be my subordinate.' said Dino. 'Given her skills and knowledge, no enemy family must have her. Go.' he instructed Shamal who placed his hand on Beatrice's forehead to go inside her mind with his power. Illusions aren't just for messing with the head after can also go inside someone's head called 'Possession', and look into one's mental world.

Shamal possessed Beatrice to look for what's keeping her obedient and submissive to Camorra as if she wakes the way she ain't gonna be pretty. She's a real tough opponent!

He started with her childhood as she was brainwashed at age 5. The roots are often at the start.


He found a locked-up box. After he opened it, he carefully let out the closed up memories...apparently, she has bad memories at the very beginning. She vaguely remembers her parents. Both British judging by their accents and they apparently, lived in fear and paranoia...with good reason. An inhuman-looking man in black robes killed the father with a green light and her mother fled with her upstairs, put on the crib as her mother began frantically packing...but the inhuman man was there. The mother begged for her daughter's life and refused to stand aside, so she too, was killed with a green light coming from the inhuman man's stick...but the woman unleashed a strange power that disintegrated his body, and something that latched onto the baby's forehead while the inhuman man a ghost?!

It was followed by good memories of the orphanage and played a lot like a typical happy child and she was happy she was adopted. Although upon entering her 'new parents' car, she was given some candies...and she fell asleep during the whole thing.

Then after that, she woke up not knowing emotions, with her brainwashing, and not a memory of her past along with one heck of both a headache and migraine she could barely stand up, but she was 'ordered' to attend to her first sessions immediately which she obeyed as she was conditioned to never disobey. So Shamal looked for other programmings in her mind.

The Obedience Program.

The Camorran Famiglia Loyalty Program.

The Aggression Inhibitor Program.

The Emotional Suppression Program.

All taken care of, but damn difficult.

'Well?' Dino asked Shamal hopefully. 'Its been five hours and Reborn's already done. The Vindice are on their way soon.'

' was really rough!' Shamal sighed tiredly, plopping limply on a chair with coffee next to him which he happily drank. 'She has an Obedience, Loyalty, Aggression Inhibition to prevent negative and rebellious feelings, and Emotional Suppression which explains why she has no emotions.' he stated to Dino's horrors. 'It was difficult, but I got rid of em' all and you just told me its five hours in real time too while in her mental world it took thrice as long so yeah, I'm tired. But as she is now, while she's definitely changed back to normal, there's no denying she's no more than a baby learning about what being a human is. She already knows how to smile but not understanding why she can smile, and has yet to learn sadness, anger and other such emotions and understanding her own feelings. She's 14 now but she has the emotional maturity of a toddler since its around age 5 that her heart is suppressed. She's just a little girl in a teenager's body, so raising her will be a long way to go.'

'Alright, I understand.' said Dino as they removed the gurney straps and transferred her to an actual hospital bed.

'But there's something else about the kid...and there might be other...human species we don't know about.' said Shamal grimly. 'She has quite the memory, remembering that she and her family lived in fear from something while she was just a baby...they couldn't trust anyone bar select few...the murderer of her parents clearly didn't look human and kills with green light coming out of his stick and both parents dropped dead with no mark on their bodies. Just dead.'

That's an interesting tale, Trident Shamal. Sirius saw very tall...people? in black cloaks, top hats and bandages around their faces and their presence startled the Mosquito Assassin and young boss. Care to share the tale? one of them asked while already in possession of the Brainwasher whose neck was in a thick, tight-looking collar shackle with a chain length being held by them. The Brainwasher is clearly tortured in the face, causing Sirius to gulp and put his paws over his eyes.

'I'm using illusions OK? I have no idea how to put this into words!' Shamal sputtered out. 'Oy Reborn! Get your butt over here or you'll miss the show!' he called out.

'I'm already here, Shamal.' said Reborn curtly, wiping his hands. 'Get on with it.'

So Shamal showed them why he can't exactly explain verbally...and to Sirius' horror, he saw the Secret Keeper Switch talk, memories of the Potters doting on their daughter...and how his best friend and his wife was murdered on that Halloween Night.

' wonder you can't put it into words...' Dino swallowed. 'If I was in your shoes, I'd be just as speechless!'

'I have the ability to destroy the thing that latched on the kid, but right now I'm too spent just from destroying her programs.' said Shamal tiredly. 'I need to recover for three days' minimum to get it out of her. And what do we do about that freak show who can kill with green light...Avada Kedavra, was it? That freak seems to be after people with special powers that are a threat to him since he's targeting a baby of all things.'

'We'll begin investigating.' said Reborn. 'Finding the location will be a bit difficult. Sure we have a country but Britain is still pretty big. And we only saw the interior of the house, not the outside so we'll be searching the hard way...records. People with special powers, huh...other than flames?'

'Most likely...thing is, how are we gonna tell Beatrice?' Dino asked a rather difficult question. 'Childhood memories tend to be shoved away but now that Shamal unsealed her memories, its now as prominent as present memories so she'll have questions herself. She won't even know about her other powers because she was never taught.'

'That's the thing...and since she's living evidence of the new program...she'll be a bit overwhelmed and disoriented so we better watch out.' said Shamal. 'And she has the emotional range of a toddler so double yikes.'