Greetings, one and all, welcome to the first chapter of Avatar Heroes. Now I have been rewriting this story, cleaning it up, fixing some spelling errors and putting more detail in some of the scene's (Also changing some of them) so new and old readers can enjoy the story better. I hope your going to enjoy it as much as I had writing it, and as with all my stories, I don't own any of the characters except my OC's.

Now on to the story shall we?

Dust cleared in the ruins of an old castle as a young man stared down his defeated opponent, who was laying defeated in a crater at her feet, as a comet soared in the star filled night sky above.

The defeated enemy gathered her remaining magical energy and with the last boost from the comet, she unleashed a powerful green stream of energy from her hands.

The hero hadn't counted on the sudden attack, having assumed his enemy would have been subdued, wouldn't have time to react. One of his companions tried to push him out of the way of the incoming attack, but unfortunately both were hit by the spell, sending both to other Worlds.

A white portal opened above the ground, throwing out the hero, feeling himself slamming down into the snow. Snow covered his spiky black hair. On his lower body were black jeans, with two belts hang around it, one holding up the jeans and one hanging loosely over his hip, giving it a punk look. On his upper body, he wore a blue polo-shirt under black jacked, its tail coats flaring out from behind him as if the wind blew at him from the front.

He had trouble standing up, he didn't know if it was because of the intense battle or because of the spell draining him, but he felt drained.

For miles around there was no signs of civilization, it all seemed hopeless and to make matters worse, his legs gave out, tumbling down in the thick snow. "Someone better not make a Star Wars joke.", he thought, trying to keep his amber colored eyes open.

"Jason...", a familiar voice ring in his head.

Gathering his strength, he looked up seeing the spirit standing before him. She had the appearance of a very tall woman with a tanned skin, glowing golden hair and pale magenta colored eyes. Her body was dressed in a clean white dress that reached over her feet, dragging a little along the floor. She also had a single horn on her head and beautiful large white wings on her back.

"You will go to the Dagobah system. There you will learn from Yoda..."

Gathering the last of his strength he raised back to his feet, "Piss off Aether!", he shouted at her in frustration, before dropping back into the snow, losing his conscious.

Suddenly he felt something soft and warm licking his face, looking up he saw that what was licking him was a tong. Said tong belonged to a... Something that could best be described as something of a cross between a dog and a polar bear.

"Are you alright?", a voice asked.

The voice belonged to a tanned girl with dark brown hair and deep sky blue eyes. "Did I die and had an angel come for me?" were his last thoughts before he was swallowed by darkness.

Book I: Air

He did not know how long it had been, but when the young man regained consciousness, he felt a soft furry blanket covering his naked upper body. Sitting up, he saw that it was day outside.

He calmly sat up, taking in his surrounding, he saw he was in a cabin, decorated in banners and carpets depicting a circle comprising a stylized rightward-facing ocean wave with three spiral crests breaking over three wavy diagonal lines and a closed, counter-clockwise, inverted triple spiral triskel. A large fire pit seated in the middle of the room was the source of the warmth inside the cabin.

Looking around the room, he spotted his shirt and jacked neatly folded next to his shoe's.

The young man got up from his cover and went to put his clothes back on. Just as he had put his shoes on and his shirt over his head, he could hear the door open. Putting his head through the whole and saw an an elderly lady, with tanned skin, white hair and blue eyes entered.

"Ah, I see you have finally woken up.", the old lady started, giving him a warm grandmotherly smile as if she knew him from somewhere. The woman told him that he had been asleep for a day.

"I see. Thank you for nursing me back to health.", he said as he put on his jacked, popping the collar, "I don't think I have introduced myself, my name is Skywalker, Jason Skywalker."

The older lady let out a chuckle, sounding almost nostalgic, "Skywalker? That's an... unusual name I haven't heard in a long time.", she said kindly, "My name is Katara. Nice to meet you, Mr. Skywalker."

"Please, just call me Jason.", he said before asking another question, "Uhm, miss Katara. Have you seen one of my friends? He's slightly taller than me, he has purple eyes, red hair and the front of his hair looks like a weed plant.", he described his friend, but unfortunately, he was the only one they had found coming out of the rift.

Turning his head to the ground, "He should be okay...", he muttered, trying to reassure himself as they began to walk out of the cabin, the elder woman taking him to the girl who had found him.

Stepping outside, he took a moment to take in the sun shining down on his skin, before following Katara to the training grounds, she explained that they were on the South Pole.

After a short walk, they arrived at the training ground were he found the young women who had found him wearing red armor, fighting three others. She jumps forward, and punches to the left, leaving a trail of fire and quickly kicks two fire blasts toward a man wearing the same armor. The man raises his arms in protection, but he is still sent flying and crashes to the ground.

As she lands, two men, wearing the same armor as well, simultaneously shoot fire streams at her. She is engulfed in a ball of flames but, she dissipates the fire by moving her hands in a circular motion. As she takes on a fighting stance again, one of the men charges her, shooting three fire blasts, but she dodges the first one, dissipates the second with a grunt, dodges the third, and rushes forward.

When the man jumps up and sends two fire arcs in her direction, she tumbles underneath the flames, and extends her leg, throwing him off balance.

Retaliating with fire blasts of their own, she manages to doge between two arcs of fire and knock down the firebender. Quickly turning back and forth to defend herself against incoming fire blasts from both men, she powers up her own attack and fires it at the man in front of her, sending him flying all the way up a nearby triangular roof of a small building near the training grounds, where he slides down unconscious, leaving a trail of smoke.

Skywalker and Katara had joined four other people dressed in white with white lotus symbols on their uniform, looking over the test. Having watched her entire fight, he was impressed by her battle prowess, her control and agility.

"She is good.", Skywalker thought, with a smile as he admired the fighting girl.

"She lacks restraint.", one of the elderly man muttered with dismay.

While they talked the young woman managed to defeat her opponents and raising her hands in triumph, while she walked up to them removing her helmet, "Hey, why all the doom and gloom, people? We should be celebrating!", she said while she confidently raises, "Three elements down, one to go!"

She turned her gaze towards the black haired young man she had found a day ago in the snow, "Well look who has finally decided to wake up."

Leaping over the fence and softly landing in front of her, "So I have you to thank for saving me.", he said with a smile, before extending his hand in greeting introducing himself.

She accepted his handshake introducing herself, "Korra, don't wear it out."

"I see your quite the fighter, Korra. How about a quick spar?", he offered, ignoring the skeptic look she was giving him.

"Really? You think you can take on the Avatar?", she said with a smirk before taking her fighting stance.

He retorted with an smirk of his, "You have to run that by me again later, but I think I can give you a run for your money.", he said, taking a fighting stance of his own.

"You're getting ahead of yourself as usual, Korra. We haven't decided if you passed your firebending test yet.", one of the masters said, making her smile awkwardly, forgetting why they were here in the first place, "Ever since you were a little girl, you've excelled at the physical side of bending, but completely ignored the spiritual side." they continued but from the corner of his eye, Skywalker could see that Korra was zoning out.

"I haven't ignored it, it just doesn't come as easy to me.", she muttered.

After a short discussion between the leaders, they had reached a decision, "Very well, Korra. It's time for you to begin your airbending training."

At this result Korra jumps up, turning around, in happiness and excitement, "Yes! Finally!", realizing the elders are watching her, some of them with a dismayed expression, her look changes to a serious one, "I mean... thank you all for believing in me." Smiling innocently, she slowly starts walking away, still eyeing the elders.

A few minutes later, the two were wondering around the compound, talking about various things. "So, what was that about?", he asked with his hands buried in his pockets.

She then explained how some people could bend one of the elements, Earth, Fire, Air and Water, but as the Avatar, she could bend all four of them. "What you just saw was my firebending test. And as you saw I passed with flying colors!", she said proudly puff out her chest, "Now all I have to master air and I'm done with my Avatar training."

"I see. That should mean your very powerful.", he pondered, not noticing his speaking companion was turning on the ball of her feet.

"I am. Still think you can give me a run for my money?", she asked flexing her shoulders before the two take a fighting stance, "I'll try to hold back, wouldn't want to mess up that face of yours."

"That won't be necessary.", Skywalker said as the young woman send two weak torrents of fire at him.

Much to her surprise, the torrents stopped in mid-air before being send into the ground. Skywalker gave a smirk, before launching telekinetic blast out of the palm of his hand.

Korra raised her arms in protection, but she was still sent flying and thumbing to the ground.

Recovering quickly, she noticed that Skywalker was standing over her, "I hope this convinces you to not hold back against me.", he said, with a smirk.

To her credit, Korra quickly jumped back to her feet, dishing out a flurry of fire enhanced punches.

Much to her surprise, he effortlessly dodges every one of her punches. She mixed it up by trying to kick him from the side, but he cached it, and turning around on his heel, he fling her through the air. Appearing behind her, he gave spinning kick, sending her back into the snow.

But before she could hit the ground, she felt a hand grip her own. Korra found herself staring into Skywalker's amber eyes, noticing that there was a faint glow about them.

"Your good, Korra. I don't know how you become an Avatar, but they chose wisely.", he said as he held on her hand, pulling her to her feet, "When you master airbending, let's have another match.", impressed with his speed and strength, she agreed to take him up on that offer.

There ya go, another chapter, hope you enjoyed it. Many thanks to everyone who reads, reviews, favorite or follows this story, you beautiful bastards. For now I wish you all a fantastic day and I will see you ladies and gents, next time.