Make a wish, Voldemort! AU

Summary: Underground boss, Tom Marvolo Riddle Jr., aka Lord Voldemort, meets the hospital beauty, Harry, and slowly he falls in love. But not everything is as it seems.

Pairings: LV/HP, SB/RL, NL/DM, RW/HG, SS/LM, OC/LL

Rating: T

Warnings: Boy/Boy relationships, mentions of abuse, molestation and suicidal tendencies in the future chapters

Author's note: This story only contains two OCs, Vladimir Sebastian Riddle-Gaunt (14), Lord Voldemort's illegitimate son, and Hades, death's manifestation as a human being.


Beneath the castle of Grindelwald, two men were left to die in the coldness of the cell. The younger one of the two clutches the hand of the other whose life is at the brink of death.

"Somebody! Anybody! Help!" the young man screamed endlessly until his voice turned hoarse.

As the scent of copper fills up the place, blood continues to ebb out of the wounded man. Helplessly, the young man attempts to stop the bleeding with his pale hands when all of a sudden the dying man mutters,

"Ha-... Ha...- rry..."

"Don't speak, you idiot, you're going to waste your energy like that..."

The wounded man simply chuckles and continues to speak with great effort, "I... Harry... I did not want... for this to happen... I did not want you... to be hurt..."

"I know... I know... So please just save your energy and stay alive... Please..." Harry pleadingly replied.

The other man slowly closed his eyes as he began to perspire even more and breathe heavily.

"Hey? What's wrong? Damn it! Don't you dare die on me! You have so much to live for unlike me! So much..."

Harry started to look around the cell in hopes to find something to stop the bleeding but the moon had not shed enough light for him to fully see the entire space they were trapped in.

Exhausted and full of despair, Harry cried to himself, "Please... Somebody help us..."

The young man blinked furiously in an attempt to stop himself from crying when he remembered something important.

"Harry, whenever you need help just call my name. I'll be by your side no matter where you are."

Looking astonished at his friend's offer, Harry asked, "Why would you do that?"

"I do recall you telling me that we're friends, aren't we?"

Harry smiled.

Realizing that not all is lost, he shouted, "Hades!"

Few seconds later in the darkest corner of the cell, a man wearing a black suit appears and did not miss a beat walking towards the couple. Looking down at Harry with his unusually golden colored eyes, he acknowledges him with a nod.

Harry with his new found hope looked directly into the man and said, "Please save him, Hades… That is my wish."

Hades looked rather astonished at the abrupt decision. Instead of voicing out his concerns, he decided to inspect the wounded man lying on the floor as he knelt in front of the youth.

'By the way it looks the man is going to die,' the man in black thought as he took note of how pale and translucent the man's skin was and the large gash on his back that kept on bleeding despite Harry's efforts to stop it.

'Only a miracle can save him. And my dear friend here is willing to use such a rare opportunity to make that miracle…' His train of thought was suddenly disrupted by the screams of the wounded man.

"Quickly, Hades!" Harry frantically shouted.

The said man couldn't care less about the wounded man for his only worry was for his dearest friend. Harry is the only person who truly cares for Hades despite him being a threat to any living being. And because of his affections for Harry, Hades hesitated.

"My dear friend, wouldn't you want to use it for your own? Because as I see it right now you are being way too selfless for your own good. Did you not want to-"

He was cut off by Harry who was now begging for the life of the other, "Hades, please save him! Please... Please just do it!"

Hades was once more uncertain whether or not to grant the wish but as he looked at his friend's beautiful tear stained face and saw the determination and sorrow in his emerald eyes, he conceded, "I shall grant your wish then. But as I said before everything comes with a price. Do you still remember the requirements of the deal?"

"I know what the deal entails but we don't have time! He is dying as we speak! Isn't there another way to make the process quicker?"

His response was a helpless sigh, "Harry, the alternative is to give up something of equal value. I never said this to anyone before but I don't usually bring back people who are at the brink of death to life rather I do the opposite."

"... Of equal value? I don't have any riches, title, money, or anything worthy of your attention," the young man said in distress.

"But I am alive. Is my own life worth the exchange?" he then offered without hesitation.

Widening his golden eyes in shock, Hades chose to ignore the offer as he began to ponder for a much more reasonable deal that would not result to the immediate death of his friend.

"I won't do that, Harry… It is not yet your time."

"Then what do I have left to offer?! He was the only one that kept me going! He made feel alive and happy! He kept me sane!" Harry practically screamed in frustration as a new batch of tears began to flow out of his eyes, "Hades, I want him to live."

Hades was quiet throughout his rant and finally decided, "Harry, you still have something worth to offer in exchange for his life. Something you consider far more important than your life itself."

Harry blinked in confusion but his determination did not waver, "I want him alive and breathing… Even happy," he looks at the wounded man, "So whatever it is, just take it."

"As you wish, Harry, I shall save your lover's life from death in exchange for -"

Outside the castle and of the cell, the wind howls loudly as rain starts to pelt on the ground with force.

Harry then nodded to Hades in consent as he held the hand of his beloved for one last time and whispered gently, "I will always love you… Always."

When the sun rose from its slumber, the one that was left behind the cell was a fully healed man.

The huge scar on his back was the only evidence of what truly occurred in the 31st night of July.

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.

Friedrich Nietzsche

A/N: Thank you for reading. I hope you'll continue this journey with me.