A Venom to the past

Earth 2709

Wednesday, September 4, 2025

Mount Zion cemetery

Peter Parker had died today.

They were hiding behind a tree, watching Mary-Jane his wife and their young son crying over his tomb. The symbiote was torn between anger and sorrow; their old nemesis had been killed not by a supervillain or a cosmic menace but victim of a heart failure at 45 years old yet they had still lingering feelings for him.

Its host Eddie Brock was slowly dying of cancer and their shared body despite their efforts was shutting down. Venom needed to find a powerful and worthy host.

They had heard of a joint experiment between Doctor Otto Ottavius, the world leader in nuclear energy research and the famous Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four: a prototype of a time-travel machine. The symbiote writhed with excitement, the possibilities were infinite but one among the others sparked its interest.

Otto Octavius Laboratory.

"Another boring night …" said a security guard, stalking down the corridor when he suddenly felt something moving in the shadows of the corridor

"Who's there!" he asked, pulling his gun, nobody answered.

He brought in his weapon yet couldn't shed the feeling that something nearby him was ready to strike if necessary.

They had to be more careful, they didn't want to cause a ruckus since their goal was near. They crawled, invisible near the door and shapeshifted as a security guard.

Two scientists were discussing in the room, double-checking their results of today's tests

"Do you think we'll be ready soon for human tests? " the younger one asked.

"Well in theory yes, however, there is still the issue of how the human brain can tolerate time-traveling technology… answered his colleague sighing.

It was already late in the lab and the senior scientist had already left, leaving his younger assistant to close the lab.

Doctor Chandler was reading one of the latest tests when he was interrupted by one of the security guard

"Doctor..hmm Chandler " ? The security guard asked with a grinning smile on his face

Unsure how to react at this later time, he mumbled "Yes, can help you? "

At that moment, the security guard melted into some kind of black ooze and transformed into some kind of black hulking figure with a huge white spider logo on the chest.

"Oh yes, you will…" the thing said, a long tongue flicking out of his fanged maw.

"The time machine, make it work for us or we will eat your brain Venom said grinning.

Dr Chandler was terrified by this creature coming out of nowhere

"It, it doesn't work properly" he answered, his voice shaking with fear, "Your brain won't be able to handle it"

"Do as I say" Venom replied "And input a date for me now!"

"Whatever you want but don't kill me" he said

"Input the date Monday, April 4, 1995 and make this damned thing work or…" growled the symbiote duo.

Afraid for his life he quickly followed the orders, the machine in the center of the room soon humming with life.

"What now" asked Venom?

"You, you just have to enter the module and…"

Doctor Chandler was not able to finish what he intended to say as Venom's bloody claw ripped out of his chest. He gurgled some words before collapsing on the ground, no longer moving.

"Dead men don't talk." snarled Venom.

It was time to enter phase two of their plan, they would go back in time , bond with young Peter Parker and become one at last

Venom entered the machine, the doors closing after him, the symbiote quickly hid deeply within Eddie's body as a blinding light filled the inside of the machine.

And so a new story begins.