Pre-Story A/N: I've got good news and bad news.

Bad News:

I'll just get to the point. I'm thinking that this story's about as finished as it's going to be.

I wanted this story to work, I really, really did. But first there were time constraints, then document issues, then I started having all these other ideas for other fics... And worst of all, I just couldn't get in the mind for this story, you know?

Maybe it was apparent throughout the first two chapters, but I just couldn't get comfortable writing for the Xenoblade universe. Some jokes I definitely liked (my version of Vangarre, Dunban being a troll, Floor Soup...) but overall I just couldn't connect with the source material like I could with Kingdom Hearts, or Sonic 06, or even Fire Emblem.

So 'never say die', maybe I will come back to this story someday, but I'm not counting on it.

Good News:

Long ago, I did start on the third chapter of this story, I'll put up what I had so far. It'll probably be a little looser than everything so far, but I did try to tidy it up a bit. There was an idea for Alvis to narrate his scenes in first-person, but I mostly axed that in favor of regular narration.

And I'm not done with the good news. As a consolation prize, I will still write a Xenoblade plot parody. It will be much shorter and quicker than this. A oneshot fic. For a bit of closure. Think something along the lines of "Dragon Ball Kai Abridged", though we'll see how much of that is true once I'm finished writing...

So I apologize. I hate to do this, it makes me feel like I've failed. But I like to think I learned something. And I know what it's like to have a story discontinue on me, and I don't like it. So I'm sorry for doing that to you. But like I said, I'll do a quick story to try and make up for it.

And now without further interruption, I present... the "leftovers".

"All right," Shulk said. He turned to Reyn. "We leave Colony 9 now. And we won't stop until we have what we want."

Reyn nodded. "Yeah! And ain't nothin' gonna stop us! Show me a monster or a Mechon and I'll bash it!"

"Episode 3 – Reyn almost gets killed by a spider"

Dickson watched Shulk and Reyn leave. He looked on wistfully.

"Shulk's certainly comin' along nicely…"



A group of bundled-up people were traversing an unforgiving slope amidst a merciless snowstorm.

"Are we there yet? I'm pretty sure my left nipple has turned into an ice ether crystal now."

The leading traveler grimaced. "Thank you for the visual, but no, we're still not there yet."

"… How about now?"

"Ask me that again, and once we find the legendary weapon, I'm going to shove it right up-"

"Hey I forgot," asked a third person, "what are we looking for?"

In the back of the group, a man with straw-toned blonde hair looked back. A brown-haired woman was holding her small child by the hand. The man spoke. "You know, we probably shouldn't have taken our four-year-old son all the way here to the mountain."

The mother shrugged. "Eh. It builds character."

The group made it to a tower. "Knock knockity knock-knock!" one of the travelers cheerfully called, while knocking on the door. It opened.


Dickson was trudging through the snow, all by himself, failing to light his cigar.

"Lousy no-good blizzard… I swear, the things I do for that smug- Huh?" Dickson noticed that the door to the building was open. "Well, make things easier for me why don't ya. Not gonna complain about that."

Dickson walked in and noticed that everyone was unconscious. He gave the room a cold, steely sweep. "No… they're dead. Guess it's true."

"mmm… ah…" the little boy wiggled a bit, catching Dickson's attention.

"Guess it must've missed one." Dickson walked over. He noticed that the boy was curled up on the ground next to an altar. Upon the altar sat the Monado, bathing in a purple glow. Dickson nodded.

"All right, come along then." He picked up the little boy and slung him over his shoulder. "You're comin' back with me. And don't make me regret this."


Dickson smiled warmly. "Good times…"

Shulk and Reyn were still on their path to Tephra Cave. Shulk turned to Reyn. "So, Colony 6 then?"

"Yeah man. They're the only other Homs colony left."

Shulk winced. "Wow. I mean… wow, it never really hit me before. Our town is half of what's left of the entire Homs race. That's… wow." He put a hand to his head. "I think I might be sick!" He slapped himself. "No. All the more reason to stop that Mechon!"

Reyn nodded. "Yeah. It ain't gonna get away with what it did to Fiora-"

"FIORAAAAAAA!" Shulk screamed at the top of his lungs. He looked and noticed Reyn acting confused. "Er, sorry."

Reyn slapped Shulk's shoulder with a wide grin. "'Ey don't worry about it, man! As long as we stick together, ain't nothing gonna happen!"

"Shulk, the big Caterpile is after me again!"

"Reyn hurry, there's a pack of Bunnivs after us! With swords!"


"Where'd all our food go?! Reyn, I think a Bunniv stole our provisions!"

"I wish Dunban were here!"




Shulk and Reyn eventually made it to an open space within Tephra Cave. Shulk put his hands on his hips and nodded. "We got through that pretty good!"

They immediately fell onto the ground, aching with fatigue.

"Aaaaah. Shulk, I don' wanna move."

"Must… get… revenge… after nap."

Reyn's eyes popped open when he caught sight of something. "Yo. Shulk. Look over there." Reyn urged, without actually pointing. There were some dead soldiers nearby. "Traders from Colony 6."

"Yeah… we should…" Shulk yawned. "We should return them to the Bionis… after naptime."

"Now it's nap time!" Reyn said with enthusiasm, before going back to fatigue. "Who gets first watch-" Shulk let out a huge snore. Reyn sighed. "Aw man."

Reyn was sitting by the campfire he had made. "I wonder why the Mechon attack our colonies."

Shulk kept snoring.

"Finally, we get to the part where I figure into the story. Well, not quite, that's a bit later, but I think I can fit in enough foreshadowing for Shulk."

Shulk and some man both appeared on a stone balcony, with chain fences and heavy fog. "I wonder if Shulk knew the significance of where we are. … Doubt it."

Shulk seemed confused. He started turning around, calling for his companion. "Where… where am I? Reyn? Did you drag me away in my sleep because you saw a spider? Again?"

There was some important foreshadowing to be had, thus the stranger spoke up. "Shulk, listen to me," he told Shulk, calmly. "You need to find the True Monado. Understood?"

"Who are you? … Dad?"

"Uh, no. Not even close. Shulk, if you wish to change your destiny, find the True Monado."

"And then what?"


Shulk pursued. "What do I do after I find the True Monado?"

This certainly caught the stranger off-guard. "Oh. … Well… Use it. Yeah, that'll do. Use it, Shulk."

Shulk raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? Will it help me kill that Mechon?"

"All that and more, Shulk."

"Well I really only want to kill that one Mechon, so-"

"Just do as I say, Shulk. Find the True Monado."


Shulk's eyes shot open. "Ah! Reyn, what happened?"

Shulk noticed Reyn was surrounded by several spiders.

"Ugh. What a mess…"

To be... spiritually continued in another story.