Beilschmidt Sparkle Party

Julius hummed happily as he walked along the marble floors of the Beilschmidt mansion. His previous business trip had taken too long - two months in fact - and he had terribly missed being in the presence of his boyfriend and his delightful children.

Well their children, as the young Beilschmidts had fully accepted him as a permanent structure to their lives and had even began treating him as a second father - a role that he had no qualms fulfilling, as unfortunately his own children had left him a long time ago due to a misunderstanding (A story for another time.)

Having asked a passing maid to the whereabouts of the rest of his family, he was now merrily making his way towards their darling princesses' room hauling a huge bag filled with souvenirs he had bought on his trip. Julius was sure the children would love the things he had bought them. After all, he had dutifully fulfilled everything the young ones requested – even the quite bizarre but ultimately predictable request of Vash (thank god really Julius was running a Mafia syndicate as a side job or he would never had been able to smuggle the various weapons and accessories the young Beilschmidt asked for; nor acquire it in the first place.)

"I'm back!" He joyfully announced his presence as he opened the door to Lilli's room. What he saw inside though, made him stop in his tracks and almost double over at how much his heart restricted on his chest.

At the center of the wide room, the Beilschmidt family was huddled over the floor; sipping delicately at beautiful china cups while the boys graciously accepted the biscuits (that Ludwig no doubt baked) Lilli handed to them. Julius decided to pause and bask in the utter beauty of the scene – for these scenes were very much hard to come by knowing just how the Beilschmidt men are.

Really, there was no doubt that Lilli (for there was no one else who could have spearheaded this – well, maybe Ludwig. But if it had been the youngest, then they would have had this little tea party outside the garden, since Ludwig loved gazing at the flowers) had each and every member of her family wrapped around her fingers. He included, of course.

When his glorious presence had finally been noticed, the men in the room (with the exception of Ludwig and Berwald – for Ludwig was too young to feel embarrassed and Berwad, on the other hand, can never be embarrassed about anything – with the exception of his Danish boy toy, who was the only person with the capability to make the eldest Beilschmidt blush in the world,) blushed heavily.

Julius grinned widely at the reaction. Very, very adorable. Most especially the blush on Aldrich's face, who was probably the most embarrassed of them all. Oh how he would enjoy the upcoming welcome greeting he'll engage the man with when they retire for the night.

"Papa!" The Beilschmidt princess beamed at him, and gestured to the tea and biscuits laid in front of her. "Would you like to join us for tea?"

He beamed back at the little girl and proceeded on entered the room. "I'd be glad to, Principessa." He dropped a kiss on Lilli and Ludwig's heads when he was near enough and sat next to the children's father.

Ludwig gave him a toothy grin that looked more adorable than usual due to the fact that a tooth was visibly missing from his front teeth. "Welcome back, papa."

Julius stole a glance at Aldrich, who was obviously evading his gaze, before giving the youngest Beilschmidt a fond look.

"I'm home."


Ludwig - 4
Lilli - 8
Vash - 10
Roderich - 11
Gilbert - 13
Berwald – 15

A/N: So, so, so, so sorry for the long wait! I actually got promoted on work therefore doubling my responsibilities plus, I also got busy with school hehehe…

Useless fun fact: Lilli is the Principessa (Italian for princess) while Gilbert is the Principe (prince, respectively). Can you guess why?

Also, title is completely irrelevant with the story. I just liked how it sounded hehehe.