Chapter 18

"Please stop!" Naraku stood by the wall, watching silently as the full demon woman screamed for him to not hurt her. His eyes were blank, a knife held in his hand. Her mate laid on the floor not too far away, his body decapitated. Full demon's claimed to be so strong, be invincible. Naraku had the power to prove them wrong. He was stronger than any of them, a half-breed who had the power to change the balance.

"Half breeds are not useless." He had whispered the words, his childhood flashing in his eyes. Inuyasha had been his fried then, before he knew of his feelings. Sesshomaru didn't know, the bastard thinking he had been after Inuyasha forever. Inuyasha had helped him, gave him a reason to fight against the demons in front of him.

Inuyasha was stronger than him, and Naraku would do anything to have him. Together they could rule the world of demons and humans.


Naraku kneeled in front of the demon woman, her legs torn off, leaving her immobilized. Naraku didn't smile, not in front of this sickness. Sesshomaru had brainwashed Inuyasha, made the strong boy he known weak. Naraku grabbed her jaw, pulling her jaw down. Her scream echoed in his ears, his expression blank as he thought back to that strong boy he had met.

"Why are you crying?"

Naraku let go of her limp body, stabbing the knife into her stomach. He stood, turning away from the gruesome sight.

"Because I'm weak."

"Being weak doesn't exist. Everybody can fight."

Naraku walked away, his head lowered as he existed the room he had found them in. He walked to their bathroom, opening the door. A little girl was shaking on the floor, her white hair falling over her shoulders. Naraku kneeled slowly, the girl crying as she called for her fallen parents. Naraku shushed her, a small smile touching his lips. Maybe he could save this poor soul.

"I won't hurt you."

She screamed.


"Both parents were murdered, and the child is missing." Inutaisho sighed in aggravation, not even able to look at the scene before him. It was horrible, Inutaisho fighting vomit as it tried to rise into his throat. He walked over to the bathroom, seeing the bloody footprints that led there.

A DNA sample showed them that Naraku had been the one to do the last killing. It was probably no different this time. Inutaisho couldn't fathom how a half demon could have done this, but there were rumors. Naraku's mother had been raped by a demon, and the rumor was that Satan himself raped her. Naraku had always been strong, and these killings only backed up the rumors.

It seems it was time for demon's to return home.

Inutaisho's thoughts flashed to his sons, his heart aching in his chest. No, Naraku needed to be returned home. Inutaisho walked out of the bathroom, looking to the woman.

"She had been three weeks pregnant. Their first daughter had been five." Inutaisho clenched his hand into a fist, looking to the window Naraku had jumped out of. The half demon had gone missing after he sold Sesshomaru and Inuyasha their home. Inutaisho moved them back to his home, knowing he needed to protect Inuyasha. He had called on his family as he did before in the first war.

Slowly but surely they came to his aid. For now, their differences were put aside and their solitude was forgotten. For him or for Izayoi Inutaisho didn't care who they fought for, he just wanted Inuyasha and his unborn pups to be safe.

Inutaisho knew Sesshomaru could protect Inuyasha when the time came, but they were dealing with a monster. No… Naraku made monster's look like pets.

Naraku was their judgment day, and Inutaisho wasn't ready to go just yet.

"Sir, they found the girl."

Inutaisho looked to his cousin, a frown on the girl's lips.

"She had struggled and…"

His cousin looked down to the ground, her hands clenching into fists.

"He killed her, sir."


"What do you mean I can't leave the house?!" Inuyasha was seething as he looked to Sesshomaru who was as talkative as a brick wall. Inuyasha was eight weeks pregnant now, his pups soon to come. Inuyasha didn't care though.

He had been stuck in doors for two weeks now, and though his ankles were swollen from the weight Inuyasha wanted to go outside. He was getting frustrated staying indoors and he wanted out. Sesshomaru wouldn't tell him why he couldn't leave, but Inuyasha knew there was probably a good reason. He wasn't proved wrong.

"Inuyasha, sit down." Inuyasha walked over to the kitchen chair, sitting down obediently. Sesshomaru sighed softly, sitting down across from him. He seemed to be collecting his words, Inuyasha waiting with a patience he didn't know he had.

"Around the same time you conceived, there had been an increasing number of demon deaths. At first it didn't arouse any concerns, but the number tripled within a few days. Most of the victims were pregnant." Inuyasha frowned, touching a hand to his stomach unconsciously. He knew when it came down to a fight he would do anything to win, but how could someone be so cruel as to do something like that?

"DNA samples found beneath a victims claws showed Naraku's blood."

Inuyasha's eyes widened, his jaw dropping open slightly. Was that why he had changed forms?

Because his demon knew Naraku was a threat?

"Naraku has always thought full demons to be inferior, so his sudden killing spree made sense. But, at the last scene he had left a letter. For you."

Inuyasha felt his stomach churn, putting a hand to his mouth so he wouldn't vomit. How could Naraku kill all of those people all because they were inferior to him? Pregnant woman who had done nothing to him?


"I won't tell you what it said, but that is why I won't let you leave this house." Inuyasha was shaking as he used the table to force himself up, putting a hand to his lower back. He waddled a few steps, turning to look back to Sesshomaru.

"Why me?" Inuyasha whispered, Sesshomaru standing to embrace him. Inuyasha looked down when water gushed from between his legs. Sesshomaru's eyes widened, the front door opening and their father entering. Inuyasha gasped softly, catching his father attention.

Inuyasha fell to his knees with a cry, Sesshomaru rushing to his aid. Inuyasha panted through his nose, his eyes wide with fright.

Not now.

They couldn't come now.

Sesshomaru talked to him to calm him, leading him slowly upstairs as Inutaisho quickly called Shoga. Inuyasha was laid down on Sesshomaru's bed, his mate's scent soothing Inuyasha once it surrounded him. Pillows were put beneath him, propping him up so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. Inuyasha was anyway, a sharp pain stabbing his back and pelvis. He turned onto his side, grabbing Sesshomaru's hand.

"It's going to be okay Inuyasha," Sesshomaru assured him, Inuyasha whimpering softly as he tried to breathe through the pain. Sesshomaru stayed by his side till Shoga came with an assistant, Inuyasha undressed from his sweats. Inuyasha was placed on his back again, Shoga jumping onto Sesshomaru's shoulder.

"Inutaisho, monitor outside the door." Inutaisho nodded, doing as Shoga ordered. Family came together like a fortress, surrounding the estate. Yashimoto came to stand in front of the family estate as he finally arrived, looking at the time.

4:10 pm.

Inuyasha's scream echoed throughout the street, Yashimoto looking to the second floor room. He jumped onto the balcony, knocking on the balcony. The door was opened by Sesshomaru who quickly ushered him in.

Yashimoto saw true fear on the mighty demons face.

Inuyasha had a blanket over his legs, Shoga's assistant bent over as she checked to see how dilated Inuyasha was.

"Shoga he is six centimeter's." Inuyasha was gritting his teeth, trying to turn onto his side but refrained from doing so. Yashimoto went to the bathroom, cleaning his hands and putting on the scrub he had in his brief case. He went back into the room; Inuyasha seemed to have finally won the exchange and lying on his side.

The pain was more than he could bear it seemed.

"Just breath Inuyasha," Sesshomaru ushered, Inuyasha holding onto his Alpha's hand tight enough to bruise. Yashimoto walked over, putting on his gloves. He lifted Inuyasha's shirt enough to see his stomach, moving the blanket a little higher around his legs.

"Inuyasha, I can not give you an epidural. I need you to listen to me, are you listening?" Inuyasha nodded with a whimper, tears falling down his temples.

"Okay Inuyasha, you can't stay on your side. I need you to move onto all fours." Inuyasha shook his head, punching the bed with a growl of pain. Slowly but surely they moved Inuyasha onto his hands and knees, Yashimoto moving the blanket off so he could see what he was doing. Inuyasha didn't seem to mind, to absorbed in the pain to care about who saw his privates.

For an hour they waited as Inuyasha dilated further, his cries of pain becoming pained growls. When it came time to push, Inuyasha didn't want to. He was growling against the sheets but he managed to speak, arguing with Shoga who ordered him to push when he was fully dilated.

"Inuyasha, the pain will stop if you push," Shoga told him, Inuyasha fisting his hands in the sheets. He pushed with a scream; Yashimoto hoping Inuyasha wouldn't be in pain for long.

For thirty minutes they worked to get the baby down, Inuyasha holding Sesshomaru's hand as he screamed and growled. When Yashimoto saw the head, there was a rush of relief.

"I see the head Inuyasha, come on push."

Inuyasha sobbed against the bed, Sesshomaru talking to him to keep him from going insane. They didn't want to know the genders till their pups were born, and they had spoke about names. Sesshomaru knew holding their pups would make Inuyasha forget about the pain, forget about Naraku.

"The first one is almost here Inuyasha." Inuyasha cried out, in relief or despair Sesshomaru couldn't tell. Inuyasha was shaking; his body covered in sweat by the time the head was out. Sesshomaru didn't look, already nauseous from the heavy scent of his mate's blood.

Was there supposed to be so much blood?

"One more push," Yashimoto motivated, Inuyasha pushing hard. Sesshomaru heard his gasp of pain and relief, Inuyasha moving quickly to see his pup.

"Slow down," Yashimoto urged, cutting the umbilical chord once Inuyasha stilled.

"It's a girl!" Inuyasha and Sesshomaru stared at their first pup with eyes of awe, Inuyasha laid down on his back. His daughter was placed on his stomach, her cries echoing throughout the room. Their second pup was a boy, the two exactly alike.

Their hair didn't show yet, jagged magenta marks on their face, arms, waist, and legs. Inuyasha, after delivering the after birth, held his daughter, Sesshomaru holding his son. Inuyasha didn't care about the pain he had went through.

It was worth it to hold his pups for the first time.

The entire family came inside, the threat of attack forgotten for now.

Takeshi and Akihiro were born on November 1, at 7:15 pm and 7:30pm.

Inuyasha couldn't remember a happier day.


"How are you feeling?" Inuyasha opened his eyes to slits, groaning softly as he tried to get some much needed rest. He had eaten and bottle fed, not having the breast milk to feed his two pups. It took away from the experience, but Inuyasha was still happy. Most of the family had left, knowing Inutaisho and Sesshomaru could handle anything that came their way.

"Tired," Inuyasha whispered, looking to the cribs his pups laid in. He wanted to get up to see them, but he was too tired. He closed his eyes, drifting into sleep.

"Their beautiful."

Inuyasha opened his eyes at the familiar voice, everything in him screaming to get up. He couldn't move as quickly as he wanted too though, his eyes locking on Naraku who stood by Takeshi's crib. Inuyasha wanted to cry, not wanting him to hurt his pups.

"I guess… I was too late."

Inuyasha wondered where Sesshomaru and Inutaisho where, Naraku dropping the knife he held. Inuyasha's heart beat raced, Naraku looking to him with a small smile.

"They are a part of you." Inuyasha nodded, shaking with fear and anger. Naraku picked up the knife, Inuyasha's eyes filling with tears.

Why wouldn't his body listen!

"Then, I'll love them too." Naraku walked away from the crib, walking over to Inuyasha who eyed him with anger.

"If you hurt them I swear to God I'll kill you," Inuyasha growled, Naraku smiling as he stopped in front of him. He lifted the knife, touching it to Inuyasha's cheek.

"I won't. I won't hurt anyone anymore." Naraku took the knife away from Inuyasha's cheek, raising it to his neck.

"I had done so much for you, Inuyasha. I tried to make this world a better place for both of us." Inuyasha couldn't speak, his eyes widening when Naraku slid the knife along his throat, blood pouring from his wound.

"I'll have you in death, Inuyasha." Inuyasha gasped when Naraku shoved the knife through his own throat, blood splattering onto him. Naraku fell to the floor, Inuyasha screaming, hoping Sesshomaru would hear him.

Even as Sesshomaru and Inutaisho rushed into the room, Inuyasha couldn't take his eyes off from Naraku's body.

How could such an innocent boy turn into a murderer?


5 years later

"Mom hurry up!" Inuyasha sighed softly as he held both Takeshi's and Akihiro's hands, the two ushering him to Sesshomaru who was looking at the Christmas tree on display in the mall. After the twins Inuyasha didn't want anymore. He had thought he had wanted ten, but he was completely against it now.

"The tree isn't going anywhere," Inuyasha told them, but they didn't seem to care. To them it was like the tree would get up and walk away if they didn't get there fast enough. When they got to the tree, they let go of his hands, gasping at the tall tree and all of its lights. Inuyasha sighed softly once again, looking to the tall tree.

It was beautiful.

He looked to Sesshomaru when he grabbed his hand, Sesshomaru looking to him with a small smile. Inuyasha looked away with a blush, hiding it with his hair.

Maybe one more wouldn't hurt.

"I love you Inuyasha."

Inuyasha gasped when Sesshomaru grabbed his chin, kissing him suddenly. Inuyasha melted into it, pulling away slowly.

Yeah, one more wouldn't hurt.

"Eww! You gave each other cuties!"

The End

Author's note: Rather abrupt I know, but hope you liked the story.