"Oh man, what a night." Roman sighed as he finished packing up his bag. SummerSlam had just ended and he was packing his things along with Dean so they could head to their hotel.

"Yeah.'' Dean mumbled. He smiled when he felt Roman come up from behind him and wrapped his strong arms around his waist.

"We were great out there, don't you think?" Roman asked, then placed a soft kiss to the spot where Dean's neck and shoulder met.

Dean shrugged. "I guess; I mean yeah, we won and everything so..."

Roman frowned. It didn't sound like Dean was satisfied with their win over Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper. "What's wrong babe?"

The other man immediately shook his head. "It's nothing. Tonight was great. We won. The rest of the show was great. Seth...you know, now has the U.S. title too..." he trailed off.

Reigns sighed. "Dean..."

"I'm just saying." Dean turned around to look at his boyfriend. "I don't want to sound like a jealous asshole but Seth keeps climbing the ladder while we're stuck with mid-card matches. You gotta admit it's frustrating. We deserve just as much recognition as him. If not me then at least you. That's all I'm saying." Dean shrugged.

Roman had to agree with Dean there. Every since The Shield split, they have been stuck in one spot and haven't gotten the chance to rise. When Seth was chosen as the breakout star from The Shield, he distanced himself from them. All three of them were in a relationship, as strangely as that sounds and Seth just kind of pulled himself out of the equation. He basically broke up with them, just never told them to their faces. He didn't speak to them anymore, rarely knew of their presence when they were around. Seth was just on a different level. Dean and Roman weren't sure if Seth did it on purpose or if the life of a top superstar was sucking him in. Either way, it sucked for them. On top of being misused, they actually missed Seth. They missed him but they accepted the fact that he was no longer a part of them. They truly moved on and were committed to one another only. They came to terms with that a long time ago.

"Come on..." Roman finally spoke again. "Let get to our hotel. We need to rest up for RAW tomorrow.''

"Watch, they are gonna book us in a rematch with Wyatt and Harper. Because, what else are they gonna do with us." Dean grabbed his bag and headed for the door with full disappoint on his face. And Roman, Roman just couldn't disagree with him. Sadly, everything Dean had been saying was 100% accurate. And he didn't see things getting any better.

The couple linked hands as they walked through the corridor of the building, heading for the exit. What they didn't know was that someone was watching them. Seth was surrounded by Triple H, Stephanie, and several other people who were congratulating him on his big historic win against John Cena. He was trying his best to pay attention to them but his eyes kept on going back to Dean and Roman. He should be proud of himself and should be patting himself on the back. He accomplished a lot in one night. Yet, Seth was not satisfied. Something was missing. There was a void despite all the success he was getting.

"Do you want to have kids someday?" Dean asked as he laid his head on Roman's bare chest. They were in their hotel room already, laying down on the bed.

Roman placed a kiss to the top of Dean's head. "Of course I do. It would be even better if I could have them with you." That made Dean smile. It made him feel warm inside. He would definitely be willing to adopt kids with Roman. "Why the question? Seems random." Roman asked curiously. He wanted nothing more than to have kids with Dean. But with their busy schedules, when would the timing ever be right? Dean definitely caught Roman off guard with the question.

"Just thinking about the future, is all." Dean lifted his head and looked up at his boyfriend. "I love you."

"I love you too." Roman immediately responded. "Come here." He pulled Dean completely on top of him and kissed him softly.

Dean moaned into the kiss when Roman deepened it. He's always loved the feeling of Roman's lips against his. They were so soft and addicting. He quickly pulled away though, in desperate need of air. "As much as I want to have sex tonight, I'm really tired.''

Roman raised an eyebrow. "Really? You're never too tired for sex."

"It's been a long day." Dean shrugged.

"Okay, okay. Let's sleep." Roman kissed him once more before turning the bedside lamp off.

After about the fifth time, Seth finally convinced The New Day that he was too tired. They wanted to go out for drinks to celebrate their championship wins. Seth wasn't really tired though. He just wasn't up for celebrating, strangely. He walked into his hotel room and went straight for the bed; dropping his bags on the floor and placing his championships on the table. He collapsed on the bed, face up and laid his head on the pillows. Looking all over the room, he realized how lonely it felt. No Dean obnoxiously jumping on the bed like a kid, or Roman yelling at him to get down. It's been like that since The Shield split though. He figured he would be use to it by now. He closed his eyes and sighed before he forced himself to fall asleep.

The next morning, Roman was pleased to see that Dean was in a much better mood. Whatever happened last night at SummerSlam happened and was in the past. They put away Wyatt and Harper, got closure from that feud. Now, Roman was curious to see what was next for them. He was always more than willing to go with a new storyline. A different angle. Anything that involves them wrestling of course. Roman was pulled out of his thoughts and starting laughing when he spotted Dean struggling to fit into his jeans.

"I think I'm getting fat." Dean pouted.

"Don't be ridiculous." Roman laughed. "You're hot. You always have been, you always will be. No matter what." he loved the way Dean just rolled his eyes. He was never the best to accept a compliment. Roman would continue giving them to him though. He was perfect in every sense of the word. "Let's hurry or we'll be late to the arena."

"Joy." Dean mumbled. "Can't wait to see what they have in store for us.'' he said sarcastically.

Seth winced as he watched Dean and Roman get beat up by some guy he didn't know. Heck, no one knew who he was. He was obviously with the Wyatt Family though. "Jesus..." Seth turned off the monitor, not wanting to see anymore. That beating looked brutal. Roman passed out and Dean was being thrown around like a rag doll. Seth couldn't stand to see anymore of it. He knew all of this was Triple H and Stephanie's doing. He wouldn't dare to confront them though. But, he guessed it couldn't hurt to go and check on Dean and Roman. He would wait until they got backstage.

"Babe, are you okay?" Roman coughed a bit while he held onto his midsection.

"No I'm not fucking okay!" Dean snapped. They were walking back stage after the beating they took in the hands of the new member of the Wyatt family. They weren't notified about it beforehand and were caught completely off guard. Things just seemed to be getting worse for them. Dean wanted nothing more than to get the fuck out of there and go home. "Let's just okay. Let's grab our shit and go. We can shower later."

Roman quickly nodded. They were all sweaty but he wanted get out of there just as much as Dean. They stepped inside of the locker room and just their luck, Seth was the only superstar in there. The couple headed to their lockers and started gathering their stuff; not even paying attention to Seth.

Seth swallowed hard before speaking. "You guys all right?"

"What the hell do you think?!" Roman snapped and threw all his belongings into his bag. "Let's go Dean."

"Have fun unveiling that statue of yours. You certainly deserve it." Dean responded back harsh as he left the locker room with Roman.

All Seth could do was stand there and take their attitudes towards him as punishment. He couldn't really blame them. Early that night, he was anxious and happy to unveil his statue, but now, not so much. He shook his head and walked out of the locker room.

Dean and Roman threw their stuff in the back seat of the rental car and got inside. Roman sitting in the drivers seat.

"Drive to the airport." Dean panted as he put his seat belt on.

"The airport? We have to go to the next city for Smackdown." Roman argued.

"Fuck SmackDown Roman!'' Dean's voice cracked. "I just...I'm so tired." he didn't mean to start crying like a damn baby but fuck, it was all too much right now. "I just wanna go home. Lay in our own bed, with you. Let's just go home, please."

Roman pulled Dean in for a hug, to try and comfort him. "Alright lets go home. I doubt anyone will miss us anyway."

They were breaking several rules but fuck it, they honestly had nothing to lose.

A/N: Well, there's the first chapter of this story! I'm actually really excited about this one! For the first chapter, lots happened. I'm just not sure how many chapters long it will be. Chapters will be shorter than usual. BUT that means more frequent updates. So...yay or nay? Keep or Delete? Please review and let me know.