- Chapter 4 -

With a fresh cut on her cheek and a dark bruise on her right eye, she stood there in a daze.

As she continued to breathe heavily she watched her own frosty breath despaired in the night.

It was frightening. The feeling in her stomach was beginning to get worse, and her heart rate didn't seem like it was going to lower down anytime soon. She suddenly brought her hand to her lips. She didn't feel so well anymore. Wondering how long her stomach can hold down her lunch.

What was she doing here anyway? No matter how much she thought she could handle it, that wasn't true. A person like her didn't belong in a place like this, maybe she should turn back now. Go back home. And never come back. Though just the thought of giving up made her blood boil to the point of exploding. She was not a quitter. She spent so much time here to give up now.

Though now. As she stood in front of the bus stop she first got off. She knew her own feet had betrayed her. Though never the less she wasn't going to stay there long.

So with a big deep breath, she gripped tightly to the straps of her old beaten down JanSport backpack while she hesitantly put one foot in front of the other, while shutting her eyes tightly. "Here goes nothing!"

Before the girl got the chance to go anywhere she had already bumped into someone one, which caused her to fall backward. "O-owe!"


It didn't take long to find out who she had bumped into, as the moment she had opened her eyes again she was already being lifted from the ground as a boy with tattoos all over his face gripped tightly to her shirt.

The girl's face went pale at the sound of the angry boy's voice which was slightly deep and horse. Though the part that causes her to break into a cold sweat was when his hand was already formed into a tight fist, ready to kill. "Do you know who I am!? Better watch was you're going, kid!"

"I-I-I-I d-d-didn't m-mean to!" The girl was already in tears as she repeatedly apologized, again and again. "I'm sorry! Please let me go! I'll never do it again!"

The boy released her, causing her to fall in her ass. He released an angry grunt before speaking. "That ain't gonna cut it, kid. If you really want to be forgiven then you'll have to-" Though before the boy got a chance to continue, another person smacked him in the back of the head. "That's enough stupid, she didn't even bump into you."

The moment the girl had hit the floor she was already using her arms to shield herself for the brown haired boy. Though once she heard the sound of another girl, she slowly started to lower them.

"That doesn't matter! If Sis fell she could have gotten hurt! Or worse! This kid gotta pay!" The girl quickly raised her arms again when she saw the anger in the boy's face. This guy really looked like he was going to kill her!

"I'm okay. No harm was done, see?" This time it was another girls voice, though unlike the first girl, her voice sounded like bells. Her eyes slightly widened when she lowered her arms to see who this person was. Yes, the voice could not belong to anyone else. Her cheeks slightly reddened when she saw an angel kneeling before her. "Are you ok?" The angel asked with the most gentle smile she had ever seen.

"A-A-Am I dead?"

The girl laughed which caused her heart to flutter. 'What the hell? Am I a boy?!' "No, your not dead. Here let me help you up." The girl watched the other girls figure as she stood up and stuck her hand out to her. "Here."

For a second she didn't know if she should take it. Though her body betrayed her as it grabbed a hold of it. Though after she did, she knew she didn't regret it. "You don't look like your hurt. Good! I'm so relieved!" She said with a happy sigh.

"Thank you." She whispered as she lowered her head, averting her eyes.

"Yeah! You better be! You should be grateful that Sis has such a kind heart!" The girl quickly hid behind the angel when the scary tall boy barked at her. "I told you that was enough!" The other girl from before said punching the boy in the back of the head. "We're going to be late for our bus, so shut up and walk."

"I swear you're no fun." The boy sighed as he was being dragged by a girl with bright green eyes.

"You don't have to be scared." The girl's eyes slightly widened when the girl spoke. "He might seem scary, but he only worries. He's a good person at heart." The girl's smile was so bright and so addicting, it was impossible for her not to smile as well. "Right!"

"Ok, I have to go now. Take care!" The angel said as she began to walk away. Though as she did she stopped, as she quickly walked back and grabbed a hold of one of her hand. "This is Suna, also known as the place of the unlucky. I won't lie to you, this place is called that for a reason. But you should go home, a person like you won't make it here long." She slowly let her hands go, as the girls smile slowly turned into a frown, as she lowered her head. "Well, that is what I would say. If your reasons are stupid then go home, though if you have a good reason then stay, it won't be easy, not one bit. Though I guess you would know with that bruise and cut. Listen, it's not impossible. Not when you have someone to help you. I'll leave that ticket with you. Please take care." This time the angel really did leave though not before reassuring her

The girl looked down at her hand which now had one ticket and two band-aids. She gripped them tightly. "I'll go home! Thank you!" She yelled as she bowed deeply.

The so-called angel turned around, her long ingo hair moved as swiftly and gracefully as she did, as she smiled, then ran off.

"Geeez! Dummy! What do you think would have happened if you had missed this bus?" The green eyed girl said as she slightly gave her friend a chop on the top of her head.

"Sorry. It's just, she reminded me so much of myself."

"You can say that again, Hinata." The girl smiled as she looked out the window.

As the bus began to move, she whispered to herself. "I'm coming home, Konoha."

- End Of Chapter -

Sorry! I know this chapter was really short, but I'll make the next chapter long! I promise!