Ugh, I'm so bad at updating….

So sorry, for the long wait.

Anywho I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Not that it is any good at the moment...


~Kai's POV~

" Well, then let's get the introductions done and over with I'm Sarawara, this is Sugawara, Asahi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Hinata, and Kageyama. A few of our players couldn't come all the way up here so, Yeah." Sarawara said as he sat down pretzel legged.

" Ah well enough of their babbling let's introduce you to our team," He grabs my shoulder and spins me around to stare into all of Nekoma's beady cat like eyes. "I'm Kuroo, this is Kenma, Lev, Yamamoto, Yaku, Inuoka, Nobuyuki, Shohei and Yuki" He says with a Cheshire cat smile widely spread across his face.

" Pleasure to me you all," I say with a bow.

" You're so formal Kai, there's really no need for it around us." Sugawara says with a soothing tone in his voice. " Also, Kai what's your nationality along with Solice's?" He says staring at me as if I was an alien of some sort.

" Oh, Well I'm half Russian and half french as for Solice he is full Russian." I say back to him cautiously.

"OH, THAT'S SO COOL SO YOU'RE A FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT?!" both Hinata and Lev screech in amazement .

" Don't you have to be really smart for that?" Kuroo asked with a curious tone.

" Yes, we both were the tops of our classes back in Russia." I attempted to explain.

" Oh, well what is your favorite color?" Hinata chimed in with a large smile.

" I like blue and any type of blue to be honest." I say with a smile.

~Time skip~

After a long time of answering question upon question, I eventually escaped the room in order to go to bed. I walked to my bedroom collapsing on the fluffy goodness, grabbing a pillow and burying my face with in it and sighed.

" You look dead," Solice said as he sat next to me and placed his hand on my head. Lacing his long fingers in my pale hair and rubbed my scalp soothingly with the tips of his fingers.

"Cause I am! They ask so many questions at once!" I say sitting up with a tired look on my face.

"Well we should go to bed right?" He says with a calm and relaxed smile and removes his hand from my hair.

" Yes, anyway it kinda sucks for you since you had to give up your room and stay in mine, huh?" I look at him awkwardly trying to make myself not so stressed out.

"Nope, not really. It kinda reminds me of when we were younger and had sleepovers, sharing the same bed, you know when the days were good." He says as he leans back on the bed staring blankly into the ceiling.

" I guess, anyway let's go to bed, so that way we practice better tomorrow." I say with a yawn and crawl into the bed, Solice does the same and we slowly drift off to sleep.

~Next morning~

I awoke to a loud clatter of dishes and yelling which drove me out of bed with concern. I bolted into the kitchen to find both teams including Solice making breakfast in a kitchen that wasn't meant for that many people to be within it.

"Hey Kai looks like you woke up!" Solice shouted at me as he turned to look at me showing off a glob of flour on his left cheek and smiled big,

"Congrat! What are you doing by the way!?" I shout back due to all noise.

"Breakfast for you, cause you've been working so hard to make this little volleyball thing happen." He says with a broad smile.

"Huh?" I say with a confused tone.

~flashback, Solice POV~

"Wait, who came up with this idea and planned it?" Sugawara asked as he sat next to Daichi.

"Ah well I came up with the idea and Kai organized and planned everything," I say with a happy tone," sometimes I think he's too smart for his own good. I should probably do something to thank him."

" What about making him breakfast or something?" Sugawara piped in with a hearty smile.

"That will work, I'll go get started," I say as I get up to head toward the kitchen.

" We'll help too!" most of Nekoma and Karasuno yell and jump up.

" Huh? Why are you helping, not that I don't appreciate it, it's just you don't need to." I say concerned.

" We kinda do need to thank him for taking time out for us to be here, right?" Kuroo claimed getting up lazily.

" Alright let's do this!" Nishinoya as he rolls up his sleeves.

~flashback over, Kai POV~

" You didn't have to do this, I was happy do it." I with a small smile.

"Bogus! You deserve it for all your hard work! Now shut up and let us do it." Solice responded in a serious yet joking manner.

" Alright, but please don't make too big of a mess." I say and leave to the porch.

Once I reach the porch I begin to relax in a chair. It was extremely warm being as it was usually cold and I began to doze off. Just as I do I feel two paws push down on my stomach with an uncomfortable amount of force. I look down to see my grey cat curling up onto my stomach.

"He really looks comfortable…" a small yet calming voice said from behind me.

"Oh kenma! Jeez you scared me there." I smile sweetly at him.

"Oh I'm sorry, Solice told me to come and get you because he is done with breakfast." He said looking up from his game.

" Ok, I'll be right in." I claim and glance at him as I leave. I walk into the dining room and see the majority of both teams eating and covered in some sort of food like substance, I quickly glance at the kitchen only to have Solice avert my attention.

"Try the food Kai it's super good!" I smile and begin to eat, "You are correct you all did a nice job." I smile at all of them, "This afternoon is when the training camp begins, I hope you have all grown accustomed to staying here, and I wish you the best of luck." I smile mischievously.


~ Nekoma and Karasuno POV ~

" How the hell do they run so fast for so long." Tsukishima exclaimed harshly panting.

" I know right when they said a light jog, I thought just a slow paced jog they really are going to be hard to beat with lungs like that." Yamamoto hissed as he continued to run uphill.

" You do know complaining gets you nowhere, correct?" Kai had appeared out of nowhere like a ghost and was jogging in between Tanaka and Yamamoto. Both teams screamed in shock and had made it to the top.

" Kai! Quit scaring us really, Asahi is on the verge of fainting because of it!" Nishinoya yelled.

" Ah, I'm so sorry," Kai quickly bowed, " I really can't help it, it is a lack of presence." Kai smiled bashfully.

"Alright, let's get moving!" Solice yelled urging both teams. By the end of the day no one on Nekoma or Karasuno could walk by the time they got back to the house they were all out like a light.

" Hey, Kai?" Hinata mumbled sleeply.

"Yes?" Kai responded looking at him curiously

"Tomorrow we get to play volleyball, right?" Kai smiled and chuckled softly.

"Yes, tomorrow we get to play volleyball." Kai urged Hinata into his futon and before he knew it he was already asleep.

~Kai & Solice POV~

"Come here, tough guy." Solice yawned opening arms and having Kai collapse in them.

"I'm tired," Kai said before looking up at him and nuzzling into his embrace as Solice pulled him in the bed and pulled the covers over both of them.

"Me too, so let's go to sleep." Solice grumbled sleepily before sleeping. Kai sighed and smiled before doing the same, besides tomorrow was going to be very exciting.