My apologies to everyone! I haven't updated in over 20 DAYS. GEEZ WOMAN...Well, here it comes guys. Chapter six for all of my loving followers, favoriters (lol.), reviewers and readers! THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL OF THE POSITIVE FEEDBACK!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha...cough...

Chapter 6: Infatuation, Information, and Intimacy

Inuyasha lay, snug against Kagome's sleeping person. He lazily ran a clawed finger over her shoulder, the kimono she wore had slipped down to reveal more of her porcelain skin. The hanyou hadn't been able to sleep through the night. It was a normal thing for him to be restless after having returned to his demon state. Often, Inuyasha enjoyed feeling the strength coursing through his veins. It reminded him he was more than he gave himself credit for. Inuyasha remained still, his eyes closed, his features rested. With each rotation of his finger he administered on Kagome's soft skin, a gentle wave of energy passed over him. He found this quite entertaining. He continued this until the interrupted feel of his ears being caressed brought him back to consciousness. The wise hanyou remained still even so, enjoying the feeling of both his ears being fondled and the waves of energy passing over him.

This must be what it feels like to be truly happy... he thought. A soft rumbling began to build in his chest, one that could easily be identified as a purr...

"You're...purring..." Inuyasha's eyes lifted slightly, turning to his left to the woman in his arms. His smile mirrored hers as he nodded in admittance. "I've never known demons to...purr..." she teased.

"Be glad you're hearing it at all. Inu demons only purr during their highest point of contentment. It's a rare thing and it's not something publicly displayed." Inuyasha said this with an honesty Kagome picked up immediately. He had allowed her to see him in his most vulnerable state a demon could be in...happiness.

"Well," Kagome's voice lowered to a whisper, "thank you for trusting me with such a rarity." She smiled, resting her hand on his chest and continuing to play with his ear.

"How could I not with ya runnin' around here playing with my ears? They're erogenous zones..."

"Erogenous zones...oh my...Y-...Y-you could become aroused simply from me toying with your ears?" Kagome sat up, on her knees. He whimpered slightly when his ear slipped from her dainty fingers.

"W-well, I..." Inuyasha flushed and became the same color as his silk sheets. Before admitting this to Kagome, he stopped and smiled deviously. "You'd just have to find out," he stated simply. Kagome's brow furrowed in defeat.

"TELL ME! Is it true? You can't just leave me hanging," she exclaimed.

"I will never admit something like that Kagome," he narrowed his eyes at her, attempting to sound serious but failing in the end.

"Well...I have ways of making you talk..." the young woman's thoughts trailed off as she stared at Inuyasha. "Inuyasha..." Inuyasha stared back at her, confused. He blinked once, waiting for her to continue speaking.

"What, wench? Why ya lookin' at me like that?"

"Y...y-your look so..." Inuyasha stared into her eyes for an answer and what he read from the way she was looking at her...was not something he would expect from Kagome so soon. He allowed his demon senses to take over. He sniffed the air and nearly panicked. He listened to Kagome's was racing, her blood pumping fast, her breathing hitched. She was tense...and now his senses were clouded from the smell emanating from her body..

She's lusting for you... his demon pranced teasingly through his mind.

I can clearly see that...He hated to admit it...Kagome was in heat. The smell of her arousal was heavy. Not to mention she was staring at Inuyasha in the way a man's mate looked when she wanted to...well...mate...

"Kagome? Are you okay?" Inuyasha sat up. Kagome's eyes fell momentarily to Inuyasha's lips before she shook her head and looked up at Inuyasha.

"I-I'," she lied. She climbed from the large bed and stood to her feet, putting some distance between her and the hanyou clouding her mind. "I just...I need to use the bathroom...can you take me to it?" She avoided looking the hanyou in the eye as she asked this simple question. Inuyasha stood, giving his body a nice stretch as he stood. Kagome nearly started panting, watching the way his muscles rippled beneath his tan skin. Her eyes slid across every defined inch of his body, from his handsome features to the silver trail of hair that peeked from beneath his hakama pants. She whined, covering her mouth out of hopes he didn't hear her. Inuyasha's ear flicked in the direction of Kagome's voice. He looked up at her and walked to stand in front of the distressed girl. He placed his clawed finger under her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"Are you sure you're okay," He asked in a slow, caring voice. Kagome shuddered, biting her lip. She nearly melted from the proximity between them. She spoke and nodded once before slipping from his touch to the door.

"I'm about that bathroom?" She slid the doors open, turning to her left and walking out the room. Inuyasha chuckled knowingly, stepping into the hallway as well.

"You're going the wrong's this way," he pointed to their right. She lowered her head, avoiding looking at the hanyou as she walked quickly past him to the bathroom. As she glided past him, the smell of her arousal hit him once more...stronger than before.

What about me is doing that to her, he asked his demon.

Have you looked at yourself since I have returned to you, his demon replied. Inuyasha re-entered his bedroom, opening the doors to the forest and leaning against the panel.

What do you mean 'looked at myself,' he questioned.

You're of age, you've changed...for the better of course...we're quite attractive already but now...go take a look...Inuyasha shoved his demon from his mind as he climbed to the roof above his room. He jumped over his castle to the room he was looking for. He dangled from the paneling before jumping down and entering the castle once more. He peeked into the room before entering. His mother sat with a gold brush in her hand, stroking her long hair while staring into the large mirror on the wall. He slid the door open and entered, standing beside her.

"Good morning, mother," he smiled. She mirrored the action, standing to kiss her son on his cheek. She pulled away, her eyes widening before her smile spread wider.

"Well my, have the gods have blessed you with your father's good looks," she reached up and pinched his cheek. Inuyasha groaned, swatting playfully at her hand.

"I was good looking before he was, mother," he winked at her. Izayoi moved to stand behind him, forcing him to sit with his back to the mirror.

"Come son, allow me to groom you," she said softly. She took the brush and replaced it with a large, silver comb. It shimmered against the morning sunlight as she began to comb Inuyasha's mane. "Where is Kagome? Did she go home?"

"No, she's still here. She's in the bathroom...umm...mother...I want to ask you something," he began. "This morning..."

"Inuyasha, my boy!" A thunderous voice filled the already large room. "You Like me..." his father entered, dressed in his general gear.

"WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP SAYIN' THAT?" Inuyasha huffed, crossing his arms and pouting. "Everyone should know you look like me old man..."

"I only joke, son. I heard your mother as I was speaking with Lady Kaede's village representative."

"Lady Kaede...that hag still hasn't died," he laughed.

Bonk. Inuyasha whimpered as his mother smacked his head with the comb.

"She sent him to retrieve Kagome and you. She wants to see what has become of the little hanyou that used to urinate on her herbs." Inutaisho laughed. "Go see her, spend some time as an of age demon outside these castle walls."

"Hey, I leave the castle more than you think, father."

"Well.. Now's the time to convince me otherwise. Take Kagome and give her the day with you. I have matters to tend to in the north," the dog general kissed his wife softly before exiting the room. Inuyasha blushed and sighed.

"All finished Inu-kun." His mother placed the brush back on the small table, stepping away and allowing him to stand. Inuyasha turned to the mirror and couldn't believe his amber eyes. His mother had pulled his hair back into an elegant braid, allowing his bangs to frame his face. But...his face had...changed...he now possessed purple streaks that resembled his father and brother's. He only possessed one under each eye, unlike the dual streaks beneath Sesshomaru's. He ran his hand over the streaks, confused as to why they were there. He dismissed the new marks and focused more on his face as a whole. He had loss his boyish looks...he posses a stronger jawline, giving him more of a stronger and much more mature look to his already handsome face. He was still Inuyasha...but looked more like...a full demon.

"Wow..." he whispered.

"Wow'm assuming what you wanted to ask me was regarding Kagome?" His mother smiled.

"It's kinda embarrassing now that I see why..." he sighed. "She...this morning after we woke's like she's...attracted to me..."

"Well I'm sure she can't help but are a handsome young man, you know."

" was..." Inuyasha widened his eyes to emphasize what he meant. "ATTRACTED to"

"Oh my...she must be in heat..."

"But she's not a dog demon, can that be?"

"Oh believe me darling...human women can be in that state as well.'s not called 'being in heat.'" She laughed softly.

"Well...what should I do when she gets like that? I mean...she looked so..." Inuyasha had to stop himself from completing that thought. He was able to hide his intentions and desires well...Kagome was driving him wild...but...he was willing to suppress his urges until she was ready... "I'm so confused..."

"Inu-kun...I know what this is. And it's not something to be having a talk about with your mother. Find Sesshomaru or your father. They can explain to you what to do." She placed her hand on his cheek before exiting the room. Inuyasha turned back to the mirror.

Why not just give Kagome what she wants...

I refuse to take advantage of Kagome, ya prick.

Goes to show what you know...because that's exactly what a girl like Kagome wants.

What do you mean a 'girl like Kagome?' There is no girl like Kagome. NOWHERE.

I mean...she's sweet. Sensitive. So innocent...she wants to be taken advantage arouses feel be told to be taken control be forced...she wants that excitement. and I, as your demon, would GLADLY give it to her. Inuyasha growled, annoyed with his demon self. His demon would take anything it wanted...and right wanted to defile Kagome. Whether it was what she wanted or not, Inuyasha wouldn't know until she told him. And he damn sure wasn't about to force her to do anything she might regret.


"Kagome?" Inuyasha called, now clothed in his western attire. As much as he dreaded wearing shoes, he had to admit that a western style shirt and jeans were more comfortable than his haori set. He laced the shoes before walking to the bathroom he had led Kagome to. While turning the corner, he took a step back to avoid crashing into the servant he sensed around the corner.

"Hello, Lord Inuyasha," Nana spoke. She was exiting a room Inuyasha knew was designated to guests.

"Hello Nana. Are we having guests today," he asked, attempting to peer into the room before she slid the doors shut.

"No, my lord. Kagome is dressing in there," she smiled. "I had one of our subjects fetch her clothing from her home as I am aware you two will be spending the day together." She bowed and turned to walk away.

"Wait, Nana?" Inuyasha stopped her.

"Yes, my lord?"

"I want to ask you something...did Kagome seem...bothered by anything this morning?"

"No,not at all. Although, now that you mention it," she placed a finger quizzically on her lip. "She did appear to be quite...flustered this morning. Would you know anything about that, my lord?" She looked at Inuyasha sideways, smiling. He froze, he eyes wide in fear.

"Wha- NO! WHY WOULD I KNOW," he crossed his arms and feh'd, avoiding her gaze. Nana giggled at her lord's childish tenancies.

"Well. Other than that, she seemed just fine my lord. I have prepared a basket for you two's day. Leave it in Kaede's village when you two are finished with your meal. Enjoy your day, Lord Inuyasha." She bowed once more and walked away, Inuyasha allowing her to leave. As he was about to knock on the sliding door, the doors slid open. Inuyasha smiled at the sight of Kagome, dressed in a red and white sundress. It strangely resembled the robes a miko would wear during the feudal period. The dress was white at the top, then it met a silk band around her waist before flaring out above her knees in a crimson fabric. She had decided to wear her hair with two braids keeping the hair from her face and combed neatly down her back. She wore a small necklace with a single diamond placed neatly between her collar bones. Her shoes were a black flat, and in her hand she held the picnic basket Nana had told him about. Inuyasha was speechless...he had missed Kagome's beauty...

"Ready to go Inuyasha," she asked, her face was down so when she looked up, Inuyasha was even more blown away. She wore a light gloss on her rosy lips, eyeliner neatly drawn above her eyes and her cheeks gently brushed with blush. She gasped softly as she looked up at him. She had forgotten the beauty radiating from Inuyasha's handsome face. She bit her lip and smiled. "Hello..." She said slowly. He found the courage to laugh, scratching his head and shrugging.

"Don't make a big deal about it Kags...gosh..." He rolled his eyes and grabbed her small hand in his clawed one. She laughed and followed alongside him to the front of the castle. She looked to Inuyasha and tugged slowly to stop him.

"Um...Inuyasha? I wanted to wouldn't mind meeting Sango and Miroku in the village, would you," she looked up at him with her long eyelashes. Inuyasha had to stop himself from smiling like an idiot.

"Sango and Miroku...who are they? Those two you hang out with at school?"

"Yeah...they're really great. They love demons and are actually very accepting."

"Um..I had kinda wanted to just be with you...but...for you, sure..we can meet up with them there." She beamed up at the hanyou and hugged him around his neck.

"Thanks Inuyasha," he sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Keh, whatever wench. Let's just get going." He placed her on her feet and they began to head to Kaede's village.


"I will never know your intentions is as if you fear my presence and have decided to work against me," the miko narrowed her eyes at her aging sister.

"Kikyou...why do ye choose to haunt me have left this have no purpose here anymore. Times have changed..."

"You know I must possess a body strong enough to complete my mission. He must be killed. His very existence could lead to a world of treachery."

"Who made it ye's business, Kikyou! Ye are dead. Ye do not have feelings anymore. All rights to this world have been taken from ye, sister. Ye should pass on."

"HE WAS MINE. Naraku has ruined my future with him. It was I who was supposed to live alongside him and steer him away from this bastard future we are all hurdling towards. If he continues to be with her, she will push him to fight for peace. Peace is not what this world needs..."

"Do not attempt to hide ye's feelings towards the hanyou's reincarnation behind ye's hopes for a good future. Ye fell in love with young Inuyasha's father. Do not make the boy suffer because ye are not able to live in happiness."

"She should not heavily resemble me...She is not me...I was supposed to be with him...why have the Kami cursed me so?" The entity sobbed as it floated mindlessly around the tombstone.

"Leave here, your soul," the Miko pulled a sutra from within her robes and placed it solemly onto the entity's aura. The entity dispersed and faded back into the grave.

"Lady Kaede!"

"Hey ya old hag, what are you doing in there?!" Bonk."HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Kaede stood as quickly as her aged body would allow and exited the resting hut of her sister's grave.

"My have ye have grown, young hanyou," she beamed up at the tall half-demon before her. She placed her hands behind her back and examined the very same boy and girl that used to bring happiness to her day each time they would escape the world to come visit her.

"Keh, and you're still alive huh, baba?"

"Aye, the Kami still have use for me, ye see... Hello, Kagome. Lovely to see such a blossoming flower as yourself." Kagome stepped forward and hugged the elderly woman, having to bend forward to meet her short stature.

"I've always loved coming to see you, Kaede," she smiled as they pulled away and stood near Inuyasha. He scooped her hand up in his, causing her to look down at their joined hands and back to his calm face.

"How've you been, old woman?" Inuyasha asked sincerely.

" sister continues to haunt my life..." Inuyasha gasped, his heart skipping a beat at the thought of the menacing entity that dwells in the shack behind Kaede.


"Inuyasha, we shouldn't be here, ya know! Oba-chan said to stay away!" Seven-year-old Kagome called after eight-year-old Inuyasha as he raced playfully to the entrance of the grave of the deceased Miko behind Kaede's hut.

"Feh, there's no threat. She's dead, ain't she? What's wrong with seeing the grave," he stuck his tongue out at Kagome and slipped inside of the hut. Kagome sighed and followed him, slipping between the doors as well. Before she fully entered, her hair got caught on a branch from the trees surrounding the door. She gasped, tugging at her ribbon to free it from the snagging branch.

"Inuyasha, I'm stuck," she whispered, tugging again. "Inuyasha, help me!"

"I know of you, young hanyou..." a menacing voice caught Kagome's ears. She ceased her struggling, looking inside of the dark shack. "You were born under the new moon to the great dog general InuTaisho Takahashi of the Inu clan...but to a human're an abomination...but powerful nonetheless...Your powers are too great to rule those of this world...join me...come to hell with me...I will show you how to reign alongside those with such great powers..."

"Wh...what are you? Who are you?" Inuyasha stood, in a trance, as if he hadn't heard Kagome call for him.

"I am your worst enemy. My mission was to KILL you. TO RID YOU OF THIS WORLD AS YOU COULD BRING AN END TO MINE. But my mission was to fall in love with you. To lead you to death. To show you a life easier than what you would face. But alas..I loved your father...I failed the world..." The entity manifested in front of Inuyasha and came threateningly close to Inuyasha's frightened face. "But it is never too late to claim victory. I shall kill you NOW," the darkness of the shack was filled with deadly purple clouds, accented with lightning. Inuyasha fell to the floor, attempting to flee the frightening entity. He sat, paralyzed with fear while staring into the eyes of the woman who sought to kill him. Kagome screamed, yanking hard at the ribbon before it finally shredded and freed her. She rushed to Inuyasha and held him from behind, her hands instinctively flaring out at the entity to shield Inuyasha from its harm. As it attempted to engulf the two, a flash of white filled the shack, the sound of shrieking coming from the entity as it receded back into its tombstone.

Kagome's lingering aura engulfed the hanyou and little girl as she held Inuyasha in fear. Inuyasha's breath returned, his eyes wide, his form shaking. Kagome sobbed as she pulled back to look at her friend. The fear pouring from Inuyasha's golden yellow eyes would be enough to scare anyone to their death. Kagome sobbed harder, her sobs knocking Inuyasha from his trance. The young hanyou grabbed Kagome up in a hug, closing his eyes in hopes of erasing the images he had witnessed. The woman's face was burned into his mind, and he began to shake. Inuyasha was forever traumatized by the horrible entity's warning. No eight year old should ever fear for their life...but Inuyasha does...

~End of Flashback~

Inuyasha had gone blank. His attention seemed to be on the very shack that Kaede had just come from before meeting with him and Kagome. Inuyasha's grip tightened on the dainty hand in his. Kagome winced in pain, her cheeks flushed from the pain. She pulled her hand from Inuyasha's, rubbing it with her other hand before looking to the hanyou. He looked down at his own hand then to Kagome, his face sinking from the guilt of having hurt Kagome.

"I'm sorry Kagome," he started, "I's as if I couldn't feel my hand...I didn't mean to hurt you," he sighed and took her hand in his, rubbing it apologetically. Kagome sighed and nodded, lacing her fingers between Inuyasha's and following him into Kaede's home.

"Inuyasha," Kaede began, "can ye be a dear and bring some meat for me stew? I'd fancy a rabbit if ye don't mind the work." Inuyasha stared annoyingly at the old priestess. He groaned and looked to Kagome as he pouted.

"Just two fat rabbits and you'll be back here with me," she smiled. She took his hand and lead him to the bamboo screen before pushing him from the home. "Thank you Inuyasha!"

"Kagome," Kaede called. Kagome smiled after the hanyou, turning and re-entering Kaede's home. "I have some things to ask of ye..."

"Some things such as what, Baba-chan?"

"I see ye and Inuyasha are very acquainted...Are ye exchanging intimate feelings?" Kagome froze, biting her lip and staring wildly at the priestess. "The way he looks at you can only be mistaken as love if you ask me..."

"Ohhh, Lady Kaede, honestly, that's what you want to talk about? Me and and Inuyasha," Kagome laughed nervously, "That's such a silly thing to talk about...why would you want to know about something so silly," she trailed off before slouching over in defeat.

"Normally I would not be involved with such affairs such as this, but Kagome you must know is hard to be the mate of a demon." Kaede stood on the tips of her toes to peer into the pot in the center of the floor. She cut the carrots with a makeshift knife and allowed them to boil into the mixture. Kagome stopped and stared at the elder woman.

"What do you mean by 'mate', Lady Kaede?" Kaede looked up from the cauldron to meet Kagome with her good eye.

"Kagome...allow me to explain something to ye about the way demons love." Kaede sat on the steps of the pit, closing her eye before meeting Kagome's curious gaze once more. "As ye now know, demons display their affection and love by taking a mate. Mates are joined for life. Nothing can every truly pull a pair apart, other than death. Dog demons, as Inuyasha is, are much more protective of their mates than other species are. Dogs are known for their loyalty, their pride. Blood is what drives them to be so loving, so giving. Usually, royals of the species are forced to take a mate in order to produce an heir to the throne. But there is nothing more valuable than establishing a relationship with someone simply because the Kami have written it to be so. As I know well that ye will most likely be destined to remain by Inuyasha's side forever, there are some things an old woman must share with ye. Dogs are very powerful male dog is a very prideful specimen. He looks for others to bow down to him. Especially his bitch.

Ye, as Inuyasha's woman, are expected to submit to him whenever need be. Ye are to never challenge his authority, or the decisions he are to obey him. This can be very crucial when his demon surfaces."

"What could make his demon surface?" Kagome sat, attentive to the words Kaede were speaking.

"You must know now that there are two sides to the hanyou's existence. His human, which surfaces on the night of the new moon, and his demon, which surface in two specific moments. One, the most dangerous of the two, is when something dear to the demon's host is threatened. Brotherhood, Mate, and Offspring...these three things can cause a dog demon to do whatever it takes to ensure their safety..even if it means killing. They do not fear death...but they are afraid of what death is capable of. So one must protect one's most important loved ones."

"Inuyasha would...die for me?" Kagome looked to the bamboo screen where her hanyou had exited the home. She had never expected for Inuyasha to take her so seriously...she knew he loved her...but she did not know it would be forever. "And the other?"

"When it is time to mate." Kaede's words floated carelessly to the triangular, silver ears of a certain dog-demon who nearly passed out from embarrassment.