The Concubine Prince

Chapter 2: The Date

"Lettuce, cabbages, cherry tomatoes, bread crumbs, prawns, tofu, salmon, tuna… " I counted as I stared at my list.

"Rit, what are you doing? " I heard Chiaki ask as he leaned on his chair to look at me.

"Oh, Masahiko sama asked me to go out with him this Saturday since it's his day off from duties. " I answered absently. "So I decided to do some grocery shopping and buy some food so that he wouldn't spend any money on those expensive food stalls. "

"Ooohhhh…. You have a date with Saga san! " Chiaki said excitedly as he giggled. "Go and tell me more about it, brudda! "

I blushed and looked away. "Come on! We'll just be sitting at the cherry blossom garden in the park. You know that cherry blossom viewing is one of the favourite past times of the people here. "

"Then it's a picnic date! " He added. "No wonder you've been checking that lists of yours twice. So you're going to make some lunch for tomorrow? "

I nodded and smiled. "I asked Takahashi kun to help me make some easy lunches, one that you can eat easily. "

"Oh yeah, one time, I saw our classmate Shinobu kun giving Miyagi senpai a lump of cabbages. " My dark haired friend chuckled. "Between you and me, it kinda looked disgusting, but since Miyagi senpai is too nice to say no, he ended up eating it. You should've seen it, seeing Miyagi senpai eat the burnt cabbages and watching his reactions is quite funny. Oh well, Shinobu kun cooked those cabbages out of love for Miyagi senpai, and senpai seemed to like him back too, so that could work, I suppose. But if I were him, maybe I should think twice and ask Takahashi kun to give me some advice in cooking, that'll help a lot. "

I sighed. "I don't want to be a failure when it comes to Masahiko sama. I want to be deserving for him, at the very least… "

Chiaki looked at me with pity. "I know what you mean, lots of guys wanted Saga san to be their mate. But Rit… " He said as his lips curved. "You are a lot closer to Saga san than anyone else. And he always walks you back to the dorms or to the gates, don't you think that maybe… he's intending to make you his 'concubine prince'? "

I shook my head, just thinking of the idea makes my heart bursts. Being with him is enough for me, to be honest, I don't intend to be his mate… but…

"I… just want to be with him… " I admitted shyly. "Masahiko sama is an honourable young man. And I… I don't want to disgrace him by my incompetence… "

"That's not true, you're good at singing, dancing, drawing, literature, creating poems and verses, and playing the shamisen. You even won the shamisen playing contest. You're also an expert in folklore too. "

I breathed. "Probably, but I'm not good in math and political science, if I want to become Masahiko sama's mate, I have to be an expert in those areas. "

Chiaki then took bite of his chocolate and swallowed it. "You're right, but… " He trailed and smiled. "I'm pretty sure, Saga san likes you for who you are, Ritsu… and I'm sure you can ace those subjects if you try harder, besides, being an expert in those arenas are just one of the qualifications, I do think that Saga san doesn't mind it. "

I blushed and smiled. "You really think so? "

Chiaki tapped my shoulder. "I do think so, brudda. "

I felt my spirits lifted and then I blinked as I remembered something. "By the way, did you know that Masahiko sama had an older brother? I was with him for a long time, I know it's stupid of me for not knowing but I really didn't know he has a half brother… "

"Ah…you mean Masamune Saga senpai? " Chiaki mused as his dark blue eyes dilated. "I've heard of him, he was Yoshiyuki sama's classmate. Apparently, he was the son out of wedlock. Tori heard from gossips that Saga sama's concubine prince wasn't too keen on marrying him, but you know, like many social climbers, Saga sama's mate wanted to grab unto power, so he relished it and married Lord Saga, but this 'mate' couldn't forget his old flame so the concubine Prince and his lover had an affair behind the lord's back and out came Saga senpai. I heard that the prestigious lord was so ashamed of his mate that he sent him overseas and let the child be born and raised in there. But… since Saga senpai possess the fire ability, the ashamed Saga sama took the child under his roof. "

I felt pity wash over me. It must be hard for Saga senpai. He was unwanted from the very start, no wonder he had those devoid expressions.

My blue eyed friend leaned on his chair. "He just enrolled this year, it's my first time seeing him too, he's kinda elusive, I saw him hanging out with Yokozawa senpai earlier. "

I tilted my head. "I wonder if he's as nice as Masahiko sama. "

"Doubt it. " Chiaki shook his head. "I heard he was totally the opposite of Saga san. Unlike Saga san who is responsible and aware of his duties, Saga senpai is rebellious. He cuts classes and I heard he likes banging juniors and other guys… which reminds me that you should be careful… although… " He snickered at me. "That should be the least of your worries, since your Masahiko sama will come running down to save you if ever his half brother touches you. "

I blushed harder when I remembered what he said to his brother

"I'll kill you if you ever hurt my Angel…"


"Ooohhhh… you're blushing! " Chiaki teased. "That means, I'm right, aren't I? "

I blushed tens shades more when I remembered it, embarrassed, I threw a pillow at my dorm mate. "Shut up, Chiaki! "

Chiaki laughed as he ducked the pillow. "Okay, I'll stop for now, but you have to fill me with the details of your date, otherwise, I'll stop talking to you! "

He laughed more as I threw another pillow at him.

"Come on, Onodera kun, just drop the grounded breaded fish and breaded prawns on the pan slowly…" I heard Takahashi kun instructed me.

I gulped as I looked at the pool of oil sitting on the pan. Takahashi kun was kind enough to teach me how to fry meat and fish and now I'm standing here like a frozen statue because I'm afraid of getting burned.

"Here… watch me again. " Takahashi instructed as he took his chopsticks and took one breaded prawn and dropped it gently unto the pan. The oil sizzled a bit, but otherwise, he was okay.

Swallowing my fear, I reminded myself that I'm making a decent food for Masahiko sama, so I followed Takahashi kun's advice and took a breaded grounded fish in my chopsticks and slowly slid it unto the pan.

I looked in satisfaction as I saw my fish getting fried.

"Good! Once it's golden brown, you have to invert it so the other side will cook evenly. " Takahashi said as he smiled at me, his dark, green eyes pleased at my efforts.

"Thank you for being patient with me. " I answered as I took a breaded prawn and dropped it unto the pan as well.

"You're welcome. " He replied as he started to take some prawns and shower them with bread crumbs.

"I'm envious, you're so good at cooking, Takahashi kun. " I said as I inverted one breaded fish.

"I have to learn, my brother is always out for work and I wanted to help him in my own way, since it's only the two of us, I decided at least learn how to cook for us. "

"Oh… I see… With you're cooking skills, every guardian will surely fall for you… although I hope you're not aiming for Masahiko sama – " I stopped and blushed. "I'm sorry… I… I didn't mean to… "

He laughed at me. "Don't worry, Onodera kun! I'm not after him! Honest! Well… " He thought as he cut the lettuce. "Actually, I'm not really interested in the guardians at all… I have no desire to be a concubine prince… "

I blinked. "So, why are you studying here then? " I asked. Don't get me wrong, Marukawa Academy is a prestigious school for boys who are training to become a part of the system, but more importantly, it is a training school for boys who are aiming to be a concubine prince.

He smiled. "Marukawa Academy is the only school that can get me to study overseas. Since I loved cooking, I decided to be a chef, I wanted to go to different countries and taste different foods, it's my dream to go around the world and taste different dishes… besides… " He trailed. "I'm not beautiful and talented enough to be liked by the guardians, and I don't plan on being a royalty anyway, so I just shrug it off and focus on my studies. "

"I see… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry… "

"No worries! I'm sure you can be a concubine prince, Onodera kun! " He replied cheerfully. "Saga kun seemed to really like you. I don't blame him though, you're so beautiful and so graceful… a lot of students here even have a crush on you, you know."

I blushed. "Now you're flattering me! "

Takahashi kun smiled. "It's true. "

I looked away and continued to cook, me and Takahashi kun talked a lot about many things, and then he helped me make bentos.

After we finished and cleaned the place up, he then helped me wrap my bentos and handed it to me.

"Thank you very much for helping me, Takahashi kun, I owe you one. " I said gratefully.

"I wish you the best of luck! " He said as he smiled. "As for you owing me, just tell me all about your date, and I'll be fine. Take care. "

I nodded and smiled. "I will. Thanks again… and have a good evening. "

I woke up early and took a bath, put my green yukata on and double checked my bentos before putting on my sandals gently. Chiaki is still asleep and I don't want to wake him up so I snuck out as silently as I could.

I was ten minutes early and to my surprise, I saw… my crush Masahiko sama leaning in one of the cherry blossom trees in the area.

When he heard footsteps, he immediately raised his head to look at me and he smiled.

I caught my breath at the sight of him. He looked… so handsome with his dark blue yukata tied securely in a black obi with black dragon designs. Since he is a guardian, two swords were place on both of his waist, I saw one of the katana before, but for some reason, it was the blade that he used to slay my attacker ten years ago, looking at the blade now, that sword seemed to be longer… and seemed to rival it's owner's height. It's impressive how Masahiko sama carries the weight of those swords in his body.

He ran towards me, the sunshine smile never leaving his face. "Angel… you look so cute today… " He greeted as he gave me a chaste kiss on my left cheek.

I blushed and smiled. "You too… Masahiko sama… you look so handsome… "

"I should be… we're going on a date. "

I looked at him in surprise. "I thought we're going to have a picnic – "

He sniggered. "Oh, Angel, you're the cutest thing ever! " He said as he hugged me. "It's only you and me, so it'll be a date! Come on… " He said as he took my hand and then his gaze went down to the bentos that I'm holding. "And you even made us some food. "

"I tried my best… " I replied bashfully. "I don't want you to spend money on some expensive food stalls at the town. "

He snickered as he held my hand tighter. "Silly Angel! I don't mind spending money or spoiling you! But actually, I was thinking of going to our gardens for lunch, but since you made some food… would you mind if we go somewhere more private? You'll like it… I promise… "

I promise… he always says that to me…

I smiled as I held his hand. "If it's with you… I can go anywhere! "

"Wow… " I blinked in awe as I looked around.

Masahiko sama brought me in a place filled with flowering trees… but… this place… it's so…

"You like it? " He asked.

I nodded, still unable to speak. The trees where blooming with different coloured flowers and blossoms, colours like pinks, violets, yellows, oranges, peaches, reds and plums abound the area… and those green grass complemented the colours nicely…

Small ponds also filled the area, it was barricaded with smooth stones and some daffodils.

Not to mention the skies are clear and so blue…with puffy clouds and different birds flying above.

Different butterflies also fill the air… which even added more to the serene beauty of the place.

"Come on, Angel, let's eat, I'm sure you're hungry, after all those hike, I'm sure your stomach is growling. " I heard Masahiko sama say.

I nodded, but my eyes are still fixated at the scenery around me. The place is just so beautiful…

"Come on, Angel! " I heard Masahiko sama call again.

I nodded, this time, I went towards him.

I unwrapped the bentos and took out a picnic blanket then spread it on the grass. I also opened the bentos that I made and gave one to him.

"Thanks Angel. " Masahiko sama said as he dove on his food. "This is so good! " He said as he took another bite of the prawn.

I smiled. "Thank you. Takahashi kun helped me make them. "

"I see… " He said as he directed his chopsticks towards my bentou and picked a cherry tomato then pointed it on my lips. "Now say ahhhh angel! "

"But Masahiko sama – ahhhh! " I replied as I felt the tomato being shoved on my mouth.

He snickered. "Angel, you made me food, so at least let me spoonfeed you. "

"You don't have to. " I pouted.

He smiled. "Come on! Let me… "

Despite my complaints, Masahiko sama kept on feeding me. He did so until we both finished our food. After we did, we cleaned up and then suddenly, he let out a malicious smile.

"Now that we're finished, we need to do some exercise! " He grinned as he raised both his palms and wriggled his fingers.

I widened my eyes.

He snickered. "Run angel! If I catch you, I'm going to tickle you hard! '

Giving a fake scared expression, I stood on my toes and ran as fast as I could.

I ran, then suddenly, I heard footsteps coming through my way, and then I felt strong arms catching my waist and we both fell on the ground.

"I caught you… " He said as he started to tickle my waist.

"Ahahahahahahaha! " I laughed. "Masahiko sama! Stop! Ahahaha…Ahahahahaha! "

He seemed to enjoy my laughter that he joined me, but he continued to tickle me, and I continued to laugh.

When he had enough, I caught my breath and I spread my body on the grass. I never laugh with Masahiko sama like this… ever.

Suddenly, I felt a hand clasp my own and I smiled.

"This is the first time that I brought someone into this place… " I heard him say as he looked at the skies with me. "This is where I go when I feel lonely… "

"How… did you find out about this place? "

He pulled me lightly towards him, making our arms touch.

"I discovered this place not long before I met you, Angel. " He said as he kept his turquoise gaze in the sky. "It was raining and I just finished receiving a hard punishment from my tutor, apparently, he was telling me I wasn't giving it my all… " He added and snickered. "I told him I wasn't the first son, so it should be Masamune that should be trained to hell, but then, he slapped me, then my father slapped me, and they all rubbed to my face that I was the only and first legitimate son so I should know my responsibilities. "

I leaned to my side and looked at him. "It must be hard… you were just five when I saw you slaying a gargoyle… "

He halfsmiled. "Slaying gargoyles and keeping the Marukawa kingdom from harm are my priorities as a guardian. My father instilled me those words eversince I can remember. I wasn't keen on it at first… I rebelled and ignored my responsibilities… " He chuckled. "I was jealous of my half brother, of other kids, to see them play and enjoy the world, while I on the other hand kept my nose on the books and train harder than everyone else. Everytime the pressure gets to me, I always run away towards here… and then… one day… I saw a shooting star… one of the retainers told me that when I see a shooting star, I should make a wish and it'll come true, so I made a wish… "

"What wish? "

He smiled as he turned to me. "I was so baffled with all the things that I've been seeing in my younger years… that it made me question Kami sama if I am fitted to be a guardian, I hate seeing people die and all those blood and stuff… it was so… nerve wracking, so when I saw the shooting star, I made a wish to ask for a sign… " He then breathed. "I wished for an angel… an angel that will come and save me from all the darkness that I've been experiencing… I was betting on myself that if I didn't see any, then I will turn my back from all of these responsibilities and ran away… but when I see one… then I will do my best and protect this kingdom… and then… the night after that… I saw you… Ritsu."

I blushed harder. "So that's the reason why you asked me if I was an angel."

He lowered his eyelids, a faint blush colouring his cheeks. "The moment I saw you, I really thought you were one, with those rare green eyes, shiny brown hair and pinkish cheeks and warm smile… you weren't the angel that I've been expecting, but you are more than what I had hoped for… " He said as he turned to me and stared at my eyes.

I felt my heartbeat jump wildly as I looked into his eyes. The way he looked at me made me feel…so loved and treasured.

"I love you Ritsu… my angel… " He confessed as he kissed my hand that he was holding. "I couldn't imagine a life without you…I've been training a lot and acing my studies just to gain favours from my father and the council, and since my sixteenth birthday will be coming this September… I want them all to know, the whole Marukawa Kingdom to know… that you are my mate. Ritsu…I pledge to you my heart, my soul, my loyalty and my devotion… for eternity… will you become my Concubine Prince? "

And my heart bursts into pieces.

His words were so full of love and sincerity that tears started to fill my eyes.

I saw his expression turn from loving to being dejected as he slowly released my hand.

No! I…

I pulled his hand tighter, never letting him go.

"Masahiko sama… I… love you too… " I confessed as kissed his hand. "I… love you so much… that seeing you is enough for me… I wanted to be with you… of course I do… but I'm not that competent and I don't want to shame you by being an incompetent prince - "

He smiled as he hugged me. "Silly… I love you so much angel… and there's no way that you're incompetent. You're doing your best… That's enough for me… and I don't want any other concubine prince… I only want you… " He said as he caressed my cheek. "Angel… can I kiss you? "

I nodded as I closed my eyes, then slowly, I felt a pair of soft lips crashing gently unto mine.

I felt my blood boil, I wanted more, so I opened my mouth and hugged him closer to me.

He responded, and shyly, he entered his tongue unto mine, and I met him with fierce passion that I didn't know I possess.

After some seconds, we separated and we both caught our breaths.

"That… was… amazing… " Masahiko sama said as he smiled. "Angel… I didn't know you're an aggressive kisser. "

I blushed. "I… well… "

This time, he came to me, holding my head gently, he initiated another kiss, this time with more ardor and searingly hotter, we kissed, letting our tongues dance after that, we separated and then we kissed again and again until our lips swell.

Masahiko sama breathed. "I love you angel… "

"I love you too… Masahiko sama… "

"Angel, drop the sama, you're my mate now, remember? "

I blushed but let out a smile. "Alright… Masahiko… "

I saw the joy in his eyes as he hugged me tighter, never letting me go.

It was almost nighttime when we went back to the academy, no, we didn't do 'it' heavens no! I'm not that kind of person and neither was he, I consider lovemaking after our marriage, I think he thought so too, hopefully, but if ever he initiated 'doing it', then I will refuse, my parents taught me better than that.

All through the duration of the afternoon, all he did is to hold my hand, hug me close to him, kiss my cheeks and tell me funny stories that he had read. He also told me about his dreams… his childish fantasies and every ideals that he wanted. I felt pride and joy… because for the first time, he gave me his full trust, and bared his whole heart…

Masahiko sama is just perfect, he was beautiful, honourable, respectful, courteous, easygoing, can be strict and cold when he needs to be, authoritative, responsible, loving and protective… and this guardian… this man is all mine. I could never ask for more. Kami sama is so kind to give him to me…

No matter what happens… I'll never let him go…

When we reached my dorm, he was still holding my hand, we were both smiling like idiots on the way home.

He was about to escort me inside when his eyes suddenly went cold.

"Masahiko? " I asked then followed his gaze, and to my surprise, standing at the door is his halfbrother, Saga san.

"Masamune… " He said in a glacial voice.

Saga san looked at him, then to our joined hands.

Embarassed, I immediately let go of Masahiko's hand. I do love him, very much so, but I don't want to be labeled as a clingy boyfriend.

"We were wondering where you are. " I heard his brother reply in the same glacial voice. "Father asked me to look for you. He said you have some papers to sign."

He spoke the word father acidly. I couldn't blame him though, knowing his status in the family.

"Why so? I finished all my duties for the day. " Masahiko replied.

"How should I know? " Saga san shot back. "You're the next head of the guardians, you should know that unexpected responsibilities will pop up every now and then. As the next head you should be aware of your responsibilities before going out on a lovey dovey date with your boyfriend. "

I widened my eyes. Is he insinuating that I…

"Don't include Angel into this! " Masahiko hissed at him, jumping to my defense. "I was the one who asked him out for a date, angel was never the type to lead people away from responsibilities. It's my mistake to deal with, so leave him alone! "

"Hah! Like hell… if he truly loves you, then he will support you no matter how busy you are… not lead you away and making you forget your position as the head of the guardians! "

I bit my lip as tears started to pool on my eyes.

"Angel… " Masahiko said gently as h cupped my cheek.

"I… I'm sorry Masahiko… I… I didn't mean to – " I didn't finish my sentence as I tightened my hold on the bento wrap and ran away from them as fast as I can.

"Angel! " I heard Masahiko yell, but I ignored him and ran towards my room.

I knocked on it continuously and Chiaki opened the door immediately.

"Ritsu? What happened? " He asked worriedly.

I never answered him, instead, I hugged Chiaki and cried on his chest.

I love Masahiko so much…

But if my presence will make him forget his responsibilities… then I should go away…

But I can't…

I just can't…

Because I am madly in love with him…

Thanks a lot for reading!

I'm sorry if Masamune has only a little part in this story… well, as you should guys know, Ritsu is attracted first to Masahiko. But no worries! He'll have a bigger part as the story progresses!

Oh, by the way, a Shamisen is a three-stringed, Japanese musical instrument derived from a Chinese instrument sanxian (a three stringed plucked musical instrument). It is played with a plectrum or pick(one used for guitars) called bachi ( a straight wooden stick used to play Japanese instruments ).