Thank you to all the people that's reviewed so far. I appreciate.

I would have had this chapter up WAY sooner but like most of you already know, the story was taken down. Shew, it was hard work putting these chapters back up. Let me know what you think in a review please. I'm always taking suggestions. This is from Harry's POV again.

I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters. If I did, I assure you that I would not be on here writing fan fiction about them. J.K would probably have a heart attack if she knew what I did to them sometimes.


Bastard. That's what you are. I've been thinking about you. A lot. It's all your fault. The way you look at me with those eyes…you shouldn't do that. You shouldn't make me feel differently towards you.

I can still feel your skin on my fingertips. So soft. I don't know what made me touch you. Why did I do that? I stick to my word. To what I said before. You mean nothing to me. Yet I feel something different now.

I've caught you staring more times since I touched you than I ever have before. You're making me paranoid. How can I eat when I feel your eyes burning into me?

"Malfoy's staring at you again." Ron always brings it to my attention.

"I know. I can feel it."

I toss my fork down on my plate and leave the room. I know you'll follow.

I walk a little ways down a dark corridor and I turn suddenly.

"I knew you'd follow. And you called me predictable. Tsk tsk."

"I've stayed away from you as long as I could. I wanted you to have time by yourself." You come closer. "Have you thought about me?"

"No." I'm a damn good liar but you don't seem to be fooled.

You shake your head. "Don't you realize that you can't lie to me? I know your features too well." You pause and take another step towards me.

I can't make my feet move away.

"You've been staring at me Harry. I know you have. I've seen you. You've been thinking about me too." You touch your cheek exactly where my hand was that time.

Why do I want to touch you again? What kind of power do you have over me?

Whoa, you're standing very close to me now. I almost smile. You're a sneaky little thing.

"Mal-" I'm silenced by your mouth. It's different this time. I'm not kissing you back. I'm not pushing you away either.

You finally pull away. You have tears in your eyes. Man, you cry a lot. You look at the floor, leaving me to look at the top of your head.

"Harry." Your voice is barely understandable. I have to strain to hear you. "I don't understand you." You snap you head back up to look me in the eyes. "How can you deny me?"

I glare at you. "What do you expect from me?" I feel myself getting angry. "You're a bastard to me for so long. You make me hate you. Then out of nowhere you change. You kiss me. You tell me that you love me. You look at me funny. I broke up with Ginny because she doesn't look at me the way you do."

You look surprised. Why?

"You…you broke up with her because of me?"

"It's your fault. Everything is your fault."

"Is it so wrong for me to love you?"

"YES! I hate you." My words seemed to have hurt you. You winced like someone had just punched you. And I actually feel sorry for making you hurt. I almost apologize. "Why do you love me?"

"I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest." I am shocked at your answer. You reach out and take my hand. I don't pull away. I want to be loved. I want to know what it feels like. But you. I don't know if I can ever not hate you.

You get as close to me as you can and wrap your arms around my neck. You kiss me and I surprise myself by kissing you back. I know you're shocked because you stop for a second. I've never had a kiss so sweet.

I pull away first. The tears have never left your eyes. I think some are starting to form in mine. We're not talking. I'm not surprised. I think we both need to get over the shock of me kissing you back. Neither one of us expected it.

I liked it. I'll admit that. I actually liked kissing you. You're holding my hand again. I give it a light squeeze.

"I don't know what to say." My voice is a whisper. It seems like we talk to each other like that a lot.

You look at me. With that same damn look that did all this to me. "Did you enjoy that?"

"Yes." It's even more of a whisper now. "But-"

"But what?"

"I don't know." I take my hand away from yours. Was kissing you a mistake? Is talking to you a mistake? It's not too late to go back to Ginny.

I lean back against the wall and slide down into a sitting position. I'm not surprised. You do too. I need to think. But what about? I've never been loved before. Sure, there are people that love the boy who lived. But that's not me. That's not Harry. I look at you. You're looking at me. You always do. I wonder what you're thinking. What's going on in that mind of yours?

"Harry, I'm not asking you to fall in love with me right now." Good, because I'm not planning on it. "But I am asking you to give me a chance. Please." You look pitiful. You really want me don't you? But how can I give you a chance when I'm sure that I hate you? You're Draco Malfoy. I'm Harry Potter. It's just wrong.

"Okay." What the hell did I just say?!! You look like you could dance though.


"I'm not saying that I'm going to be your boyfriend. When I look at you, I want to hit you. I think I need to get past that. I'm giving you a chance. You get one so if you screw it up, I'm gone."

You shake your head. "I understand." You're smiling. It almost makes me smile. Really, you should do it more often. And I might just tell you that someday. But not today.

"I'm going to go to my dorm now. Owl me later." I get up as you do.

"Alright." You're still smiling. I have a feeling that you will be for a while. Oh well, you should be happy sometimes.

"Bye." I turn from you and start walking off. I can feel your eyes on me until I turn a corner. When I'm sure you can't see me anymore I stop and lean against a wall. What did I just do? I take a deep breath. I need a few of them.

Maybe I can learn to like you. Maybe. Only time will tell.


Oh goodness. It was hard for me to write that chapter. I couldn't think of a way to get them together. Harry is in denial. That much is obvious. Let me know what you think. If you have any ideas on how I can make it better, I'd love to hear em. Thanks