Hey guys. Sorry for being MIA. A lot has been going on lately and life has just gotten in the way recently and it's been difficult to find the motivation and inspiration to write, but I'm trying to work it out. I've just got so many other issues on my plate right now. Anyways I just want to thank everyone who has followed or added this story to their favourites, I really appreciate it and please, keep reviewing, I love hearing your thoughts.

There was an eerie feeling around Barden University. A week had passed since the shooting and people were trying to move forward and get on with things, but it was difficult. How could anyone make sense of a tragedy like the one they had lived through. A few days after the event had happened, the university had held a day of remembrance for those who had been killed, and offered up prayers for those recovering in hospital.

Chloe hadn't left Beca's side, fearful that something bad would happen when she wasn't looking or that Beca would wake up without her there and she couldn't let that happen. She knew how much the DJ hated hospitals and she couldn't stand the thought of her girlfriend waking up alone after what she'd been through.

To make matters worse, Beca had been rushed into emergency surgery two days after her last surgery so that doctors could remove a blood clot that was restricting blood flow to her heart. It wasn't ideal to have to operate so soon, especially given how extensive the last operation had been and how delicate the heart muscle was, but when medication had failed to shrink the clot, they were left with no other option.

It had put everyone on edge, none more so than the redhead who had been keeping a bedside vigil. After doctors had explained that it was up to Beca as to when she would come around, Chloe had given up begging her to open her eyes. The DJ needed time to recover and after what she had done for the ginger, taking a bullet that had been intended for her, Chloe would give her all the time in the world. She just hoped Beca wouldn't make her wait too long, and that no more complications would arise.

After spending several days in the hospital, Aubrey and Chloe's parents decided it was time for the redhead to take a break. She was exhausted and was in need of a good sleep a decent meal and a hot shower. They had catered to her desire to be by Beca's side for long enough, Chloe needed to get out of the hospital and recharge her batteries.

To say that it had been a struggle persuading her to leave would be an understatement. Chloe had steadfastly refused time and time again until finally, after Fat Amy had made a comment about the ginger beginning to smell, she realised that maybe she could use a good shower. Maybe while she was home she could grab something decent to eat and grab a few essentials for Beca, for when she came round. With the promise to call as soon as anything changed made by all the parents, Chloe had kissed Beca and left with Aubrey and the Bellas.

She had to admit that after the shower she did feel a little better, and she greatly appreciated Aubrey cooking up her delicious chicken pasta bake, it really reenergised her. But she did have a moment, while alone in the solitude of hers and Beca's shared room where she allowed herself a little cry. She couldn't help it. She had been sitting at desk brushing her hair when her eyes landed on the goofy photo booth pictures she'd forced Beca into taking with her.

She remembered the day so vividly, Beca's frown when Chloe had suggested the idea, the small quirk of her lips when she began to cave to the idea because of Chloe's pout, and the beaming smile when Chloe kissed her in the last picture. Then she was pulled back to reality when from downstairs she heard the tv in the living room broadcasting news on the shooting and it all came flooding back to her.

Beca on the ground bleeding profusely from the chest. The weak grip she possessed as she gripped onto the gingers hand as Chloe whispered reassurances and words of love. The feeling of fear when the DJ's eyes closed and her grip slackened. The anxiety that took over as she waited through hours of surgery to hear any word of life. And finally, the conflicted feelings of relief and heartbreak at the sight of the tiny brunette swamped by the hospital bed, the machines and the wires.

Chloe knew there was every chance that Beca's heart could give out. It was one thing for the body to try to heal after a gunshot when it was completely healthy and fighting fit. But Beca's heart had already been troubled and plagued with difficulties before this whole ordeal. Even with the stent and the surgical repairs, there was no guarantee that she would pull through. But, every day that the DJ made it through, Chloe grew more and more hopeful.

Before returning to the hospital, Chloe as well as Aubrey and the Bella's, made their way over to the college campus. The redhead hadn't set foot near it since the shooting but she wanted to stop by the memorial and pay her respects to the students who had lost their lives. The overwhelming sense of anguish and despair that flooded Barden and the students who milled about was impossible to miss and Chloe almost regretted making the trip.

But when they had reached the memorial out on the quad, she was glad that she hadn't bottled out. Hundreds of flowers and candles incased in glass lanterns adorned the surrounding area where several students had lost their lives. It was both heartbreaking and uplifting in a weird way.

To be standing on ground where people had so needlessly lost their lives and to be looking at the physical outpouring of love and support, it was strange, there were so many conflicting feelings attached. None of the Bella's knew what to think or feel. All they knew was the terror they felt that faithful day and the overwhelming sense of devastation that had consumed them when one of their own had fallen at the hands of a maniac wielding a gun.

The shooter had been revealed to have been a student on campus, a senior who was alleged to have had a disturbing fascination with previous high school and college massacres and the idea of becoming infamous. The shooting was believed to have been planned for at least two years beforehand and police authorities claimed that the shooter had no specific target or motive.

This alone had been enough to cause a sickening knot to form in Chloe's stomach. The thought that someone could just pick up a gun and take aim at innocent people for no reason at all. It made everything hurt just that little bit more because there was no justification behind it, there were no excuses being made or doctors claiming mental illness. The shooter had picked up a gun and killed and seriously injured so many people, for what?

Chloe was never one to hate anyone or anything, she even disliked the word because she thought it to be vulgar and ugly. But in that rehearsal hall, holding her girlfriend in her arms and willing her to hold on and live, she had never hated anyone as much as she had hated that shooter. She couldn't even bear to see his face on the news because of the feelings of rage that bubbled up inside her.

She had never thought it possible to feel something so horrible towards another human being, but she did, and she couldn't deal with it. So she did the only thing she could think of to keep herself from losing control, she focused all her energy into Beca, on willing her better and revelling in the love they shared. That was what kept Chloe going.

As a little girl, the redhead had often dreamed of finding someone who would love her unconditionally. What she never expected, was to find someone who would literally take a bullet for her. Chloe knew Beca loved her, she had never questioned it. But to see just how much, it took Chloe's breath away.

She had always known, from the moment they had finally started dating, that she could never love someone as much as she loved Beca. But since the shooting, Chloe realised that not only did she love her so completely, but she couldn't live without her. She couldn't imagine a world without Beca Mitchell in it.

"It's so sad," Emily said as she leaned down on her haunches and read the note attached to a teddy bear sitting amongst the array of flowers and candles. Cynthia Rose leaned heavily on her crutches and placed a hand on the younger girls shoulder as the other Bella's milled about. Aubrey stayed close to Chloe, rubbing a comforting hand along her back

"It just doesn't seem real. Like it's all just a dream and any minute we're going to wake up and everything will be fine," Fat Amy replied, shaking her head in disbelief that it was in fact reality, that this was their life. Feeling the lingering gazes of students around the quad staring at her in sympathy, Chloe to fidget anxiously with her hands. She'd had enough.

"I'm gonna head back to the house to grab some things for Beca and then head over to the hospital. You guys should rest up it's been a long couple of days," she said crossing her arms over chest as she glanced at all the Bella's. Before she could say anything else or even leave, there was a chorus of "no's" and "no way," and she frowned slightly as she gazed at her fellow Bella's curiously. Stacie was the first to speak up.

"If you're going we're all going. We're a team and Beca's our captain, we wanna support her," she said. The other Bella's nodded and small smile passed Chloe's lips as Aubrey wrapped her arm around her shoulders and squeezed them tight. "You're not getting rid of us Chlo, we're here for you and Beca." At those words Chloe's ocean blue eyes welled up with tears and she leaned into Aubrey's side, relishing in the close contact.

"Okay, let's go then," Chloe replied making a move as she led the way across campus and back towards the street that was home the Bella house. She made quick work of packing a bag with essentials for Beca if, no, when she woke up, she even made sure to pack her girlfriends laptop and mixing equipment should she feel the need to mix some beats. The items had initially been pulled from the rehearsal hall by the cops but had thankfully been returned the day before.

Sure that she had everything, she carried the bags downstairs where the other Bella's had been waiting and made her way outside to Aubrey's car, more than eager to get back to the one place she wanted to be. In the time she had been away there had been no phone calls or texts, which was a good thing, it meant that nothing bad had happened. But, it also meant that Beca still hadn't come round and that was more than a little disheartening.

When they reached the hospital, Chloe was met by her mother and father and Beca's stepmother, as well as Beca's mother Libby who she hadn't seen since Christmas. Placing the bags down she embraced the other woman who hugged her back just as tightly while the other Bella's all settled in and Aubrey and Chloe's dad popped out to make a food run.

"I'm so sorry," Chloe whispered, still hugging Libby. The elder woman took a step back and gripped the redhead by the upper arms, a stern look on her face. "How, you have nothing to be sorry for, you hear me. Beca has always been a stubborn girl who does what she wants, this is her fault," Libby said with a little smirk so similar to Beca's it made Chloe's heart jolt. The ginger giggled at the little joke and wiped the tears from her eyes that had been threatening to fall.

"Where's Warren?" Chloe asked, having noticed that the man was absent from the room. Libby gestured out the door as she replied, "He's sitting with Beca." The redhead nodded and ran a hand through her hair before sliding one hand into the back pocket of her jeans and gesturing with her thumb over her shoulder.

"Is it okay if I go in?" She asked looking directly at Libby who just smiled and nodded her head. Before anyone could say anything else to the ginger she practically left smoke tracks behind her as she bolted from the room and made her way towards the ICU. Walking inside, she greeted the nurse at the reception desk with a small wave and continued on to Beca's room. Ever since Warren had made it clear that she was family, none of the staff had batted an eyelid to her presence on the ward.

"Hey," Chloe said, almost under her breath as she stepped into the room and saw Warren sitting back in a chair, glasses perched on the edge for his nose doing a crossword. To anyone else, it would've looked too casual for a man whose daughter was lying on the bed next to him in a critical condition, but for those who knew Warren, she knew he was simply occupying his mind to stop the thoughts of 'what if' floating around.

"Hey kiddo," he replied as he put down the paper and removed his glasses, turning his attention to Chloe who had taken a seat in the empty armchair on the opposite side of the bed, her hand quickly laced with her girlfriends. Reaching up her free hand she gently stroked Beca's hair and cheek as she gazed over her peaceful face.

"Has there been any news?" She asked, turning to look across at Warren who was resting back against the chair, his hands clasped together and resting on his lap. He simply shook his head and gave her a sad smile and then watched as Chloe returned her attention to his daughter. He couldn't help but melt inside a little at the way the redhead looked at the DJ, like she was the most important person on the planet.

"You really love her don't you," he said, more as a statement than a question. Chloe glanced up at him in surprise, not expecting it in the slightest, but when she saw the warm look in his eyes, she relaxed, and the most genuine smile should manage given the circumstances crossed her lips.

"More than anything. She's the best thing to ever happen to me," she stated, her voice defiant as if daring anyone to challenge her. Suddenly the tone of the room shifted and Chloe grew serious as she bit her bottom lip, gazing at Warren as if gauging his mood before she finally decided to ask him something she had been mulling over for some time, months in fact.

"C-can I ask you something?" She whispered, almost losing her voice out of nervousness as the question left her mouth. Warren glanced up at her nodded his head, a gentle smile on his face. "I love Beca more than anyone or anything. She's my best friend. She's my soulmate."

"She's the one who makes me smile when I've had a bad day, who makes me laugh when I need cheering up. When I need comfort, shes's the one whose arms are there every single time without question, without fail, the only arms I want holding me because they make me feel safe and secure. She knows me better than anyone, better than I know myself. Beca, she's home. She's my home."

Warren had been listening intently, absorbing every single thing Chloe said and he couldn't help but smile, not just because of what she was saying, but because he couldn't help but recall a very similar conversation he'd had with his daughter not too long ago about the redhead before him. Back when they had been discussing Beca's furture plans post Barden. After a brief moment, he returned his attention to Chloe who had taken a breath and was now staring at him with a look of sheer determination.

"What I'm trying to say, or ask really, is if, no, when Beca wakes up, if I could have your blessing to ask her to marry me?"she finally managed to get out, swallowing thickly as she gazed across at the man sitting opposite her. Warren huffed out a laugh as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, bowing his head momentarily before glancing up at his daughter and then back at the redhead.

"Chloe, you had my blessing to marry Beca way back in her first year at Barden," he said, grinning from ear to ear as he saw his future daughter-in-law heave out a relieved breath. "You are everything I could've ever hoped Beca would find in a partner. You bring out the best in her and the way you've been there for her, through this and through the diagnosis of her heart condition, the way you take care of her and love, Chloe I would be proud to have you as a daughter."

At this, tears of joy spilled from Chloe's eyes and she stood up and walked around the bed reaching out and embracing Warren as he stood to hug her back. After whispering a quick thank you, they both sat back down and engaged in idle chit chat for a little while about everything and anything, even offering up little pieces of news to Beca in the hopes the stimulation would coax her from her unconscious state.

It was around lunch time when Libby arrived with Styrofoam boxes of food for the trio to eat and some fresh coffees. Chloe had been grateful for the caffeine, needing the little extra boost and after finishing his crossword, Warren excused himself to go stretch his legs, leaving the women behind to watch over Beca.

Although Libby had spent many holidays with Beca and Chloe, she didn't know her daughters girlfriend as well as Warren, the disadvantage of being divorced and living in a different state. But one thing she was sure of, was that Chloe made Beca immeasurably happy, more so than music, and that in itself spoke volumes. She watched as Chloe cradled Beca's hand to her chest and stroked brown hair with the gentlest of touches, nothing needed to be said, because she could see how much the redhead cared for the DJ.

"So Chloe, have you figured out what you're gonna do after graduation?" Libby asked, realising she hadn't really had a proper conversation with the girl since Christmas. Chloe glanced up and nodded her head, her lips quirked up at the ends at the thought of the plans she had made and discussions she and Beca had over the last few months.

"Yeah, actually a friend of mine who I started at Barden with is out in LA and she works at a performing arts school there. Apparently they're looking for a vocal coach and with everything I've achieved with the Bella's, the Dean was impressed, so the job is more or less mine for the taking, I just have to ace the interview," she said. Libby gave her a genuine smile and a small thumbs up.

"You're a shoe in. They'd be crazy not to take you on." Chloe dipped her head shyly and thanked the woman. She was about to ask her about how her trip in Italy had been going when she felt her hand being squeezed. Glancing down, she watched as yet again Beca's hand twitched and very lightly squeezed again. Chloe's head snapped over to Libby before her eyes landed on her girlfriend again.

"Beca," Chloe said, leaning further forward and staring at the younger girls face, waiting for any sign of movement. Just then, Beca's brow furrowed and her heart monitor picked up. Libby quickly leaned forward in her seat having realised that her daughter seemed to be coming around. Before either girl could say anything else, blue eyes fluttered open briefly and then shut against the bright light as Beca began to strain and fight against the tube in her throat helping her breathe. Seeing her discomfort Chloe stood up and leaned down stroking the DJ's hair.

"Bec's, Beca, it's okay just relax." Libby dashed out of the room to alert the nurses at reception and returned within moments with a doctor who was followed close behind by two nurses. He quickly began to speak to Beca, trying to make her relax and stop her from fighting against the tube, noticing that she was causing herself pain. A nurse moved over towards Chloe and eased her out of the way, needing the room to help the doctor, so the redhead walked over towards Libby and stood next to her, the two women holding hands in solidarity as they listened to the doctor.

"Beca, it's Dr. Bennett. I want you to listen to me, everything is gonna be okay, I'm gonna remove the tube in your throat but I need you to relax or it's gonna hurt," he said as he pulled on a pair of latex gloves, his eyes never leaving the tiny DJ. The nurses quickly prepped themselves in case anything went wrong and then Dr. Bennett went to work on removing the tube. Chloe and Libby held their breath as they waited, watching hawk-eyed. After what felt like an eternity they heard the tell-tale signs of coughing as the doctor stood back with the tube in his hand.

"Get me the mask," he said to one of the nurses as the one closest to him dealt with the tube. While Dr. Bennett was placing an oxygen mask over Beca's face and ordering fluids and pain relief, Warren arrived just in time to see that his daughter was awake. As the nurses stepped away from the bed Libby quickly raced over and began to coo over her daughter, cradling her hand and stroking her hair, Warren doing the same as Chloe just stood rooted to the spot, tears streaming down her face almost unbelieving that Beca was finally awake.

"Ch-Chlo," a raspy, strained, muffled voice called out as dark denim eyes fought against heavy lids that almost seemed to refuse to open. "Chlo..." Beca tried again, this time sounding more urgent, desperate even as her hand flailed about trying to seek out the red head. Libby grabbed a hold of her daughter's wandering hand and gripped it tightly.

"Ssh sweetie, it's okay, Chloe's okay, she's here, she's right here," Libby said as she turned and gestured for Chloe to approach. In that moment, the redhead snapped out of her daze and dashed across the space that separated her from her girlfriend and too up the position previously occupied by Libby. Reaching out she laced her hand with the DJ's and squeezed it tightly resting it against her chest as her free hand cupped Beca's face, her thumb stroking a pale cheek to calm the girl.

"I'm here Bec's," she sighed, tears streaming down her face at the feeling of relief that Beca had finally woken up. "Everything's okay," she soothed as the DJ leaned her head into her girlfriends touch. All of her movements, as small as they were, were weak and sluggish seemed to require a great deal of effort. It pained Beca's parents and Chloe to see her so vulnerable but they knew she had a long recovery ahead of her and that she was far from being out of the woods. For now, they were just glad for this rather significant display of progress.

"I love you so much Beca," Chloe whispered as she leaned down and pressed a long lingering kiss to the girls forehead before pulling back and staring down into dark blue eyes that were struggling to stay open. Beca swallowed thickly, wincing at the pain in her throat and chest as she did so and then, with the little energy she had, she gazed into ocean blues and uttered a few small words Chloe hadn't heard in a while.


A couple of hours later, after informing all the Bella's and everyone else gathered in the waiting room of Beca's status, Chloe found herself alone in the room with her girlfriend, the DJ slipping in and out of a restless sleep as her body gave in to the pain medication that was currently numbing her to the discomfort she would've likely felt in her chest otherwise.

Chloe was holding Beca's hand and softly stroking her arm just watching over the brunette as she slept. There was something oddly soothing about the fact that that the sound of Beca's breathing was no longer mechanical, that it was no longer being produce by a tube down her throat forcing air into her lungs. Sure she had breathing mask to compensate for her low oxygen levels but at least she was doing it herself. It meant that Beca had fought, she had fought to come back to her.

"Uhh..." Beca groaned as she woke up. It was difficult not being able to move about, but she quickly learned the hard way after trying to that it more pain than it was worth and that her muscles tended to protest anyways. She weakly lifted a hand towards her face, trying to move the mask, her throat was dry and Chloe must have sensed this as she stood up, grabbed the cup and straw, moved the mask and placed the straw in girlfriends mouth, allowing her to take a few sips before placing the mask back in place.

"Baby are you okay? Do you need anything, more pain relief?" She asked as she stood by the bed stroking the DJ's hair who shook her head no before lacing her hand with Chloe's again, making the redhead sit down. They sat in silence for a moment, just gazing at one another as if they hadn't seen each other in months. As Chloe gazed briefly at the heart monitor, a tear slipped from her eye as she thought of how differently things could've turned out. It could've been her lying in that bed, or worse. But it wasn't, because Beca had taken the bullet for her, protected her the threat of death.

"Why did you do it? Why did you put yourself at risk like that?" Chloe asked as she gazed into Beca's heavily hooded eyes. The DJ didn't say anything though, she didn't have the energy to say everything she needed to in that moment, so she did the only thing she could think of in that moment that would explain everything. Gripping Chloe's hand, she rubbed her thumb over the promise ring that was a permanent fixture on the redheads finger, making Chloe glance down.

It was through that gesture Chloe understood. Beca had made a promise to the redhead, not just to love her and be there for her, but to keep her safe and if there was one thing Beca never did, it was break her promises. Chloe knew in her heart why Beca had done it, but it actually have the DJ confirm it only further solidified the fact that no could ever love her the way Beca loved her. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Chloe stood up, moved the oxygen mask covering her girlfriends face and kissed her with as much passion and care as she could.

"You're an idiot. You could've been killed," she said as she stroked Beca's cheek, "But I love you anyways." At this the brunette grimaced as a chuckle escaped her. "I...love...you...too...awesome...nerd," Beca replied breathlessly. Chloe leaned down for one more kiss before placing the oxygen mask back where it should be and sitting back down, just as Beca's eyes began to close again. Yep, she was definitely going to marry that girl.