
When? When did she become this graceful beauty that stormed his mind constantly? When did she stop being Star, the adorable girl that's his best friend and become Star, the beautiful carefree girl that wrapped his heart in strings and pulled with every word, tugged with every breath, and clenched with every touch? When did she control his every move? When did he stop crushing on Jackie? When did he finally see Star? The answer is too late. It all started a week ago:

Star and Marco were about to start senior year. Marco had noticed the subtle changes that occurred as she grew, but he never fully saw the effect. She had grown slightly taller and much more curvy. Her slightly small chest accentuated her hips and thin waist. Her eyes sparkled more brightly and smiled more than she did. Her hair seemed to glisten more as she walked, the sun bouncing off like a reflection to water. Her teeth seemed to shine brighter as her mouth seemed to smile more. He looked at her one last time before they hopped in his car and drove to the ice cream shop. This was Star's favorite place and he couldn't help but bring her here when she asked.

"Hey, Marco" said Star. "Why do you always bring me here even when you have stuff to do?" He thought about for a minute and couldn't think if a reason. "I don't know. But,hey, I get ice cream out of it."he said in a cheerful voice. " I didn't ask you to come..."Star said shyly and slightly under her breath. He felt his heart clench. "W-What?" He stuttered. 'What is wrong with me?! This has never happened befor, so why is it happening now?!' "I just wanted you to drop me off for a date, but apparently he got the wrong ice cream shop, so he's running late. If you want to meet him, you can wait until he gets here." Marco thought about. Did he want to meet her boyfriend or did he want to leave? "I think I'm gonna stay. I want to meet your so-called 'boyfriend'" he said making little air quotes. "OKAY!"Star said cheerfully before indulging in the sweet dairy treat.

It had been a few minutes when the doorbell rung. Marco looked up to see the most beautiful man he'd ever seen. He had faint blue hair tied back in a short ponytail and ivory irises that sparkled like diamonds. His skin was slightly tanned, but still pale enough to make his blue hair pop out. He wore a black band T-shirt with a flannel jacket, red converse high tops, and black skinny jeans. He looked kind yet punk at the same time. Marco looked over at Star to see hearts in her eyes and completely infatuated with him. THIS was her boyfriend?! How?! He stared at the man walking toward them. "Hey, Star. You look beautiful as always." He said his voice hitting Marco's eardrums lightly like a baby sleeping on cotton. 'HOW CAN HE HAVE SUCH A SWEET VOICE?! THIS IS NOT OKAY!' Marco thought. He was seething by the time the man had made his way over. "So, Star," the man said holding her hand. "This must be the famous Marco Diaz you always talk about. I'm Bela Bylon. Nice to meet you." Marco stared at the hand and decided to take it. What made him do so, he had no clue. "So, Star do you want to go on a date later?" Bela asked. "Wait. Star and I have plans tonight! Right, Star?" Marco begged with his eyes. He didn't want Star to go on a date nor did he want to deal with these conflicting feelings any longer than he had to. "Nah. We can always go see that movie another time." She said waving it off. "But, Star! It's a one and a lifetime event which means we can't see another time! Also, it was a meteor shower mixed with a lunar eclipse. But, that doesn't matter, Star!"he complained. Why did she have to go with him? She obviously hadn't been dating him long because she hadn't ever talked about him until now, but when did she start dating him?

"It's okay, Star. I'll plan our date for tomorrow. See ya later, mi amor!" He said, blowing a kiss to star as he swaggered out. "Star, why is he so beautiful?" He said in a conflicted, yet very disgusted voice. "I don't know. But, he is." Star let out dreamily. "Come on, Star. I'm gonna buy you another ice cream then let's get ready for the meteor shower." He said rising to get in line. "Okay!" She said cheerfully getting in line and grabbing his hand. His face flushed at the contact knowing this was a much different sensation than how it used to be.

~~~~~~~~~THAT NIGHT~~~~~~~~~

They had just arrived at the plateau that they were going to watch the show at when Star hugged him. He looked down, once agin blushing at the bodily contact. He hugged her back and set his head on hers and sat there for a couple of moments before she pulled away far too soon for his liking. He looked at her face noticing her red puffy eyes and the tears that we're streaming down her face as she smiled. "STAR, ARE YOU OKAY?! WHAT'S WRONG?!" He said frantically, grabbing her shoulder with one hand and wiping her tears with the other. "I'm fine, Marco. I'm just so happy you'll always be here for me. At some point, I'm gonna have to go back to Mewney and I hope you'll still love me when that time comes. I know I will..." She said the last part under her breath, but he didn't notice."I will! Of course I will! Star-" then he noticed it. That one little line that just clicked. "I hope you'll still love me...I hope you'll still love me..I HOPE YOULL STILL LOVE ME" it just repeated over and over until it was interrupted by a beautiful girl leaning and gently touching her soft lips against his. His heart was pounding against his chest and he felt his brain turn to mush as he moved his lips to kiss back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer to him and leaned more into the kiss. He deepened the kiss as he ran his hands through her fluffy golden locks. He thought back to the other day when he started to feel butterflies in his stomach every time he saw her look at him with those glittery turquoise eyes or the dorky yet beautiful way she wore her teal and pink octopus dress and devil horn headband. He finally realized that she was the reason he no longer loved Jackie. Because he loved her. Star Butterfly, Princess of Mewney, the girl that brought him through out the universe, was the one he loved. He let out a deep gasp of air as he pulled away from the kiss. He looked up expecting to see Star looking at him, but instead saw her looking out the window with complete and utter infatuation. He turned, once again expecting something different. Instead of the meteor shower he expected to see, he saw Star's "boyfriend", Bela Bylon. And he was seething.