A/N: Okay, let me take a few deep breaths. Just a little nervous. Haha
This is my first story and I hope you guys like it. The story was inspired by the movie Wolf Children. Also a big thanks to my Beta for looking this all over!

(((((Warning about chapter one. There is a small adult content.))))))

They fell in love.

Master and servant had fallen in love. Both were not sure how or when it happened; all they knew was that they loved each other and nothing could ever tear them apart.

But their love was not easy or like anything you've read in a book.

Rumpelstiltskin was the Dark One, someone who you feared, or if you were desperate and willing to part with something dear to you, you would call upon him for a deal.

That was how Belle came enter his life.

She was a noble-born lady, whose kingdom was in need of help during the Ogre Wars. Her father, Sir Maurice, was not ready to let go of Belle to become a caretaker for a beast's home. But Belle, wanting to save her kingdom, made the deal to keep everyone safe.

The two butted heads for some time, before the magic of love began to weave the two of them together.

Then one day, they kissed.

The first kiss for a couple is always one you would remember and think back on after growing old with each other. But for Rumpelstiltskin and Belle, it would not be the best of memories.

Once their lips met, and they began their passionate kiss, Rumpelstiltskin's power began to drain from him.

His power was not something he was willing to give up.

Pulling away from Belle, he quickly left the room. He could feel the dark power flowing back into vines.

Belle, on the other hand, had fallen to her knees, not knowing what she did wrong, and she began to cry.

"You have your freedom, Belle." Rumpelstiltskin said a few hours later, standing behind Belle, who had moved over to the window sill, looking out at the rose garden.

She looked over at him with her eyes still red and puffy. "Why?" She demanded, ready to challenge him.

Rumpelstiltskin crossed his arms. He hated to be mean, but it was for the best. Being in love with her would only bring her unhappiness.

"I don't want you here anymore," he sneered, unable to look at her. Just seeing how red her eyes were made want to was hold her in his arms and dry her tears.

"I don't believe you," Belle stood up from the windowsill and now stood in front of him. "Look me in the eye and tell me to leave. Tell me you do not want me here anymore," she said between her teeth.

Slowly, Rumpelstiltskin glazed at her and his dark heart broke.

"Tell me, Rumpelstiltskin," she repeated, holding back her own pain.

Rumpelstiltskin opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Belle reached out and touched his arms. "I felt it too."

Surprised, Rumpelstiltskin backed away. "Felt what?"

"Your power, it was leaving you. You were freeing yourself from this darkness," Belle told him, as her arms fell back down to her sides. "Don't you want to be free from this life you are living? We could start a new life together, just you and me."

"No, you don't understand. This power, I need this power." He turned his back to her. How could he tell her he needed it to make a cruse that would reunited him with his son, Baelfire, who he lost many years ago. It was not easy to speak about. He had never told anyone about his son.

Rumpelstiltskin held his hands up and looked at them. "This power in me, is a way of my life."

Belle lowered her head to the ground and sobbed. "I understand. You love your power more than me."

Sadly, Rumpelstiltskin looked at her. He loved her, but he needed his magic. Keeping his power meant losing Belle. Keeping Belle meant he would lose his powers. Life was not fair. He felt the pain of losing something you loved. He loved his son. It was the worst pain ever when he lost him. He was feeling that pain again, losing Belle.

Slowly Belle began to walk away, heading for the door, to leave this castle. "I understand." She made her farewell.

Rumpelstiltskin reached out for her. He needed her and he needed his power. He would have both. He would make it work one way or another.

"Belle, no." it came out more as a yell. Belle stopped and looked over at him.

"I love you," it was the first time he had said it. "I need you. You are very important to me. But..." he saw the look of hope on Belle's face. "My power is also very important to me." he walked over to her and stood in front of Belle. "You mean more to me than my power. I don't know how to tell you, or why, but some day, I hope I can tell you, and I hope you will listen."

Belle had tears in her eyes as she listened to him. She loved him, and so she nodded her head. "In time, I do hope you can tell more about your powers."

Rumpelstiltskin smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer to his body.

"We also can never kiss on the lips, for you are my true love, and that, my dear, is the strongest magic ever."

"Then how can we kiss if not on the lips? They say, in my books I've read, that lips are the only thing that touch when in love?" she blushed.

Rumpelstiltskin grinned, "Not everything you read in a book is true. Beside, there are other ways I can kiss you," his voice had gotten a little husky as he lowered his head to her neck and began to kiss her.

A shiver ran down Belle's spine as her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

Soon they were both in his bedroom. Belle was not sure how they had gotten there. Did Rumpelstkin use his magic? Or did they walk there?

Belle looked up at Rumpelstiltskin as he stood over her, his dark, golden eyes looking her over as he began to take off his shirt. Belle sat up and turned her back to him, allowing his fingers to begin undoing the lace that held her bodice on.

Once bare, Belle lay back down on the bed and allowed Rumpelstiltskin to lean over her. Belle felt like she was going to melt when Rumpelstiltskin lowered his head and flicked a nipple with his tongue before sucking on it.

Belle slid a nail up his spine, giving him a tingling sensation. She clung to him as she split her legs open for him, allowing him to enter inside her.

Groaning into her neck, Rumpelstiltskin dove himself into her over and over, and Belle let out ragged breath as she grabbed on to his shoulder, yelling out once their bodies let out the heat of the wave.

Rumpelstiltskin then rolled off her, giving her room for air. Once they could find their breath, Rumpelstiltskin opened his arms to allow Belle to sleep in them.

Even if their lips could never touch, there love making would always be the best.

Once upon a time, they were master and servant.

Now they were lovers, and their tale was only beginning...

(Storybrooke...Before Emma)

Mr. Gold awoke early as he always did, and got ready for his day as his wife slept. A while ago, he had to stop rolling over and give her a kiss of good-morning.

With the help of his cane, he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing his lunch his wife made last night.

Putting on his jacket and grabbing his car keys, he left his house for his pawn shop.

Mrs. Gold awoke ten minutes later and got ready for her day. She had a very important meeting today with the mayor and she been nervous all week about it.

Alone in her bathroom, wrapped in a towel, she fixed her hair and put on her make-up, while going over in her head about telling the mayor why the library needed to stay open. It was a fight she would not give up on. A town needed a library.

"Mommy," said a little voice from outside the bathroom door.

"Just a moment, Collin," Mrs. Gold told her seven-year-old son as she grabbed her robe and put it on. She opened the door and gave her son a good morning hug.

"Can I have cookies before school?" he asked her in a sweet voice.

"No, but I will make you pancakes," Mrs. Gold bopped his nose with her finger. "Go make sure your sister is out of bed." she told him.

Collin nodded his head and went to do as he was told. Mrs Gold watched her son, wishing that her husband could spend more time with them than at his pawn shop.

Mrs. Gold hurried to her room and quickly put on one of her best dresses, then she went down to the kitchen and put on her apron and made breakfast for her children.

This was the life she and her husband had talked about when they married. They had money, a big house, and two children.

But now it seemed her husband was spending more time at his pawn shop and getting rent from the town. He seemed as if he had forgotten he had a family.

Mrs. Gold sighed to herself, missing having breakfast with him and the kids before he left for the day. Life was not the way they had planned it.

Once upon a time, they fell in love and made plans for a life together.

But now that love was going cold, and plans were falling apart...