Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Kishimoto does. :((

So, this is my second story so far and i hope you like it. Sorry if you see a lot of mistakes, i really wanted to update and was too lazy to re-read the story. :))

Itachi Uchiha met Sakura Haruno when he was seventeen. He was taking a break from missions after his mother's constant nagging and lectures how he should spend more time with family. They were also celebrating that Sasuke and his team had become Chuunin. That's right, Itachi had known that Sasuke had been ecstatic (even though he didn't show it because, well, simply because he was an Uchiha) when he was placed in a team with his two best friends Naruto and Sakura. He had befriended those two when he was eight and they had been together since then, although Sasuke had never brought them home when he was there too. Itachi had never understood that (why wouldn't he bring his two little friends home when he was there? What would he do to them? Torture with Sharingan or what? And he couldn't possibly be that scary.) Of course he had investigated a little and found out that Naruto was actually Naruto Uzumaki, the jinchuriki that whole village hated and Sakura was Sakura Haruno a civilian girl with pink hair and green eyes. (He was still a little skeptical about a ninja with pink hair.) Sasuke really liked her, because she was the only girl that didn't fan girl him and could hold her own.

He had never pried any further, respecting Sasuke's decision. But now, finally when they had become Chuunin and with that invasion during the exams, his mother had insisted that they had a celebration to spend some quality time together, but Itachi thought that was just an excuse for him to take a brake and rest for while.

He had been walking down the corridor that led to the training grounds to tell his brother and Naruto that dinner would soon be ready and to clean up, when a pink blur rushed past him and down the corridor, rushing outside. He quickly followed and stopped. Itachi could swear that if he hadn't been an Uchiha and an ANBU captain he would be lying on the ground and laughing, but because he was, he just settled on a smirk. Leaning against the door frame he watched the scene unfold in front of him.

There in the yard was his brother with a frightened expression lying on the ground. He was being straddled by a pink haired girl, who looked like she would have strangled Sasuke if not for the third person, a blonde who was restraining her. The girl – Sakura- kept struggling and trying to free herself with a murderous expression on her face and a lot of promises of death and castration. Naruto was trying his best to hold her off and calm her and well, his brother looked like he was just trying to escape with his life and all his body parts intact.

"Sasuke, you bastard I swear to god that when I get my hands on you, you will wish you were dead!"-growled an angry Sakura.

"Come on Sakura-chan, calm down! Let's talk about this like civil people." – said naruto with a nervous laugh. He didn't think he could hold a raging Sakura off anymore.

"Naruto shut your trap and let me go before I rip your arms off and stuff them somewhere the sun doesn't shine and I promise you I am not lying"- she said that in such a serious voice that Naruto started doubting if she was joking or not. Itachi had to hide his chuckles behind a hand. This Sakura sure had a temper rivaling the one of their new Hokage – Tsunade.

"Sakura"-started Sasuke in a slightly serious voice-"you are totally overreacting". – As soon as those words left his mouth everyone froze.

"Oh my god, bastard, are you that dumb?!" –said Naruto already going into a full panic mode and trying to decide if five clones would be enough to hold Sakura off or if twenty was better.

"What did you just say Sasuke?"-said Sakura in a very calm voice. Her face was hidden behind her bangs, but naruto decided that he really didn't mind not seeing it.

Sasuke went very pale and gulped, but he was an Uchiha and Uchiha's never showed fear and so he said as calmly as he could:

"I said you were overreacting."- He said that and for another heartbeat everything stilled. Even birds stopped singing as if feeling a huge storm approaching. Itachi mentally sighed. His otouto was as foolish as he though. Telling an upset female (more like a raging monster) that she was overreacting, even if she was, was a huge mistake and he kind of had a feeling that Sasuke would soon pay for it and gravely if he didn't interfere.

And then she exploded. Standing up and throwing naruto over her shoulder straight at Sasuke she screamed on top of her lungs:


"But Sakura-chan those guys weren't worthy of you" – cried out Naruto."Hn"- agreed Sasuke with narrowed eyes.

"And who decided that Naruto? You and Sasuke? And who gave you the right?"-hissed out Sakura venomously. Naruto gulped. They were so dead. Sakura's hand twitched and in that second both Sasuke and naruto scrambled away from her.

Not wasting a moment Sakura took out eight kunais and threw them around naruto and Sasuke making a circle. Explosive tags. Her one word and she could blow them to pieces. They had seriously pissed her off-thought Itachi amused. Not even moving a finger to help two scared boys.

"Mizu bunshin no justu" – hissed Sakura out. Making three more clones. All of them surrounded boys.

"Any last words boys" asked Sakura in a deadly voice with a very-very scary smile.

"But Sakura-chan! Those boys wanted to use you for your powers and nothing else!"-tried Saruto his last resort in order to save his life as well as the bastards. Unfortunately it had a different affect.

"Naruto…Are you saying that they didn't like me? That I am not pretty?"

"NO! No i-I mean you are very beautiful! Well I mean you may have had a slightly large forehead but you have grown into it right?" –said Saruto hopefully but soon realized his mistake when Sasuke started praying. Suddenly he could feel her gaze on half of his face while he was looking at Sasuke. Now he was truly afraid for his life. Gathering up his courage he looked at her and would have pissed himself had he been any lower ninja.

She looked truly frightening thought Itachi. A dark aura surrounded her making her hair fly in different directions. She was cracking her knuckles. He wouldn't want to be at the end of her wrath when she grew up and became even more powerful. He felt sorry for his foolish brother and his friend but wanted to see what this Sakura could do so decided to wait a little bit more.

Suddenly her eyes flashed and she sprung into action yelling out:

"Doton: Tsuchi Shouaku no jutsu!"- trapping both boys in mud. "So she has two natures"-thought Itachi-"water and earth…interesting"

"Doton: katana no jutsu"-yelled another clone summoning a rock sword.

"Suiton: Suiryuben!" -yelled the third clone creating lots of water whips.

"Raiton: Yaiba no jutsu!"-forming a lighting blade. And all of this happened in less than ten seconds.

Naruto quickly formed hand seals and made five clones but all of them were instantly destroyed.

"I knew twenty was better!"-cried out naruto desperately.

"Oh so she has three natures…Well that is most surprising and intriguing."-thought Itachi smirking-"she will be a very hard opponent when she grows up. So this is what Sasuke meant when he came home bruised and said that Sakura could hold her own during a spar. But I think it is time to interfere or mother will be most …. Displeased."

Sakura was about to lung at them and tear them to pieces when they heard a cough coming from the entrance of the house. Quite annoyed she turned to check who it was when she saw smirking Uchiha Itachi standing there watching her.

"I have to interfere in your…spar but mother says to get ready for dinner." Said Itachi calmly all the while looking at Sakura. She on the other hand blushed till the roots of her hair and quickly dropped all of her jutsu.

There was a cry of joy and naruto fell to his knees and started kissing the earth all the while saying something about girls, PMSing and good older brothers. Sasuke didn't say anything but he too looked relieved. Sending both of them withering glares that promised a lot of pain when she got her hands on them. Sakura walked up to Itachi.

It was then that Itachi actually looked her over. Shoulder length pink bangs and vivid green eyes which shone with burning fire. She was wearing baggy shorts like Sasuke and a long-sleeved green shirt. She was also wearing leg warmers which were as Itachi guessed concealing her weights and her hitai-ate was tied around her neck.

"I am sorry Itachi-san"-she said in a calm voice-"could you please tell Mikoto-san that we will be there in five minutes." Even though she said asked it like a question she held a rough edge to it.

"Quite a feisty one" – he thought- "Of course Sakura-san." He turned around to leave but said over his shoulder. "I quite liked your show today, maybe you could show it to me again some other time." He said and left Sakura just standing there gaping at his retreating back and blushing like a madman, because well Uchiha Itachi had just complimented her.

She quickly stalked back to her boys. Both of them shrunk a little waiting for the punches to come.


"What Sakura-chan?" squeaked naruto in a very girly voice.

"Catch me." She said and fainted. It was their fast reflexes that saved Sakura's face from befriending the ground.

In the end they where more than five minutes late, what's with Naruto and Sasuke panicking and trying to bring her back to life. But it was worth it thought Itachi when upon entering sakura glanced at him and blushed at least five shades of red, which was followed by a soft squeak.

Hope you like it and please review! :)