This is a very, very interesting prompt I got from tenshi noyo Ryu Taiga for a reversed descendants Au! It's lovely to write this one and sorry for any problems I may have with it and any spelling mistakes.

I truly had a blast writing this fic for the past week.

Please let me know what you think about this and do enjoy reading this fic that I am writing with so much love for you all.

It was a real surprise when Ben, Doug, Audrey, Loonie and Jane were called to the Royal office. Ben is used to going there a lot for talking with his parents, but the others have never being there before, much else asked to by the King and Queen themselves.

They all sit there, shoulders back and perfect posture as they were teached to, never breaking the norm of social conduct.

"You were all gathered here today because we have a task for the five of you. There is a special artifact that we need; we believe it is dangerous to have it on the Isle with the villains there."

"Your majesty wants us to go there?" Doug asks, and the king nods "But it's dangerous!"

"We know that, but we need you all to go undercover." the Queen explains "You will all pretend to be evil like them. No one knows who you are and you will be able to hide your identity and steal Malecent's spell book and come back home."

"And how will we communicate with back home?" Audrey asks "I mean we will need to say when we get it, right?"

"You will communicate with us by a special phone we will give each of you." The Fairy Godmother appears pretty much out of nowhere "It is very important that said cellphones remain hidden. As well as your identity."

"We will change our names?" Doug asks bluntly.

"No, you can keep them, however your identity will be of kids who tried to overthrow our government, it shall give you all, how can I say, and evil status in there." The king explains.

"And when do we go?" Loonie questions, she isn't really sure this plan could even work at all, but how can they say no? If they do deny said request they may end up in the Isle too, only that there would be no coming back.

"Tomorrow morning you will all get there." The Queen says. "Oh and one more detail. To achieve and get closer to the book, you all must be friends with the evil kids."

"Why?" Jane asks.

"Because Maleficent will never allow anyone near that book, but her daughter might do so." The fairy says "We are trusting Auradon's fate on the five of you. Do not fail. Now you can go, we will see you all tomorrow morning."

The four heroes' children left the room but couldn't stop thinking about what they were going to be sent off to do. Especially Ben.

It was surely a dangerous quest, but their parents had dangerous quest and besides they're good, and that's enough to make them have be victorious, right?

But still, deep down something is telling the future king that life won't be a sweet on the Isle as it is at home.

The following morning when Audrey woke up -well more like she was called up by her clock alarm since she couldn't sleep at all- she got ready for leave, but she wasn't as bright, fluffy as she usually was every morning.

To be quite truthful, she was very much afraid of what was going to happen. She truly was afraid.

Her grandmother always painted Maleficent as such an evil woman, that she would destroy every single people that comes across her. Especially Aurora's family.

She looks herself in the mirror; her clothes aren't the ones of a princess, tough. This time she can't look like one. For the first time in her life Audrey doesn't wear a dress or a skirt; but pants instead and sneakers as opposite of her everyday hells. Of that she is glad; having to look always so pretty is a very hard job.

She looks really pretty though, even with all that she still follows the princesses' rules; just like she was always told to: her hair can never be out of place, her makeup should always be perfect, and her clothes not wrinkled. She looks just like the perfect princess should, even if she is not feeling like one today.

She was taken out of her thoughts by a knock on her door. It was her best friend Lonnie.

"Are you waken yet, sleeping beauty?" She teases, fully aware that Audrey doesn't like to be called like her mother. In fact being just like her parents always put way too much pressure on her, she has to be just like her mom and her dad. She has to find true love and defeat Maleficent.

Her parent's defeated her once, why can't she do the same?

"Don't call me that." Audrey says "We have to go now, come on."

The two girls leave and Audrey looks back at her room. "Goodbye." She whispers to no one as she makes her way outside.

She will not allow anyone to see how scared she truly is. She is a princess; she can't be scared of a little adventure. Deep down she knows that this is most likely going to be the only adventure she may have in her entire life, so she has to enjoy it while she can.

When they reach the gate, soon to be filled with other people fro Auradon, Audrey and Lonnie see that Doug is already there with his father.

"There you are." Her mother, Queen Aurora speaks as she arrives, fixing her daughter's necklace. "Ready to show Maleficent we are the real good?"

"Yes, I am, mother." Audrey smiles calmly. "When do we leave?"

"Right away, you must only wait for Ben and Jane." Her mother says. Audrey can see how Loonie's mother is hugging her goodbye, and she fells the pain knowing her mother won't do the same; she is just not like that.

Still Audrey knows she loves her daughter all the same.

After all if the good ones don't love their kids, who will? The Villains? Of course not, how could an evil person love someone?

Well, my loves. That is the end of chapter one; I do plan on posting one each day or at least every otehr day, so stay tuned.

And also please review with your thoughts on this it will brighten my day and make my world a happy place.