Disclaimer: I don't own FMA.


A few weeks later, the manor at Mustang estate was once more lit by the glow of candles, with the moon adding it's own softening touch. The soft chatter of loved ones could be heard, but no train of carriages crawled toward the main door and the ballroom was empty. The once constant air of apprehension under the previous Führer's reign was notably absent, replaced by one of hope. This was a night of celebration.

Lord Walter Grumman had filled the position of Führer, and his first act was to return the annexed countries to their own rule. There was a transitional period ahead, certainly, but Amestris and her neighbors were moving toward peaceful times. The ultimate power of the position of Führer had been diminished by the creation of additional branches of government. Never again would one man wield absolute power.

He had also formed ironclad treaties with Xing, Creta, Aerugo, and Drachma in an effort to maintain non-violent relations. They had all been victims of Bradley's particular brand of despotism, and their act of banding together to rid the world of his malignity had created a surprising camaraderie amongst the nations.

Many of those involved in the resistance were present at the Mustang estate, enjoying each other's company, and remembering those they had lost in the fight. The Hughes family had settled comfortably into their new home, built with the aid of Alex Armstrong and other kind alchemists. As a result, Winry and her friends the Elric brothers were the lucky recipients of an open invitation to stay whenever they wished.

Lady Rebecca Catalina and Sir Jean Havoc appeared to be on their way to a union, and Lady Olivier Armstrong astonished them all by marrying one of the Drachman lords with whom she had worked as Governor. She also threatened to slice open the next person that dared to comment on the matter at all.

A small, intimate ceremony took place that night, with Lord Grumman escorting his only granddaughter down an aisle after an especially adorable flower girl that practically stole the show. A dinner followed, and the night was passed pleasantly with friends and family. When everyone finally began trickling off to bed, the groom led his bride to their own quarters.

She smiled at him, removing her earrings. "Roy."

He grinned in response, loosening his tie and pouring a drink. "Riza."

She smirked. "I believe that's Lady Mustang now, sir."

He chuckled, taking her hand and drawing her toward him, running his other thumb along her jaw. "Indeed it is...and don't you forget it." He would never tire of that smile.


AN: Hello everyone! This marks the end of The Amestrian Revolution, and sorry it took so long for me to post it! :). I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. As with the ending of my other story, I'm a bit sad that it's over. Thank you to all readers of this story! And thank you to Clic and waddiwasiwitch: all your reviews were wonderfully helpful and encouraging :)

I do hope you liked the ending and the short epilogue. I wanted to give an idea of what happened after the final battle and decided to try this out. Please feel free to let me know what you thought of the entire story as well as the ending.

For those interested, I do have a couple other stories in the works that I am quite excited about. I will take a short break from posting but will start again soon. Have a good one!