L hears a snap, and looks over to me. I've pulled the chain taught, and am measuring it with a plastic tape measure.

"Where did you get that?"

"The kitchen. Found it in a drawer while you were getting cheesecake or something."

"Hm." He looks back at his computer screen. "Are you getting bored with this case, Light?"

"No." I reply immediately, if a little unsure. I am getting…something. Antsy, maybe. Restless. I think it's a result of being caged like this.

"Do you think we could go outside?" I ask, trying to keep the tentativeness out of my voice.

"No." L replies simply, and even though I didn't expect anything different, I still feel disappointed.

I sigh, and click the button that pulls the tape measure back in to itself with a whirr and a violent crack. I flinch a little. It's been three months chained to L. The last time I was even close to outside was when I thought my father was going to shoot me. I shudder a little at the memory. L glances over at me, but says nothing.

I make my way to the window, but am stopped short by the chain. Standing in the middle of the room, I pretend not to be frustrated.

"Light", L calls, "do you still want to find Kira?"

"Yes." I say without thought. It doesn't require thought.

"Then get to work. We'll move to the main room at 9."

I sigh and return to my laptop. I've been at a dead-end for a while now. But I work. When it's 9, we move into the main room.

Everyone greets me as usual, but with a twinge of hesitance. Is it the black eye? The slightly swelling nose? The circles under my good eye? All or none, I don't care either way.

I play with my hair as I work. It's gotten long in these three months, down to my shoulders. It's the longest it's ever been, and I don't like it.

"L, will you take me outside to get my haircut?"

"No." Of course not. I huff childishly, but I don't care.

"Light-kun's hair is getting pretty long L," Matsuda points out the obvious. "Why don't you bring a hairdresser in?"

"We're chained together and no one outside of this building can see me."

"Hide behind a door or something.'

L looks up as if in thought. "Watari can cut hair proficiently enough." He mumbles, a pale hand reaching up to grasp at an errant curl. Then he looks directly at Light. "But I like it long." He smiles, with no light touching his eyes, and turns back to his computer screen.

I scoff disbelievingly like a high-school girl, and cross my arms. With my foot, I push L's chair away from the desk. I realize I acted on instinct rather than thought when I am pulled off my chair and onto all fours, however. I feel shame creeping up my neck, hot and red.

I can hear L rolling towards me, propelling himself with his feet. "What are you doing down there Light?" My long hair covers my eyes. I grabs the detective's ankles, and turn his chair to the left. L spins around and grabs me by the hair, holding me up. I cries out, and grapple with L's unrelenting grip.

"Get. To. Work." L says, calm and livid all at once. I looks into his eyes and sees a glint of something again. I'm not sure what it is at all, now. Not fear, certainly. I saw it when I was drowning him, when I was strangling him—inefficiently, and now, when L has me at his mercy. I needs more…evidence, to figure out what this is.

"Alright." I grind out, through the pain. The rest of the room watches us stare at each other. Soichiro is standing up from his desk, looking as if he's trying very hard to hold back from saying something.

L lets me go, and I stay on the floor while L rights his upturned chair. Soichiro sits slowly down, eyes darting between his son and the detective.

I sit back on the chair and we both resume working. The room is deathly silent but for our typing. I tuck some hair behind my ears.

"I'll ask Watari to cut your hair." L says suddenly, a while later.

"No," Light replies slowly, languidly, "I don't mind this."