En yawned, as he was sitting in the back seat of the patrol car. He stretched his arms and hoping it wasn't too much trouble, laid down on the leather upholstery.

Officer Zaou raised a brow. "How can he be tired? It's still early," he said, looking at how this kid was laying on the seat ready for a nap.

"He's always like that," Ryuu stated.

En closed his eyes, feeling the vibrations of the car rumble below his back. He placed his hands behind his head, hoping to relax a little. He was never able to catch a quick nap when they were back at the Bathhouse, maybe because, well, Atsushi needed someone to comfort him, and he was too busy talking to Ryuu, and... duh, he needed to get some of the day's bad stenches right off himself. En licked his lips, turning his head to the side.


He couldn't help but try to imagine how Atsushi was feeling right now, who was riding in the patrol car right behind them. Atsushi must be pouting while looking right the window right now, all while being worried about his sister too. En let out a deep sigh through his nostrils.

Io had his grip around his katana, watching the scenery go by as they were rolling by the trees that would soon lead to the city. It seemed only this morning he had gotten out of the bed in his home and sat at the table by himself, eating by himself. The servants standing by, waiting on him to see if he needed help with anything. However, Io was pretty independent in taking care of himself. Though he had a fondness for money, he knew how to iron his own clothes, wash his own clothes... unlike his father, who came from a family so lavish that everything was given to them at the snap of their own fingers. Knowing that, Io bit his lip, keeping his eyes on the glass.

Officer Aishi bit her lip from the inside, keeping her hands on the wheel. Up until now, Aishi figured, that she only child her mother could ever afford to have. Not because of her father's death when she was little, no, all of the other pregnancies her mother tried to had been complete failures. Three of them, she heard of when she was about five or six years old, ended up in either miscarriages or stillbirths. Little Aishi was confused at that time, constantly asking her older half-brother what a miscarriage or stillbirth was, but got the same answer, a door slam to her face. When she grew older and looked it up online, she had never felt so shocked in her life. All of those failures in pregnancies could've been her younger brothers or sisters. That was why her mother was so overprotective of her of when she was young, it was plain to see that she couldn't have any more kids than her.

Officer Takahashi looked at the radio, he wondered if would be okay he played some music while they rode to their first stop, which was Officer Zaou's older brother's house. He pressed the button where the CD could be ejected, and saw that there was nothing inside. Officer Takahashi opened the glove compartment and pulled out a plastic box with black paper inside. Binan Symphony Orchestra, it stated in pure white, in the front, showed an army of young men and women donning on white and black as if for a group photo.

He held up the CD case, and asked, "Would it be okay if I played some music for all of you?" to Gora, Yumoto, and Officer Aishi.

Yumoto's eyebrows perked up, as he sat up straight from slouching on the leather seat. "Whoa, what is that?" Gora raised a brow at it and figured out what it was.

"Anything but that," Gora stated. "Please."

Officer Takahashi brought out, "Wh-what? I'm sorry, but this is the only thing I have in here." he stated. In a way, he hoped this would be the perfect way to make up for nose bleeding in front of Gora and sending three bullets into the front door of the Bathhouse, but... this ginger wasn't taking it! Officer Aishi sort of frowned, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Just, no. Please!" Gora firmly told the officer.

By the way, Gora firmly told him, Yumoto could tell that it had something to do with the sheet music he found earlier in the drawer.

"Why?" Yumoto asked him.

Gora looked at him, "Because I can't stand orchestra music." Yumoto's eyes widen at the hearing of that. If he didn't like orchestra music, then how come there was the sheet music in the drawer earlier? Could Gora have...

"An-chan, did you play the violin?"

Gora's breath hitched, looking at his younger sibling in shock.

That must've been how that sheet music got there then after the drawer was placed into the room, Gora must've stuffed the violin sheet music there, and forgot about it. But why?

"Yumoto, please that's private!" Gora told him. Yumoto pouted.

Officer Takahashi looked at them both, "Well... if you'll don't want the orchestra, then there always the Ghetto!" Oh god.

The city was no different to what happened back at Kurotama.

Officer Zaou's eyes widened at what he had seen before in the movies as a kid. People were screaming for their lives, plain to see. There was a woman and her daughter were running away from a zombified security guard, a man donning on a red apron and blue shirt was holding a butcher's knife while trying to fight off his zombified colleague from eating his twin son and daughter, and there was a young blonde woman in a black shirt with white stars printed on it getting bitten on her right arm.


Ryuu's eyes widened. "Dad?"

Officer Zaou didn't answer as he tried to, as calmly as possible, swerve his way around the clumps of madness that were sprinkled on the streets. Ryuu on the hand, rubbed his arms together, as surprisingly, some of the zombies, even though there were a couple of dozen of them around, didn't even try to gang up on the car that his dad was driving. Why? That was beyond him.

Atsushi gulped, as he kept his fingers on the glass of the window. Io tried to look what was ahead of them, placing his hand on the side of Officer Masuta's seat. Officer Masuta was very glad that his family members were not around to witness, or rather be part of, this entire thing occurring. He couldn't even imagine the feeling of watching his parents or sisters getting turned into human sushi rolls by these monsters.

Officer Chiba had obviously the same feelings too.

Officer Takahashi wasn't needed to be told to stop playing once they entered the actual city area. He held onto his harmonica to his chest, as if it were his life support.

Yumoto was watching the horrifying scene of the poor young woman getting bitten, but Gora shielded him from it. "Don't look!" he told his brother, chewing on his upper lip.

Officer Zaou made at least two turns. The first turn was going left and the second one was going right, to what appeared to a huge, half a rectangular shaped building, with the doors and railings being shown to the public. The building was about three stories high, but the floor Officer Zaou had his eyes on was the second floor, where his brother's house was.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Ryuu asked as Officer Zaou parked right by the building. The building and the entire neighborhood around seemed to have been untouched, as it was facing away from the whole city, but the officer could never be too careful. Officer Zaou pulled out his gun and asked Ryuu to open up the glove compartment for more bullets.

"I'm going to find your uncle and your cousins. We're going to pick them up and take them with us, and then we'll go for your mom and grandmother. Just wait right here, okay?"

Ryuu nodded. Ryuu bit his lip, as Officer Zaou opened the door and his gun locked.

The other cars had parked behind the eldest officer's, and Officer Chiba noticed what the eldest officer was doing.

"Damn it, what if he needs help?" Officer Chiba stated as Atsushi and Io were looking at the current scene.

"Hmm, he's our leader. Duh, we've been over this.. he's getting his family right now..." Officer Masuta stated.

Officer Zaou had raced up the stairs to the second apartment, not even surprised at nothing even bothered to stop him while he was running up. It was obvious, some of the other residents were probably at work or school, and probably now dead by now. He hoped his brother wasn't, as he knocked on the door to his brother's house.

"Kai?" Officer Zaou knocked on the door furiously. "Kai, are you there? It's me, Ryuga! Open the door!"

Suddenly, there was a quick response to some hushed voices being heard on the other side of the red painted door. Officer Zaou kept his side on the wall next to the door, as he closely concentrated on those voices, and by the way, there was a gruff voice being whispered, probably to some of the other voices, he recognized it to be his brother's.

"Kai!" Officer Zaou knocked on the door harder.

The result, was the door opening up to a small crack, but no sign of human life. A long rifle popped from the crack, pointing it towards the open, and near Officer Zaou. He immediately knew that it was his brother. He held a long rifle in his house, and whenever they went hunting in the United States.

"Kai, it's me, your brother!" he cried out to him, and then his brother finally responded.

"Ryuga?" Kai called out. He looked forward and saw that it was him. He opened the door a little bit more, hoping to catch him in a better view.

"Ryuga! Oh thank god you're alive!" he stated. "But what about your wife and kids, Ryguazaki?" he asked. He was taller than him, but with thinner hair. He didn't bear the hairpiece that his brother had on his forehead either, his hairline was flat and he had a bun on the back of his head as he stood by the door.

"Ryuu's right with me; listen, I need you to get your wife and kids too because everyone is heading to the East Bridge to Tokyo."

His older brother looked at him, "Ryuga, you can't be serious!" he told him.


"Because... You've seen the movies, you can't trust anyone, not a single thing!" he told him.

"Kai, this could be our shot to making it out alive, do you want to miss out on getting another chance of staying alive? Do you know what this could mean? Another shot for your kids to live, another chance for mom to live as well." Ryuga stated.

"How do I know you're telling the truth? Do you remember what happened when we were kids? The last time one of us listened to each other, we were running through the woods away while getting chased by men with clubs; I don't want something like that to happen again!"

"This isn't like last time, Kai, you have to believe me! Do you have any idea what they might do the city if we don't leave? There's a good chance they might quarantine the city until everyone, including yourself, myself, mom, my wife, Yoshi and Ryuu, and your family dies. Or..."


"If it gets anymore worse, they might set the city on fire, killing us all without a sweat, just in like in the movies we used to watch, Kai." Officer Zaou told him.

Kai looked the other way, thinking about it. No, more like thinking of the sight of his young daughter and her younger twin brothers being burned alive, while she was being eaten by one of the deceased citizens. Kai didn't want to leave, because even though this was his home. But what all of his friends and the people he met over the years? He couldn't leave them behind!

"Kai your family are the only people that matter right now! Please, you have to trust me; even if we fall into trouble like we did as kids, we'll go through it together because we're brothers, and brothers never let each other down!"

That was enough to make Kai believe him. Kai smiled, looking straight at his brother. "Alright, I'll go with you as long as we get mom."

"Great. Hurry, get everything you need and your family!" Officer Zaou said. "And in case if I didn't tell you, my squad with their cars are here too, so there should be enough room for your family!"

"Alright!" Kai nodded, racing into his house. Officer Zaou could hear the sounds of his older brother calling for his family to grab everything they needed, as he turned to face the cars again.

"He got through with him, it seems like; guess you were right, Officer Masuta." Officer Chiba told him.

"Duh, bruh." Officer Masuta told him. The man took a quick glance at the mirror on the glass windshield, looking right at Io, most particularly his gray eyes, and quickly because of his eyes, he was reminded of someone he once knew. Simone.

- - - - - -
There she was, standing in the small puddle barefoot, but the sunlight over her body, it looked as if she were standing within a smooth silver coin. Her hands were on her chest, donning a white shirt with short puffed up sleeves, with a pastel gray dress which neckline was under her breasts but had two straps attached to it, to keep it from falling. Six, black buttons were on her stomach, as the skirt was wide and went down to her knees. If beautiful had another meaning, it would be her, with smooth, yet wavy copper hair and hazel eyes to complement her face. She turned her head and smiled.

"Seto?" the young French woman called out to him.

"Simone!" Seto, the younger Officer Masuta called out to her back, running straight for her.

"Au Revoir," she told him. Her body rippled away from existence. The last thing Seto saw was the smile, the last smile anyone else would see, on her face. She vanished away from existence, yet in peace. She knew she had a friend and lover in Seto though and all that Seto thought, was that he had the same in her too.

However, there was a bit more to it, another thing that Officer Masuta also thought, was that not only had she vanished from existence in peace, Simone was also sleeping in peace even in her coma, back in her home country, France. He was the first person she had met, during her stay in Japan as a foreign exchange student; one of the very last before she was hit with a cinder block and was shipped back to France. However, all of the good memories Officer Masuta had with her were life lasting treasures, even in this new life, he was forced to call now.

Ryuu was anticipating about seeing his relatives coming to join them for the ride. He watched the scene go from his father standing alone by the door to his uncle, aunt, and cousins coming out with all sorts of luggage, duffel bag, and backpacks and running down the stairs to the cars. Ryuu let out a sigh of happiness, his heart leaping as he saw his dad coming back to his spot in the car. Wait, his dad stopped, suddenly he pointed to something on the right of him. He then saw his uncle talk to his aunt and sons about something, and he saw them go to the car behind them. They were going in there to join them, obviously. Ryuu looked to the side and saw his Uncle Kai going for his car door.

"Uncle Kai?!" Ryuu was spooked. It caused En's eyes to open and him moaning as he rubbed his eye.

"Ugh, what the hell? I was having a good dream!" En complained as Uncle Kai spoke to Ryuu, "Kid, I'm gonna need your spot, I need to sit by your dad."


"It's okay, kid. Your cousin Misami will join ya'!" Kai stated. He called out for his fifteen-year-old daughter to come over here with her cousin. She was about fifteen, with tungsten black hair with her scarlet red backpack. The reason why she was at home and not at school, was that this week was Kai's turn to drive the kids to their schools, and when he saw that there were dead people roaming the streets, he drove the heck away from there, with his daughter next to him and his two twin boys in the backseat. They had been in their home, protected from the outside world, for that part of the day. Until now, clearly.

"F-Fine," Ryuu stated, coming out of the car and going to the back seat. He bounced, sitting next to En. The pink haired boy heard the door close, and there sitting next to him was Misami, in her Bijou school uniform.

"Hey, cousin Ryuu." she greeted, setting her backpack on her knees.

Ryuu didn't answer, he had turned around, thinking about how Io was doing. Ryuu sighed. Then he finally waved back to his cousin, still looking at the back.

"Yeah, hi." he told her.

His sister-in-law was settled in with obviously the second car behind them, but with the one that contained, Io, Atsushi, and with the two officers Masuta and Chiba in the front. Uncle Kai's wife, Risa, was sitting next to Io, as she held onto her red haired twin sons on her lap, as she asked, Io, knowing that he was just a boy and couldn't much harm and that they were in a closed environment, "Excuse me, do you mind letting one of my sons sit on you?"

"What?" Io stammered; that was when Atsushi offered, holding his arms out for one of them.

"I'll be happy to!" he said, smiling at her.

"Thank you, c'mon Kiwamu, go with him." the red haired woman stated, making her son go sit on top of Atsushi.

"Hi there," Atsushi greeted the boy. "I'm Atsushi, what's your name?"

With Ryuu's aunt and cousins settled and ready, they were ready to leave themselves.

"Let's go!" Officer Zaou cried out.

Just like the car in front, Officer Masuta slammed on the brakes and sped off after his leader's car. It was when Kiwamu was spooked, accidentally banging his head with Atsushi's nose.

Atsushi cried out, "Ow!" hands going for his nose.

"Oops, I'm sorry!" Kiwamu apologized to the other older boy.

"I'm okay... I swear..." Atsushi told him, keeping his nose scrunched together with his hands.

Back in Officer Zaou's car, Ryuu placed his right hand where his Uncle Kai was sitting. "Dad, where are we going now?"

"Back home home with your mom; we need to get her too." he turned to Kai, "that's where our mom is too, you know that right?"

Kai nodded. "Yes, I know!"

Officer Zaou nodded, "Alright."

"What just happened now?" Yumoto asked. Gora had his brow raised, looking at him as he asked.

"Oh, um, I think we're about to head off to our next stop," Officer Aishi said, keeping her hands on the wheel, occasionally moving her hands around it, trying to keep up with the car before them, which was also obviously keeping up behind Officer Zaou's.

"Oh wow!"

Without warning, Officer Takahashi popped in the orchestra CD into the radio and soon, there was an array of an audience clapping as the set of musicians, cellists, were ready to perform their first song which was Bach's Cello Suite No.1 - Prelude, written obviously by the composer Bach himself. The car was filled with the sounds of the smooth music, the notes playing up and down as Yumoto was taken aback by the power of it. Gora's eyes popped open. Oh no, that music made Gora think of...

"Please welcome our first soloist, Mizuno Uchiha!" he remembered the announcer say it through a mic a school.

Gora threw himself towards Officer Takahashi, his hot breath, hotter than steam brew upon his ear. "I hope you have a favorite food to distract yourself from me because I will be the rabbit in your fear!"

Officer Takahashi cried out, as Yumoto's eyes widen as he watched his brother basically explode at the officer; the young officer had a minor panic attack, flailing his arms around!

"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down!" Officer Aishi told Gora, putting her arm against his chest. "It just a CD filled with classical music doesn't kill anyone! What's the matter with you?"

"I can't fucking stand orchestra music because of my ex, you got it?!" Gora cried out at her, finally confessing why he didn't the young officer to play CD earlier.

Yumoto's eyes widen when he said that word and figured he was right about how Gora played the violin, only how come that was kept a secret, that was Yumoto was about to ask, "An-chan, you did play the violin! How come you never told me? And how can you not take it because of your ex?"

Gora looked the other way, he'd rather watch a black haired temple priestess get bit on her arm by a temple worker than answer that. Yumoto frowned, wanting an answer from him, tugging on his jacket sleeve. "An-chan!" Yumoto was about to go berserk if he didn't know.

"An-chan!" Yumoto cried out again.

"Fine! I was in the orchestra back in school, I met a guy who played the cello there; I fell in love with him; I confessed to him and he took my feelings, but two months later he spat them out. I smacked him for it in a frozen yogurt store because HE CHEATED ON ME! And with a lot of psychologic factors involved, whenever I hear orchestra music, I can't help but feel the pain caused by him, YOU GOT IT?"

The boy's eyes had grown large, his mouth was glued shut but looked like they were being pulled down by sandbags. A simple tear fell from his left eye.

Aw crap, Gora thought. Yumoto was going to cry because of the way he snapped at him. Gora's eyebrows went to the roof, as he was eating back his words.

"Yumoto. I'm sorry, I did play the violin. I've been playing it ever since I was six and mom helped me. Why I didn't tell you or why I never played it at home is because I preferred to play out on the streets instead. I figured you would find it boring and you wanted to do your own thing instead. And another thing, if you ever meet anyone like that, just make sure you do some research on them before anything else happens, you hear me? And you be good to everyone, alright? Treat everyone equally, no one should ever have more or less than everyone else, no ifs, ands, or buts about it, is that alright, Yumoto?"

"I guess," Yumoto quivered.

Gora hugged him. "I don't want you to make the same mistakes as I did years ago."

"But An-chan, I would love to learn, you don't have to always to play in the streets; I'm not referring to what's happening right now! You could also play for the ones you love like me, An-chan! And, I wouldn't find it boring! I'll try to stay concentrated and I always will treat everyone nicely. I won't commit those mistakes as you did with that person because I love you!"

Gora smiled. "Thank you, Yumoto. Let's hope there is a safe place far away from here that way, I can teach you how to play like I did. Don't worry, we'll be safe always."

Officer Aishi smiled, putting her fingers to her eyes. She couldn't butt into family problems but, it was too beautiful! She wanted to cry, but she was a big girl and big girls didn't cry ever!

"Glad to know you're getting along again guys. Oh my gosh," she stated, rubbing her eyes.

The brothers smiled at her. It was when Gora suggested that Officer Takahashi turn the volume up, so he could remember all of the good memories he had with the violin, playing at the fairs at school, playing for tips in the shopping district, and playing for his biggest teacher, his mother, who was resting peacefully in the urn in the duffel bag.

"Hey kid, what's your name?" Uncle Kai said, looking at the back seat of the car where En was the right end of the seat.

"Sleepy." En griped, with his arms folded.

"Hi Sleepy, my name is Zaou Kai, how are ya'?"

En stuck his tongue out, putting his elbow by the window, looking out with his chin on it.

"He's only grumpy because he missed out on his daily nap, Uncle Kai," Ryuu stated, smiling as he tried to laugh.

"How did you meet him then?"

"We went to the same school, and your nephew came up to me and my friend's club room one day and we've been hanging out ever since... that's how he knows I have daily naps each day. Got a problem with that?" En looked at him.

"None, son. I'm like you, I love to sleep that is until my wife is on my ass for it!"

"Dude, calm down man, he's my uncle, you know." Ryuu put his hand on his arm. "So what if you missed your nap?"

"I missed my nap twice! I was too busy helping with Atsushi and with sealing the door from them... and the second time... your cousin!"

"Dude, my family needs to survive too, what about your dad? Even if he's in the military, shouldn't you be worried about him as well?"

"Yeah, I guess." En sighed. "Sorry about that, dude."

That was when Misami giggled. "Hey, to be honest, I think you're kind of cute. Especially your eyes, they remind me of Himalayan Cats!"

"Yeah, I prefer dudes," En told her.

"That I really don't mind," Misami said.

Officer Zaou and Uncle Kai raised their brows at each other.

"Okay," Uncle Kai stated as his younger brother made a turn, "Are there any- WHOA!" the man cried out.

The officer grit his teeth, stepping on the breaks on his car. There, were about fifteen zombies down the road, either wandering around cars or on the sidewalk. Officer Zaou's eyes widen, as the cars behind him caught this action and stopped themselves.

"Damn it," Uncle Kai rubbed his hair. "It's just more than a dozen, right? We can take them, right?"

"Blood and guts will cover the car if we try to go through them, y'know."

"Ah, but there is an alternative," Uncle Kai stated, with a dark smile on his face. He held his rifle and clicked it.

"Now that's what I'm talking about! Kids, hang on because we were in for a wild ride!" Officer Zaou announced, in a wild tone.

"Uh..." Ryuu would've asked, but the car rushed forward without him finishing his sentence. His dad drove the car super fast towards the zombies, and his uncle was firing his rifle through the window at the fools.

Ryuu screamed, hanging onto En, seeing the new side of his father, which was a zombie ramming killer with his brother as his partner in crime!

Ibushi rammed his staff into the forehead of a girl with brown hair while she was on the floor, sending her brain mass everywhere.

"Disgusting." Akoya stated, his legs crossed as he rubbed his arms.

"You're the one to talk. Gero-kun. You're the one who is in that gut-drenched poncho," said Kinshiro. It was so convenient, luckily Ibushi had watched many zombie television shows and knew what to do in the case of an emergency, just find a plastic bag, a dead zombie, and some scissors and one was in camouflage, hiding away from the zombies. Even if Akoya didn't own a weapon, he was still part of the Student Council and needed to find his family members as well, like his comrades.

Akoya stuck his tongue at him. "At least I'm secure; unlike your parents, wherever they may be."

"Silence, you fool." Kinshiro told him and asked Arima, "Are you sure your family is around here?"

"Yes sir." he nodded. "My mother, my father, and my sister are probably holed up in our home right now, the poor things."

"We'll know once we get there; lead the way, Arima, if you would be so kind."

"On it, sir," Arima stated, and then the three council members ran into the horizon.

I don't know if I'll finish this; I hope you've enjoyed though.